What can you take on a plane as luggage? Requirements for transporting products in luggage

In 2017, new rules for carrying hand luggage on an airplane were released. We advise you to carefully read the list of what you can take in your hand luggage and what not, if you...

In 2017, new rules for carrying hand luggage on an airplane were released. We advise you to carefully read the list of what you can take in hand luggage and what not if you are going on an air trip. Unfortunately, ignorance of such subtleties can ruin your holiday.

1. Food

You can bring any food on board the plane, with the exception of liquid and jelly-like food. You can take with you:

  • nuts;
  • cookie;
  • fruits;
  • sandwiches;
  • chips, etc.

You can take baby food for your child. But refrain from yoghurts, juices, jellies and similar products, otherwise they will be confiscated from you. Canned food and food in jars will also be taken away. It is better to pack all permitted products in transparent bags. This will significantly speed up the inspection.

It is important to take into account the specifics of the carrier and the airport. So, at the Paris airport. Charles de Gaulle was prohibited from carrying cheese in hand luggage.

You can also take Duty Free products with you. The main thing is that the store packaging remains undamaged (the seller must pack the goods in a special bag with a capacity of 2 liters). In addition, keep the receipt - it may be required when going through control.

2. Medicines

The following medications can be carried on board the aircraft:

  • pills;
  • various drops;
  • dressings;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

It is better if the medications are in undamaged original packaging, with instructions for use. Otherwise, when boarding, customs officers may suspect whether you are carrying prohibited substances under the guise of analgin.

If you have an injury, you may want to add crutches or other orthopedic aids to your carry-on luggage.

According to the rules, the volume of liquid in hand luggage should not exceed 100 ml. Therefore, if the medicine is liquid or in spray form, make sure that the volume does not exceed the permitted amount. You cannot take syringes on board.

3. Digital technology

What technical devices you can take on board are determined by the safety regulations of the country you are traveling to. Usually you are allowed to take in hand luggage:

  • laptop;
  • tablet;
  • mobile phone;
  • Mp3 player;
  • camera;
  • electric razor and toothbrush;
  • charging for devices;
  • bulk electrical appliances (for example, hair dryer).

You can (and should) also take headphones on board. If you are going to listen to music or watch a movie on your laptop, it is unlikely that other passengers will be happy to share this pleasure with you.

Although it is not prohibited to take a mobile phone with you, you may not need it during the flight. Often before takeoff, you are asked to turn off your phones altogether, because they can interfere with the operation of the aircraft’s electronic systems.

If you are going to take bulky equipment with you, remember the regulations. Typically, the length of items in hand luggage should be no more than 56 cm, height - 45 cm, width - 25 cm. The maximum weight varies between 3-15 kilograms. The exact figure depends on the airport.

4. Documents, valuables and jewelry

In addition, in your hand luggage you should take:

  • expensive jewelry;
  • documentation;
  • valuables;
  • Wallet with money.

It’s better to take your passport and other important papers with you - it’s calmer, you won’t have to worry about their safety the whole way. Moreover, if your luggage is suddenly lost, you will not be left in a foreign country without documents.

5. Cosmetics

You can bring any dry cosmetics on board:

  • shadows;
  • mascara;
  • eye and lip pencils;
  • blush;
  • powder, etc.

Liquids, jelly-like substances in cans and bottles with a volume of more than 100 ml are strictly prohibited from being transported on board an aircraft in hand luggage. Pack them in your luggage suitcase, otherwise you risk being left without your expensive jars.

You can't carry pressurized cans on an airplane either. Therefore, you will have to get rid of shaving foam and deodorants.

Remember that usually the total volume of liquids should not exceed 1 liter. Therefore, if you also take water with you in addition to lotion and shampoo, and their total volume exceeds the permissible limit, think about what will be more important to you on board.

6. Personal hygiene items

Personal hygiene items you can take in hand luggage:

  • a toothbrush and toothpaste (although the latter needs to be clarified - at some airports it is prohibited to take toothpaste with you);
  • wet wipes;
  • Shaver;
  • a comb without a sharp handle (sometimes it is prohibited to carry metal combs);
  • nail polish remover without acetone with a volume of no more than 100 ml.

7. Clothes

You can take with you to the salon:

  • jacket or sweater;
  • coat;
  • plaid;
  • shawl.

Additionally, you can bring a handbag, an umbrella and a cane.

8. Other

If you are traveling with children, in addition to hand luggage, you can take a baby carrycot or stroller on board. It is not forbidden to take newspapers, magazines and other printed publications with you (without fanaticism, of course).

It is strictly forbidden to take with you in hand luggage:

  • weapons and everything that looks like them (if you have a fashionable accessory in the shape of a grenade or pistol, they can be taken away);
  • piercing and cutting objects (this includes everything, even something that you would not even think of using as a weapon to cause pain to another person, for example, knitting needles);
  • animals;
  • gas cartridges;
  • toxic substances.

A full list of prohibited items is often indicated directly on the ticket. If this list is not there, ask about this question right at the airport.

Check the size rules, they vary for each airline. Low-cost airlines take this issue especially seriously. Budget airlines have a strict rule: one person - one piece of hand luggage. Therefore, everything will have to be put in one bag or package. An exception is allowed only for folding strollers, crutches and outerwear.

To help ensure the safety of travelers, airports and airlines around the world have implemented rules that limit the ability of certain items to be carried in carry-on baggage on board an aircraft. These restrictions were tightened after the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York, when on September 11, 2001, suicide bombers were used to threaten the lives of passengers on two planes.

