What is the difference between porcelain stoneware and ceramic tiles. Comparison of two materials

Don’t know the difference between tiles and tiles? Can't decide what to put on the bathroom floor? From the article you will learn about the types of tiles, how to lay them correctly, see photos of various colors and combinations, and perhaps choose a style from those proposed.

For example, appearance You can see the tiles in the bathroom in the photo below.

Beautiful texture, light neutral pattern, non-marking shade - perfect option for the floor.


Let's figure out what tiles are? It is a ceramic tile, usually rectangular plates. Often this material is used to finish floors and walls in the bathroom.

Good tiles are made from This is a very popular finishing material that is used for finishing kitchen apron, floors throughout the house, walls in the bathroom and fireplace. Floor tiles are very practical option, but if there are children in the house, then it is recommended to immediately install a warm floor.

Differences between tiles and tiles

It is very easy for the average buyer to be misled and think that tiles and ceramic tiles are different types cladding. In fact, this is the same finishing option, it’s just that tile is a type ceramic tiles.

The tile itself can be made from different materials, and ceramic tiles - with various admixtures of sand and stones. The main difference that affects reliability is that such tiles are made from clay without any additives.

Types of tiles

There are many types and tiles. Here are some of the most popular ones with brief description positive and distinctive characteristics:

  • Majolica is pressed clay covered with an opaque glaze; it is quite strong and durable, since firing occurs twice.
  • Terraglia is a tile made from special types of clay; its difference is that first a pattern is applied, and then a transparent glaze.
  • Cotto is a very wear-resistant tile with a matte surface; no glaze is applied when creating it.
  • Clinker - fired at a very high temperature, so it is the hardest tile, used for external and interior decoration.
  • Gres - during production, clay is pressed with the addition of quartz, which makes it street version finishing.

The choice of a specific type, type and shape of tiles should be based on the wishes and size of the room, the functionality required from the material.

Properties of tiles

The main characteristics of tiles, which are its undeniable advantages over many other types of finishing:

  1. Thickness - determines the rigidity and reliability of the tiles.
  2. This material is very durable, as it is made without impurities, which in turn reduce this indicator.
  3. The tile retains its color and richness of colors under constant exposure to the sun (if the opposite happens to you, this is a different type of ceramic tile).
  4. A high level of heat capacity, which makes it possible to cladding fireplaces and stoves in homes. Suitable for creating warm floors due to its stability and thermal conductivity.
  5. Withstands cleaning chemicals and does not lose its properties.
  6. Tile is a very hygienic material when correct installation and treatment with an antibacterial layer.
  7. Beautiful and various options colors and patterns.
  8. Easy to clean - just wipe with a damp cloth and detergent.

It is worth paying attention to this list of characteristics when choosing the type of room decoration, even in relation to other materials. But you will return to this option!

Masonry rules

What does tile need to please you for as long as possible? Correct sequence stages and operations for organizing laying, regardless of the purpose and type of premises.

Laying tiles initially involves a preparation stage. What is needed for this?

Level, wash and dry the surface that will serve as the basis for the masonry. This is necessary so that there is good adhesion of the tiles to the floor, otherwise the material will crack and will not hold.

If concrete screed fresh, you will have to postpone finishing for about three months and be sure to prime the surface before direct installation.

The plasterboard surface also needs to be primed to create a coating to protect it from moisture and prevent swelling.

If you deleted old tile To lay a new one, you need to level the surface and after that you can immediately begin the installation process.

It is necessary to design how the tiles will be laid depending on the size.

The next stage is the actual laying of the tiles:

  • Apply the mixture and attach the tile to the surface.
  • Between the rows, use special crosses to record the size of the seam.
  • After drying, remove the guide crosses and coat the seams with a special sealing mixture.

After a day, the surface can be washed and dried.

Laying such material in the bathroom is the most ingenious decision of mankind. It is beautiful, neat, easy to keep clean, the material does not deteriorate from moisture. Ceramic options finishes have been very popular for quite a long time and are used in many interior design options. A photo of the tiles in the bathroom is presented in the article.

How to choose tiles?

We figured out what tiles are and what they are, how to lay them correctly. And now that we know what it should be, let’s summarize how to choose the material and not make a mistake.

Tile is one of the most popular types of finishes. Therefore, when choosing it, you should take into account that you should not save money, because the bathroom, which is almost always tiled, is a reservoir of moisture and a place for the active growth of bacteria. A expensive materials will ensure the maximum level of hygiene in the room.

