What to do if the heated towel rail does not heat: do-it-yourself repair of water and electric models. Why is the heated towel rail cold: overview of faults and how to fix them

A heated towel rail is a multifunctional device that can simultaneously perform both heating and drying functions, and also serves as a design element. This is quite reliable equipment on which the microclimate of the bathroom depends. However, nothing lasts forever and in some cases this device can fail. Why this happens and what reasons can lead to the fact that the heated towel rail ceases to perform its main function, namely, does not heat, we will consider below.

How a hot water heated towel rail works: its main types

Today, the market can provide huge variety all kinds of heated towel rails. They differ in shape, material from which they are made and heating method. There are mainly three types of this device: electric, water and combined.

This device is definitely a must for any bathroom. Thanks to the heated towel rail, the bathroom will be constantly heated, and this will not contribute to the formation of dampness and mold on the walls. You can also use this device to dry towels and small items.

The principle of operation of a heated towel rail is to heat its surface and transfer heat to the room. Each type has its own operating principle. For example, an electric appliance is heated by a heating element, while a combined appliance is generally heated in two ways, both by electricity and by water. But the water one works on the principle of an ordinary battery, that is, this type is heated by hot water.

Operating principle of the water device:

  • Hot water enters this device through the main heating pipes;
  • There it passes through its entire length, giving off heat;
  • The water then leaves this device and returns to the main heating system.

There is nothing complicated in this process, you just need to do it proper connection of this device To heating system. To do this, you must maintain the angle of inclination and select the correct pipe diameter, otherwise the heated towel rail will work poorly and intermittently. For better work water appliance, an additional special pump is installed that circulates water inside. With such a circulation pump, the temperature of the device will be constant.

Installation features: how to start a heated towel rail

Before installing a heated towel rail, you first need to select it. For apartments it is recommended to choose devices domestic manufacturer, which will comply with certain GOSTs, since imported ones may not be suitable for our insertion. But for private homes, foreign brands are also quite suitable.

The water heated towel rail will only operate in heating season, and in the future just serve designer decoration. If you want the device to function all year round, then you need to install combined view of this device.

It is also impossible to allow the pipes of the device to be smaller in diameter than the main system. If this happens, then you need to select and install the necessary adapters. For main connections it is best to use “American” ones. They will allow, if necessary, to easily and without problems remove the entire device. It is also recommended to install for convenience Ball Valves and special jumpers.

Installation of a heated towel rail:

  • First of all, the device needs to be assembled: to do this, it is necessary to install shut-off valves on the supply line, which have detachable connections;
  • Attach assembled device to Wall;
  • Bring pipes from the main riser.

Having completed all these steps, you can begin the initial launch of this device (heated towel rail). To start the device we need a pre-installed Mayevsky tap, which is usually located at the top of the device. Having opened the tap, you need to gradually fill the entire device with water so that it does not become airy, that is, air jams should not form. In order for the launch to take place correctly, you need to have enormous professional skills, and not just turn off the water.

The heated towel rail in the bathroom does not heat: why does this happen?

The heated towel rail should generally work without any interruptions, however, some breakdowns may occur with it. But don’t despair and draw hasty conclusions and run for a new device. It may also happen that the device needs to be repaired.

A water appliance usually seems more reliable than an electric one. However, this is not at all true, because some breakdowns are very difficult to fix. This is due to the inconvenience when working with such a device.

There are very few main reasons why the device stopped working. Some of them are trivial, while others require special attention and assistance from a qualified specialist.

Reasons indicating a malfunction of the device:

  • Clogged suitable pipes;
  • Malfunction of taps;
  • Lack of water circulation;
  • The device itself is clogged.

To determine some malfunctions of an electric heated towel rail (the device stops heating or cools down quickly), you will need a special device and an indicator screwdriver. The network voltage is also checked using an ohmmeter. If after this you still cannot turn on the device, then the problem lies in the device itself. When carrying out all work with an electrical device, you must strictly follow safety rules; all tools must be insulated.

No circulation in the heated towel rail: reasons

Having completed all the procedures to remove blockages and dirt, the device is still cold. Then everything indicates a lack of coolant circulation inside the device. This problem is the most difficult, as it requires turning off the entire heating system and removing the device.

A special pump, which is designed specifically for these purposes, will also help cope with the circulation in the device. Also, the reason for the lack of circulation is not correct connection or simply a lack of water in the system.