The rules for transporting baggage and hand luggage, although strict, are still not a problem. M Is it possible to carry a knife in luggage on a plane? You can carry almost everything you need on your trip. Including knives and even edged weapons. Only subject to strict adherence to all company rules.

Will they be allowed on the plane with a knife?

Much depends on which airline you choose and which country you are planning to visit. Before the trip, you need to clarify all the information, get acquainted with official documents, find out whether it is possible to import or export from a particular country edged weapons and knives - professional, antique, souvenirs, household ones.

Can a knife be carried in luggage on a plane? The easiest way to find this information is on the website of the country's consulate and representative office of the airline you have chosen, or contact the employees directly. You should prepare the necessary documents in advance, show up at the airport an hour and a half before boarding the plane, and properly check in your luggage and hand luggage. Otherwise, unpleasant consequences are possible - from the seizure of the knife to charges of violating the law.

What are the baggage requirements?

According to the rules of air transportation, each passenger can transport their luggage completely free of charge if it meets certain standards. They are set by the airline, taking into account international standards for cargo transportation, as well as the type of aircraft.

What can you carry in luggage on a plane? These can be absolutely safe things that will not harm the health and life of everyone on board. A passenger can check in only one suitcase or bag - 1 piece. At the same time, the weight of the suitcase should not exceed 23 kilograms if you are flying in economy class and 32 kg if you have chosen business class for the flight. Carriage of baggage above these limits is subject to additional charges. You can also take your hand luggage directly into the aircraft cabin.

What items can you take on board the plane?

What can you carry in luggage on a plane? Carry-on luggage should usually not exceed 16 kilograms in weight; here, too, everything depends on the air carrier and the type of aircraft.

You can take no more than 1 liter of liquid with you. It doesn't matter what it may be - a cosmetic product or a bottle of formula for a baby.

You are allowed to take some food with you - fruit, a sandwich, cookies, crackers. Medicines should only be in branded packaging.

What cannot be carried on a plane in luggage?

Specific restrictions on the carriage of substances and objects that may be dangerous on an airplane are clearly defined. They will not be accepted into the aircraft cabin or as luggage.

Brief list of substances and items prohibited from being carried on an airplane:

  • radioactive and toxic substances;
  • explosives, regardless of their purpose and condition - solid, liquid, gaseous;
  • substances that are easily flammable - both liquid and solid;
  • any liquefied or compressed gases;
  • any weapon, including bladed weapons;
  • any piercing or cutting objects - knitting needles and hooks, other handicraft items, manicure accessories, etc.

However, there are special reservations and exceptions that regulate the possibility of carrying both firearms and bladed weapons on an airplane quite officially. At the same time, you need to know which knives and other objects cannot be considered edged weapons. And here everything depends directly on the blade.

Knives that are not edged weapons, but can be classified as dangerous objects

Can a knife be carried in luggage on a plane? If you were given a nice souvenir in the form of a knife on a trip, or you bought a set of kitchen utensils that includes a knife, and more than one, then you need to prepare in advance to deliver them home without any problems. Actually, legislation, both international and in different countries, does not prohibit transporting such items on an airplane. However, airlines set their own rules that must be obeyed.

It is worth clarifying whether, for example, kitchen knife in airplane luggage. It is prohibited to bring piercing or cutting objects into the aircraft cabin. Even syringe needles and nail scissors. Sometimes nail files and stationery knives are also removed from hand luggage. It is forbidden to take any sharp objects with you; it is better to leave them in your luggage.

However, in exceptional cases, when special permission is given by airline and airport employees, carrying knives on an airplane is acceptable. This can be a knife whose blade does not exceed six centimeters in length.

In all other cases, any knife or object resembling one must be carefully packed, placed in a suitcase and checked in as luggage.

What items can be considered dangerous and can be removed from hand luggage when boarding an airplane?

What cannot be carried on a plane in luggage? The following may be removed from hand luggage:

  • souvenirs resembling weapons, including souvenir knives;
  • toys similar to edged weapons;
  • decorations imitating weapons;
  • any knives whose blade exceeds 6 cm in length: hunting, kitchen, pocket, folding, stationery, etc.

All these items can be carried exclusively in luggage, just do not forget to cover or pack them well first.

What kind of knife can be confiscated from luggage?

A knife whose blade is longer than 10 centimeters must be accompanied by special permitting documentation indicating the purpose of this item. You need to obtain such documentation where you purchased it. If you were given a knife and there is no official accompanying document, then, unfortunately, you will have to refuse the gift. Even if you pack it in a suitcase, airport workers may well remove such a knife from your luggage. What knives can be carried on an airplane?


A folding knife is perfectly acceptable in airplane luggage; airport security personnel will not interfere with its transportation. However, the blade of such a knife should not exceed 10 cm in length. In addition, so-called knives with a stop are prohibited; they are classified as edged weapons.


Sometimes you are even allowed to take a pocket knife with you into the cabin, but only on condition that its blade is not longer than 6 cm. However, in this case, when boarding, you will have to answer additional questions, explaining why exactly you need a pocket knife in the cabin airplane. This may result in more scrutiny of your luggage and delays before boarding. If you want to avoid problems, just pack yours in a suitcase and check it in as luggage. There will be no claims from the inspection service against you.

Is it permissible to transport bladed weapons by air?

Of course, this is permitted, provided that it has a completely peaceful purpose. For example, you go hunting or on an expedition, transport antiques or art objects, engage in a corresponding sport and rush to a competition. In other words, you have serious reasons and official confirmation in the form of relevant documentation.

What items are considered melee weapons?

