Do-it-yourself well cleaning: an overview of common causes of blockages and the best cleaning methods. Pump for cleaning sand from a well Cleaning a well with your own

A well becomes clogged for various reasons; in some situations, you may need to flush it yourself to remove silt, sediment and rust. Cleaning is carried out in various ways; you can do it yourself without the help of professionals.

Types of wells

There are 2 types of wells:

  • with the same diameter at each depth level;
  • with a filter that is larger in diameter than the well.

The first option is easier to make and use, so it is more common. In this design, the pump is lowered directly to the source. Thanks to this arrangement of the device, silt does not settle or collect inside. But even in this case, contamination cannot be ruled out if water pumping is poor.

The second option is not so common; its design uses an additional filter; it is located at the bottom of the well and does not make it possible to lower the pump deep enough to place it directly at the source.

What are the causes of blockage?

There are many reasons for clogging of a structure, the most common include:

  1. Incorrect installation. If the pipe is positioned incorrectly or its installation technology is violated, a blockage occurs. Often the pipe is installed behind the water source, and then clogging occurs. To avoid this situation, a special filter is used to purify the incoming water.
  2. Application of a rotary pump. This is the most popular device for pumping water, but its use leads to the fact that the well quickly fills with silt. This happens when the device is immersed to a depth of more than 10 m.
  3. Using a vibration device. This type of device collects water from the top, leaving deposits of fine sand, rocks and silt at the bottom.
  4. The well has not been used for a long time. In this case, you should turn on the pump several times a month to drain some of the water - this will help avoid clogging. An alternative would be to use well water more frequently.

Cleaning methods

There are situations when it is not possible to do without the help of specialists, since the blockage is complex. But most often you can clean the well yourself. For this you can use:

  • electric compressor;
  • bailer;
  • chemicals;
  • one or two pumps.

After drilling, stagnation is a common occurrence, so it is recommended to install a filter. If the installation of the water supply is carried out according to a correctly designed scheme, then problems with blockages will not arise often.

Using a filter

This design should have a device that helps further purify the water and prevent clogging. This device looks like a small hole that is located at the bottom of the water supply pipe. It allows small particles and water to pass through, but retains large debris, preventing the well from clogging. There are filters that have 2 pipes of different diameters, each of them has a hole.

Using a bailer

The bailer is a steel pipe approximately 1-1.5 m long. It has a valve at one end and a lever-eye at the other. This method is used when cleaning sand that accumulates in a water supply pipe; it can also be used to remove compressed deposits and small stones remaining in the pipe. But the bailer is useless in the case when it is necessary to remove the sludge that has accumulated in the filter.

The valve is a steel ball; it is held in place by a special washer attached to threaded connections. To get maximum results, it is recommended to completely pump out the water from the casing. The bailer sinks to the bottom with a sharp movement. As soon as the pipe hits the sand, the valve will open and capture some of the accumulated debris. The bailer is removed and the sand is shaken out of it. This process is repeated several times until the cleaning is complete.

To speed up the process, it is recommended to use a winch, since the pipe is quite heavy and it is inconvenient to use even with two people. A ready-made bailer can be purchased at a special store, rented, or made with your own hands. The projectile should be used with caution, as it can damage the filter mesh. When the layer of dirt does not exceed a few centimeters in thickness, it is better to remove the residue using another method, without using impact force.

How to clean a well with a deep vibration pump

Cleaning a well from silt and sand can be done using a special or simple pump. A special device is designed to remove debris and sand from water. To carry out the procedure, you need to follow the rules:

  • the hydraulic machine is lowered to the bottom of the structure and then started;
  • as soon as the device starts working, a whirlpool will appear into which small debris will be drawn in (this option is also suitable for those who want to remove clay deposits from the well that pollute the water);
  • For the process to proceed correctly, the pump should be cleaned with clean water;
  • the pump must be turned off periodically to avoid overheating.

The “Malish” pump is used when the well depth is no more than 40 m.