Each breakdown has its own characteristics, so repairs are carried out individually. If there is no circulation in the device, this may be due to several reasons.

Reasons for lack of circulation in the device:

  • The device was installed on hot pipe not correct, namely there is no return;
  • The heated towel rail was installed on the hot return pipe;
  • The return line was placed above the level of the device itself.

If the breakdown is due to at least one of these reasons, then you need to make some changes in the installation, and this will cost you a significant amount. The easiest way would be to simply change the water fixture to an electric one.

Any equipment can fail, and a heated towel rail in this case- not an exception. It happens that hot water there is in the tap, but the specified device remains cold. Usually you can correct the situation without calling the experts. The main thing is to correctly determine the cause of the breakdown.

The heated towel rail has stopped working - what's wrong?

As you know, there are two types of heated towel rails - electric and water. First, let's try to figure out the water ones, which are more popular and in demand. In addition to their low cost, such units differ high reliability, so technical problems are very rare. But if you notice that the heated towel rail in the bathroom does not heat, most often this is due to the air in the device.

To fix the problem, you will need a special air vent, which is designed to remove air pockets. This device even has a special name – the Mayevsky crane. So, let's try to remove excess air from the system. To do this, we perform actions in accordance with the following algorithm:

  • completely unscrew the Mayevsky tap;
  • open it up shut-off valves located on the water heated towel rail;
  • We wait until the excess air comes out of the tap completely. A signal that the air has run out is the appearance of a small stream of water;
  • screw the Mayevsky tap back tightly.

As a rule, removing the air allows the heated towel rail to resume normal operation. After all, air is an insurmountable barrier to water in confined spaces. As is known, water flow chooses the trajectory with the least resistance. Therefore, if there are air pockets, hot water simply does not enter the heated towel rail system, which leads to its cooling.

However, the heated towel rail in the bathroom may not heat for other reasons; sometimes even removing air pockets does not help. This happens in cases where the device is directly connected to the heating system of your apartment or private house. The cause, again, may be air, but the only difference is that plugs appear throughout the entire circuit, and not specifically only in the device itself. The only difference is that the device will not be cold, it will be rather warm, room temperature.

In this case, comprehensive measures will help correct the situation. It is necessary to remove air, only from the entire circuit where hot water passes. Mayevsky taps on all existing heat exchangers, including radiators, are unscrewed, which will lead to the natural pushing of excess air to the outlet under water pressure. You can open the taps at the same time, but experts still recommend doing this sequentially, especially if you are acting alone. If the problem happened in a private house that is equipped with a boiler, then it is best to start removing air locks from there.

Reasons for lack of circulation: neighbors or housing office?

Have you removed all the plugs, but your bathroom heated towel rail still doesn't work? Let's move on to the following methods to solve the problem. It is possible that there is no hot water circulation in the device. The reason for this unpleasant phenomenon may be caused by many factors, including:

  1. 1. pipes of the wrong diameter have been installed;
  2. 2. The hot water supply circuit has been converted to open summer mode;
  3. 3. The neighbors blocked the common riser.

The connection diagram for the towel dryer provides for its installation on the hot water return flow pipe. Hot water must constantly be in motion, otherwise it will stagnate in the risers and cool. The consequence of such stagnation is cold water, which flows even when the tap is turned on hot water. Only after the cooled water has been drained does warm water begin to flow.

Naturally, the meters at this time show that hot water is being used, for which you have to pay extra money. This is a reason for a complaint to the housing office, whose specialists must as soon as possible rectify the situation. There is another reason for the lack of heat in the heated towel rail. Often, the housing office turns off the return flow in the hot water supply circuit, motivating their actions by switching to summer mode, while saving on heating water flow. And since heated towel rails are usually connected to the return line, they are instantly cooled, even if hot water comes from the taps. Again, without complaints to the housing and communal services sector, it will be very difficult to solve such a problem.

However cold heated towel rail is not always the merit of the housing office. In some cases, the problem is caused by neighbors who are connected to the same riser as you. In some multi-storey buildings, devices for drying towels and other items of clothing are part of the main line. If you try to remove such a device for the purpose of cleaning or removing blockages, the result will be the cessation of activity of the entire circuit. Even knowing about such consequences, many try to fix the problem using these methods, while forgetting about disconnecting the pipes. This will ensure normal water circulation around the apartment. If you do not do this, then the operation of the hot water system is disrupted, and the heated towel rail does not heat. And all the neighbors at the same time.