Not every knife longer than 10 cm will be considered a bladed weapon. There are clear differences between weapons and knives for household and utility purposes. These features are determined by law. There are certain criteria - blade length, thickness, lock or stop, and others. Here is an approximate list of bladed weapons that require special permission to be carried in aircraft baggage:

  • Finnish knife;
  • dagger;
  • officer's dagger;
  • bayonet;
  • sword;
  • saber;
  • sword;
  • scimitar;

There are other types of bladed weapons similar to the ones listed above.

What rules apply when transporting bladed weapons on airplanes?

Which Rules for carrying knives on an airplane? Edged weapons can be dangerous for both passengers and crew members, therefore they are registered separately as special cargo. There is a special legal procedure when preparing documents for edged weapons. According to the rules, such special cargo must be stored separately during the flight. The owner and other passengers should not have free access to weapons on the plane. Crew members are also not allowed to touch it during the flight.

During transportation, edged weapons are usually placed in a special metal container, which must be sealed. For this purpose, a special compartment is provided in the luggage compartment of the aircraft.

What actions should the owner of a bladed weapon take in order to transport it safely on an airplane?

There are strict rules that must be followed, and then the airline and airport employees will not have any complaints against the owner of the bladed weapon. These are the rules:

  1. It is necessary to have a special permit for a weapon, which determines its purpose. For example, permission to exhibit or collect, to store, carry, etc.
  2. If the owner of a weapon intends to visit another country, then it is necessary to obtain a special export permit.
  3. Documents indicating that the owner of the weapon plans to take part, for example, in sports competitions, hunting, an exhibition, artistic performance, etc. will greatly facilitate the procedure for passing inspection at the airport.
  4. When booking a ticket, you must immediately warn the airline staff that you intend to bring bladed weapons on the plane.
  5. As soon as you arrive at the airport, immediately notify the security service and the police that you have a bladed weapon. Accompanied by a law enforcement representative, go to a special room to register and deposit the special cargo for storage.
  6. During the transfer of weapons for storage, you must personally supervise the execution of documents, reconciliation of the data in the weapons permit and the contents of the special cargo.
  7. Be sure to sign the document indicating the acceptance and transfer of the weapon for storage. Usually such an act is drawn up in triplicate. You must keep one of them.
  8. Upon arrival, present the certificate of storage of weapons and your documents to airport employees to receive your special cargo.
  9. If there is a transfer or transfer flight, then know that the special cargo cannot be processed immediately to the final destination. As soon as you leave the plane, a weapon will be issued to you at the transfer airport. The procedure for registering and depositing special cargo must be completed before each boarding of the plane.
  10. The weapon must be sheathed.

What kind of knife can be carried into the cabin of an airplane without being noticed during security?

First of all, you need to think about whether you will need a knife in the cabin of the plane, and not create unnecessary problems for yourself.

If you still cannot do without a knife, then you can take with you a plastic one, with which you can cut food, but you will not be able to damage any hard surface or injure a person. A ceramic knife is also suitable, since it cannot be detected during a hand luggage search at the detector. However, during a personal search this item may still be confiscated from you.

A folding knife - a plastic Card Sharp card, as well as a multitool card, are prohibited in the aircraft cabin. However, this small item can be placed in a wallet or purse and kept with you. Sometimes hidden little cutters are built into other items, such as ballpoint pens and lipstick tubes. This may also be a suitable option. Such an item can only be found on you during a personal search.

In general, it’s still not worth the risk; it’s better to be a law-abiding citizen. After all, the flight will last only a few hours.

Carriage of luggage of passenger aircraft customers is regulated by special regulations. Control over the transportation of baggage and hand luggage is carried out by flight safety authorities. Every passenger should know what is prohibited from being carried on an airplane. An airline in any country has a list of items that are prohibited for transportation on board an aircraft.

An airline client who has purchased a ticket of any class has the right to carry hand luggage. Every passenger should know what is prohibited from carrying s7 on an airplane. You should study the list of dangerous goods that are strictly prohibited for transportation. Carry-on luggage includes safe items that are allowed to be transported in the cabin during the flight. The list of prohibited objects is constantly changing and depends on the selected airline.

Preparing baggage for transportation on an airplane

Baggage transportation standards are determined by the countries where the plane ticket was purchased. All passengers must adhere to accepted standards regulating what is prohibited from being carried on an airplane. They apply regardless of the following conditions:

  • class of service;
  • Purpose of Travel;
  • arrival point.

Items prohibited for transportation on airlines are divided into 2 main groups. The first includes items that cannot be taken into the salon. It is important to learn in advance which medications are prohibited from being carried on an airplane in hand luggage. This applies to other objects as well.

Permitted cargo can be checked into the baggage compartment of the aircraft. Particular attention should be paid to pre-registration of luggage. There are no general rules of carriage for all airlines.

The second group is things prohibited for transportation by plane. These objects should not be taken on a flight as legal problems are sure to arise. If you don't learn before flying what items are prohibited from being carried on an airplane, you may have to surrender your ticket and not fly.

Luggage weight control

Before departure, the future passenger of the aircraft must study the general rules for transporting baggage. Airlines have established a number of standards that determine the conditions for transporting baggage with hand luggage. It is better to familiarize yourself with them by visiting the official website of the transport airline. Careful study of the information on the portal is necessary for the correct distribution of transported items. Knowing in advance what is prohibited from being carried on an Aeroflot plane, you should refuse to transport illegal items on board.

Items carried free of charge in a certain quantity must comply with the list established by airline standards. The permitted weight of baggage depends on the class of air ticket purchased. Transportation of excess items must be paid by the passenger in accordance with the established procedure, depending on the ticket fare.

