How to treat a clearing against ticks. How to treat an area against ticks yourself: effective preparations

For treating areas against ticks, gardens, parks, outerwear Various drugs are used. For some of them, it is enough to spray once per season, while others require regular treatment of the area.

This drug was developed and supplied by the Moscow company Fox and Co. Tsifoks is effectively used to combat ixodid ticks in garden plots, however, it can also be used to treat the area against cockroaches and mosquitoes.

Treatment with Tsifoks should be done in early spring. Before use, the drug should be diluted in water. The effect of its use is observed for 2 months, after this time it should be reprocessing territories.

Force Site

A drug used for targeted control of ixodid ticks. Manufactured at the Moscow enterprise "Alina-nova". The basis of the preparation for treating the area is cypermethrin, the percentage composition of which is 25.


The production and distribution of the drug Taran is carried out by the Moscow company Rosagroservice. One of the most powerful “weapons” in the fight against ixodid ticks, which is based on a substance of the pyrethroid class. Its share in the drug solution is 10%.

Treatment of the garden against ticks with Taran is carried out once after the snow melts.


The drug Breeze is manufactured at Tyumen Spetsbioservice. The base contains cypermethrin. The proportion of cypermethrin in the treatment product is 25%. Treating the area against ticks with Breeze should be done once every 2 months.


Indian drug to combat ticks. Manufactured by Sulfur Mills Limited. The drug is based on alphacypermethrin, its share in Akaritox is 5%. The release form of the drug is granules and/or powder.

Treating the area against ticks with Acaritox solution is done once a season after the snow melts.


A Dutch drug for the control of ixodid ticks, manufactured by Hallmark Chemicals B.V. The drug is based on cypermethrin, the share of this substance in the composition of Sipaz Super is 25%.

The area should be treated against ticks with Sipaz Super once a season. If necessary, treatment can be repeated at intervals of one and a half months.

Somarovka insecticide

The Somarovka insecticide is produced at the Moscow enterprise Somarovo. This anti-tick remedy for treating the area is also based on the substance cypermethrin. Somarovka insecticide is effective for 6 weeks after treatment. If the weather is dry, the effect of the drug increases to 4 months.

The drug is based on 2 substances: fenthion and cypermethrin. The concentration is 40% and 10% respectively. Treating the area against ticks is carried out once a season in early spring.

Dobrohim Phos

A Russian drug widely used to combat ixodid ticks. Available in the form of an emulsion. The active ingredient is fenthion, the share of which in Dobrokhim Phos is 20%. Before use, the drug should be diluted in water at a ratio of 10 ml of Dobrokhim Phos per 1 liter of water. The area should be treated every 1-1.5 months.

It is important to understand that products aimed at combating ticks and other harmful insects, there is also back side. They can harm humans, animals and others beneficial insects, living in the treated area. Before using the drugs, carefully read the instructions and follow all the safety measures prescribed therein.

Do not allow the drug to come into contact with the skin or mucous membranes. It is better to spray the products in a respirator and safety glasses to subsequently avoid allergic reactions.

At the moment, there are thousands of species of ticks, some of which simply live in the ground and fallen leaves, while others are carriers of diseases and can be dangerous to humans. That's why the owners summer cottages are thinking about how to detect ticks, choose a product for treating the area and carry out preventive work.

How to identify ticks yourself?

Tool for detecting and collecting ticks

Take a stick and a white waffle towel or big piece white cloth with a side of 1 m. Attach the material to a stick, and in the morning you can go in search of ticks, moving the tool along the grass. If there are ticks in your dacha, they will definitely get caught on the embossed fabric.

Methods for controlling ticks without chemicals

If your area is small, then you will be able to get rid of ticks without chemicals. For this it is convenient to use the same homemade instrument. First, cut the grass short, and then go out every morning for two weeks with a stick and a white cloth to catch. Ticks are not very mobile insects, so you don’t have to worry about them running away from the area on their own.

What do ticks look like?

So manual method Without chemicals, you can significantly reduce the number of ticks in your area. These insects may reappear together with rodents. Although killing ticks using chemicals is more productive, manual method No chemicals, environmentally friendly. The choice of method depends on the area of ​​your site and personal preferences.