But you shouldn’t blame your neighbors and housing office representatives for all your troubles. If your apartment has incorrectly selected outlets for the pipes from the main line, this may also disrupt the operation of the heated towel rail. As practice shows, the cross-section of the pipes should be smaller than the main line. This helps to quickly and easily overcome linear resistance and create the necessary pressure. Otherwise, the flow will go along the main line, bypassing the heated towel rail, choosing less resistance.

Finally, we note that a cold heated towel rail can be a consequence of the design of the device itself. For example, the heat exchanger is connected from below, but is vertically elongated. In this case, hot water flows only to the lower part of the device, but simply cannot reach the upper slats due to lack of pressure. Fortunately, such problems arise only with low-quality and cheap units, since modern devices have excellent balance.

System clogging and breakdowns - mechanical defects

Sometimes the cause of device failure is mechanical faults, for example, breakdown of shut-off valves. Ball valves, although made of durable and strong metal, can break and crack over time. In this case, there is only one way out - replacing the faulty equipment. It’s very difficult to do it on your own; it’s much easier to turn to a plumber who will do all the work quickly and efficiently.

A heated towel rail can also become cold due to clogging of the entire system. This phenomenon is typical for houses with low quality water, which contains salts and metal impurities in large quantities. As a result, build-up and contaminants form, which reduces the coolant pressure in the device.

If replacing the components of a heated towel rail is quite problematic, cleaning the system is much easier. It is necessary to ensure the availability of special chemicals, which are poured into the unit itself. After a certain time chemical mixture is completely removed. All that remains is to carefully clean the pipe cavities using a metal brush or wire, as well as a stream of water under enormous pressure.

Electric heated towel rails - is it difficult to replace heating elements?

Electrical appliances come in two main types - cable and those equipped with tubular electric heaters. If the cable heated towel rail is cold, then most likely it will not be possible to repair it; the only way out is to replace the equipment with another one. The situation is much simpler in the case of electric heaters. You should know that the heating element is located at the bottom of the equipment, so access to it is not limited in any way.

A heating element heated towel rail may not heat due to a lack of coolant, as well as due to natural wear and tear. Its design consists of the following elements:

  • tubular heater;
  • quartz sand located in a tube;
  • spiral in the sand.

The spiral is necessary to heat the sand, which transmits thermal energy directly to the handset. This is how water is heated, while the coil is always in a cooled state. The lack of coolant causes the spiral to fail due to melting and overheating. In working condition, the heating element must always be in water. If there is a problem, you can purchase another heater and install it - this is a fairly quick and simple operation.

Heated towel rails are one of those devices that, it would seem, are not very important, but you can’t do without them in everyday life. There is a coil in every bathroom, and it is this coil that provides the owners of the home with warm towels.

In addition to drying towels and other small items, the heated towel rail supports comfortable temperature in the bathroom during the cold season.

Like any other appliance, heated towel rails can break down. It's very unpleasant when in the middle of heating season the coil turns out to be cold.

What are the causes of the breakdown, and what should be done to fix it? First, it’s worth understanding what a heated towel rail is and how it works.

Contents of the article:

Heated towel rail device

The device is a curved metal structure, which performs the function of heating the bathroom.

Heated towel rails are divided into two main types:

So, what to do if your heated towel rail fails? First of all, you need to understand the cause of the breakdown.

Main causes of failure

If the device is powered by electricity, most likely the cause of the malfunction should be sought in its device; it may be clogged. It's also worth checking the outlet. In bathroom high level humidity, so it is possible that the socket is faulty.

To check, you need to connect the device to any working outlet. To avoid such situations, it is recommended to install moisture-resistant sockets in the bathroom.

As for the water coil, there may be several reasons for failure:

  • clogged valve or pipes of the device;
  • the tap on the heating or water supply riser is turned off;
  • the device is incorrectly connected to the common line;
  • an air lock has formed.

You can read the article about the features of electric heated towel rails for the bathroom with a thermostat.

The best models of electric heated towel rails with low energy consumption -

How to fix the problem?

So, the heated towel rail is cold. What to do? There is no need to call a plumber right away. You can fix the problem yourself. All manipulations must be done very carefully, observing safety precautions.

How to clear a clog?

If the electric heated towel rail is clogged, you must unplug it. Then unscrew the valve and clean it with a long metal wire or brush. After cleaning, you need to put the device back in place and check it by plugging it into a power outlet.

