What you cannot take out of Thailand: a complete list and recommendations. Foreign beauty Thai orchid - photo, choice of plant and secrets of care

In today’s article, we are pleased to share the story of Olga Gumen, who visited Thailand.

In this article you will learn:

  • Where and how to buy orchids in Bangkok,
  • Approximate prices of orchids in Bangkok,
  • Tips for those planning to visit orchid farms in Bangkok.

Together with Olga, we hope that her experience described in this article will help or advise you interesting places for visiting.

So, the floor goes to Olga.

The hunt for orchids begins.

We decided to spend our winter holidays in Thailand on the island of Koh Chang. As someone who has been suffering from orchid fever for about 6 years now, I definitely had to visit orchid farms and buy myself a few pieces. Since there are no orchid farms on Koh Chang, we decided to leave 3 days of vacation for Bangkok.

Alas, I didn’t find any flower shops on the island itself, but it’s customary to decorate everything here with orchids. It was unclear to me where they grow and get them. Probably brought from the mainland.

This photo was taken to estimate the size of the Phalaenopsis flower. In general, phalaenopsis is much less common than other types of orchids (Vandas, Cattleyas, Dendrobiums).

This is how orchids grow in ordinary yards. Orchids decorate homes, courtyards, and parks.

Flower market in Thailand. Bangkok.

We arrived in Bangkok from the island in the afternoon. Google Maps showed 4 orchid farms in the city, and Tripadvisor recommended visiting the Chatuchak and Pak Khlong Talad flower markets. Chatuchak was immediately rejected; you need to devote the whole day to this market and really get lost in it.

The Pak Klong Talad market was just a stone's throw from the hotel and is open 24 hours a day. This is a wholesale market for cut flowers, although you can also buy flowers at retail without any problems. The place is simply incredible. Several blocks of the city are littered with flowers. Flowers in boxes, in bales, in bulk, in bags, in baskets...

Hundreds of roses just stand on the asphalt. And, of course, cutting orchids... Millions of flowers.

The main questions: WHY are there so many flowers, and WHERE does it all go? Cut flowers are a fragile and short-lived product.

Judging by the reviews, many tourists buy bouquets at this market and take them back to their countries. You can take a bouquet of flowers with you on the plane without any problems. Even if it is made of 100 roses. It’s simply impossible not to buy anything at this market, and the prices will be very pleasing.

I’ll say right away that I found flowers in pots (more precisely in coconuts) in only one place in this market. For 100 baht* I bought a small pot of dendrobium with small flowers. It’s not worth going there to buy plants to grow.

Looking ahead, I bought only miniature flowers (no longer than 25 cm), the main sobering moment on how to take purchases out of the country. If I had the opportunity, I would buy it all and take it away.

Second day. Orchid farm.

Thanks to the Internet, we learned that you can combine business with pleasure and take a tour along the Chao Phraya River with a stop at an orchid farm. For an excursion we went to Ta Tien Pier.

We encountered some minor difficulties. Finding an excursion along the river is a simple matter, before you have time to get to the pier, people come running in wanting to take a ride, but as soon as you say, I don’t need a standard excursion, I need a visit to an orchid farm, the sellers get very bored and try to prove to you that you can’t get there, too It’s a narrow canal, there are no excursions there, you have to pay a lot extra, no one will take you to the farm, it’s better to take an hour-long excursion from me to see the temples, etc. Don't believe it. If you go a little further from Ta Tien towards the Ta Chang pier, there is a company (yellow-purple coloring, I don’t remember the name) that organizes three types of excursions, the third is just what you need, 2 hours along the river, along the canals, a visit to the floating market, a snake farm and orchid farms. And it costs 1,500 baht for two (a standard 1-hour excursion was offered to us for 3,000 baht per couple at Ta Tien Pier - this is a robbery, believe me). For 2 hours you get a very colorful gondola for your own use. The gondola is designed for 10 people, the price is fixed, that is, you can ride alone, or with a group

We paid an additional 500 baht for the fact that we would not go to the snake farm and the floating market, but would spend all the saved time on orchids. Based on the fact of my visit, I can say that it would be possible not to pay extra; half an hour at the farm is quite enough, if you do not look at each flower individually.

