What is interesting in Ivano Frankovsk. Ivano-Frankivsk: where to go, where to stay and what to see

Ivano-Frankivsk- a city that, along with, is an important cultural and economic center of western Ukraine. Until 1962 it was called Stanislav, in honor of the father of the great crown hetman Andrzej Potocki, who founded the city in 1662. Ivano-Frankivsk can impress even experienced tourists who have visited famous European capitals. The eclectic nature of the buildings and the measured provincial flow of life give the city its unique style, and the main attractions of Ivano-Frankivsk definitely deserve attention.

The city's attractions

Here is a list of those that are really worth visiting:

  1. City Hall. The wooden town hall building, built in 1666, was subsequently rebuilt many times. The town hall acquired its final appearance and decoration in the Art Nouveau style in 1935. Today there is a local history museum inside. The museum's collection consists of ancient books, furniture and weapons. The main pride of the museum is the model of the city of Stanislav from the time of its founding. The main streets of Ivano-Frankivsk and the main monuments are located on the town hall square.
  2. Collegiate Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The church is one of the most valuable attractions of the city of Ivano-Frankivsk. It was built in 1703. Later the church was enlarged and decorated with Baroque stucco.
  3. Potocki Palace. This ancient stone palace was rebuilt several times over the centuries, and therefore lost its original appearance. However, the gates of the palace fence with knightly symbols have survived to this day.
Recreation and entertainment

To organize cultural leisure and recreation in Ivano-Frankivsk, you can visit one of three theaters located in the city: the Ivan Franko Musical and Drama Theater, the Puppet Theater or the City Philharmonic. For long romantic walks, the Shevchenko City Park is a good option. And the cinemas of Ivano-Frankivsk, located near the town hall square, will allow you to spend the evening in the company of friends watching a new film.

Let's consider options on how to get to Ivan-Frankivsk. The easiest way to get from Kyiv is by train; the journey takes on average 11 hours. From Moscow you will have to travel almost a day. The unforgettable atmosphere of the city and ancient sights deserve attention. Beautiful squares, picturesque parks and interesting architecture of Ivano-Frankivsk will be remembered for a long time by tourists and guests of the city.

Ivano-Frankivsk is a city that proudly bears the glorious name of the outstanding poet Ivan Franko. Former Stanislav is a provincial Central European town with its own charm. The impression is that it was created for walking. The cozy streets beckon you to walk through them. There are plenty of places to go and things to see. You won't be bored.

The site IGotoWorld.com has selected the coolest and most interesting places in Ivano-Frankivsk for both tourists and local residents. Discover the city in a new way!

What to see in Ivano-Frankivsk: interesting places

When you come to a new city, the question always arises: “What interesting things can you see here?” And in order not to spend a long time serving on the Internet, we will help you with this in one article.

City Hall: Banner of Power

Definitely, the symbol of Ivano-Frankivsk is. It towers over the entire city, its height is equal to a 16-story building. The town hall was built in the constructivist style, which is not typical for Ukraine. When viewing the building, you should pay attention to the dome, it is gilded. This is the only secular building in the country that was decorated with gold.

Unfortunately, we are no longer able to see the ancient town hall, but only the one rebuilt in 1935, it is the fourth in a row.

Today, inside the city hall there is the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Museum of Local Lore. The museum's exposition is represented by: numismatic, ethnographic, paleontological, philatelic, archaeological departments.

Cathedral of the Resurrection: a sacred place

Where to go with a child in Ivano-Frankivsk

During a family vacation, questions always arise: “Where can I go with my child that will be interesting and useful, and that will not be boring for adults?” We will help you with this :)

Puppet theater: a mysterious world

First of all, visit the puppet theater. It will be interesting not only for children, but also for adults. By doing this, you instill in children a love of art. On the central pedestrian street of the city you can find a puppet theater and plunge into a world of charm and mystery.

Photo source: ifteatr.org.ua. Photo from the play "The Gosling".

Children's entertainment complex "Vesely Uley": a place of joy

In the Veles shopping center there is a huge family entertainment complex called the Merry Beehive. Children will enjoy labyrinths, tunnels, dry pools, trampolines, attractions, and slot machines. Children's dreams come true here.