From a design and style solutions there are no boundaries, but it should be taken into account that most bathrooms and toilets are small rooms, therefore, in order to visually make them larger, you need to buy square tiles and a rather large size, they should be laid as close to each other as possible, thin seams will increase the width of the room . Light color and fine pattern also contribute visual expansion boundaries of space. Interesting observation: if you put large mirror height from ceiling to floor, the room will seem twice as large.

Monochrome room decorations - white, red, black - also look very stylish.

And for an apron in a kitchen, the generally accepted pattern is stone, so that stains, grease, and cracks are not so noticeable. And at the same time, this texture looks very elegant and aristocratic, making even the most modest kitchen attractive.

When choosing a finishing material, especially for the floor, some people have a question: what is the difference between porcelain stoneware and ordinary ceramic tiles? In appearance, these materials are almost the same, but in fact there is a difference between them, and a considerable one. What is it?

Despite the external similarities, porcelain stoneware and tiles have significant differences

Features of ceramic tiles

In order to see the differences between tiles and porcelain stoneware, it is necessary to take a closer look at the properties of both materials. Ceramic tiles are a very popular facing material to this day. Its production is based on the use of natural ingredients: clay, spar, quartz sand and kaolin. Dry raw materials are ground and mixed in certain proportions. In order to form the tile, the mixture must be baked at high temperature.

Additionally, colored designs, enamel and glaze can be applied to the tiles.

Compared to porcelain stoneware, they are focused on using the coating under more gentle conditions. However, some samples of increased strength class can compete with porcelain stoneware. In general, tile is a moisture-resistant and quite durable material, but nevertheless retains its porosity, which in some cases is a negative factor.

Ceramic facing tiles are designed for gentle operating conditions

To understand exactly how porcelain stoneware differs from ceramic floor tiles, you need to consider the features of this material.

Features of porcelain stoneware

Porcelain tiles are essentially made from the same materials as regular tiles. The difference may be a change in proportions. If you look at it, the main component in its composition is granite chips. However, their unique properties the material is acquired during the baking stage. To ensure this process, the oven is heated to a higher temperature than when baking ceramic tiles, and therefore not just firing occurs, but practically soldering of the components together. Additionally, more pressure is applied. This reduces porosity and improves waterproof properties.

The main differences between porcelain stoneware and ceramic tiles are as follows:

  • Increased strength. The material is able to withstand enormous loads on the lined surface. At the same time, the likelihood of chips and cracks occurring due to rough mechanical impact minimal, and the possibility of scratches is generally negligible.
  • Water absorption coefficient. Due to its extremely low porosity, porcelain stoneware perfectly resists moisture and practically does not allow it to enter its structure.
  • Thermal properties. This is a special difference between porcelain stoneware. This material is frost-resistant. In addition, it is fireproof, meaning it can withstand high temperatures and contain fire in the event of a fire. He is also not afraid sharp changes temperature.
  • Wear resistance. Over time, the surface practically does not change its appearance. It is not covered with scuffs and scratches. Caring for her is also very easy.
  • Chemically resistant. An important difference is excellent resistance a large number chemical substances varying degrees of aggressiveness. When solvents, acids and alkalis come into contact with the surface, stains and other signs of damage do not remain on it.
  • Not affected by factors external environment. Porcelain tiles do not change color when exposed to them for a long time sun rays. In addition, it perfectly resists precipitation, contact with stones and dust, and does not collapse due to changes weather conditions and the onset of frost.

Porcelain stoneware is the best facing material when used in the external environment

Scope of materials application

When property differences floor tiles Since the characteristics of porcelain stoneware are obvious, we can summarize everything that has been said and highlight the main purpose of each of the materials. If we are talking about wall cladding, ordinary ceramic tiles will be quite sufficient for the premises. Here the influence of the external environment is as limited as possible, and therefore the average strength class will be quite sufficient.

If we talk about the cladding of building facades or walls of auxiliary extensions, then there is no doubt: here best material, than you won’t find porcelain tiles. You will no longer need to worry about the condition of the coating even in frosty weather.

Due to its low-porosity structure, fire resistance and ability to retain heat for a long time, porcelain stoneware is also actively used for cladding stoves and fireplaces. Even if you choose a heavy-duty tile, it will not be able to compare with this material, since it wears out and cools much faster.