How to clean a well with two pumps

To carry out such cleaning, you should prepare a container that can hold at least 200 liters of water. The pump is immersed in such a container, and its hose is lowered to the bottom of the well. Water is supplied from the container, which helps to wash away the sediment at the bottom, mixing it with water.

The resulting mud mixture is removed using a vibration pump. This method has advantages over others, since it allows you to additionally rinse the filters thanks to the active supply of water under pressure. If the contamination is strong, you will have to use more water and rinse several times. This approach allows you to completely remove sediment, sand and small debris, which will allow you to use the well for a long time.

Cleaning with an air compressor

This method is most effective for clearing a well of silt and sand deposits. To carry out cleaning, you must perform the following steps:

  • a pipe is immersed in the well; it should not reach the bottom by about 0.5 m;
  • a hose is attached to the pipe, which is attached to the compressor;
  • as soon as the compressor is turned on, a stream of air will begin to flow from the hose under pressure, thereby lifting all the sediment and pushing the water, along with silt and sand, upward.

Compared to a pump, this method makes the cleaning procedure faster and easier.

How to clean with acid

For DIY cleansing, strong chemical-based products can be used. Most often, food acids are used for cleansing: citric, sorbic and ascorbic have worked well.

The easiest way is to use citric acid, as it is sold in any store. About 1.5-2 kg of acid is enough for a well. The substance is poured into the well and left to react for several days. The acid attacks the sludge and eats it away. Once the structure is cleaned, you can drink the water within 2-3 hours.

Cleaning using an air lift

Another method for cleaning a well involves the use of a water riser pipe. The lower part is immersed in the well, and then air is supplied from the compressor, which creates a mixture of foam and air. During the cleaning process, it is necessary to ensure that the water level is always sufficient. Contaminated water enters the pipe and rises through it.

The easiest way to clean a well

The simplest option for removing silt and sand from a well involves using only a vibration pump. This procedure is labor-intensive and time-consuming. Its principle is to lift sediments and mix them with water, and then remove the contaminated water. To carry out cleaning in this way, you will need a cord or cable to which the pin is attached; there must be a nut on it. By rising and falling, this device will loosen sand and silt, mixing them with water.

How not to damage the well during the cleaning process

To prevent the well from being damaged during the cleaning process, you should not use devices that can damage the walls of the casing pipe. It is worth giving preference to devices that are specifically designed to remove sediment. The pump should not be left in operation unattended, and the water level should be monitored.

Self-cleaning is only possible if there is no large debris or metal objects in the well. In case of complex contamination, you should seek help from special companies.

In cases where centralized water supply is not available, a water well is an excellent alternative. This is a constantly available source of water, both for watering the site and for domestic needs. However, sometimes the well can become clogged and stop working.

The reason for this may be the initial incorrect installation of equipment, so only major repairs of wells can help. But, much more often, this happens due to simple blockage caused by infrequent use. Some people call specialists in such cases, but their services are expensive. However, it is quite possible to deal with the blockage with your own hands, especially since it does not require any special skills.

One of the most common causes of clogging is irregular use of the well. This is especially true for those who use this source of water only in spring and summer, and live in the city during the autumn and winter months. During downtime, sediment from particles of rust, silt and sand accumulates at the bottom, which clogs the filters.

The second most common cause is external pollution. Debris gets into the wellhead, the edges crumble and other factors.

In third place are two possible causes of clogging. One of them is a filter smaller than the pipe size. In this case, the pump cannot be lowered to the required level and the filter gradually becomes clogged. A similar situation can be observed when using rotary pumps, which can supply water from a depth of no more than eight meters.

Well cleaning options

There are several main ways to clean a well, each with its own pros and cons.

  • Using a conventional vibration pump is the easiest way, but can lead to premature wear of the device. This is due to sand particles, which can significantly reduce the life of the piston and shut-off valve.
  • Cleaning a well with a bailer is the most labor-intensive method, but it guarantees good results.
  • Cleaning using the pumping method requires two pumps, so this method is the most expensive.
  • Using an airlift - the method involves cleaning the barrel with compressed air.