If the pipes of the water heated towel rail are clogged, you should turn off the tap on the pipe and remove the device. To drain the remaining water, it is better to place the coil in the bathtub. After removing the liquid, use a thick cable to clean all sections of the pipe. For best effectiveness, you can shake the device over the bathtub.

It happens that when cleaning the water coil, a hard coating is found on the internal walls pipes In this case, you will have to use hydrochloric acid. The solution must be poured into the device and left to act for 10 minutes. After this time, it is necessary to rinse the coil under running water.

How to get rid of an air lock?

To bleed the air plug, you need to find a hole for releasing air and unscrew the bolt that closes it half a turn with a screwdriver. After this you need to wait. When water starts dripping from the hole, screw the bolt into place. After this, you can mount the device and check its operation.

If there is more serious problem, requiring replacement of pipes or in the case where the heated towel rail was initially installed incorrectly, you should contact plumbing repair specialists. But in most situations, the breakdown can be fixed on your own.

Choosing the right heated towel rail can save you from problems in the future. When purchasing a device, you should pay attention to the manufacturer's documentation. The unit must be accompanied by a technical passport and a warranty card.

The kit should also include a hygienic passport of the product. Even if the heated towel rail meets all standards, it is not insured against breakdown. But using detailed instructions, anyone can fix the problem and extend the service life of the device.

There is a heated towel rail in every home. This part prevents mold, mildew and condensation from appearing in the bathroom, and also serves as a dryer for towels and other things. But sometimes it happens that the heated towel rail does not heat up or even becomes cold. And there are several reasons for this, which we will discuss below.

Why is the heated towel rail cold? As you know, models come in two varieties - electric and water. And if the lack of heat in the first case may be due to a lack of power or equipment failure, then in the second case everything is much more interesting.

Why is the heated towel rail cold, but the water comes out hot? Water options may stop heating for a number of reasons. And below we will talk about this in more detail.

The device does not heat up

The heated towel rail does not work after turning off the hot water quite often. It only gets there when the tap is open. In such situations, it is unlikely that it will be possible to fix the breakdown, and the best option will be replacing the water device with an electric model.

Hot water flows, but the heated towel rail does not heat

Why doesn't my heated towel rail heat up? The reason in most cases is the presence of traffic jams and blockages. Most consumers have installed heated towel rails quite a long time ago, and accordingly they are unlikely to realize that this device needs to be cleaned on a regular basis.

Why is the heated towel rail in the bathroom cold? If a malfunction occurs, it will not be enough to bleed air. You will need to close the water supply tap, dismantle the device, clean it using a wire with a brush at the end, and then flush the system.

Important! If the heated towel rail does not heat up, you will need to use not ordinary tap water, but a solution of hydrochloric acid. It is poured into the system for a certain time, and then drained. The acid softens the remaining sediment, making it easy to remove after draining.

After carrying out the indicated procedures, the heated towel rail is installed in place and connected to the system, and then the water supply tap is opened and the device should begin to warm up.

No circulation

The reasons for a cold heated towel rail in the bathroom can be different. Sometimes appliances stop giving off heat due to incorrect connection to the public highway. Most often this happens when connecting to old thermal communications, where everyone changes the principle of connecting to the riser, guided by the reason “It’s so convenient for me.” In such cases, you will need to contact the Housing Office, since it is unlikely that you will be able to fix everything yourself.

How to tell if a device can be repaired

What to do if the heated towel rail in the bathroom does not work? Having determined the source of the problem, you will need to repair the device as soon as possible. But it is recommended to do this yourself only in situations where you have the appropriate knowledge and skills. And if there are none, then you will need to urgently contact a specialist who will restore the operation of the device again by eliminating the malfunction.

In other cases, the consequences can be more than dire. Breakthroughs are possible, as a result of which your apartment will fill with hot water, and water will also begin to drip from the ceiling of your neighbors living below.

Features of repair work

Why does the water heated towel rail in the bathroom not work? If you decide to fix the problem yourself, you will need to prepare necessary tools and begin repairing the device, the progress of which will depend on the type of breakdown.