Porcelain tiles are great for facing a fireplace

Another question: porcelain tiles or tile, what is better for the floor? In this case it is difficult to give a definite answer. It is better to put ceramics in the bathroom and kitchen, since the load on the surface is moderate, and modern designs tiles are not subject to slipping. Porcelain stoneware is used in the hallway and outside, since the floor surface in these places is subject to adverse influences. To prevent slipping, especially on steps, special pads are used.

What is better to choose

The main question is: what is better to choose - porcelain stoneware or ceramic floor tiles. The answer to this depends on specific conditions. In general, porcelain stoneware products are better than conventional ceramics. However, when choosing, you should consider factors such as:

  • temperature regime;
  • risk of injury;
  • general style.
  • Porcelain tiles are distinguished not only by excellent technical and performance characteristics, but also high cost. If there is no point in overpaying for those characteristics of porcelain tiles that you do not need, give preference regular tiles. As a last resort, you can select a product with improved quality indicators. But in this case, their cost will be close to the cost of porcelain stoneware.

    Ceramic tile - a good option for the kitchen where the load on the surface is moderate

    When purchasing porcelain tiles, pay attention to its weight, as well as its appearance. reverse side. The squares should be uniform, with sides no larger than 2 centimeters, and the protrusions should not be too obvious.

    Laying features

    There is no particular difference with porcelain stoneware. In general, the same technology is followed. Distinctive features is that porcelain stoneware is so durable material, which may cause difficulties when cutting it. More advanced tools are required, such as an electric tile cutter.

    Another point: high-quality products have perfectly smooth edges, so it becomes possible to connect elements joint to joint and create a monolithic surface. Based on the difference between tiles and porcelain stoneware, choose exactly the material you need.

    Both one and the other material are a type of facing ceramics. Despite their similar composition, their production technology and some components are different. Due to this, there is a significant difference between porcelain stoneware and ceramic tiles, despite some similarities. What's the difference?

    Production Features

    It all starts with the production of ceramics. It is based on the process of firing raw materials after molding them. Porcelain tiles and ceramic tiles are made as follows:

    1. The starting components are crushed and dosed, and a batch is prepared.
    2. The facing material itself is formed. There are 3 types of molding: casting, pressing, extrusion.
    3. The products are dried so that all moisture is removed from them.
    4. At the end, the workpieces are fired at high temperature. It is different for each material.

    Depending on the material, a glaze may be applied to it before firing. Sometimes it is applied after firing, so the product is fired again. It’s not for nothing that you can find single or double fired products on the shelves.

    The first difference between materials is composition. Ceramics require red and white clay, and porcelain tiles are made from illite and kaolin clay. Conventional ceramics have vapor-forming additives. Thanks to them, the mass of materials is less. But porcelain stoneware for walls or floors is very dense and weighty, since it does not contain such additives. For him, it is more important in the composition superficially active substances. Thanks to them, internal friction in the charge is reduced. This makes it easier to compact while the tiles are being formed.

    Important! Despite the name, porcelain stoneware is in no way related to natural granite. The name was first used by the Mirage company, which represents this product on our market. And it took root due to the high strength of the products and the special grainy pattern that the first products had.

    Product molding

    Porcelain tiles can be formed by dry and semi-dry pressing. Wherein operating pressure reaches 500 kg/cm2. Other types of ceramics are produced at a pressure of 400 kg/cm2. Such high pressure not only compacts the mixture in the process, but the constituent particles are deformed, destroyed and pressed into the mass, preventing the appearance of voids.

    After drying, the material is fired. And even here there are differences. Ceramics are processed at temperatures from 950 to 1180 degrees. Porcelain stoneware comes in ovens at temperatures from 1250 to 1300 degrees. The temperature is increased gradually.

    Comparison by characteristics

    Ceramic tiles or porcelain tiles? What to choose? This question can be answered after comparing the characteristics of the materials. Due to the fact that the second one is formed when high blood pressure and fired at a higher temperature, it is much stronger. There are no pores in it. As for weight, for porcelain stoneware it ranges from 2500 to 2600 kg/m3, and for tile varieties it ranges from 1600 to 2000 kg/m3.

    Due to its high density, porcelain stoneware perfectly withstands the effects of moisture. The tiles are also not bad and are not afraid of water. Its water absorption rate ranges from 3 to 10%. But ceramic granite has a figure of 0.5%. There are manufacturers who have made the material practically waterproof, with water absorption rates of 0.1% and even 0.05%. This is why it is recommended to use porcelain tiles for walls and floors in the bathroom and other wet areas.