If baggage dimensions are determined by the ticket class, then control over the contents of bags does not depend on the passenger’s status. The suitcase or bag must have a volume of no more than 115 cm. The maximum dimensions that can be taken into the cabin as hand luggage are 55 x 40 x 20 cm. Larger luggage must be checked in as checked luggage. A passenger who refuses to check a suitcase as baggage will not go through the boarding procedure.

The airline checks the volume of luggage when a passenger passes through a frame through which all bags and suitcases in the total volume must freely pass. In order not to pay for exceeding the permissible weight of luggage, you need to find out in advance what is prohibited from being carried in airplane luggage, leaving all unnecessary things at home.

Conditions for allowing dangerous goods on board an aircraft

Cargoes included in the list of prohibited transportation on board an aircraft are dangerous objects that can cause damage to the vehicle. By definition, “dangerous goods” means a substance that can have an adverse effect on human health. The classification of such items or products depends on various criteria set out in the relevant regulations.

You should know that it is prohibited to carry certain types of dangerous goods on board an aircraft, which are divided into 3 categories:

  1. Prohibited for transportation on airplanes.
  2. Transported on cargo aircraft.
  3. Permitted for transportation on passenger aircraft if properly packed and packaged.

The admission of cargo on board the aircraft is subject to increased requirements, so security services monitor passengers' luggage with special care. Airline customers are strictly prohibited from taking on a flight:

  • Food;
  • objects with sharp corners;
  • products that can be destroyed during flight;
  • objects that can cause injury to passengers.

Recognition of cargo as dangerous requires the execution of a special declaration, which significantly increases the cost of transportation by plane.

Prohibition on the transport of dangerous goods

The responsibility assigned for providing complete information about cargo transported by airlines is regulated by Article 121 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation. It states what is prohibited from being carried on an airplane. The complete list groups dangerous objects into classes based on certain characteristics. It contains:

  1. Explosives are dangerous due to the possibility of explosion, scattering or fire (TNT, nitroglycerin, ammunition, grenades, gunpowder, pyrotechnics).
  2. Gases are dangerous due to toxicity and easy flammability (chlorine, gas lighters, gas cylinders, varnishes, deodorants).
  3. - adhesives based on organic solvents, colognes, perfumes, fir oil, sealants, printer inks, primers, nitro enamels, etc.
  4. Flammable solids (magnesium, matches, sparklers), spontaneously combustible substances (fishmeal, napalm, coal, cotton, activated carbon), substances that react with water to release flammable gases (sodium, calcium carbide, aluminum powder).
  5. Oxidizing agents (bleaches, hydrogen peroxide, potassium or ammonium nitrate).
  6. Organic peroxides (hardeners of a certain type, components of white dye).
  7. Poisonous or toxic compounds that cause poisoning of the body, infectious diseases, death of humans or animals.
  8. Materials with increased radioactivity (isotopes used in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, flaw detector heads, etc.).
  9. Substances that cause corrosion (acids, alkalis, fruit essences, mercury, batteries, battery electrolytes).
  10. Other hazardous substances in solid and liquid states that are flammable, fire hazardous, corrosive (garlic sauce, asbestos, lawn mowers, lithium batteries, dry ice).

The transportation of dangerous goods on airplanes, which are prohibited for transportation under any circumstances, is controlled by security authorities.

Prohibition on the transport of explosives

Airborne transportation of explosives is prohibited by the general rules of the Air Code of the Russian Federation. The list of these dangerous goods includes substances that are susceptible to fire and explosion due to dangerous reactions. They release heat in large quantities and gases of the following types:

  • corrosive;
  • flammable;
  • toxic.
  • introglycerin;
  • ammonal;
  • granitol;
  • TNT.
  • rockets;
  • grenades;
  • aviation bombs;
  • mines;
  • torpedoes;
  • detonators.

The third category includes objects whose transportation poses a risk of explosion. The Air Code of the Russian Federation states what is prohibited from being carried on an airplane. List of hazardous substances in this group:

  • powder;
  • fireworks;
  • fire cord;
  • pyrotechnic composition.

Ban on the transport of weapons

The legislation introduces criminal liability for transporting weapons and allows, in this case, to remove a passenger from a flight. The transportation of weapons must be issued with a special permit, which must be concluded by the passenger and the carrier before the flight.

To transport imitation weapons in the form of children's toys or souvenirs, the passenger must also have permission from the transport airline. Explosive substances, which include firearms, are separately prohibited.

Ban on gas transportation

Passenger airlines prohibit the transport of substances in a gaseous state that are flammable. Their list includes esters, varnishes, paints, alcohol-based mixtures, cartridges, and magnetized products.

The transportation of flammable gases in a compressed state, for example, gas lighters, liquefied gas cylinders, hydrogen, propane, butane, is prohibited. The Code stipulates that it is prohibited to carry various types of non-flammable, non-toxic gases on an airplane: air, carbon, nitrogen or oxygen, as well as toxic gases: mustard gas and chlorine. The rules do not allow the transportation of toxic substances and household chemicals.

Ban on transport of medical equipment

Attempts by passengers to transport equipment used for medical purposes are suppressed. You need to know that it is prohibited to carry objects with a certain level of radiation in airplane luggage and on board the aircraft as a whole, even in minimal quantities. Reagents used for medicinal purposes may be among the toxic illegal objects.

Conditions for transporting medicines

It is better to immediately transfer medications that the passenger plans to take with him on the flight to the luggage compartment. The transportation of medicines is under special control. Therefore, it is important to study in advance what is prohibited from carrying medications on an airplane in hand luggage.

If a transported drug is included in the list of illegal drugs, it will be confiscated by security officials. You are only allowed to take a standard first aid kit with you on board the plane.