  1. Electric heated towel rail clogged. If there is no circulation in the heated towel rail, in such a situation it will be necessary to produce a cold heated towel rail in the bathroom. He disconnects from electrical network, and then removed from the wall. Then you need to unscrew the valve and thoroughly clean the device using metal wire, with further cleaning of the pipe area located at the beginning. After completing this procedure, you can return the heated towel rail to its original position to check its functionality. If everything is normal, then you can use the device to its full potential and enjoy optimal temperature conditions In bathroom.
  2. The water pipes are clogged. If the heated towel rail is cold, although there is hot water, in this case you will also need to remove the device to drain the remaining water from it. And then you should start cleaning, as we have already discussed above in the text.
  3. The appearance of an air lock. In such a situation, you will need to bleed air from the device using a Mayevsky tap. For these purposes, it is necessary to find the same crane by partially dismantling the structure. To do this, you need to take a screwdriver and slightly unscrew the bolt so that the air begins to escape. After this process is completed, water will begin to flow from the tap, which will indicate that the air lock has been successfully removed. At the final stage, you just need to return all the structural elements to their original places and check for functionality.

The Mayevsky faucet is located at the top under a decorative cap.

Various incidents happen in everyday life, for example, you go into the bathroom, and it’s fresh and damp. You start looking for the reason and then you realize – the heated towel rail is cold, what to do? It all depends on your skill. If you are a jack of all trades, then this trouble is nothing for you. You determine the cause of the breakdown and, without an ounce of doubt, begin to eliminate it. But what about those who have a heating system and hot water supply? For those who want to do everything on their own, but don’t know where to start, our article will be very interesting. In it we talk about possible reasons lack of heat in the heated towel rail and options for eliminating them. For all other non-masters, there is only one piece of advice - call a specialist, he will know what to do.

The heated towel rail in the bathroom is not heating, maybe the air?

First, let's look at the water towels. After you have changed the heated towel rail, you need to put it into operation, and do it correctly. Otherwise, a problem may arise in which the heated towel rail is cold. What should I do to rid myself of it? First of all, you need to check the heat exchanger for air. Each model must have an air vent, a Mayevsky valve. It serves to remove air pockets.

If there is an air lock in the circuit, then it becomes an insurmountable obstacle to the flow of water. She hits the air like stone wall and its further circulation stops. So, if the heated towel rail does not heat, what should you do? It's quite simple:

  • open the Mayevsky tap completely;
  • open the shut-off valve on the heated towel rail;
  • you wait for a small stream of water to flow from Mayevsky’s tap;
  • shut off the air vent.

The job is done, the air has been removed from the heat exchanger. Why is the air so dangerous? It creates resistance to flow, and, as you know, water moves along the path of least resistance. This property must also be taken into account when calculating the diameters of pipes used for outlets from the riser and in the manufacture of heated towel rails. Let's consider the situation when the air is released, but the heated towel rail still does not heat, what should we do next?

Most likely, this option is possible if the towel is connected to the heating system. So why is there a cold heated towel rail in the bathroom? Where to look for the reason? You need to understand that air could collect not only in the heat exchanger, but in any other part of the circuit. In this case, it is not surprising that the heat exchanger remains at room temperature, because in the absence of a regular supply of hot water, there is nothing to heat there. Therefore, it is natural that the question arises: “Why is there a cold heated towel rail in the bathroom?”

In this case, only complex events to remove air pockets from the entire circuit. To do this, the air vents in each heat exchanger come off, and the pressure of the water flow itself pushes the air to the outlet. You can open all Mayevsky taps at the same time, or separately in each battery in turn from the boiler. By the way, airing is also possible in the boiler, so it’s best to start there.

There is no circulation in the DHW or heating circuit

An example of how a heated towel rail can be an integral part of a circuit.

Why doesn't the heated towel rail in the bathroom heat up due to air? It’s simple, it becomes the reason that hot water does not flow into the heat exchanger, and accordingly, the circulation is disrupted, or rather, completely absent. If after all the measures to remove air the towel remains cold, then you need to move on to more global measures.

Why the heated towel rail in the bathroom does not heat, we determine the reasons for the lack of circulation:

  • respected neighbors stopped the riser;
  • The housing office switched the hot water supply circuit to summer (open) mode;
  • incorrectly selected diameter of branches from the main line.

Now, first things first: why is the heated towel rail cold? The heat exchanger in the bathroom is installed on the DHW return flow pipe. Yes, the hot water supply, if it is correct, should always be circulating, as well as heating. This is done to ensure that the water does not stagnate in the risers and does not cool down. Otherwise, when you open the tap, you will have to drain all the cooled water in the riser and only then will the warm water flow in. If there are meters, then this is at least a pointless waste of your money.