    A smaller number of pores improved frost resistance by half. This property is able to withstand cycles of freezing and defrosting without loss of characteristics. According to research, tiles have an index of F25–F125. This means that it can withstand 25–125 cycles without losing its properties. Its dense counterpart has frost resistance of F100–F300. Porcelain stoneware cladding can be done on any surface, whether inside or outside the home.

    According to the MOOC scale, materials have the following surface density: ceramic tiles 4–6, ceramic granite 7–8. The degree of wear resistance for the first material is II–IV, for the second it is V.

    Advantages and disadvantages of tiles

    To answer the question: which is better, porcelain stoneware or ceramic tiles, a comparison of materials based on their pros and cons will help. Tile has proven itself well as a facing material. It is reliable, not afraid of moisture and very practical. That's why it is so popular. There are several other benefits that can be noted:

    1. Relatively light weight.
    2. Durability.
    3. High levels of moisture resistance.
    4. Great appearance.
    5. Easy to care for.
    6. Has an affordable price.
    7. Huge range of products.
    8. Ecological cleanliness.
    9. Easy to install.
    10. Fire properties.

    As for the shortcomings, we note the fragility of the product. In addition, they can change color by fading in the sun.

    Advantages and disadvantages of porcelain stoneware

    The appearance of the product is no worse. It imitates natural stone, which is why it got its name. Installation of porcelain tiles is simple and can be done both inside and outside. The main advantages of the products are:

    1. Improved service life.
    2. Increased strength, wear resistance, impact resistance.
    3. Resistance to temperature fluctuations.
    4. Excellent moisture resistance.
    5. Increased frost resistance.
    6. Easy to install.
    7. Beautiful appearance, imitating natural stone.
    8. Ecological cleanliness.
    9. Uniformity of color throughout the entire structure of the material.

    How to distinguish porcelain tiles from ceramic tiles by eye? Knowing this information, this will not be difficult to do. They differ in appearance and by weight. The structure of the first is much denser.

    Scope of materials use

    It is customary that tiles are used for interior decoration of kitchens, corridors and baths. It is laid both on walls and on the floor. Porcelain tiles are heavier, stronger and more durable. It made him universal material, which can be used both externally and internally. Porcelain tiles are placed on walls, however, due to their weight and strength, they prefer to make floors from porcelain tiles. And walls that are not subject to heavy loads are treated with tiles.

    Note! The tile can be matte or glossy. Glossy products are chosen for walls. They are easier to care for and visually expand the room. But the floor requires a matte anti-slip coating for safety reasons.

    If we talk about creating designer kitchens and bathtubs, porcelain tiles cannot boast the same variety of colors and patterns as ceramic tiles. But the coating is durable, strong and reliable. Since the material is not afraid of temperature changes, porcelain stoneware is used for balconies, loggias, terraces, porches, and gazebos. Ceramic tiles or porcelain tiles for the floor? Definitely the second option. It has higher impact resistance and wear resistance, which means it will last longer.


    Everyone is used to the fact that the better and better quality material, the higher its cost. And this is logical. Ceramic tiles have a lower price due to their worse characteristics. It is not so wear-resistant, impact-resistant, durable and frost-resistant. However, it is not always necessary to use porcelain stoneware for interior decoration.

    There is an option for combining materials. After all, for walls that are not subject to special loads, there is no need for high-strength material. As practice shows, ceramic tiles do an excellent job. Another thing is gender and external cladding. In this case, it is better not to cheapen, so that after some time you will spend money on the purchase again facing material.

    The adhesive for porcelain tiles and ceramic tiles is also different. To hold dense porcelain stoneware slabs you need more high-quality composition made for this purpose. Accordingly, its cost will be an order of magnitude higher. You will have to pay 2-3 times more.

    Laying process

    How to lay porcelain tiles on the wall? In fact, the differences between the installation of ceramic tiles are minimal. There is one caveat: due to its greater strength and density, trimming the material is much more difficult. For this purpose, a special electric tile cutter is used.

    The rest of the work is done like this:

    1. Surface preparation. It should be smooth, clean and primed.
    2. Preparation and application of glue. The composition is applied both to the wall and to the tile itself. This is done using a notched trowel.
    3. The tile is glued to the surface. To create an even seam between all elements, crosses are used. Remains of glue are removed immediately so that they do not dry out.
    4. If necessary, the material is trimmed. Especially in places where pipes or other elements pass. As stated above, you will need a tile cutter for this purpose.
    5. Once the surface has been treated, all you have to do is wait for it to dry. The deadlines are indicated on the glue packaging.
    6. The final stage of installation is jointing or sealing of seams. A special grout is used for these purposes. This will make the coating aesthetically attractive and practical.