Rules for transporting liquids

A separate group of liquids prohibited for carriage by airlines includes certain types of cosmetics. A container with liquid that is not prohibited from being carried in hand luggage on an airplane must have a volume of no more than 1 liter. It is better to package drinks in separate containers with a volume of no more than 100 ml.

Restrictions do not apply to medications in liquid form if there is a document confirming the need for their use. This also applies to baby food.

The main requirement regarding the transportation of alcoholic beverages to some foreign countries is associated with a complete ban on the transportation of this cargo. Such states include the UAE, Maldives, Saudi Arabia. Passengers must strictly comply with these requirements, since baggage in these countries is subject to thorough inspection by control authorities.

Carriage of alcohol-containing substances on an airplane

Before transporting alcohol-containing products on an airplane, it is important to study all the information about the rules for allowing such cargo on board. The rules for transporting alcoholic beverages in Russia and Europe are different. For example, knowing that it is prohibited to transport to Israel by plane, the client will take no more than 1 liter of strong alcoholic drink and no more than 2 liters of wine into the cabin.

If you take drinks with you without taking into account the restrictions, this may result in the imposition of penalties. Under no circumstances should minor passengers carry alcoholic beverages on board.

Particular attention must be paid to the quality of packaging for alcohol-containing drinks. The packaging must be original. It is placed in a sealed plastic bag with a zipper. Compliance with these rules is strictly checked before takeoff.

Rules for transporting alcohol on EU airlines

European airlines carry substances containing alcohol in accordance with the following requirements:

  • transportation of beer drinks is permitted in a total volume of no more than 16 liters;
  • It is permissible to transport drinks with an alcohol content of no more than 22 degrees in an amount of no more than 2 liters;
  • High strength alcohol is allowed for transportation in quantities of no more than 1 container;
  • Wine and wine-containing drinks can be transported in a volume of up to 4 liters.

Requirements for transporting alcohol in Russia

Those traveling by plane in Russia must comply with the following requirements when transporting alcoholic beverages:

  • It is allowed to take on board the aircraft no more than 5 liters of alcoholic beverage;
  • legal norms regulate that it is prohibited to carry only 3 liters of drinks containing alcohol free of charge on an airplane in hand luggage, and for the transportation of the rest you need to pay additional customs tax;
  • Transport of alcoholic beverages is allowed only in packaged form;
  • It is possible to transport alcohol in an acceptable quantity in hand luggage.

The requirements for the transportation of alcoholic beverages are justified, since the safety of passengers during the flight depends on their compliance.

Carrying pets on board

Many airlines restrict passengers from transporting pets. Some carriers transport only dogs and cats, allowing small pets into the aircraft cabin. According to the rules, pets should be transported in a special travel container or basket.

To create normal conditions for transporting an animal, it is necessary to prepare a container that will not interfere with the pet’s physical activity. The coating material from the inside must absorb odors and moisture. The safety of transporting the animal is ensured by the presence of a reliable lock in the cage. The above rules apply when transporting pets in the aircraft cabin and in the baggage compartment.

What is allowed to be carried on board an aircraft?

Aircraft passengers have the right to carry checked hand luggage in the cabin. This includes personal bags, umbrellas, smartphones, photo and video equipment, and laptops. Disabled people with crutches or wheelchairs may not need to register their mobility aids before the flight.

The fact that medications will be needed during the flight must be documented. In this case, you can take them with you. It is better to exclude strong medications. It is important that they do not end up on the list of prohibited substances. If there is no urgent need for them, it is better for the passenger to refuse to carry these medications in hand luggage. Otherwise, the registration procedure will be complicated.

To avoid damaging an item of high value during the flight, it is better to take it into the cabin. This may also apply to musical instruments that are expensive. They must weigh no more than 32 kg, otherwise they will need to be checked in as checked baggage.

Regardless of the country, air carrier or class, the following items can be carried in hand luggage:

  • souvenirs;
  • keys;
  • money;
  • documents;
  • jewelry;
  • printed products;
  • children's toys without sharp corners.

If prohibited objects are detected on the territory of the country, the passenger will be removed from the flight and sent to law enforcement agencies. For beginners who have not studied what is prohibited from being transported on an airplane, transporting dangerous objects will not only result in a spoiled mood, but also a waste of time and money.

It’s simply pointless to talk about it. On a family trip, you can’t do without suitcases and large bags, baby strollers and other things necessary for a small passenger, most of which are sent on the flight in the luggage compartment of the plane.

And in order for everything to go smoothly at the airport, it is important to know in advance how many things can be carried for free, what are the permitted dimensions and weight of luggage for a purchased ticket on the selected airline, how to organize the transportation of your belongings correctly, how to transport non-standard large items, and what to do in some emergency situations , for example, if your luggage suddenly gets lost or it turns out that there are too many things in your luggage. And today is just about this.

General baggage rules

Air carriers around the world are extremely concerned about flight safety. And for this, strict standards and transportation rules are being developed. Among the priority standards is the calculation of the maximum weight of luggage per passenger. Because excess weight on board is a direct threat to the safety of passengers.

All the things with which a passenger goes on a flight can be called in one word “baggage”, which is conventionally divided into:

  • checked baggage – bags, suitcases, boxes and other items that the passenger parts with at check-in at the airport, entrusting the care of them to his employees;
  • hand luggage - bags, packages and suitcases that will be with him until the end of the flight. Previously, a special tag was attached to them. According to the new rules - no;
  • personal belongings that are transported free of charge in excess of the established limit (the full list can be found in paragraph 135 of the Russian Aviation Rules (FAR)).

