Which absorbs odors well in the refrigerator. How to prevent rotten smell

In our age household appliances A refrigerator can be found in every home. During the operation of refrigeration equipment, a specific odor of different origins often appears in the chamber. It’s worth mentioning right away that you need to deal with unpleasant odors in a new and used refrigerator in different ways. How to quickly and effectively get rid of ingrained odors?

The nature of unpleasant odors from the refrigerator

Some housewives complain that they smell freon from their refrigerator. Paradoxically, this refrigerant should not smell! In devices of previous generations, R12 was used to operate the compressor - freon with a sickly sweet odor reminiscent of chloroform. Since 2010, this refrigerant has been officially banned in the refrigeration industry, so it is extremely rare.

The reason for the spread of unpleasant odors from the refrigerator may be:

  • plastic shelves, drawers and chamber walls;
  • spoiled food;
  • dirt accumulated between the shelves and walls of the refrigerator;
  • mold;
  • clogged drainage system;
  • clogging of the deodorizer performing biological treatment air inside the chamber.

How to properly clean a refrigerator immediately after purchase

After delivery from the store, the purchased equipment must be installed on a flat surface, then all drawers and shelves inside the chamber should be washed with any product that does not contain abrasive particles.

Algorithm for cleaning the surfaces of a household appliance:

  1. Dilute in a bowl of water baking soda(about 3-4 tablespoons per 1 liter of water).
  2. Arm yourself with a soft cloth and wash all sides of the refrigerator (walls, shelves, drawers, etc.)
  3. Wash back wall unit.
  4. Pour out the soda solution and wipe all surfaces of the device with a cloth soaked in clean water.
  5. Wipe the refrigerator dry.
  6. Leave it to air for 6–10 hours.

After that household appliance can be connected to the network for operation. Freezer When cleaning the refrigerator, also first wash it thoroughly with soda, then wipe it dry with a clean cloth. These simple manipulations help destroy bad smell plastic.

How to remove plastic smell using vinegar, soda and ammonia - video

Causes of odor inside old refrigerators

The smell of mold can appear due to prolonged and careless use of household appliances. Over the years, the casing of the chamber becomes covered with microcracks, into which food remains become clogged. This creates a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria, fungi and microbes.

An unpleasant odor inside the refrigerator compartment not only worsens taste characteristics products, but also becomes a source of viral or infectious diseases.

Proper operation and timely cleaning eliminate unpleasant odors from the refrigerator.

Before each cleaning, the refrigerator must be defrosted. To wash chambers in old units, any disinfectant composition is used that reliably removes dirt. Special absorbers (adsorbents), which can be factory-made or natural, can also remove unpleasant odors.

When purchasing a cheap refrigerator, you should not be surprised by the pronounced smell of plastic from the chamber. Some manufacturers use low quality plastic to reduce costs.

Folk remedies to combat unpleasant odors: vinegar, activated carbon, soda

Many camera cleaning products are universal and can be used to eliminate the “odors” of fish, onions, spoiled food supplies, and medicines. Effectively removes odors folk remedies. The availability and simplicity of the cleaning and detergent compositions used is a bonus for thrifty housewives:

  1. Table vinegar diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 1. The prepared solution is applied to inner surface defrosted refrigerator, leave for 5–10 minutes and rinse clean water. Final stage odor elimination - washing walls, shelves and inner drawers(including the freezer) with a baking soda solution.
  2. Ammonia- one more thing effective remedy, which is mixed with water in a ratio of 1 to 100 (1 gram of ammonia per 100 grams of water). After treating the walls of the refrigerator with ammonia solution, you need to wipe them with plain water and leave for ventilation.
  3. Baking soda ranks third in effectiveness after vinegar and ammonia, but is used much more often than its competitors. Soda solution perfectly fights both odors and germs.
  4. Coffee beans. This aromatic product perfectly eliminates any stench that has a biological or technical origin. Method of use: the grains are slightly kneaded, poured into a canvas bag, which is placed inside the refrigerator chamber.