In this case, you can safely write a statement to the Housing Office that your heated towel rail in the bathroom is not heating. They are obliged to take action. Eat different variants distribution of hot water pipes, with one of them heated towel rails are part of the main line. If you remove them, you understand, the circuit will simply stop. Despite the adventurous nature of the idea, some still go so far as to completely remove the heated towel rail. At the same time, they sometimes forget that all the pipes need to be connected so that hot water can circulate around their apartment. After this, the neighbors' heated towel rail does not work. And not just one or two, but all of them at once.

In addition to careless neighbors, the housing office itself can also “plant the pig.” At the same time, everything is on legally, with wet seals and with the approval of the city administration, in general, you won’t be able to undermine it.

They simply switch the system to summer mode, thereby saving fuel on water heating. They turn off the return flow in the DHW circuit. The trouble is that, according to the rules and regulations, there are all heated towel rails on it, which eventually become cold. It seems like there is hot water, but it’s of little use. This is if you do not take into account that the ladder does not heat the heated towel rail due to the complete lack of hot water. After all, they can turn it off for a week for professional work, or they can cut it off for the whole summer. They probably care about the health of the nation, to toughen up and strengthen the immune system: “If you want to be healthy, toughen up.”

Another reason why the heated towel rail does not heat is incorrectly selected pipes for outlets from the main. Definitely, the pipes extending from the main should be of a smaller diameter, but not too much. Optimally, one step less. In this case, hot water will easily overcome the linear resistance and enter the heated towel rail. If the diameter of the pipe is too small, then the water will simply follow the path of less resistance and flow through the main line.

If the heated towel rail is cold, then the reasons may lie in the design of the heat exchanger itself. Let’s say that if the towel has a bottom connection and is extended in a vertical plane, then the water pressure may not be enough to lift the coolant to the very top of the heat exchanger. Although this may more likely apply to hastily assembled homemade towels, factory models are balanced. If the problem is with the factory coil, then it can be solved by installing a circulation pump.

System failure or blockage

The ball valve, although metal, is still not eternal.

In addition to everything that has already been said, the reason why the heated towel rail does not work may be two factors:

  • breakdown of shut-off valves;
  • clogging.

Any equipment has its own resource, and ball valves can fail. In addition, the composition of the water plays a big role. If the quality of the coolant is low and it contains a lot of impurities of metals, salts and other things harmful to the circuit, then it is likely that this can lead to the formation of pollution. As a result, the water heated towel rail does not work. What options might there be? There is nothing else left but:

  • replace faulty ball valves;
  • clean the system.

Both the first and the second cannot be done without the employees of the housing office servicing your multi-storey building. If you live in a private house, then most likely the towel is connected to the heating. If you have a pump for hydraulic testing, you can clean the circuit yourself, but only chemical method. We have already described what types there are in one of the previous articles.

Why doesn't the electric heated towel rail heat up?

Heating element for electric heated towel rail with thermostat.

We have already looked at why a water heated towel rail does not work, now let’s look at electric towel rails. They are:

  • ten;
  • cable

If the cable heated towel rail stops heating, then most likely it will need to be completely replaced. You can try to install a new cable, but not every design will allow this. With heating element models it is a little easier, because the heating element is located at the bottom of the heat exchanger. It heats the coolant (water or antifreeze), which transfers its heat to the metal tube.

The reason may be either that it has exhausted its service life or the lack of coolant. Ten is made as follows:

  • a tube;
  • quartz sand in the tube;
  • spiral in the sand.

If the electric heated towel rail does not heat up, it means that the heating element is most likely burned out.

The spiral heats the sand, which transfers heat to the tube, and it, in turn, heats the coolant. Thus, the spiral is always cooled. If there is no coolant, the coil will overheat and simply melt (burn out). Therefore, the heating element should always be completely immersed in the liquid; even a small area not immersed in water is enough for the spiral to burn out in that exact place. You can buy a new heating element and screw it into the heat exchanger.

In addition, if the heated towel rail stops heating, you need to check whether it is connected to the network, or maybe the thermostat is set to the “off” position. In addition, there is an on/off timer, there may be a problem with it. As in any other electrical appliance, the reason may lie in some little thing, for example, the contact has moved away. Regarding electric heaters for sure the best option will turn to a person who knows. As they say: “If you don’t know the ford, don’t go into the water.”

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