Photo source: veselyj-vulyk.com.ua.

Sports and entertainment complex “Tsunami”: sport prolongs life

A great place to spend time with children would be to visit Tsunami. There you can choose whether you want to splash in the water, go down the slides, or visit the ice arena. Ice skating and swimming in the pool will be fun. It won't be boring here. In addition, the complex has a restaurant and a hotel where you can spend the night.

Photo source: cunami.com.ua.

Caramel Workshop: Sweet Paradise

Another great place to relax with children will be the Caramel Workshop cafe. All the goodies are made from caramel by local craftsmen. The variety of delicacies makes your eyes wide open. Master classes on making sweets are held here. Even children are allowed to play the role of pastry chef.

Photo source: olgaglass.com.ua.

Shevchenko Park: relaxation in the lap of nature

In this place you can not only take a walk, but also have fun. Children will be able to jump on a trampoline, ride on cars, a children's train and more. There is also a mounted alpine park in the city park of culture and recreation named after Taras Shevchenko.

Photo source: Frankovsk rope park on facebook.

Where to go with a girl in Ivano-Frankivsk

In every corner of the planet people go on dates, Ivano-Frankivsk is no exception. But how to choose a romantic and extraordinary place to impress a girl from the first date? We will help you with this.

Mickiewicz Square: meeting place

In Ivano-Frankivsk, the traditional meeting place for lovers is Mitskevich Square, because it is easy to find. Therefore, the first date is usually scheduled there.

Photo source: karpaty.life.

Fabbrica: Italian pizza

Your significant other will certainly enjoy the Italian restaurant Fabbrica, where you can eat delicious food at affordable prices. The establishment offers authentic Neapolitan pizza, pasta, polenta, soups, and salads. Everything is prepared from fresh products and always Ukrainian. And every Friday and Saturday evening, the restaurant staff puts on a dance show.

Photo source: fabbrica.23restorany.ua, author - Daria Gladskikh.

Bastion: city walls

The date can be continued in an artistic place. This will pleasantly surprise your partner and add bonuses to you. You can enrich yourself culturally in the fortress gallery -. There are cafes, souvenir shops, and the Art on Mur contemporary art gallery.

Photo source: warm.if.ua.

Quest rooms: brain exercises

Recently, quest rooms - intellectual games - have become popular. During the game, participants are presented with tasks that must be solved to pass the test. This type of entertainment will bring extremeness and drive to your date. You can find one of these Escape Quest rooms on Novgorodskaya Street, 55A.

In the west of Ukraine there is one of the largest cities in the Carpathian region - Ivano-Frankivsk. Its attractions attract thousands of tourists every year. Because of its picturesque landscapes and original architecture, it is often called “little Lviv.” The city was named after the famous Ukrainian writer Ivan Franko.

Geography and climate

The city is located on the flat land of Pokuttya. Most of it is located between two rivers: Bystritsa-Nadvirnyanskaya and Bystritsa-Solotvynska. The Ivano-Frankivsk City Council includes five surrounding villages: Ugornyky, Vovchynets, Krykhovtsy, Mykytyntsy and Khryplin.

Ivano-Frankivsk has a moderate continental climate with a long spring, not too hot summers and warm, mild winters. The average temperature in January is -3 °C, April +8 °C, July - +17 °C and October - no higher than +8 °C.

From the history of the city

Ivano-Frankivsk, whose sights are still of interest today not only to ordinary tourists, but also to historians, was founded on lands where two villages had previously been located - Knyaginin and Zabolotye. In the middle of the 17th century, a fortress was built here. In 1662, the city was founded by the Polish magnate Andrei Pototsky. The new settlement was named Stanislavov, later Stanislav.

During the Great Patriotic War, the city was occupied by the troops of Horthy Hungary, an ally of Nazi Germany. In August 1941, the Hungarians handed Stanislav over to the Germans. As in many other Ukrainian cities, the Jewish population was almost completely exterminated here. The city was liberated by the Red Army in July 1944. The surviving residents began to restore it, and very soon it became the center of the newly formed Stanislav region. In 1962 the city was renamed: it received its current name.