    You can put the coffee in a clean shot glass and leave it right on the shelf - the unpleasant smell will be replaced by the exquisite fragrance of an invigorating drink.

  5. The paste removes the rotten smell well from soda ash. It is diluted with a small amount of water, applied to the inner surface of the refrigerator, left for half an hour and the walls are washed with water.
  6. You can get rid of the smell of medicine by using an onion cut into 2 parts. The onion is placed on a shelf, the principle of operation is based on the displacement of one pungent odor by another. If the onion “aroma” is also not to the liking of your household, you will have to purchase special odor absorbers - factory-made adsorbents.

When using vinegar or diluted acetic acid, cleaning the refrigerator must be done with gloves and a gauze mask.

How to remove rotten smell from refrigerator compartments after defrosting, reviews from housewives - video

Absorbers that quickly eliminate odors of fish, onions and mold

You can get rid of unpleasant refrigerator odors by using special adsorbents. In the factory, they are produced in the form of balls or tablets. No special skills are required to use them; the absorbers need to be placed in the chamber on one of the shelves or placed on the inside of the refrigerator door.

If you don’t want to pay money for fashion developments, but you need to remove the smell, then refrigerator You can place natural absorbers of unpleasant odors: activated carbon, salt, black bread. They absorb foreign odors well. To obtain a lasting result, they are changed after a few days.

Prevention of unpleasant odors

In order not to have to deal with fetid odors that spread from the refrigerator throughout the home and spoil the food stored inside, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures:

  • control the expiration dates of products;
  • promptly clean up spilled liquids;
  • wash dirty walls;
  • use adsorbents;
  • Place prepared food and semi-finished products in sealed containers or bags.

You can get rid of the smell using improvised or special means. To prevent the appearance of foul odors, periodically defrost the refrigerator, clean surfaces, and monitor the quality of stored food. By following the simple tips listed above, you can reduce the risk of unpleasant odors from the refrigerator to a minimum.

Useful tips

An unpleasant smell in the refrigerator is a fairly common occurrence. The smell may appear various reasons, for example, food has spoiled and you did not remove it on time, or it was simply lying around.

Of course the most the right way The way to get rid of an unpleasant odor is to prevent its occurrence. But if you do encounter such a situation, you will have to take a number of measures to eliminate this problem.

How to remove odor from the refrigerator

1. Completely clean your refrigerator

The first step, and also the most important, is cleaning the refrigerator. Inspect your refrigerator and throw away spoiled and stale food. Turn off the refrigerator and thoroughly wash and dry the walls, shelves, tray and seals. Special attention should be given to the drain hole. Drain hole accumulates all the dirt and is the main distributor of unpleasant odors.

2. Vinegar

Dilute table vinegar and water in equal proportions. Wipe pre-washed walls, shelves, drawers and seals with this solution. Leave the refrigerator door open for a while to let the vinegar smell dissipate.

3. Ammonia

Dilute 1 tablespoon of ammonia in a liter of water. We also wipe all the insides of the refrigerator with the resulting solution. This method perfectly removes the oldest and most ingrained odors. After wiping, it is better to leave the refrigerator door open for several hours.

4. Baking soda

First, dilute the baking soda in warm water(2 tbsp per 1 liter of water) and wipe the entire refrigerator compartment with a rag soaked in this solution. After the refrigerator is dry and all the food is in place, you need to place a container of soda on one of the shelves (this can be any jar with holes pierced in the lid). It will absorb unpleasant odors.

5. Lemon

Dilute lemon juice warm water and clean the inside of the refrigerator. You can also leave half a lemon on the shelf for a while. But don’t forget to pick it up on time so that the lemon doesn’t start to spoil.

6. Salt and sugar

Place salt or sugar on a plate and leave overnight on a shelf in a pre-washed refrigerator. Perhaps this is not the most effective way, but the simplest and most accessible.