Cleaning and disinfection with acids

It is believed that the best way to clean a water well is with the help of chemical reagents. The most popular are various acids, such as hydrochloric acid solution.

However, cleaning a well with such substances on your own is not an easy task. The fact is that without special training, such actions can damage the equipment and also harm your health. Also, an important role is played by the fact that getting a sufficient amount of the required acid is not the easiest thing. Therefore, washing with chemicals is the job of professionals. The methods presented below are no less effective, but do not require special skills.

Cleaning a well with a pump with a bottom intake

This method, which is known as well pumping, is usually used immediately after drilling is completed. However, it is also well suited for subsequent cleaning.

If you have a drainage or sewage pump, then the process of cleaning the well is greatly simplified. These devices are especially good because they can pass through fractions up to three centimeters long. For cleaning you will need:

  • Pump.
  • Discharge hose.
  • Cable.

A small metal rod or bracket, securely attached to the bottom of the device, will be a good help - they will break up dense layers of contamination.

You should proceed in this order:

  • The pump, attached to a cable (preferably steel), is lowered down until it touches the contamination.
  • The pump is connected to the power supply.
  • Lightly pump the pump up and down to loosen the sediment.

An indicator that the blockage is being cleared will be the flow of water with dirt and silt supplied by the pump.

If there is no device with a lower intake, and the well is shallow, you can get by with a regular vibration pump, the “baby” type, to which the pump is connected.

In this case, it is to the pump that the improvised “baking powder” will be attached.

The procedure is the same as above. It is worth noting that the device must be constantly in water so as not to overheat.

It is also very important not to let go of the cable and monitor its tension. It is not uncommon for sand accumulated at the bottom of a trunk to turn into quicksand. As a result, the surprised owner discovers that the pump is stuck in the well.

Flushing a well with two pumps

Cleaning wells using two devices is quite expensive, but is highly effective. In addition, it works by washing away sand and silt particles. You will need:

  • Water barrel, volume of at least two hundred liters.
  • A bucket with small holes drilled in it.
  • Submersible and centrifugal pumps.
  • Two hoses.
  • A couple of pieces of reinforcement.
  • Clamps.
  • Cable.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. The submersible pump is lowered down and fixed at a height of about fifty centimeters above the blockage.
  2. The discharge hose is lowered into the barrel, after which it is filled with water to the very top.
  3. A bucket with holes is installed in the barrel, and a centrifugal pump is installed in it.
  4. Pins from the fittings are installed on the discharge hose of the centrifugal pump using clamps. It is necessary that they protrude ten to twenty centimeters beyond the edge of the hose. After this, the hose, with an improvised baking powder, sinks to the bottom.
  5. Both devices need to be turned on, and the hose with fittings must be swung up and down. At the same time, the blockage will be cleared due to the pressure of water and the mechanical destruction of the resulting plug.

It is worth monitoring the water level in the barrel by periodically turning off or turning on one of the pumps.

Using an airlift for flushing

This method of removing blockages involves using the so-called “air lift”, from the English “air lift”, that is, “air rise”. It works due to the fact that water, with the help of air, begins to flow upward, and this draws sand and silt from the bottom.

For such cleaning you will need:

  • Air compressor at twelve atmospheres.
  • Water in large quantities to create the necessary pressure.
  • Metal pipe, six centimeters in diameter and one meter long. An outlet for the air duct is installed in it, at a distance of 25 centimeters from one edge.
  • Air hose.
  • Water hose.

The principle of operation of the airlift: water flows upward with the help of air, drawing sand and silt with it.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. The air hose is attached to the compressor and to the outlet.
  2. The second hose is fixed at the opposite end of the pipe.
  3. This structure is lowered into the lower part of the trunk, plunging several centimeters into the silt. It is very important that the end with the duct points down and not up.
  4. The second hose is led out.
  5. After this, the well should be filled with water and its level maintained so that the necessary pressure is created.

After turning on the compressor, water will circulate, which will wash away silt and sand. As a result, dirt will come out.