Entrance to the farm costs 20 baht. Any plant can be bought. Price from 100 to 1500 baht. Several types of orchids grow. At first glance it seems - oh, only vandas and their derivatives. But at the second and third glance you begin to notice neophynetias, dendrobiums, and still unidentified roses.

At the farm I bought 3 neofinetia for 150 baht each and 2 dendra for 100 baht. (Alas, the dendra did not survive transportation to Russia). The whole excursion is very colorful, a trip through narrow canals, monitor lizards, catfish, storks, slums next to palaces... If you are in Bangkok, be sure to take this excursion, it is worth it even without visiting the orchid farm.

The farm itself is very interesting. Imagine e river. Narrow clay paths were laid right in the river; river branches flow between the paths; after the farm they flow back into the main channel. Above the waters the plants hang in their arms and hang. If you look closely at the photographs, the emerald carpet under the orchids is not grass, it is river water covered with duckweed. You need to walk very carefully, the paths are narrow and slippery, I slipped and fell into the water up to my knees. The husband pulled out a wet and happy

The third day. Orchid market. Sanam Luang 2.

The day before we talked with the hotel staff about where else you can buy plants and inexpensively. The staff recommended the Sanam Luang 2 market. Pay attention to the name (sanam luang 2 market), the name Sanam Luang itself belongs to the park square in the old part of the city. We agreed with the staff this way. A taxi comes for us, takes us to the plant market (the market itself is large, we needed a part with plants and animals), waits as long as necessary, then returns us to the hotel. All fun 800 baht. The taxi driver turned out to be cheerful, babbling something, laughing himself. We have a phone with a Google map and GPS in our hands, the taxi driver took a wrong turn. We poked him with a map, he was offended, like who lives here, you or me. I took a roundabout route. While driving, I saw a second orchid farm. I wanted to ask to stop, my husband reared up: “We’re going to the market, what kind of farm do you want?” So for those interested, you can visit another orchid farm in the Sanam Luang 2 market area. Google knows it.

The Sanam Luang2 market is a paradise for the Russian orchid grower.

We purchased: a gorgeous small cattleya for 80 baht*, 2 Louisiana mosses - each for 20 baht, 3 classic tillandsias, each for 20 baht, 15 young orchids - 3 pieces for 100 baht, a total of 500, Maxilaria - 100 baht, a gorgeous unidentified hybrid vanda with someone - 150 baht. Found flasks - any for 50 baht. But I bought only one, again I had doubts about how to carry it, I definitely need to check it in as luggage, bottles in hand luggage They ask you to throw it away, the gel in the flask may shake (my flask arrived safely, if I had known, I would have bought more). I also bought species orchids, but the names were lost. The species ones turned out to be the most expensive - from 250 baht to 1000 for young plants. Buying is very simple if both you and the Thai have a basic understanding of English language, then you will understand each other. If you don’t own it, just point him to the plant he likes and show him the calculator (on your phone). The seller, without taking the phone out of your hands, dials the numbers. You either dial your numbers, agree, or shake your head and calmly walk away. You can bargain, but the prices seemed very ridiculous to me by Russian standards.

* To understand prices in rubles, multiply the price in baht by 2.Exchange rate in February 2016: 1 dew. ruble ~ 2.2 Thai baht.

Final day. Airport.

The orchids were freed from coconuts, pots and wire (so as not to glow at the airport during security), packed in a ton of toilet paper (so as not to wrinkle), wrapped in clothes and hidden in a suitcase. Until recently, I was afraid that I would not pass control, since plants can only be exported from Thailand without land and only certain species. I didn’t know which ones were possible and which ones weren’t.

Remember, you are taking out living plant without a certificate at your own risk. During the inspection, they may ask for a certificate (the export of species orchids from Thailand is prohibited, for which a very large fine is imposed), or they may not ask. Certificates are issued only at farms specializing for tourists, but the cost of flowers there is 10 times higher, or even 30 times higher. simple markets There are no certificates to speak of, but the price is good. The inspection went well.

There were a few hundred baht left. Duty free sold flasks with sprouts. The cost of a flask in duty-free starts from 335 baht. The maximum price per flask is 1500 baht. Previously, they brought me flasks from duty free, the bottles contained a lot of plants. This time I noticed that there were mainly 5 plants in the bottle. Compared to the market, the price seemed extortionate. But you don’t need to check it in as luggage; you can carry it vertically so that the medium doesn’t spill. I bought 4 flasks with my last baht.