Refrigerator odor control

7. Activated carbon

Activated carbon cleanses the air well, thereby inhibiting the spread of unpleasant odors. Crush several charcoal tablets into powder, pour into an open container and place on the refrigerator shelf until the smell disappears. You can place small containers of coal on different shelves. Instead of activated carbon, you can use charcoal.

8. Hydrogen peroxide

Dilute 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide in 1 liter of water. Rinse the refrigerator with the resulting solution. Hydrogen peroxide will perfectly remove stubborn food stains and disinfect the surface.

9. Brown bread

Our grandmothers also used this method. Cut a loaf of black bread into small pieces and place on shelves in a clean refrigerator. After about 10 hours, remove the bread from the refrigerator.

10. Coffee

To bring out a persistent aroma, brew coffee and place the cup inside the turned off refrigerator. Repeat this procedure several times if necessary. And as an absorbent you can use freshly ground, lightly roasted coffee, poured into a bowl.

11. Spices

Spices such as turmeric, basil, cloves, and cinnamon will help eliminate unpleasant odors if you place them open in the refrigerator. Vanilla extract will also help - just wipe the shelves with a cloth moistened with a small amount of aromatic liquid.

IN confined space Extraneous unpleasant odors appear very quickly. Any equipment, especially those related to food storage, is no exception. Even if you wash your refrigerator often, but the smell still does not go away, the question arises: how to remove the smell from the refrigerator at home? There are many ways you can get rid of the causes of unpleasant odors.

Causes of unpleasant odor

There are many reasons for the occurrence of which can lead to unpleasant odors:

  • Unpacked products. There are many products that, even when fresh, can transfer their smell to the refrigerator.
  • Clogged defrosting system. If you did not pay due attention to the defrosting and drainage systems when washing the unit, they may become clogged, which in turn will lead to stagnation of water and a stench.
  • New technology. New equipment may smell completely “non-food” odors - plastic, machine oil or metal.
  • Stale food. If you forget to periodically inspect the products stored in the refrigerator, then you may forget about the sausage you bought a long time ago, which after a while will remind you of itself with a very peculiar smell.

How to remove odor using folk remedies

There are several folk methods that can be used to remove the smell from the refrigerator at home.

  • A vinegar solution will help remove the unpleasant aroma. One of the most commonly used odor control agents is aqueous solution vinegar essence. First, you need to thoroughly clean the refrigerator compartment. Then they do special mixture. Vinegar is mixed with water in a one-to-one ratio, and the inside of the refrigerator is wiped with this mixture and left open for several hours to ventilate. After this, wash the refrigerator again.
  • You can remove the stench with lemon juice. You can remove an unpleasant smell from the refrigerator at home by washing it with a solution of alcohol and lemon juice. Take 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 10 tablespoons of alcohol. You can mix lemon juice with water in a ratio of 1 to 2. Wipe the unit well with a lemon-based solution and put orange or lemon zest in the chamber to ensure the effect is permanent. should be in a couple of days.
  • Ammonia. Ammonia is an effective remedy for eliminating any odors. The solution is prepared as follows: take 1 tablespoon of ammonia and dilute it in 1 liter of water. Wipe the refrigerator compartment with this mixture.
  • Air ozonizers help remove unpleasant odors and also disinfect the air. If your refrigeration unit is well cleaned inside, but the smell is still present, then the question may arise: “How to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator?” For these purposes, air ozonizers can be used. This electronic device, runs on batteries and disinfects the air and removes odors from it. In addition, odor absorbers could be used. This is essentially a carbon filter, passing through which the air is purified and acquires a natural smell. Making an absorber is not very difficult and you can assemble it with your own hands.
  • Activated carbon. Activated and charcoal - excellent remedy to remove foreign odors. The coal must be crushed, placed in a small box and placed in a well-washed refrigerator for about a day. All foreign odors should disappear.
  • Black bread. Wash and refrigerate. Take a fresh loaf of black bread, cut it into small pieces and put several pieces on each shelf. In this simple way you can eliminate the smell in the refrigerator.
  • Soda. Baking soda can deal with not very strong odors. Do not pour onto several plates large number soda and arrange it so that it is on each shelf.