Air travel around the world is strictly regulated. All airline carriers and passengers are required to obey the established Rules. For Russian airlines, regarding the carriage of passengers and baggage, various regulatory documents and rules of air transportation are applied, which were amended in accordance with Law No. 409 of October 5, 2017.

According to the law on non-refundable tickets, not only have some of the carry-on and baggage allowances changed, but Russian airlines now have the opportunity to offer passengers cheaper tickets without baggage space, that is, without free baggage allowance, independently determining for which fare to provide baggage.

However, for passengers with tickets whose price includes baggage, a single free baggage allowance has been introduced. This rate cannot be reduced. And if the carrier wants to show generosity and increase the permitted limit upward, please do so. This is not forbidden.

Each carrier has the right to change and establish its own standards, without going beyond the established general rules and without worsening the conditions of service for passengers. The limit may vary (it depends on the carrier’s rules, the type of aircraft, the duration and direction of the flight, the cost of the ticket and class of service), but its maximum weight is limited - no more than 30 kg (previously it was 32 kg) for one seat. Foreign airlines have their own rules that comply with the laws of their countries.

Each specific situation has its own nuances. To avoid mistakes, be sure to check the weight and dimensions of your free baggage, the parameters of which are indicated for a specific fare on the ticket. This information can also be found on the carrier's website.

How much will you have to pay for the advantage?

Sometimes it happens that at the airport counter it suddenly turns out that the suitcase weighs more than indicated on the purchased ticket, and the free baggage allowance has been exceeded in some respect: weight, size or number of seats (depending on the company’s rules). There’s nothing you can do about it; in most cases you’ll have to pay extra for the excess.

The amounts of additional payments vary: from 2500 to 7500 rubles for domestic flights and up to 200 euros for international flights. The amount depends on the carrier’s policy (some of them turn a blind eye to a small overload of 1-2 kg, while others may charge the full amount) and how large the overload is.

Most often, airlines encounter the following restrictions:

  • for economy class – 1 free piece (suitcase/bag) no more than 20-23 kg;
  • for business class – 2 pieces of luggage (each no more than 30-32 kg);
  • based on the sum of three dimensions (length, width, height), luggage should not be more than 158 cm (or 203 cm).

Sometimes it is more profitable to fly on an expensive ticket with heavy luggage than in economy class with an extra charge for excess weight.

Within the maximum permitted limit (at international airports this is 1 piece of luggage no more than 32 kg, according to Russian rules - no more than 30 kg) it is allowed to carry luggage in excess of the free allowance. In this case, you will have to pay extra according to the carrier’s tariffs for excess baggage (that is, for baggage that is not taken into account in the cost of the purchased fare ticket) and agree with him on the transportation of such baggage.

As for low-cost airlines, they often do not have free luggage. For example, with the Russian Pobeda, all luggage at a standard non-refundable rate is paid, and its cost depends on the weight and number of pieces. You are allowed to take into the cabin any safe objects (regardless of their weight and any lists) that can be squeezed through a measuring frame with dimensions of 36 x 30 x 27 cm.

How to transport oversized and heavy luggage?

Heavy luggage - according to Russian rules, this is everything that exceeds the weight of one piece of 30 kg.

Oversized baggage is an excess of the baggage allowance in terms of dimensions, that is, 1 piece is more than 203 cm (or 158 cm, as in most airlines). When specifying the size of a packed suitcase (bag), wheels, handles, and pockets are taken into account.

You will have to pay for excess weight, as well as for exceeding dimensions.

Depending on the maximum weight norm established in a particular company (in the order of the Ministry of Transport, the maximum weight of baggage allowed for transportation is 50 kg) and size (exceeding 270-320 cm in total), such heavy and large baggage may not be accepted for transportation even for money.

What should the passenger do in this case? Such items can be sent (of course, after coordinating this with the carrier) along the route as unaccompanied cargo, which is accepted at the cargo terminal in the company's cargo service. You can receive your luggage at the airport of arrival using the cargo bill of lading received during baggage check-in.

What to do if you have non-standard luggage?

Most often these are large, unusual and heavy things: musical instruments, snowboards and surfboards, skis, household appliances (washing machines, refrigerators, air conditioners, freezers, TVs, vacuum cleaners) and more. For the carriage of such baggage, airlines prescribe special conditions, indicating the maximum size, weight and contents of one set of baggage, which it is advisable to familiarize yourself with in advance.

Non-standard baggage (most often sports equipment) can be carried free of charge as an addition to the rest of the baggage or as regular baggage within the limits of the ticket fare or for an additional fee. Special conditions may apply, such as no size restrictions that apply to regular baggage. For some types of such non-standard baggage, a fixed fee is established.

Items listed in clause 136 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (baby strollers, walkers, wheelchairs and other baggage) are carried free of charge in checked baggage if it is impossible to place them in the cabin without violating the comfortable and safe conditions for passengers.

Lucky are those who travel with skis and snowboards. Many carriers (for example, Aeroflot from November 1 to May 15) allow passengers to carry ski equipment and snowboards free of charge in addition to their main baggage or without additional payment if they fit into the free baggage weight allowance (often without a size limit).

But, again, you need to double-check everything to be safe. For example, airlines with low fares and low-cost airlines often do not have the option of free transportation of sports equipment. And in some, the permissible weight (usually 20-23 kg) is reduced to 10 kg.

Some destinations (usually long flights) sometimes have their own rules that allow, during certain periods, to carry sets of equipment of a certain weight for surfing and diving without additional payment.

You can also bring golf bags, hockey sticks, fishing rods, and musical instruments for free, if the established rules are not violated. But if the weight, size, number of seats exceed the free limit, then everything listed above will be sent on the flight only with an additional payment.