We were flying in transit through the Emirates. If you pack the flasks in duty-free bags and do not open the package, then you will easily pass transit control in the Emirates. But, again, when flying in transit, take into account the rules of the country where the transfer takes place. Sometimes you have to throw things away from duty-free in the city of departure, even though the bag is sealed (as, for example, in Korea or the UK). Almost all the plants arrived home. The arboretums on the farm have lost all their leaves. The long roots of the neophynetia and the vanda hybrid were damaged.

In conclusion, we would like to add Olga’s observation regarding direct rays of the sun and shading of orchids from spring-summer sunlight.

In itself, illumination does not affect anything (orchids are inhabitants of the tropics and the illumination there, even in the shade, is much higher than in our middle zone), it is the air temperature and the temperature in the leaves of the plant that influences.

I’ll tell you a little about my collection as an example. I have about 100 orchids and a regular small one two-roomed flat. I prefer miniature plants, because there is nowhere to place large ones. The windows of the hall face northeast, the kitchen and bedroom windows face southwest. There are large mature plants in the hall (and I don’t illuminate them in winter - they bloom constantly). There are miniatures on the southwest windows and there are a LOT of them. In summer I never shade plants, but...

There is the same thing but :) I have it every day The air conditioner turns on according to the schedule and cools the room to 20 degrees from 12-00 to 18-00. Over 2 summers of using the air conditioner, none of the plants standing on these dangerous windows, no damage. Moreover, last summer on these windows there were also 2 flasks with orchid sprouts. At high temperature ambient air, the sprouts in the flasks can simply cook.

After last summer, 4 tolumnias bloomed in the fall. Eulofia bloomed on this creepy windowsill from May to October. Neophinetia bloomed for a couple of weeks. One of the flasks is still intact; vanda sprouts were taken out from the second in December. They will have to survive a new summer in the same window. It is important to never forget to turn on the air conditioner, since even a single “forgetting” can lead to disastrous consequences. And also make sure that the air conditioner does not blow on the plants. Orchids do not like drafts. From my own experience I was convinced that it is the illumination - the higher, the better (for middle zone), but the temperature of the content plays a key role. And quite calmly, if you have air conditioning, you can grow large collections of orchids even in south windows. The area would allow.

We hope that Olga’s experience, both in hunting for orchids and in placing orchids on south-facing windows, will be useful to you.

Share your observations and findings, and let orchids make you happy.

The land of a thousand smiles wins hearts from the first meeting. Some people go there for the sea and the sun, some for entertainment, and some for shopping. Seven thousand kilometers and eight hours of flying for shopping? That's right, since many goods, from souvenirs to food, can be purchased here at a very competitive price.
What should a tourist know when flying to the Kingdom of Thailand for shopping? Of course, he should be somewhat familiar with the Customs Laws of both countries.

The very first and most important rule is no drugs, weapons (unless you are a law enforcement officer and have the appropriate permits and documents) and pornography. The legislation of the Kingdom of Thailand provides for strict penalties for the import of the above, up to death penalty. Needless to say, it’s also not worth taking drugs, weapons and pornography out of the country.

Declare items subject to this procedure;
- do not take a lot of valuable things with you;
- respect the laws and customs of the kingdom;
- leave aggressive animals at home.
Customs points greet travelers with a “green” and “red” corridor. The second is for those who transport items subject to declaration, large sums of money, jewelry, and so on.

Without filling out a declaration and paying a duty fee, you can take to Thailand:

200 cigarettes and 1 liter of alcohol per person;
- money and personal belongings, the value of which does not exceed 20,000 baht.

The second point, although valid, is harmless. It is difficult to determine which price category This applies to the clothes of vacationers, and they are unlikely to fine you at customs for an expensive personal camera. In any case, it will be better if the items are not packaged, in order to immediately dismiss suspicion of illegal entrepreneurial activity. But with undeclared extra cigarettes and alcohol, you can really get caught.