Using these folk remedies, you will certainly be able to solve the problem of how to clean the refrigerator so that there is no smell.

How to clean a refrigerator so that there is no smell?

Another simple way that will help solve the problem forever is how to get rid of the unpleasant smell in the refrigerator. In order to quickly remove foreign odors from the unit, you need to look through all the products that are inside, throw away old and low-quality ones. Wash the unit thoroughly with a vinegar solution, and then rinse its chamber with clean water. After this, wipe the refrigerator dry and turn it on. You should also wash all shelves with a solution of vinegar, or a solution of vodka and water.

How to remove strong odors from inside

If the smell is strong and pungent, then more effort should be made to remove it. A very unpleasant smell can come from rotten meat or spoiled fish. In this case, you will not be able to remove the unpleasant odor with water alone.

Unplug the refrigerator and remove all food and shelves. Take dishwashing detergent and thoroughly clean the refrigerator compartment. It is better if the product has a refreshing scent. After this, wash the refrigerator with clean water and wipe dry with a soft cloth. After this, wipe everything with lemon juice. This method may not give the desired result the first time, so you should wipe the refrigerator a few more times. lemon juice and leave it to air out.

Can be purchased and delivered special device- odor absorber for the refrigerator. Good absorber The smell for the refrigerator will help you, from the strong amber of garlic, rotten meat or fish.

To quickly and effectively get rid of pungent odors, you need to use professional substances. First, the refrigerator is thoroughly washed, allowed to air out and treated with a special product. If necessary, the procedure is done several times. Minus professional means is their price, therefore, they are worth buying only if folk remedies have not brought the desired result.

How to remove industrial smell from a refrigerator

To remove industrial odors from your refrigerator, you must thoroughly rinse and disinfect the inside of the refrigerator. To get rid of the unpleasant plastic smell from a new refrigerator, you need to do the following:

  • Dissolve baking soda in water in a ratio of 1 to 4 and rinse the refrigerator compartment.
  • Using an alcohol solution, wash and disinfect the inside of the refrigerator compartment.
  • Ventilate the refrigerator for 10-12 hours, and then leave the orange or lemon zest in it for 6-12 hours. Citrus peels are an odor absorber for the refrigerator and should completely eliminate the odor when used.

Household chemicals:

  • Absorbents are an odor absorber for the refrigerator; they are glued to the walls or laid out on the shelves of the refrigerator. With their help, you can very effectively remove unpleasant odors from the refrigerator. The products can provide a comfortable smell for 4 months from the date of use. This method is very popular in Europe. Before using them, you should thoroughly clean the refrigerator compartment.
  • Special sprayers for cleaning refrigerators. With this hygiene product You can easily remove all foreign odors from the refrigerator. The spray does not need to be washed off after treating the refrigerator, but the chamber should be washed before treating with the chemical composition.
  • Wet wipes are great for cleaning the inside and outside of your refrigerator.

It is worth noting that you cannot wash the refrigerator with cleaning products, as they contain abrasive substances and can scratch the surface of the refrigerator compartment.

Before eliminating the stench, find and eliminate its source. Throw away spoiled food or identify any damage, then proceed to wash the camera. At the end of the treatment, go through soda, vinegar, lemon, ammonia, potassium permanganate or beer.

Separately soak and wash trays and shelves. Wait until completely dry before loading food. You can also spray special products on the surface: Topperr, Electrolux, Luxus, Magic Power, Top House, Sano Refrigerator Cleaner, Bon, Sidolux Professional.

To prevent the situation from repeating itself, put ready-made or homemade unpleasant odor absorbers inside. Buy absorbent napkins Potter, Top House, Topperr, capsules with absorbent substance Topperr, Barrier;, Fridge Balls, Helfer, OdorGone, Electrolux, Breesal, Zumman or air ionizers Super Plus;, Tinydeal, Air Comfort, AirTec, Neotec.