Removing blockage with a bailer

Cleaning wells using this method is one of the simplest; you only need a bailer and a steel cable. However, it requires significant physical effort - it is manual labor.

A bailer is a special tool designed specifically for cleaning and can be easily purchased. Although, if desired, you can make it yourself, fortunately there are many variations of this device.

Cleaning with a bailer requires significant physical effort. This is manual, monotonous work.

Below is one of the most entertaining and durable examples:

  1. You need to take a piece of pipe sixty centimeters long.
  2. A disk is welded inside the pipe, near its end, in which there should be a hole with a diameter two times smaller than the diameter of the pipe itself.
  3. At this end of the pipe, teeth are cut that will break the blockage.
  4. A metal ball with a diameter of three-quarters of the pipe diameter is placed in the pipe.
  5. A metal mesh is welded onto the top of the pipe.
  6. A handle is installed to which the cable will be attached.

After this, the bailer is secured to a cable and lowered into the wellbore. Then comes the time of monotonous work - you need to lift and throw down the bailer, periodically pulling it up and cleaning it from the dirt accumulated inside.

Cleaning occurs due to the fact that during descent the metal ball will fall a little slower. Thus, dirt, along with water, will have time to penetrate inside the pipe before the ball closes the hole.

Prices for work and materials

Let's look at the approximate cost of the materials we will need. In almost all cases, you will need a metal cable, which costs about two thousand rubles per reel:

  • A drainage pump with bottom water intake costs about sixteen thousand rubles.
  • A centrifugal pump costs approx. seven thousand rubles, and vibration in the area two thousand. A water barrel will cost the amount from six hundred to one thousand rubles.
  • The compressor will cost no more than six thousand rubles. The pipe will cost 200-300 rubles.
  • A ready-made bailer costs in the range from ten to twenty thousand rubles. Manual production, if tools are available, will cost three thousand rubles. Or, only at the price of electricity, since there are manufacturing methods that require only a drill. If desired, you can find old pipes, as long as they are strong enough.


All these methods are quite simple and do not require large finances - almost always the necessary tools are at hand. Moreover, it will cost much less, not to mention the time that will have to be spent waiting for repairmen.

It is almost always possible to deal with a blockage on your own and there is no need to call in specialists. However, you need to be careful, because well repair is an expensive proposition.

In order to have clean water in your home, it is necessary to carry out preventive maintenance of the well. Symptoms of fluid contamination are a clear decrease in flow rate, the appearance of an odor and an unpleasant taste.

A sign of clogging is the presence of microparticles of sand and dirt. A natural question arises about cleaning wells.

If a cloudy liquid appears and its drinking qualities deteriorate, urgent cleaning and flushing of the well is necessary. First of all, the reasons for this process should be determined.

Natural factors:

  • silt formed at the bottom;
  • a nearby body of water;
  • proximity to peat bogs.

Artificial ones include:

  • pollution of the surrounding area;
  • long service life;
  • corrosion of pipes and breakdown of pumping equipment.

Only after studying the causes of contamination do they begin cleaning. The main problem is siltation of the bottom due to improper design of the source, which is discovered only during operation.

Initially, the correct connection of the structural elements, their tightness, and the location of the pumping equipment are checked. At the bottom of the shaft, the correct installation of bottom and mechanical filters and their compliance with the dimensions of the pipes are examined. If they are installed incorrectly, sand impurities may get into the water used, which requires cleaning the well.

The causes of pollution are also determined by the type of source. The most common are its sandy types, drilled to a depth of 10 meters. The water in them is purified naturally - through fine gravel and sand at the bottom. This type of mine silts up quite quickly. A sand mule accumulates at the bottom, which becomes dense and does not allow liquid to pass to the surface.

In a sand well, seasonal changes occur in the water level and its composition. Microorganisms enter the well from the surface, leading to bacterial contamination. In this case, a laboratory study of the quality of the liquid is carried out. It may look normal but harbor dangerous microorganisms.