    That's all the work. As you can see, the process is almost identical to the installation of tiles. This means that even a beginner can cope with this task.


    Although the materials are similar to each other, they differ significantly, as evidenced by a comparison of their characteristics. Porcelain tiles are denser, which means they are more durable, stronger, moisture-resistant, wear-resistant and frost-resistant. You will have to pay extra for such characteristics, however, quality is above all. To save money, the floor can be made of porcelain stoneware, and the walls can be made of ordinary ceramic tiles.

    Ceramic and porcelain materials familiar to everyone have similar characteristics and fundamental differences. A long period of searching made it possible to identify new unique possibilities for such an accessible and cheap resource as ordinary clay. Sedimentary layers rocks They lie at shallow depths and are found almost everywhere. They have different compositions common property. When combined with water, a plastic dough-like material is formed, which, after drying, becomes hard and retains its shape.

    Understanding the wording

    The quality and final properties of the resulting material depend on the composition of the raw materials, the additives added, and the method of molding and firing. Clay products, after high-temperature treatment, are called ceramics.

    Based on structure and density, there is a division into coarse and fine ceramics. The latter includes: faience, porcelain, majolica and stone ceramics. These species have a dense, fine-grained shard with low levels of liquid absorption. They differ in color, painting technology, and methods of applying glaze. Used to make dishes and household items.

    Porcelain stands apart in this list. This high quality type of ceramic, having a white shard. Due to its high density, products made from it are thin, light, and transparent to light. When struck they produce a pleasant clear sound.

    The category of coarse ceramics includes products with a loose, coarse-grained structure. They have more high level absorption of liquids. Ceramic masses with additives various metals have color shades and have appropriate names.

    General characteristics and properties

    – the main natural component for the production of all types of ceramics. Similar is technological process, implying mandatory high-temperature firing. External similarity of products made from these materials.

    If we touch on the appearance of porcelain products and various types ceramic masses, then it is quite difficult to distinguish them. All products comply with consumer standards. This applies to dishes, plumbing products, and some decorative building elements.

    China - the birthplace of porcelain

    But differences still exist. They are explained by the chemical composition of the ceramic masses and the corresponding firing regime. Due to the long lack of knowledge about the composition of clays, ceramics were produced everywhere, from the raw materials that were common in the area. And the composition of different areas of even one deposit can differ significantly in chemical composition. So China was able to be the first to create porcelain in 620, due to the presence of deposits with high content on its territory. kaolin. It was he who allowed the qualities for which real porcelain is famous to emerge.

    Reserves of white clay were discovered in the southeast of the country in Jiangxi province. They received the name kaolin (gaoling - high mountain). By withstanding high temperatures during drying and firing, the shard became very durable and did not allow liquid to pass through. Chinese craftsmen have achieved the creation of dishes of amazing beauty and lightness. European scientists and artisans tried to comprehend its secrets. But this was only possible at the beginning of the 18th century. The mysterious, oriental rarity was worth more than gold. They could pay for a cup as many coins as it contained.

    Differences in chemical composition and firing rules

    The process of creating porcelain is much more complex than making ceramics. Therefore, the price of porcelain products is higher.

    The most important condition is strict adherence to proportions kaolin clays with other components. The resulting plastic mass is placed in plaster molds. Further drying and double firing must occur in accordance with technological requirements. Temperature can vary between 1300°C - 1460°C. The result should be a shard with a fine-grained sintered structure, white. The liquid absorption rate does not exceed 0.2%, which allows such materials not even to be covered with an enamel layer. Unglazed matte porcelain is called bisque. To protect the product and provide decorative effects it is glazed and painted.

    Clay dough for ceramics may contain a whole list organic and mineral components. It is more plastic, so it is shaped manually or using plaster molds. The product is then dried, glazed and fired at temperatures 700 °C – 1050 °C. The result is a coarse-grained porous shard. Fluid absorption may be 14 % – 18% . Products after firing can acquire yellow, cream, red-brown, greenish-brown, gray, black, and white colors.

    It is enough to simply understand that porcelain, due to its sintered structure, is much stronger, lighter and thinner than ceramic products. It is not subject to the same degree of aging, expressed in the appearance of cracks on the surface of the enamel coating. The walls let light through. Porcelain seems to sing, emitting a clear, long sound. Due to the more expensive production process, it has a high cost.