If you decide to move to Thailand for permanent residence or spend a long vacation there, you may have to take some money from home with you. household appliances or pieces of furniture. Here you should also be guided by the principles described above.
Counterfeit goods are prohibited for import and export, but you are unlikely to be able to check the authenticity of a Dolce and Gabbana T-shirt or Adidas sneakers.
Foreign currency can be freely imported and exported from the country. When transporting currency worth more than $20,000, you must fill out a declaration. As in the previous case, tourists’ wallets will hardly be checked. But they can. A declaration for the export of money should be completed if it exceeds 50,000 baht.

Ban on the export of souvenirs

Not everyone exports currency, plants and jewelry from Thailand, but everyone wants to grab a foreign souvenir for their family and friends. Even if we are talking about a small refrigerator magnet with the name of the resort.
There are also a number of restrictions regarding the export of souvenirs.
It is not possible to export from Thailand:
- images and statues of Buddha taller than 13 centimeters;
- corals, shells, unprocessed jewelry, undeclared jewelry;
- postage stamps (you can legally and inexpensively please your loved ones by sending a postcard from the post office);
- ivory, turtle shell and products made from them;
- stuffed animals (allowed to be exported only if you have the appropriate documents);
- dried seahorses in any form.

Souvenirs - Souvenirs

Resourcefulness and ingenuity - two best friend Russian tourist. And it’s no secret that many even manage to export corals from Egypt. But if you are not a thrill-seeker, and prefer the opportunity to get home safely to the possibility of getting into trouble with foreign police, do not take risks.
Works of art and antiquities can be exported from the country by completing the appropriate paperwork with the Department of Fine Arts.

Ban on export of fruits

Fruits can be exported from Thailand. It is recommended to transport them in your luggage, since problems with fruits in hand luggage may arise upon arrival to your homeland. Be sure to buy a plastic basket for the fruit, and place the fruit itself in several layers of polyethylene.

plastic fruit box

It is prohibited to export from Thailand:

- watermelon;
- coconut.
Let’s make a reservation right away: theoretically, watermelon can be exported only in cut form. You will simply not be allowed on board the plane with a whole watermelon, as it may not withstand the pressure and explode. Coconuts cannot be exported because the scanner cannot see through the shell. You never know what you decided to hide behind it. Durian cannot be taken on board an airplane (and, moreover, even in a hotel room) due to the unbearable smell that comes from the fruit.

Prohibition on the export of plants, animals, land

Some rules of Thai customs are directly dependent on the Constitution. The form of government in Thailand is A constitutional monarchy and the land of the kingdom belongs to the King. For this reason, customs will not let you through with sand collected from the beach or a flower in a pot full of soil.

However, it is possible to export plants from the country. Typically, Thai customs are lenient towards plant growers; at most, you may be asked to shake off soil from the roots of flowers at the airport. An alternative (and very convenient) option is bottled plants. They are in a special solution, and upon arrival home they can be taken out and planted in the ground.

Many people ask me whether it is possible to export flowers in pots and seedlings from Tay. My answer is this: despite customs restrictions, everyone who wanted to export the plants they liked did so. Many times I witnessed that people calmly brought the most various plants. Flowers are not a drug, customs is not enough by the hand.

Well, if you don’t want to tempt fate, do as Vladimir Chervonny did. He brought seeds from Tai and planted tropical plants at home by myself. Here is the result of his experiment.

- Planted a lot of seeds. It turned out to be three window sills in total. Let's see how they get used to the new place. By the way, on one of the Ukrainian sites there are descriptions of similar experiments. The guys grew papayas, pineapples and bananas in their greenhouse...

In general, I am growing:


Dragon fruit

Longan. Longan, by the way, showed very good germination.



Salacca and sapodilla. Salacca and sapodilla germinate very slowly. Salacca has just hatched. Sapodilla - the root has gone deep, but the seed itself has not yet opened. In general, something like this.

Jackfruit grows quite quickly.


A year has passed since the trip to Thailand, but the “itch” for Tai never goes away. And I want to know how it is there, and every time I go to the site I look at the photos. And what joy my corner of Taya on the windowsill brings - plants grown from seeds of fruits and flowers. The year passed with minimal losses. My pupils overwintered with artificial lighting. The plants have grown, there is already something to show. I gave away several seedlings of pitahia (dragon eye) to the Omsky greenhouseAgrarian University. Has anyone else tried to grow exotics?

Here is my Thai garden a year later.