Keep soda in the door rye bread, activated carbon, coffee grounds, tea bag, citrus peels, boiled rice, spices or essential oils.

The source of stench in the refrigerator is not always spoiled food. Proper care for equipment and timely repairs prevent the appearance of odor. The established amber will be removed industrial products And traditional methods. Let's find out more about how to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator.

Causes of unpleasant odor in the refrigerator

Odors in the refrigerator most often appear due to improper storage of food.

Missing food is one of the first causes of unpleasant odors.

Expired milk, stale chicken, soup that has turned sour in a pan, or moldy berry compote become a source of an unpleasant stench, which “healthy” foods also absorb.

First, find and eliminate the source of the stench. Conduct an audit of stored products. Throw away spoiled food. Wipe down shelves: Spilled liquids can also give off a rotten smell.

Subtle and rare causes of stench

If the food is thrown out, the shelves are wiped down, the freezer is cleaned to a shine, and the smell still gradually accumulates inside the refrigerator, call a professional. Most likely the reason is malfunction technology. What could have happened:

  • the freezing system is broken;
  • the compressor does not work;
  • the drain is clogged;
  • The thermostat is not set correctly.

If the refrigerator does not freeze well, a large amount of condensation accumulates inside and the humidity rises. Because of this, the food goes rotten and starts to stink. Besides, high humidity– a good environment for mold growth. A technician will help you find and fix the problem.

Olga Nikitina is a housewife with 25 years of experience, loves to cook and make her home cozy.


Does the refrigerator smell unbearable? As soon as the door opens, does everyone in the kitchen hold their noses? Don't worry. The problem can be solved quite simply, thanks to the many means invented for this purpose. True, first you need to understand what the reason for this nightmare is.

Where does the smell in the refrigerator come from?

As a rule, there are not many reasons:

  • New refrigerator. That is, the smell from its new parts, plastic, etc. It goes away on its own over time. It is enough to properly wash all the cameras and ventilate the equipment for 2-6 days. Read also: .
  • "Aroma" from a product. For example, sauerkraut, cabbage soup, etc.
  • Waste products of harmful microorganisms. But this trouble will not go away on its own.
  • The defrosting system is clogged.
  • Clogged drain.

So how do you get rid of the smell?

We get rid of the smell from the refrigerator using traditional methods.
First priority– disconnect the equipment from the network, remove the contents and thoroughly wash all the walls, shelves, chambers, seals and even drain hose and pallet. Just don't household chemicals! Use baking soda or vinegar solution, this will keep you healthy. And then we use the means that are most suitable for you: special remedy(adsorbent) from the store or one of the traditional methods :

  1. Slice of black dry bread on every shelf, near the products (for not very strong odors).
  2. Raw potatoes, cut in half (leave it there, near the food).
  3. Pack of soda on the bottom shelf (for 3-4 weeks).
  4. Coffee ground grains or rice cereal.
  5. Citrus peel.
  6. The ideal remedy is half a lemon filled with soda.
  7. Activated carbon. Crush forty tablets and pour them into a container and leave them on the shelf. After a few weeks, you can keep the charcoal in the oven for 10-15 minutes and use it again as an adsorbent.
  8. Vinegar. Mix it 1 to 1. Leave the glass with the solution or cotton wool soaked in it for a couple of hours in the chamber, then ventilate it.
  9. Ammonia. A tablespoon of product per liter of water. Proceed as in the vinegar scheme.
  10. Lemon with vodka(1:10).

From strong odor in the refrigerator may help modern remedy from the store - an ionizer. Such a mini-box can be left on a shelf in the cell, and you can forget about the smell for 1.5-2 months. True, you shouldn’t abuse it. IN large quantities Ozone is harmful to the lungs. And, of course, remember preventive measures : all products must be stored exclusively in closed containers; Wipe up spilled liquids immediately and wash the camera regularly.

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