Sights of Ivano-Frankivsk: photos and description. City Lake

This is a man-made body of water, which is more often called the Stanislav Sea. The lake appeared in the city in 1995 on Pototsky’s estate, on the site of a menagerie. Polish nobles loved to hunt on these lands. During the years of Soviet power, several artificial ponds were made on the territory of the menagerie, which were connected by locks to the Bystritsa River.

Today it is a pleasant place to spend time in the summer heat, swimming in the cool water or boating. The lake is beautiful in spring and autumn. The most romantic place in the reservoir is the Bridge of Love. Lovers come here to confess their feelings and take a memorable photo on their wedding day.

Park named after Shevchenko

Thousands of travelers visit Ivano-Frankivsk every year. The city's attractions amaze with their diversity. Park named after Shevchenko was opened on the territory of the estate of Baron Romashkan. Once upon a time there was a dense oak grove in this place, which Count Pototsky chose as a hunting ground.

This territory became the property of the city in the 19th century, and they immediately began to improve it: alleys were laid out, and a whole series of cascading waterfalls were created. During the years of Soviet power, the only monument to T. G. Shevchenko in the city was erected here. The park was redesigned, and only two lakes remained from the original garden. One of them is called Swan, because there is a house here, which was chosen by numerous swans and ducks.

Potocki Castle

When tourists come to Ivano-Frankivsk, the architectural sights of this city amaze them with their diversity. The route of any excursion around the city includes a visit to the Potocki Castle, which was built by the legendary governor himself, Andrei Potocki.

He planned to build a magnificent castle on the site of a small hunting lodge that belonged to his father. Today, unfortunately, only the stone palace fence has been preserved in its original form, on which knightly symbols are still visible today. The building itself was rebuilt many times. At different times it was occupied by various departments, mainly the military, which could not but affect its appearance.

After 1945, there was a military hospital in the castle, which operated until 2004. Today it is privately owned and undergoing restoration. After its completion, it is planned to open a museum and exhibition complex here. Despite the fact that the gates, which are decorated with mystical symbols, are constantly closed today, tourists are sure to come here every year to admire the magnificent structure from the outside.

Resurrection Cathedral

For lovers of church architecture, Ivano-Frankivsk is of particular interest. Cult sights are represented quite widely here. But first, as a rule, tourists visit the Cathedral, located on Metropolitan Sheptytsky Square. This temple is recognized as an architectural monument of national significance.

The cathedral was founded in 1720. Its construction lasted more than nine years. After its opening, serious technical design flaws were revealed. As a result, the building began to sag and cracks appeared along it. Due to the serious threat of collapse, the cathedral had to be urgently dismantled and rebuilt. The new temple appeared before parishioners in 1763. It was built in the traditions of the Austro-Bavarian school.

The architects of the building were H. Dahlke and S. Potocki. Elements of traditional Hutsul wooden architecture are also clearly visible in the appearance of the cathedral: the two towers crowning the main facade were created precisely in this style. Until 1774, the temple was a monastery for Catholic monks; later it was transferred to a gymnasium, and then the Greek Catholic community was located in it.

The Ukrainian community took possession of the temple in 1849. Since then, the cathedral has received cathedral status.

Armenian Church

The main attractions of the city of Ivano-Frankivsk are located in its center. For example, the magnificent Armenian temple, or, as townspeople more often call it, the “blue” church, is located not far from Rynok Square.

This temple has an interesting history. This is one of the oldest places of worship in Europe, which belongs to a special Christian denomination that does not belong to either Catholicism or Orthodoxy. To this day, disputes continue over whether this building should be called a church or a cathedral.

The temple is made in Baroque style. Originally (1665) it was built of wood. It is noteworthy that in subsequent centuries the church did not change its appearance, but a fire in 1868 practically destroyed the structure. The restoration, led by engineer Trele, was not very successful, and the appearance of the building underwent significant changes. For example, the round towers became much lower, and the baroque helmets that crowned them were replaced with ordinary domes. The shape of the pediment also changed. The last reconstruction of the church was completed in 1930. Then the walls of the temple were decorated with frescoes by Y. Sopetsky, and wooden sculptures by M. Polevsky appeared in the interior.