Artesian waters reach the limestone aquifers. They are located at a depth of more than 50 meters, where viruses and harmful bacteria cannot exist. Products of human pollution (chemical, industrial waste, etc.) do not penetrate to such a depth.

If the mine is sealed and no water from the upper aquifers enters it, it is not subject to contamination. A deep pump is installed at the bottom to prevent the formation of silt. Cleaning of artesian springs is extremely rarely necessary for the following reasons:

  • improper packing;
  • the use of rotary pumps and their shallow immersion. They do not reach the bottom and cannot prevent the formation of silt there;
  • different diameters of pipes and filter, leading to its clogging. This causes a decrease in the volume of water;
  • stagnation of fluid due to insufficient pumping. Small particles of sand and rust settle.

Regardless of the type of sources, they all become polluted over time. Some after a few years, others after tens. Therefore, it is recommended to explore existing options for cleaning a drilled shaft.

How to clean silt and sand with your own hands: methods

The choice of cleaning method is influenced by the depth of the source and the characteristics of the soil around it. The characteristics of the soil near the mine can lead to deterioration in water quality. Long-term use may cause the source to become unusable. In this case, it is necessary to drill a new well. The source and groundwater that enters the aquifer are polluted.

Well cleaning begins with determining the feasibility of the work. If the reasons can be eliminated on your own, for example, due to a collapse of soil, the simplest method is used.


They use a device with a power of 12 atmospheres. Pipes of smaller diameter than the shaft itself are used. The order of work is as follows:

  1. All pipeline elements are connected and installed on the bottom.
  2. The upper end of this structure is securely fixed so that it is not pushed to the surface when the compressor is operating.
  3. A vacuum adapter is mounted on the pipe.
  4. Pump up the compressor.
  5. Let air into the pipe through a hose attached to the adapter.
  6. Repeat up to 4-5 times.

As a result of these actions, dirt from the bottom will be squeezed out by air. It will begin to exit through the free space between the installed pipeline and the shaft.

If blowing with air does not help clean the source, the procedure is repeated, but using flushing of the well with water. The same installed pipeline with an adapter is used.

A large filled container is placed next to the well. A water compressor forces this water under pressure into the shaft. The jet will push up dirt, splashing everything around. It should be cleaned until dirt stops coming out of it and goes away.

Blowing and washing helps clear the mine in the country from silt and sand. To clean filters from salt deposits, other methods are needed.

Flushing with a submersible and vibration pump

This method is more accurate and clean in operation. The pumped out liquid is drained to a convenient place. As a result, there is no dirt in the courtyard of a country house.

Select a pump for pumping out dirty, silted liquid with the ability to suck in solid microparticles. This unit allows you to remove sand and small pebbles from the bottom.

Clean the shaft using a submersible pump as follows:

  1. It is secured to the surface with a strong cable, since during operation it is sucked into the silt, from which the unit must be pulled out. The cord that comes with the pump does not always cope with this task.
  2. The pump is lowered to the very bottom several times, shaking up the sediment.
  3. After installing the unit closer to the bottom, it is turned on and the process of pumping out the liquid is controlled.

Further actions depend on the pump model. If there is an automatic system, it will turn itself off after pumping out the liquid. Other types must be turned off manually, as the motor may burn out when running idle.

The submersible pump can be replaced with a vibration pump. The principle of its operation is the same. The only difference is the need to regularly wash the unit and monitor the heating of the housing so that it does not burn out. To ensure the pumping process, two large tanks or other containers should be prepared into which the hoses are inserted.

Important: The vibration pump should be flushed regularly as it is not designed to operate in heavily contaminated water. This will eliminate the possibility of clogging and overheating.

With a bailer

It is considered the most reliable, but quite labor-intensive method. It is used when the shaft is shallow and there is minor clogging, otherwise its use is ineffective.

For example, to clean a 30-meter well, an additional winch device and the effort of two people are required.

This product is a piece of pipe with a valve at the lower end and a cable with a mesh at the top. You can make it yourself or buy it ready-made.