Traditional methods for ticks

No one has been able to prepare a truly strong drug at home, however, you can try different traditional methods. They will significantly reduce the number of ticks on the site and will not damage other crops.

Folk remedies for ticks

Which drug to choose to kill ticks

Many summer residents who noticed ticks on their plots for the first time are demanding a return to the Soviet-era practice, when forests were sprayed with chemicals from airplanes. But environmentalists argue that this is not The best decision. Then they sprayed DDT. Yes, it shows almost 100% effectiveness, but it does more harm than good.

All over the world, DDT has long been abandoned due to long period decay and ability to accumulate in the soil. After using it, it is quite possible to become poisoned by strawberries picked in a clearing in a thicket.

Today there are drugs that are less dangerous to nature than DDT. Why don't they pollinate forests? They may be too expensive to use over large areas. But on a separate summer cottage a war using them may be successful.

How to organize an attack on ticks? You can invite specialists to carry out “acaricidal” treatment. It costs from 6 thousand rubles per 10 acres. Anyone who wants to save money can process the area themselves. Here's what you need to know for this.

If you want faster results, use liquid preparations from ticks. They act faster than solid granules.

There are dozens of liquid products today. Choose them depending on your needs: size of the area, timing and spectrum of action of the drug.

One of the most effective means- “Sipaz is super.” It is designed to destroy a wide range of insects: cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas, ants, flies, mosquitoes and their larvae at facilities of all categories (therapeutic, children's, food, residential, etc.). Has a faint odor, leaves no traces, does not irritate respiratory tract, has high insecticidal activity and lasts quite a long time on treated surfaces. Processing cost 1 sq. m of surface - 50-100 ml. Sold in liter bottles. Price - about 2700 rubles.

"Tsifoks" is also a popular means of combating ixodid ticks. Sold as an emulsion concentrate. Concentrate consumption is 0.5 liters per hectare. Residual effect - up to 1.5 months. Approved for the destruction of cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas, ants, rat mites, and disinfestation of premises. The average price for a half-liter bottle is 600 rubles.

"Taran" - an aqueous concentrate of a milky emulsion - has a powerful effect on ticks. Has a long residual effect - up to 8 weeks. It is odorless, leaves no traces, and does not accumulate in the soil or plants. Diluted in a concentration of 1 ml per liter. To process a hectare, 100 ml of Taran is required. A liter bottle costs on average 1,300 rubles.

How to treat the area?

It is necessary to treat the area in special clothing (robe, headscarf, gloves and respirator). After treatment, wash your face and hands with soap.

The “chemical attack” should only be launched in dry, windless and warm weather. Then the ticks will not hide in the thickets and, therefore, will interact with the chemicals.

The area should be sprayed only if weather forecasters predict no rain for 3 days. Otherwise, the chemicals will be washed into the ground and there will be no desired effect.

Treatment must be carried out no later than 40 days before fruit ripening. After all, acaricidal agents have their own “waiting period” when they retain poisonous properties. At this time, fruits treated with them should not be eaten.

If the area is small, a handheld garden sprayer will do. And for an area larger than 10 acres, it is better to use a motor unit.

Pay special attention to places along the paths, thick grass, the perimeter of recreation areas.

Do not exceed the dose of the concentration of the chemical in the solution to avoid poisoning.

To avoid harm to dogs or cats, carefully read the instructions for use of the drugs. In some cases, they can be released onto the site within half an hour after treatment, in others - only after three hours or several days.

Security period

As a rule, the drugs are effective for 4-5 weeks. So, should I spray again? And so all three summer months?

“In no case,” says veterinarian Ivan Morozenko. “Although manufacturers claim that modern drugs are low-toxic, their effect on people and animals has been little studied. Therefore, it is better to treat the area twice a year: in spring and autumn. If you then maintain cleanliness at area and follow other recommendations, this is enough. There will be no ticks and no unnecessary chemicals.