Hundred Meter

Today, many tourists want to see Ivano-Frankivsk (attractions). What to see in this picturesque city, besides historical and architectural monuments? We recommend that you take a walk along Stometrovka. This is the unofficial name for the pedestrian zone, which is located in the city center on Independence Street.

It starts at Vechevaya Square and stretches to Ivan Franko Street. There are several pedestrian zones in Ivano-Frankivsk, but this one is the longest. It was created back in Soviet times. Despite the name, its length is more than five hundred meters. The architects who developed this zone were awarded the USSR State Prize.

At first it was called the Tysmenets road, as it connected the city with Tysmenitsa. The zone was renamed in 1986 to Sapezhinskaya. At that time it was quite lively: hotels, shops, and expensive houses were built here. All buildings that adjoin Stometrovka, whether newly built or rebuilt, are made in the same style as those that were built first.

The work of the architects of the Soviet Union is complemented by current masters of artistic forging. Recently, original forged sculptures appeared on the street. Ivano-Frankivsk annually hosts the International Blacksmith Festival, after which many works remain in the city.

Regional attractions - Lake Furious

To explore all the sights of Ivano-Frankivsk and the region, you will need more than one day. We told you only about some interesting places in the city, although in reality there are many more. Nevertheless, we suggest that you go to the suburbs of Ivano-Frankivsk, since there are many places that deserve the attention of tourists.

Lake Furious, located near Yaremcha, in Vorokhta, is one of the highest mountain lakes in the Ukrainian Carpathians. It is located in an amazing corner of the majestic mountains. From here you can admire a magnificent view of the Bolshiye Kozly mountain range, which with its outlines is very reminiscent of ancient castles.

The lake itself is shrouded in terrible legends: local residents are sure that the souls of suicides and sinners live at its bottom, and a stone carelessly thrown into the water can cause serious natural disasters.

Old arch bridge

Amazing city - Ivano-Frankivsk. Sights (you can see photos in this article) are often unique. For example, in Vorokhta an Austrian stone bridge has been preserved, one of the few in Ukraine. It is one of the longest in Western Europe. It connects the banks of the Prut River.

Its height is sixty-five meters and its length is one hundred and thirty meters. The bridge is decorated with numerous viaduct-type stone arches, which give the magnificent structure stunning beauty. More recently, railway traffic on this bridge was stopped, and now it has become an interesting tourist attraction.

Waterfalls Probiy and Manyavsky

Above we talked about the sights of the city. Ivano-Frankivsk, whose photo adorns the pages of advertising brochures of travel agencies working in this direction, is a worthy competitor to interesting places located in the suburbs.

Probiy Falls is not very high, but it is rightfully considered one of the most picturesque in the country. In the center of Yaremche, in a very beautiful area, the waters of the Prut River rush over the rocks from an eight-meter height in a seething stream. A pedestrian bridge was built over the water cascade, on which everyone can take memorable photos.

In a narrow mountain gorge, in a remote area near the village of Manyava, there is the Manyava Waterfall, which will amaze you with its splendor. From a height of twenty meters, water streams rush into a small lake, in which you can swim if you wish.

Museum of Easter eggs in Yaremche

If you happen to visit Ivano-Frankivsk, we recommend seeing the sights in Yaremche, located nearby. There is a unique Easter egg Museum here. This is a one-of-a-kind establishment that has no analogues in the world. It was created for storing and displaying Easter eggs - unusual Easter eggs.

The building itself is made in the form of a painted egg, thirteen meters high. It can be seen from afar. More than ten thousand samples of pysanka painting are stored here, which were performed by masters from Ukraine and Russia, Romania and the USA, Poland and the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Moldova. In the souvenir shop located here you can purchase original handmade items. For an additional fee, those interested can attend a master class and even try their hand at making Easter eggs.