    Serves flawlessly for thousands of years

    It is difficult to appreciate the importance of ceramics in life modern man. Everyone is familiar with the industrial construction category, which includes brick, stove tiles, tiles, facing and floor tiles. Household items make a statement with sets of dishes, sinks, and toilets. The artistic and decorative series of consumer goods includes vases, figurines, panels, and toys. The scope of application is so wide that there is a place for all types of fired clay, regardless of price and name.

    Types of tiles. What is the difference between ceramic tiles and tiles?

    What is the difference between tiles and ceramic tiles? What types of tiles are there? This is perhaps one of the most frequently asked questions, which site employees have to answer when choosing cladding material for finishing works. As practice shows, an ordinary buyer often experiences difficulties, and then he needs the help of specialists in this matter.

    In fact, tiles and ceramic tiles are not various types tiles Tile is one of many types of ceramic tiles, united by a common name. Porcelain tiles, tiles, cotto, clinker - all these are types of ceramic tiles, clarifying names for a large group of finishing materials. The word "ceramics" comes from the ancient Greek "keramos", which means "made of baked clay". All ceramic tiles, including tiles, are made from clay with some additives, such as feldspar, quartz sand and water.

    Ceramic tile

    This is the collective name of the whole group finishing materials, which differ in the method of making the tiles. This term often refers to its various varieties.

    So, let's list the types of tiles.

    Ceramic tile

    Ceramic tiles (tiles, tiles) are the most common type of tile. Ceramic tiles are a mixture of clay, sand and minerals, fired and glazed. Glaze allows you to obtain products of any color, texture and texture, with a wide variety of patterns and ornaments, glossy or matte.

    Ceramic granite

    Porcelain tiles (porcelain) is a common name for ceramic materials with ultra-low water absorption and, as a result, high frost resistance. The raw materials for the production of tiles are similar in composition to the raw materials for the production of porcelain, but in appearance the products resemble stone. Ceramic granite is made by dry pressing and subjected to single firing - such tiles are pressed under more high pressure and burn at more high temperatures than ceramic tiles. The results are sintered, vitrified products with the highest technical characteristics. They are included in the last - highest - group in terms of resistance to abrasion and aggressive environments.

    Classic unglazed porcelain tiles have a granular, granular structure throughout the entire depth of the tile, like natural stone, but unlike it, it is free from such disadvantages as a tendency to cracks, the presence of foreign inclusions or cavities. In terms of resistance to temperature changes (especially freezing), porcelain stoneware is also superior to most varieties natural stone, thanks to greater density and uniformity.

    The surface of unglazed porcelain stoneware is made unpolished, semi-polished, polished and embossed. (A polished product costs at least 30% more than the same unpolished product.) It is indispensable for rooms with intense human traffic (offices, supermarkets, airports) and can be used for cladding buildings.

    Glazed porcelain granite also has high specifications, but more varied in design (with the help of glaze you can get different surface patterns).

    Clinker tiles

    Clinker is an unglazed or glazed single-firing tile with a compacted base. These types of tiles are produced by extrusion (pushing through a certain form) or, sometimes, by pressing. Clinker is fired at very high temperatures, as a result of which it acquires high technical characteristics: wear resistance and frost resistance. In addition, clinker is not susceptible to aggressive chemicals, does not absorb water and is easy to clean.

    Extrusion allows you to produce products of complex geometric shapes. A striking example is pool tiles. Such collections include standard set various elements structures: gutters, steps, corners, connecting elements etc.

    Cotto tile

    Cotto, a brick-colored tile made from red clay, is produced by extrusion. Most often it is not glazed and has a variety of natural colors within the terracotta range (yellow, pink, red, brown shades). For these warm colors And natural color European architects love it very much. We can say that cotto carries the charm of antiquity (cotto is one of the most ancient ways making tiles), so it is often used in the interiors of museums and churches.

    These types of tiles are mainly used for indoor flooring. After installation, the surface must be covered protective compounds(hydrophobic agents and wax mastics), otherwise stains may appear on the porous unglazed surface of the cotto. When using cotto outside, certain requirements must be observed.

    Cotto tile collections usually include a set additional elements: background tiles of various sizes and shapes, steps, handrails, storm drains, curbs, etc. The share of this product in the total mass of Italian tiles is less than 2%.

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