Vladimir Chervonny

General view of my tropical garden.


Dragon fruit (dragon eye) or pitahaya.



A plant unknown to me.

The name of this plant is also unknown to me. Maybe someone can tell me?

Traveling to Thailand, vacationing in this exotic Land of Smiles no longer surprises anyone. But in order to prevent your vacation from turning into a nightmare, it is better to prepare in advance and study both the customs and laws of these regions. You especially need to pay attention to what cannot be exported from Thailand. You don't want any trouble at customs, do you?

Of course, there are people who hope for chance or for omnipresent corruption. But then this article is not for them. Many tourists, purchasing souvenirs in shops or markets, have no idea that this can create problems for them during export. Even Russian guides can give wrong advice. It’s no secret that often the main thing is to sell your product, and then, as they say, out of sight, out of mind. We want to help tourists not get into trouble and will briefly outline here the Thai legislation in the area of ​​what is prohibited for export.

Works of art

Many people buy Buddha images in Thailand as a reminder of their stay in this country. But remember that figurines (both Gautama and bodhisattvas) can be taken out of the country only those that are less than fifteen centimeters in size. As a rule, this kind of consumer goods is sold in all markets and souvenir shops. If the figurine or part of it is larger than the specified height, then the item is prohibited for export.

The same applies to the bowls that serve the monks for alms. This is done because such export is considered an exception. An exception is made only for scientists, monks, priests, religious scholars - in a word, those who need such things for research or religious purposes. But for this you need to obtain a special license.

What else can’t be taken out of Thailand? Gems, which have not been processed, polished and do not have a frame. You also cannot take home gold bars and any platinum jewelry, stamps, antiques, works of art (even reproductions) without a license.

Exotic souvenirs

Let's now talk about what cannot be taken out of Thailand from natural materials. There is a lot of coral in this country, but just like in Egypt, you will not be allowed to export them in their raw form with impunity. If you bought jewelry made from this material, then there will be no problems. Although you shouldn't buy too many shells big size. Otherwise you may attract too much attention from customs officers. You should not try to pack stuffed animals of any kind unless you have a special permit certificate.

Snakes, turtles, elephants, crocodiles

Items made from snakeskin and crocodile skin should not be taken home unless you have too many of them. After all, there are many farms in the country where these animals are raised, and most of their products are sold legally. But ivory or tortoise shell is strictly prohibited. This applies to any products made from these materials. Their export is illegal. The elephant is a sacred animal in Thailand, and hunting or killing it is against the law. Therefore, you can’t even buy such products in this country, it’s a crime. Neither tusks, nor their elements, nor carved jewelry, nor bracelets, nor necklaces, nor rings. All this is illegal and refers to what cannot be exported from Thailand to Russia and other countries.

Turtles around the world are at risk of extinction due to pollution sea ​​water, industrial fishing and poaching. Therefore, they are protected by Thai law. And even if you see combs, combs and jewelry made from a tortoise shell on your night wounds, you will have to resist this temptation.

Other animals and plants

Very often, orchids are brought from this exotic country. But often this happens in violation of the law. Be aware that you cannot export plants or any parts thereof that are still in the growing season from Thailand unless you have documents or a license. Therefore, only cut orchids, without roots, can be legally packed into luggage or carry-on luggage.

Animals that belong to rare or endangered species are not allowed to be exported under any circumstances. First of all, it is often sold (and bought) in dried form in Thailand. But the scanner at customs will perfectly highlight his silhouette. Therefore, if you really want to, buy traditional Thai medicines that contain seahorse powder.

What fruits cannot be exported from Thailand

First of all, it's durian. Of course this fruit is a symbol South-East Asia. Some people can't stand him. Others call it the king of fruits. But be that as it may, you won’t be allowed on the plane with durian. The laws of the country do not say anything that you do not have the right to take it, but the airline rules in this case are very strict.

Why can't durian be exported from Thailand? Yes, just for its killer smell. After all, the slightest damage - and the whole room stinks so much that no air freshener can kill this amber for several days, or even more. It will take at least a week for all this to disappear. Who would take such a risk? But you can take dried durian or jam from it in your luggage, but not in your hand luggage.