Where do you usually buy tickets when traveling to Western Ukraine? To Lviv, less often to Chernivtsi or Uzhgorod. Ivano-Frankivsk is remembered last but not least - there are no luxurious cathedrals, castles or Hogwarts University. But these disadvantages suddenly turn into advantages when you just want to relax calmly after a busy week. Even if you are a seasoned traveler, give this city a chance.


Expectation: a couple of churches and the town hall.

Reality: exploring Ivano-Frankivsk is more like a quest. The remains of the bastion are hidden in an inconspicuous courtyard, and inside it there is a restaurant, gallery and boutiques of local craftsmen. The bathhouse turns out to be the center of political life in the 18th century, and the inconspicuous warehouse turns out to be a gallery of modern art. Near each tourist sign in the center you can download an audio tour or an application in Ukrainian and English. There are two routes to choose from: romantic and mystical. Printed tourist guides and brochures are sold at every press kiosk. After educational walks, be sure to relax near the central fountain, take a walk on the Ramparts or watch the sunset on the shore of the city lake.

What is worth visiting

is a huge bookstore, art club and creative space. Book presentations, meetings with artists, open lectures, theme parties and literary readings are regularly held here.

Dovbush Museum– a tiny but very colorful place. Hutsul utensils and costumes, sculptures of Dovbush and his beloved, paintings and poems dedicated to the Ukrainian Robin Hood are collected here. The best thing about this museum is its caretaker. A stern grandmother will tell you the story of the legendary oprishka in the smallest detail, without hiding the juicy details.

Bastion– without suspecting anything, you turn onto Fortechny Lane, and there are impressive fortress walls hiding there. These are the remains of the Stanislavsky Bastion, one of the most formidable and reliable fortifications in Europe in the 17th century. Alas, of its six towers, two are completely destroyed, three are partially preserved, and one is in good condition. It now houses a gallery, boutique area and restaurant.

Bathhouse "Neptune"- an inconspicuous building on the street. Nizovoy turns out to be the oldest bathhouse in Ukraine. “Neptune” was built in 1845, and its doors are still open to those who like to take a steam bath. This is not only a health institution, but also a socio-political one. In 1892, a congress of the Ukrainian radical party led by Ivan Franko took place in the bathhouse.

Collegiate Church of the Virgin Mary– is no longer a temple, but an art museum. Initially it was created as a family tomb for the Potocki family. Today it is a gallery of sacred and folk art. Among the exhibits are sculptures by Pinzel, plastic arts in the Baroque style, modern graphics and Galician icon painting.

Hundred Meter– the main tourist and restaurant street of the city. You can spend the whole day here, wandering from one establishment to another, buying souvenirs, books, or just taking a leisurely stroll. Stometrovka is also famous for its outlandish metal sculptures, and every year a new work of art appears on it.

In winter, you won’t be bored in Ivano-Frankivsk either: every year from December to the end of January, a New Year’s fair is held in the central square of the city and surrounding streets, and the Veche Maidan itself is decorated in the best traditions of European cities, although not on such a grand scale. The fair presents Carpathian souvenirs and goods: from classic clay plates and bowls, to twenty varieties of Carpathian tea, honey of all varieties and colors, and souvenirs. A separate category of the New Year's fair in Frankovsk is gastronomy. For example, here you can find handmade caramel, sweets, canapkas with lard and pickled cucumbers and other delights. The only thing cooler than this is the selection of mulled wines. Editorial incidentally I found regular, raspberry, strawberry, currant, cherry and honey. Unfortunately, we were unable to try everything due to rapid wine intoxication.

It’s convenient to choose gifts at the fair, so if you have a couple of hours in the city, then stop by to solve the problem of “what to give to the entire work team and distant relatives” in one fell swoop.


Expectation: cafes and family restaurants in ethno-philistine style.

Reality: You can write books about gastro tours to Ivano-Frankivsk. Gnocchi is easier to find here than dumplings. Travelers from everywhere are tempted by Hungarian sweets, Italian pizza, sandwiches, sausages and wine.