Margarita Suvorova

Bloodsucker Traps

  • Remove last year's foliage and branches.
  • Regularly trim the grass and pull out weeds.
  • It is not possible to make a barrier in the form of a strip of gravel or sawdust along the perimeter of the site. less than a meter, then there will be no “defectors” from neighboring areas.
  • Lay out traps (wipe the sweaty body with a towel and leave it in places where arthropods are expected to accumulate). According to experts, the smell of sweat attracts ticks. They sense it 10 meters away. And most of the bloodsuckers will move to the fragrant bait. This is where you will cover them.
  • Where possible, conduct drainage works(ticks love moisture).
  • Plant plants containing natural insecticide pyrethrin - for example, these are daisies - Dalmatian, Persian, Caucasian.
  • These complex events can be quite effective.

By the way

This spring greatest number who turned to doctors for help after tick bites in Sverdlovsk, Kemerovo regions and Bashkiria. According to Gennady Onishchenko, tick activity is increasing in the Perm Territory, Udmurtia, Altai Territory, Tyumen, Kirov and Kurgan regions.

In Moscow, 2,178 people consulted doctors after being bitten by ticks. The peak - more than 400 people in one day - was immediately after the holidays. In Russia as a whole, the virus content - the virus content in a tick - was 7 percent. According to him, the most dangerous ticks in Ulyanovsk, Samara, Kemerovo regions, Khakassia, Udmurtia and Mari El.

Having attached itself to clothing, the tick can reach the victim in a couple of hours or the next day and find a secluded place inaccessible to the human eye. And after biting once, the individuals try to get fully drunk. Females are able to swell to the size of a mature bean, acquiring a gray color. Only a satiated individual is capable of producing offspring.

In addition to causing pain, mites can be a source of infectious diseases. That is why it is necessary to treat your dacha for ticks in advance, before they bite someone or their numbers get out of control, and the ability to reproduce in these arachnids is well developed.

From ticks in the country

Favorable time To get rid of ticks in the country, it is the beginning of spring. After the snow cover melts and during more or less stable warm weather, prevention must be carried out to prevent bites and, especially, infection.

In addition to eliminating the individuals, you can use repellents, sprays and carefully inspect your belongings after walking on fresh air. After a picnic, it is better to immediately shake the blankets and bedding, and even better, wash them. By wearing light but covered clothing, you protect yourself from bites.
When thinking about how to get rid of ticks in your dacha, visually assess where their nests or clusters may be.

Tick ​​on a summer cottage

Actions that need to be carried out periodically to maintain the site in frequency can also serve as preparation for the arrival of specialists:

Ticks are rather rare on a well-groomed summer cottage. Since they cannot jump, crawling along a mowed lawn makes it difficult for an insect to attach itself to a potential victim.

During the active season, it is quite difficult to fight them on your own, so they call the special services. The exterminator identifies the most dangerous areas and gives instructions on their maintenance. Compliance with the requirements and regulations will help keep courtyard areas and planting areas safe for a long time.
When calling specialists, ask about the preparatory actions, this will make it possible to get rid of ticks on your summer cottage in a shorter time.

Treat your cottage for ticks

A pre-prepared area will help treat the dacha from ticks in just a few hours. Specialists will arrive at the appointed time and carry out all the necessary manipulations themselves, and you won’t have to think about how to get rid of ticks in your summer cottage.

Self-treatment is not profitable, since special equipment is needed to work with acaricides, and the purchase of expensive equipment for single preventive measures- This is not a worthwhile waste of money. In addition, the drugs are toxic and can be hazardous to health, so failure to comply with safety precautions can have serious consequences.

There are many types of insects living in nature. Some of them may be less dangerous for people, but from others, such as ixodid ticks, you can get a portion of very dangerous viruses. Therefore, it is recommended that in areas where people live ( a private house, dacha) apply effective remedy from ticks to treat the area, in order to be sure that there are no ticks here. Moreover, protection of the area from ticks should be carried out immediately if they were found on personal plot. You can buy a tick repellent for treating the area, with delivery throughout Russia, in our online store.

Why is protection against ticks on the territory of a summer cottage so important for its inhabitants?