But there is one more fruit that cannot be taken out of Thailand by plane. Or rather, it's even a berry or melon culture- watermelon (not cut into pieces, but whole). If you are traveling by other transport, for example, on a cruise ship, please do so. But on an airplane, due to pressure differences, a watermelon can explode and cause damage to both your belongings and the luggage of your neighbors. That's why this berry, as a rule, are confiscated during customs inspection. Other fruits can be exported. But this does not mean that you will not have problems when returning home. It turns out that fruits cannot be imported from Southeast Asia to Russia. True, many do this at the risk of confiscation.

Property of the King

Have you read the Constitution of Russia? It says that all land belongs to the state. But in Thailand it is the property of the king. And this is the truth, not just words. Therefore, you can neither buy nor export it. Land can only be rented, and if you take it abroad, it is tantamount to theft. The same applies to sand. No matter how beautiful and snow-white it is, you cannot take it with you. After all, sand is also part of the earth. By the way, sometimes it cannot even be taken from some beaches that are located in protected areas. If you are caught by special guards who find such a souvenir on you, you will be punished before you even reach customs.

Unexpected ban: coconuts

But it’s not just earth and sand that you can’t take with you as souvenirs. Another surprising thing for us is coconuts. They are prohibited from being packed into luggage or on an airplane in any form - both green and ripe. Why can't you export coconuts from Thailand by air? Because they are not visible through the scanner and it is impossible to understand whether there is anything illegal inside or not. Therefore, in the past, when coconuts could be carried on an airplane, they were often used to illegally transport drugs, counterfeit money, small-caliber weapons, explosives, and so on.

Penalties for illegal transportation

Of course, Thai customs officers do not always rummage through all passengers’ belongings and seize illegal items and substances. But keep in mind that at any airport there are scanners that you cannot fool. Moreover, your belongings are scanned three times - when you enter the airport, during customs control and after checking in your luggage.

Let's assume you don't know what you can't take out of Thailand. A list of such illegal items, however, is posted at customs, and you will not get away with claiming ignorance. Therefore, they will be confiscated, and you will be fined a large amount. Moreover, if suddenly your already packed suitcases arouse the suspicion of customs or border guards, they will open it, but they are unlikely to rush to put everything back. Therefore, your things may simply not arrive home safe and sound.

There are cases when customs officers, having good mood, for a certain bribe they allow themselves to close their eyes, and for you to take out an illegal item. But they can also cause a scandal, confiscate counterfeit goods, fine you and put a stamp in your passport indicating a violation of export rules. But this is serious. Therefore, it is better to be law-abiding. Moreover, for the removal of land you can generally get a prison sentence.

You can order an orchid in an online store or from individuals who import flowers in small quantities. The number of seedlings in each flask varies greatly (from 10-15 to 40). The approximate price of a flower in a bottle in the online store is from 2.5 thousand rubles. up to 20 thousand rubles. For private individuals, it may be negotiable.

The only difference is that in the online store you can purchase even one bottle with a flower from Thailand, but private traders have a condition: either buy out the whole batch (5, 20-30 pieces), or wait for the required number of buyers to gather.

You can determine what type of plant was placed in the bottle by the label pasted on it. But not all orchids are designed to grow in such conditions, and this should be the first consideration when choosing a flower. Experts give good forecasts for growing from a sprout to an adult plant for:

  • phalaenopsis;
  • vand;
  • oncidium;
  • dendro-phalaenopsis;
  • Cattleya.

Another important criterion– growing speed. Phalaenopsis seedlings will begin to bloom in a couple of years. But the flowering of cattleya or vanda will have to wait from 5 to 7 years, and in some cases as much as 10. Hybrids can be called the most stable, they can grow to the state of a flower and delight the lucky owner with their blooms every year.

What does the market offer?

Orchids are grown in Thailand not only by specialized nurseries, but also by individual farmers. Moreover, on each farm it can grow unique variety, which cannot be found anywhere else.

Interesting: Another special feature of orchids from Thailand is that you can find them on the market. big number hybrids, because orchids cross easily. For example, the well-known “Vanda” is nothing more than a hybrid of two species – Ascocentrum and Renantera.

Types and photos of flowers

Below you can read the descriptions of orchid species and see their photos.


The most numerous of them. A delicate, fragrant flower, somewhat reminiscent of soaring butterflies.


Another popular species, named after its discoverer, the English botanist William Cattley.