The passenger must discuss the transportation of such cargo in advance with the carrier company (36 hours before departure). Because it may happen that the airline does not have the conditions for transporting such non-standard baggage (the size of the cargo does not correspond to the type of aircraft or baggage of this size is simply impossible to place on board). Without prior agreement, you may simply not be accepted due to lack of free space.

If it turns out that it is not possible to organize the transportation of non-standard and heavy baggage, then it may be possible to send it as regular baggage with a fee for exceeding the free allowance.

Transportation of fragile luggage

Very often, airline passengers have questions about what to do with fragile and breakable things. The safest way (if possible) is to carry such luggage in the cabin, checking it out as hand luggage. If this is not possible, the baggage will be checked in at check-in with a statement that it requires particularly careful transportation. If such an option is provided by the airline, a special sticker is placed on the cargo and the items are delivered on board manually, and not in the bulk of suitcases on a belt.

Experienced travelers who often fly with non-standard baggage claim that, although many different nuances arise, if you strictly follow the carrier’s rules, everything usually goes as normal.

Advice: when transporting expensive and fragile items, it is advisable to insure your luggage and send it with the declared value (you will have to pay for this service).

And, of course, there is a list of items that will not be allowed to be carried in luggage under any pretext for security reasons.

What is prohibited from being carried on an airplane?

Most airlines do not allow you to carry:

  • anything that is easily flammable and explodes (including firecrackers, sparklers, flares, gunpowder, cartridges, matches, gasoline and gas lighters, solvents, paints, gasoline, acetone, ethyl alcohol and others);
  • gases of various types (liquefied, poisonous, compressed, including cartridges for burners and lighter refills);
  • radioactive, toxic, easily oxidized and corrosive substances (all kinds of acids, alkalis, mercury and devices containing it);
  • rechargeable (lithium-ion) batteries with a capacity of more than 160 Wh (if the power of devices is from 100 to 160 Wh, they can be carried inside equipment with the permission of the airline, up to 100 Wh in laptops, phones, inside equipment, while spare batteries can only be carried in hand luggage);
  • any sharp, heavy, cutting objects that could be potentially dangerous to others;
  • firearms, cold steel, electroshock weapons without special permits;
  • electronic cigarettes, magnetized objects.

This list is quite large. It is set out in Appendix 1 to the Rules for pre-flight and post-flight inspections No. 104 dated July 25, 2007.

Is checked baggage allowed for children?

For young travelers from 2 to 12 years old, the same baggage allowance applies as for adult passengers. For children (up to two years old) without a separate seat, free luggage weighing up to 10 kg and no more than 115 cm in total dimensions is allowed.

Is it possible to combine luggage?

The new rules retain the ability to combine items into one baggage at the request of passengers traveling together (two or more) under certain conditions. Moreover, according to Russian rules, one piece of such combined baggage cannot be heavier than 30 kg and exceed 203 cm in size.

Families traveling with one suitcase are sometimes accommodated halfway and are forgiven for being a little overweight. But still, in practice, a lot depends on the pickiness of employees. In each case this is decided individually.

It is not always possible to carry one heavy bag instead of two light ones when traveling abroad: European trade unions protect their loaders and prohibit lifting luggage in excess of the norm.

Naturally, there are exceptions for large luggage that cannot be separated (musical instruments, sports gear and equipment, etc.).

What to do if your luggage is lost?

Have you landed and your items still haven’t appeared on the tape? Don't panic. But some actions need to be taken immediately, without leaving the arrival area. Find the airline service personnel who are searching for lost luggage and, presenting them with your ticket, baggage pass, or passport, make an official written request.

According to Russian laws, the search for missing baggage can last 21 days (how such a search occurs, in some airlines you can track it on the website using the online service). When the missing luggage is found, the carrier is obliged to deliver it to the address specified by the passenger free of charge.

If after three weeks the luggage has not been found or has been found but partially or completely damaged, you can apply for compensation to the airline.

International rules establish the maximum amount of compensation payments in the event of loss of luggage or partial damage to it. In fact, in each specific situation, the amount of compensation is determined by the airline and depends on its internal rules. If you are refused compensation for damage caused, you should go to court.

How can I pay less for luggage?

Universal advice for such a case - do not take too much. Sometimes even a small advantage can cause big problems. Especially if this is a trip abroad or you will be using the services of several airlines.

Here you can’t do without studying the rules that apply to different carriers along the route. Otherwise, even if you are overweight by 1-2 kg, you will have to pay extra. And not only this. European loaders, who are prohibited by their unions from lifting luggage heavier than 32 kg, may simply refuse to deliver such cargo.

Be especially careful when purchasing inexpensive tickets on budget airlines or on a baggage-free fare. Often, such tickets cannot be returned if something happens, and you will have to fly light.

Baggage restrictions may occur when purchasing air tickets at promotional rates and promotions, or when using bonuses. Such flights, at first glance, are financially profitable, sometimes involve lower baggage allowances than the standard fare, or even offer a choice of either checked baggage or hand luggage.

There is only one way out - try to take a little less things and leave at least some weight reserve up to the norm established by the carrier, which you need to familiarize yourself with in advance, and take this into account when packing your luggage at home. To do this, having weighed your weight with and without luggage on floor scales at home, it is easy to make simple calculations and, if anything happens, get rid of everything unnecessary and repack the suitcase without hassle and fuss.

Experienced travelers advise putting on the heaviest shoes and plenty of clothing before the flight; small heavy items can be carried in your pockets. Do not take large quantities of care products and cosmetics (sometimes the cost of purchasing them locally is much less than what you will have to spend on paying for the excess).