The operating principle is as follows: a bailer attached to a cable is lowered to the bottom, then raised 0.5 meters and sharply lowered down. Under her heavy weight she falls into the mud. The bottom valve opens and sediment from the bottom of the source enters.

These actions are performed several times, then the bailer is taken to the surface and cleaned of sand. The work is carried out until the bottom is completely cleared of silt.

Cleaning with two pumps

This method is considered the most effective. This method is carried out using two pumps: deep and self-priming. To get an excellent result, the main thing is to choose the right types. The operating process itself is slow, but the pump does not become clogged with large particles of dirt.

The essence of this method is that a vibration unit is placed at the bottom, raising the sediment to the top, and a pump working in tandem with it supplies clean water to the mine.

The work process itself is as follows:

  • A large container (up to 200 liters) is installed on the surface. At the same time, prepare a bucket with a mesh bottom, which is attached to the top of the tank;
  • one end of the hose from the pump is lowered into this small container, and the second, with an attached load, is immersed inside the source;
  • the deep pump is installed closer to the bottom of the shaft, 20-30 cm from the sediment formed there. To do this, it is lowered to the limit and raised several times. Then fixed at the desired height.
  • First turn on the vibration pump. He will draw water from the source into a prepared large container, which must be filled to capacity.
  • A pump pumps water from a barrel under pressure into the well, while the lower layer of liquid is mixed with dirt and sediment. The hose that supplies water back to the source is immersed in a bucket with a mesh. Therefore, small particles of dirt do not fall back.

Gradually, the end of the submersible apparatus hose is brought closer to the bottom. The work lasts approximately two hours.


During operation, a deposit forms on the filter installed on the bottom, which is difficult to remove mechanically. Therefore, chemical methods are used.

To destroy sediments that impede the flow of liquid, food reagents that are safe for human health, such as citric acid, are used. If the blockage is small, you can do the work yourself, otherwise it is better to involve specialists.

For chemical cleaning of wells, in addition to citric acid, other natural and low-toxic acids are used - sorbic and ascorbic. Some stabilizers and preservatives used in the food industry, such as xanthan gum and sodium benzoate, can also be used for these purposes.

For serious contamination, more effective acids are used, which have restorative and neutralizing properties. Such as sodium dithionite and hydrochloric acid. They effectively dissolve ferrous compounds on the walls of the filter and shaft.


The use of airlift is also a fairly effective method. Its essence is that compressed air is supplied into the mine under pressure, which lifts sediment from the bottom. It falls into the water and is pushed out.

This method is used to remove sand from the bottom. It does not require additional work on the installation of any devices if the source is difficult to access, for example, in a caisson or pavilion.

An ordinary pipe is placed into the source. An air compressor is used; compressed air is supplied to its lower part, located in the shaft. As a result, a foam-air mixture forms in the pipe, and under pressure it is pushed out.

It is necessary to ensure that the bottom of the water-lifting pipe is always on the sand, and that there is a sufficient level of liquid in the well itself.

Rinse with fire hose

The method is used when the well is heavily contaminated and when quick results are needed.

With the help of a fire engine, water is supplied through a hose under strong pressure into the mine. Pollution is removed almost instantly. But there is a risk of damage to filters and other components of the source structure.


The principle of application is that air under high pressure is supplied into the shaft. This can be done in several ways: regular air compressors or a specially called fire truck.

As a result of the pressure created in the barrel, water mixed with small particles of silt and sand is pushed out. Unlike flushing, blowing does not require a large amount of water. It is mainly used for shallow wells reaching 40 meters.

The disadvantage of this method is the risk of damaging the filter, which cannot be replaced with a new one. Uncontrolled release of sand may also occur.

How to choose the best way

Using one of the above options, you can get rid of mine contamination yourself at home. As a result, its flow rate is restored, and water will again flow in the required quantity.

Shallow wells are cleaned with a standard vibrator or.

If the wellbore of the source is significant, it is better to use two pumps, the so-called mechanical cleaning.