What is worth visiting

Fabbrica- Italian restaurant. Taste of the Mediterranean with notes of the Carpathians. Only local products are used for dishes. For example, here you can try pizza with river trout or penne with creamy mountain mushroom sauce. Drinks include homemade lemonades, liqueurs, wines and refreshing cocktails.

Fran.Co is an exquisite restaurant serving Carpathian and European cuisine, which is located in the city center. It is included in the top 100 best restaurants in Ukraine and is completely justified - the food there is excellent. At the same time, the check directly depends on what you eat and can be either 200 UAH for two or 800. Must have - banosh with cheese and porcini mushrooms, but there is also a minus - we did not find any tea or coffee on the menu , I had to drink uzvar and cocoa. Then it turned out that the restaurant had a separate coffee card, but they didn’t bring it to us. There is also a good wine list.

Comics Cafe- a paradise for Marvel and DC fans: there are drinks with the names of the heroes of the universe. Design in canonical style. Superhero films are constantly shown on TV. The prices are such that you want to open a teleport from home to a cafe and never go outside again. And here you can look through the collection of comics that the cafe has collected, sit in different “superhero” rooms and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of popular universes. And, of course, arrange the eternal battle DC vs Marvel.

Profiterole- a paradise for connoisseurs of French delicacies. Here you will find fluffy profiteroles for every taste. Our favorites are lavender and blueberry. The restaurant's signature dish is profiterole with chocolate mousse and a scoop of homemade ice cream. For those who do not like sweets, there are tender and savory quiches and pies.

Kebab & Coffee— a cozy loft with international cuisine and excellent beer. One menu includes crispy pizza, spicy Thai salad, Greek gyros and burgers. Breakfasts and lunches are hearty, prices are reasonable. It’s easy to find the establishment - the entrance is decorated with a ram’s head, with which locals and tourists love to take pictures.

Manufactory- a European cafe specializing in corrugated waffles - sweet or savory Belgian waffles. Get ready for unexpected and mouth-watering combinations: Manufactory serves corrugated chicken and grapes, dor blue, bacon and beans. Those with a sweet tooth will love waffles with pear and mint syrup, with tangerine and sour cream or with red cocoa sauce. In addition to corrugations, they serve spicy salads, couscous and strong pear.

Ten- a bar in the center that literally every city resident aged 18 to 98 will recommend to you. The menu includes hearty European and Carpathian dishes, a huge selection of beer, liqueurs and strong alcohol. In “Ten” you can make unexpected acquaintances and spend the evening in a completely different way than you originally planned. This is why locals and others adore her: the bar’s guest book is a collection of laudatory essays in different languages.

SpindeL’– a restaurant and part-time antique store. Every detail of the interior is a thing with history. The walls of “SpindeL’” are decorated with antique paintings and clocks, bills are brought in music boxes, and a cash register from 1914 adorns the hundred-year-old bar counter. The menu contains authentic European recipes. So, here you can try Czech cheese in beer batter, duck leg “confit” with duchess, salmon with wine and cream sauce and rabbit and mushroom risotto.


Expectation: provincial boredom.

Reality: The traveler has all the attributes of nightlife at his disposal - concert halls, clubs, bars, art spaces. The city and its surroundings regularly host fairs, music and cultural festivals - take PORTO Franko Gogolfest, for example. You can visit Ivano-Frankivsk at any time of the year.

Spring or autumn- to awaken the esthete in yourself. Ivano-Frankivsk is full of picturesque parks, quiet alleys and courtyards. In spring, romance reigns here, in autumn - noble melancholy. In April and October it is worth going out into nature to admire the blooming onions and golden hills.

In summer— from June to August the city hosts the largest number of events. Rock festivals are booming in the surrounding area, tempting you to have fun all night long. In winter, you can regularly go to the nearby mountains, and in the city itself you can have fun at the Christmas markets.

Is it incidental?

To begin with, it’s worth going to Ivano-Frankivsk for the weekend. Two days are enough to visit the main historical and gastronomic points. And then - how the card falls. You will either fall in love with this city, or you will stop by exclusively on the way to the Carpathians.

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