The more comfortable we are in and around our summer cottage, the safer we feel. The beauty of the lawns, well-groomed trees And flower beds lulls our vigilance. And danger from ticks can await you from every bush or blade of grass. Some varieties of these insects are especially dangerous. They are carriers of very dangerous diseases.

Therefore, deliberate and planned actions must be taken against ticks.

What rules are used to independently treat an area for ticks?

Work that was previously only done special services, today there is an opportunity to do it yourself with your own hands. If you follow the rules and have some knowledge, ticks in the area will be destroyed, and you will not have to worry about a child walking in the yard. Or for frolicking pets around the summer cottage.

The processing rules are completely simple and consist of only a few mandatory points. The most important rule is that to obtain an effective result, it is necessary to poison ticks in the area near the house and around it. After all, while the insect is sitting on the top of a blade of grass, a small gust of wind is enough, and it is already in the yard.

A few more rules:

  • Before cultivating a garden plot, it is necessary to survey the area for their presence. And in the best option, find out exactly which ticks have spread on the territory of the dacha;
  • the next point of the rules concerns preparation local area and places next to it for processing work;
  • study the instructions for using the purchased drug to combat ticks.

We are developing in more detail an action plan for the destruction of ticks on the site, which will consist of the listed 3 points.

Independent treatment of the territory from ticks and mosquitoes: stage No. 1 - detection of insects

  • Take a small piece of white fabric and attach it to the rail. That is, make an ordinary device that resembles a flag;

  • Holding the rail, lower the blade closer to the grass, and walk slowly in this position for several meters. Raise the flag and look at White screen canvases. Have you noticed small bugs clinging to the fabric, are they mites? Collect them in a glass jar and take them to special institution to determine their type;

Destruction of ticks in a summer cottage: stage No. 2 preliminary preparation

Acaricidal treatment of the area against ticks, that is, a chemical that kills them, can only help if all corners of the dacha are treated. In this case, the likelihood that they will survive is minimal.

If, after completing the first two points, all doubts have disappeared that tick poison is definitely needed for treating the territory, we proceed to familiarize ourselves with the last point.

How to treat an area against ticks yourself: stage No. 3 - choose a product

Acaricidal treatment against ticks can be carried out independently and, most importantly, with the same drugs used by specialists. Manufacturers of disinfectants produce them in a concentrated liquid form. That's why:

  • before processing, you need to pay attention and turn the anti-mite concentrate into a working solution, diluting it with water;
  • Clean water is used for this, since it needs to be sprayed from a garden sprayer. And debris particles can clog the spray system, which is completely unacceptable;
  • standards for the preparation of one drug from another may differ. Since each of them is an independent composition;
  • We spray the anti-tick preparation diluted with water on the area, not missing the slightest piece of the territory. The denser the pyrethroids are on the leaves of the bushes and grass, the better the treatment will be.

And the thicker the grass cover, the greater the consumption of the working solution per 1 square meter of territory.

All work, starting with the preparation of the working solution, is recommended to be carried out in protective clothing and a respirator. What are the requirements of the instructions for the use of chemicals.

Professional acaricidal agents against ticks for treating the territory in a summer cottage or garden can be used independently

How to deal with ticks in a summer cottage using preventive measures

In order to feel safe, it is recommended in the country house and on the territory country house always check availability dangerous insects. Therefore, it is better that prevention against their occurrence is carried out constantly. This is the only way to keep them out all summer. Knowing that ticks are in the countryside or garden plot are pretty dangerous neighborhood, only constant monitoring and spraying will give the desired result.

Preventive control of ticks in the garden is as follows:

  • Monitor your altitude throughout the summer lawn grass. Ticks prefer to wait for prey on tall blades of grass;
  • Do not create debris from cut branches in the garden area. Such a place may become a breeding ground for insects;
  • Every spring, for preventive purposes, spray the area against ticks, even if a couple of them are found. One of them may be a carrier of a dangerous disease.

How to treat your own territory against ticks and mosquitoes - rating of preparations recommended for treatment

  • Medilis Cyper,
  • Ram,
  • Digital,
  • Breeze,
  • Dobrokhim FOS.

There is a large selection of preparations for treating areas against ticks in our online store. If you need advice, please contact our specialists.

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