And you can find a lot of such life hacks. Another one is the ability to pack a suitcase correctly. You can read about what you need to do to take everything you need and save on luggage in this article (Total ratings: 54, average: 4.59 out of 5)

Air travel is one of the most popular methods of moving from point A to point B, guaranteeing you speed, convenience and safety. Every day it becomes easier and faster to book tickets for the plane you need, however, there are some nuances here too. One of them relates to luggage.

To avoid any inconvenience or problems, you need to know in advance what can and cannot be transported in your luggage and hand luggage. Let's figure it out.

Permitted/prohibited items for transportation in checked baggage and hand luggage depend on several reasons:

  • Airlines and the class of the purchased air ticket, as well as, in some cases, the model of the aircraft itself. Any information on this issue should be clarified with the carrier itself in advance. For example, in 2017, some airlines banned the carriage of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7, as there were several incidents where the device suddenly caught fire. Others, on the contrary, only expressed recommendations.
  • Countries to which you are flying. A foreign country often has its own list of prohibited items, which may include weapons, religious literature, and the like. For example, to Dubai, you cannot transport anything related to a religion other than Islam.

General rules for the carriage of baggage and hand luggage

All items transported on an aircraft can be divided into:

  • – during the flight, be transported in the cargo compartment of the aircraft, and you do not have access to it. Traditionally, most carry-on luggage is kept in a special suitcase, which can additionally be wrapped in cellophane film to maintain cleanliness.
  • Hand luggage– things that are carried in the aircraft cabin itself in special compartments (usually on top of the seat). Transported in bags or suitcases.

Both luggage and hand luggage have their own maximum free weight and additional paid weight, as well as the required dimensions. All this data will be provided to you when purchasing a ticket, otherwise you must check with the air carrier yourself.

What cannot be carried in checked or carry-on luggage

  1. Objects that radiate radiation.
  2. Items that can oxidize(for example, bleaching powder).
  3. All types gases, including non-flammable, liquefied, toxic, etc.
  4. Caustic substances that can cause corrosion(alkalis, mercury, acid and items using these substances).
  5. Infectious, toxic, poisonous substances (etiological items, insecticides, etc.).
  6. Any types explosives and explosives (including fireworks, flares, etc.)
  7. Highly flammable items (acetone, gasoline, matches, lighters, aerosols, solvents, paints, etc.).
  8. Suitcases, bags, briefcases with signaling devices.

This video describes in detail the innovations related to the carriage of baggage and hand luggage. This applies to weight, the volume of permitted hand luggage, established exceptions and some speculation on the cost of baggage transportation.

What cannot be carried in hand luggage and can be carried in airplane luggage

Some items, due to safety reasons, are allowed to be transported only in checked luggage and not in hand luggage. However, each of these cases needs to be clarified separately.

  1. Sharp objects– straight razor, razor, blender, knives (including stationery), forks, knitting needles, scissors, ice pick, saws, axes, sewing needles, corkscrew, nippers and nail files, tweezers, scalpel and other items capable of act as a weapon against a person.
  2. Some work, sports or music tools. These include screwdrivers, drills, drill bits, surfboards, skates, bows and arrows, skateboards, skis and ski poles, spearguns and fishing rods.
  3. Weapons and ammunition: pistols, shotguns, machine guns, crossbows, scimitars, checkers, cutlasses, sabers, swords, daggers, bayonets and any other firearms or piercing weapons and even weapon simulators (for example, children's water pistols). To transport these items in luggage, you must also present a permit to carry a weapon; when exporting abroad, a permit to export from the Russian Federation.
  4. Liquids. The rules for transporting liquids in hand luggage are very strict - they must be in containers not exceeding 100 ml, and in transparent, resealable bags 20x20. Each passenger must have only one package. This includes: juices, perfume, cosmetic liquids, cream, shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, deodorant, hairspray, etc. Any alcohol not related to Duty Free has the same transportation rules . If you bought it at the airport, transportation is allowed in unopened form upon presentation of a receipt. You can carry any alcohol no stronger than 70% in your luggage.

Many of these rules were a consequence of air terrorist attacks and are aimed primarily at the safety of passengers during flights.

What can be transported everywhere?

There are also a number of things that can be carried both in checked luggage and in hand luggage. This:

  1. Almost any technology and electronic devices– laptops, tablets, phones (Samsung Galaxy Note 7 requires clarification), cameras, video cameras, chargers, multicooker, hair dryer, curling iron or hair straightener, electronic cigarette, electronic razor, electronic toothbrush, selfie stick, tripod and the like.
  2. Food. Covers any fruit, dried fruit, candy, nuts, cheese, sandwiches, chocolate, candy bars, etc. Any liquids are subject to the basic rules for carriage in hand luggage and baggage.
  3. Medicines in solid form (tablets, powders, suppositories, granules, etc.), crutches, wheelchair, injection syringes and insulin only for acute needs, documented. Before departure, you should make sure that any narcotic or life-saving medications are prescribed by a doctor and are not prohibited at your destination (such as Corvalol in the USA).
  4. Workers, sports and music tools, not dangerous to the lives of others (balls, guitar, violin, etc.)
  5. Baby things and food: stroller, car seat, baby food, expressed milk or formula, water and juice for a child under 2 years old in containers exceeding 200 ml.


The rules for transporting baggage and hand luggage are quite complex and varied, and there are many exceptions. There are situations when you doubt the correctness of your actions. In this case, do not hesitate to ask - this is why there are special consultants and hotlines.

If you made a mistake and your item is going to be confiscated, don’t be silent. A constructive conversation will help solve your problem.

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