The fastest way is to clean with a fire hose. But it is also the most expensive, and can also lead to damage to the filter and barrel.


If the main source of drinking water in your country house is a well, monitor the cleanliness of the liquid in it and try to clean it regularly in a way that is accessible to you. Preventative work should be carried out regularly, and if the water pressure has decreased significantly, begin cleaning yourself, or by calling a specialist.

Less deep and expensive wells are drilled into sand. This means that their water comes from relatively shallow sandy aquifers. It is natural that the resulting water will contain silt, sand and other mechanical suspensions. Even a small amount of such impurities can quickly damage the water treatment system and household appliances. Therefore, two questions arise:

  1. How to clean water from sand from a well?
  2. If the water is too clogged with sand and silt, how to clear sand from a well?

Mechanical water filtration

To purify water from solid impurities, mechanical filters are used, which are a mandatory initial stage of any water treatment system. If the liquid contains a large number of fine particles (the water is cloudy), then a carbon or reverse osmosis purification method is suitable. A carbon or propylene filter is used to filter out particles of a larger fraction.

In case of significant sand content in the water, tubular filtration systems should be used. In them, steel tubes are equipped with meshes with gradually decreasing cell diameters. Such a system effectively retains silt, sand and other solid components, while having significant productivity.

Sometimes the problem can worsen to such an extent that the water coming from the well is very dirty; a lot of sand and silt settles at the bottom of the primary storage tank, so that the water treatment system is not able to cope with such pollution. In this case, it is necessary to figure out How clean the well from sand and silt.

Cleaning the source

Well cleaning can be done in one of three ways:

It is best to clean the well at the first sign of siltation. Otherwise, even a set of cleaning measures may not be effective, and the only solution will be to drill a new well.

1. Sandy.
The most commonly used type of well. The means of purifying water coming from the ground is sand and fine gravel laid on its bottom.
The main disadvantages of sand wells:
- water level and its chemical composition are often subject to seasonal changes;
- the formation of silt on the surface of the filter and the walls of the well, reducing the flow of water and its quality;
- the need for regular well cleaning.

2. Artesian well.
Wells of this type reach the depth of aquifers, which are located at the level of aquiferous limestone rocks. Typically, the depth of artesian wells is 50 meters or more. Since the costs of constructing an artesian well are significant, but at the same time it is capable of providing water in significant volumes, it is advisable to undertake its construction by collective forces for several houses.

There are two types of wells:
- with a straight trunk of the same diameter throughout the entire depth; several pipes of the same size, welded together, are installed in the trunk; the deep pump sinks to the very bottom, which prevents intense siltation and simplifies well cleaning using a vibration pump.
- with a filter having a diameter smaller than the size of the barrel; a pipe with small holes in the lower part is placed inside the main one.

Reasons for well siltation:

1. Errors during the construction of a well when the aquifer has not been reached.

2. Insufficiently intensive use of the well, as a result of which water stagnates in the well, sedimentation of particles of clay, silt, and rusty detachments from the pipe occurs.

3. The use of vibration pumps with top water intake or rotary pumps, which submerge only 8-10 m, does not allow pumping water from the depth of the well.

4. Filters in the form of pipes with a smaller diameter than the main pipe do not allow the deep-well pump to be lowered to their upper edge. As a result, the filter quickly becomes clogged with settled particles and the flow of water deteriorates.

Any well sooner or later (depending on the intensity of use, the quality of filters and pumps used) requires cleaning. Naturally, you should not wait until it is completely clogged; it is better to carry out preventive treatment of the source of moisture from time to time.

Methods for self-cleaning a well.

1. Using a bailer.
A reliable, although labor-intensive, method.
The bailer, attached to a cable, is lowered to the bottom of the well. Then it is raised about half a meter and abruptly released. Under the influence of her weight (considerable), she falls, biting into the mud. The valve at the bottom of the bailer opens and the agitated sediment falls inside. When the bailer is lifted, its valve closes and the collected sludge is taken out. The operation should be repeated several times until the bottom of the well is completely clear. To facilitate the procedure, it is recommended to build a gate, securing it to a tripod, it will reduce physical stress.