Rhynhostilis gigantea

The largest representative among orchids, it has a huge number of shades: from white to purple.

When should you remove a plant straight from the bottle and when not?

When you receive a flask of orchids, inspect it carefully. The condition of the seedlings will determine when to open the flask.

  • If the bottle is not damaged and the plant has enough nutrient solution– the flower needs to be allowed to rest for 2-3 weeks from the stress it has experienced. The sealed flask should be placed in the correct environment with warm, humid air, without drafts or hypothermia. Two weeks later, as soon as the growth of the seedlings is noticeable, they should be carefully removed.
  • You will have to open the flask immediately only if it is damaged or the special solution has run out. This can be recognized by the first signs of deterioration of the root system.


It's time to replant the orchid. There are a few things you need to do here simple steps for the flower to take root:

  1. You need to carefully release the seedlings from the bottle; special care should be taken with the roots - they are very fragile.
  2. Wash and dry the roots.
  3. Plant the seedlings in a different substrate. To do this, you can take fine bark.
  4. Without a sealed flask in a normal environment, due to a weak root system, the flower will not live long. First of all, you need to strengthen the roots. To do this, you need to place the orchids in a special greenhouse on damp, pre-disinfected moss. A transparent container, which should be covered with glass, can act as a greenhouse. In this way we simulate the conditions of the tropics.
  5. Condensation on the glass and vessel must be wiped off daily, and the improvised greenhouse must be ventilated to prevent rotting. The orchids will very quickly acquire true roots and will be ready to be planted in a pot. Read how to choose a pot for an orchid.

You will find all the nuances of planting seeds, bulbs and orchid children in.

Depending on the type of flower, there are nuances in the content. When growing phalaenopsis, the following conditions must be observed:

  • It is better to choose a window sill on the western, eastern and north-eastern sides and organize shading.
  • Important temperature regime. Flowering lasts longer in the presence of shade and temperatures from 18 to 25° C. In winter and autumn, a short-term drop in temperature to 12° C is permissible. The usual maintenance temperature is from 15 to 25° C.
  • Humidity should be at 40%. Excessive and low humidity should not be allowed. To increase humidity, you can place the flower on a tray of water.
  • Watering - only after the substrate has completely dried.

Golden rules of feeding

By following the basic rules of feeding, you can be sure that the Thai orchid will last long:

  • Fertilizing an orchid after transplantation is strictly prohibited.
  • Sick plants should not be fertilized.
  • In autumn and spring, orchids are fertilized once every two weeks, and in summer and winter period- once a month. Do not feed the plant at all during the flowering period.

Important: The plant must not be overfed; the leaves of such a flower often crack.


To propagate orchids, the division propagation method is most often used. It's as simple and easy as possible. The main thing is that the plant must be large and have at least four false bulbs, making sure of this you should:

  1. Remove the plant from the pot without damaging the roots.
  2. Clean the roots from the soil and cut them. Make sure that 3 pseudobulbs are formed on each half.
  3. Treat flower sections with charcoal.
  4. Plant in a pot with substrate. Read about what soil is suitable for orchids.

At optimal conditions temperature, orchid flowering can last almost 6 months. There are times when an orchid “refuses” to bloom. The main reasons for this may be:

  • temperature fluctuations;
  • improper watering;
  • violation of rest mode;
  • lack of light.

Also, the orchid does not tolerate drafts and may be susceptible to root diseases. Compliance with all conditions for keeping a flower is the key to its timely flowering.

Disease Prevention

It is always better to prevent a disease than to deal with its consequences, Therefore, prevention of orchid diseases is very important. Should be done simple rules, which will avoid many problems:

  1. Handle leaves and roots carefully.
  2. Do not leave wet compost overnight (rotting may occur).
  3. Provide ventilation and moist air.
  4. Clean the substrate from rotten and infected leaves.
  5. When pruning and replanting, sterilize all instruments and wash your hands thoroughly.
  6. Always place a new flower in “quarantine” to avoid infecting old flowers.

Buying a real Thai orchid without leaving our country is not easy. You can buy it either in fleece or from experienced flower growers who grow these wonderful flowers.

And even though there are rumors about the fastidiousness of the Thai orchid, if you follow all the rules for caring for the flower, you can achieve good results.

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