2. Using a vibration pump equipped with a nozzle.
This method allows you to clear the well of sediment without much physical effort. It can be used in wells of any type, especially in cases where, due to the small diameter of the pipe, it is impossible to use a conventional vibration pump. A durable hose is put on the water intake of the pump (type “Baby”), which in turn must be secured with a clamp to the body of the unit. To ensure reliability of the structure, experts recommend inserting and securing a PVC or metal pipe of appropriate length inside the hose.

To prevent the hose from floating up, a weight must be attached to its end. The pump equipped in this way is lowered into the well until the nozzle touches the silted bottom. Then it rises slightly (by 5-10 cm) and turns on. Water with agitated sediment is sucked in by the pump and supplied outside. The well is quickly cleaned. The only drawback of this method is the rapid wear of the working valve due to the ingress of large sediment particles into it. If necessary, after completing the work, replace the rubber piston of the pump with a new one.

3. Using two pumps.
This method involves the use of two pumps - a deep pump with a lower water intake and a self-priming pump (Kama type). The cleaning process is slower, but the pump does not become clogged with large sediment particles. Outside, next to the well, a large container (barrel) with a volume of about 200 liters is installed. A small container (for example: an old bucket) with a mesh bottom is attached to the top of the main tank. The end of the hose from the self-priming pump is lowered into it. A weight is attached to the end of the second hose from this pump and lowered into the well. Then it is necessary to lower the deep pump into the well so that it is at a distance of 10-30 cm from the level of the formed sludge. To do this, the unit is lowered all the way, and then raised to the required height and secured. The installation is ready.

First, the deep pump is turned on, which draws water from the well into a large container to the top. If there is not enough water from the well to fill the barrel, it should be added. Then the second pump is turned on, which forces water from the barrel into the well, causing the lower layer of water to mix and the sludge to rise. Since the end of the hose is immersed in a small container with a mesh, sludge particles will not fall back into the well. As you clean, the end of the hose supplying water to the well should be lowered slightly lower to the bottom. If the water coming from the well is too dirty, then to avoid clogging the deep-well pump, you need to lift the end of the supply hose. The cleaning process usually takes 2 hours.

4. Using a vibrating deep-well pump.
This is perhaps the simplest method, although more labor-intensive. An existing vibrating deep-well pump and a small heavy pin or trident made with your own hands from metal fittings are used. The ripper, tied on a thin cable or strong cord, is lowered into the well. By sharply raising and lowering it to the bottom, the sediment is loosened and mixed. Then a pump is lowered into the well, which pumps the cloudy water out until clear water comes out. And the pin works again. Thus, in several stages the bottom of the well is cleared of silt.

If the cable to which the pin is attached does not interfere with the operation of the pump, then you do not need to remove it. Running the ripper and pump at the same time will speed up the work. In this case, the pump should be located above the pin.

Anatoly 2016-07-23 23:49:41

I accidentally read your recommendations for cleaning a well. Some commentary on the article: Babies and Streams (all vibrational) are more often than not a quick death for a well. “Shaft” is the concept of the formation formed during the drilling process. The pipes lowered into the barrel are a “column”. If they end (begin) with a filter, then they are a “filter column”. If the filter is lowered inward, i.e. smaller diameter "column with a filter in a countertop". The filter part has a settling tank in its design for settling sludge, sand, etc. Under no circumstances should the pump be located in the filter area, and is also not recommended in a sump. (The word sedimentation tank speaks about its purpose), etc. The best way to clean the filter zone of wells and settling tanks is Airlift. If the column is up to 125mm, take a D-25mm PE pipe, load it, lower it to the “bottom” and connect it to a compressor with a capacity of 0.7 m3/min (more is better). The compressor must have an operating pressure of at least the height of the liquid column in the well (otherwise PYH). Do not apply pressure sharply (otherwise the filter will Puff), etc. etc. Good luck.

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