What is the best way to heat a house? The best ways to heat a house without gas

Gasification in rural areas, unfortunately, lags behind the pace of suburban construction. And even for residents of the suburbs of administrative centers, the question of what kind of heating in a private house is the most economical if there is no gas sounds relevant. Taking into account energy prices on the domestic market, the cost of a kilowatt of thermal energy looks like this: second place - solid fuel (however, here you need to additionally ensure that you are not misled by “magic” long-burning boilers), third - liquefied gas, fourth - liquid fuel, the latter - electricity. But even in this hierarchy, not everything is so simple. How do you heat a house if there is no gas?

Heating a house without gas should ideally be combined - using traditional and alternative energy sources

There are different options for heating a country house without gas, each of them is worth special attention.

Solid fuel

Not so long ago, solid fuel had no competitors. At first, firewood, and then coal, were the main types. Of course, they also burned peat, straw and even dung, but, as now, it was a “local” fuel that was not widely used.

The primitive hearth in the cave is very reminiscent of a classic fireplace

With the beginning of the “gas era,” heating, firewood and coal faded into the background, but still remain in demand. Moreover, their prospects are “rosy”, since there are much more proven reserves of coal than gas, and firewood and “wood” fuel are renewable energy sources. The only modern difference is that previously only stoves or fireplaces were used to heat a house, but now a boiler is considered the main source of heat. Although there are exceptions.


They are still found today, especially when it comes to a small country house or dacha. The main advantage is absolute energy independence. Therefore, they are used when it is necessary to provide heating for a private home without gas or electricity.

Depending on their purpose, stoves can be either heating or heating-cooking. The first option includes a Russian stove and a Swedish stove, the second - a Dutch stove and a classic fireplace.

Their effectiveness largely depends on the design of the chimney system, of which there are three types:

    Straight-through. The chimney has a minimum number of bends in the direction from the firebox to the pipe. This category includes classic open-hearth fireplaces and Russian stoves. The radiator of heat is the body and part of the chimney that runs indoors or inside the wall. By the way, thanks to its special design and massiveness, the Russian stove is considered one of the most efficient. And a traditional fireplace has the lowest efficiency. And in modern realities it is more of a decoration or a means of relaxation while contemplating an open flame than a full-fledged heater.

    Duct. Combustion products are removed using a system of channels passing inside the furnace body, which not only emits, but also accumulates heat. The “Dutch” belongs to this type. It, like a Russian stove, takes a long time to warm up, but also takes a long time to cool down.

    Bell bells. Hot gases first rise into the “hood”, where they give up some of the heat, cool, fall along the walls of the hood and are drawn out into the chimney through the “hood”.

In addition to non-volatility, the advantage of classic stoves is their “omnivorousness” in relation to solid fuel. Firewood, coal, peat, briquettes - everything that can be put in the firebox with your hands and set on fire. Moreover, unpretentiousness extends to the ash content of coal and the moisture content of firewood.

The Russian stove is still relevant and can heat several rooms on two levels

The disadvantages are no less significant than the advantages:

    radiation type of transfer of thermal energy - one stove heats a house where the entire living area is contained in one or two adjacent rooms;

    labor-intensive maintenance - frequent refilling of fuel and cleaning;

    low efficiency (efficiency on average about 20%) - the fuel does not burn out completely and most of the heat “flies down the chimney” along with the smoke;

    a complex hand-made design that can only be performed by an experienced craftsman.

Modern solid fuel boilers and factory fireplace inserts do not have these disadvantages.

Solid fuel boilers

Another not the worst option than heating the house. Modern solid fuel boilers have an efficiency of 80-95%. That is, the best examples of operating efficiency are at the level of gas boilers, and only three economic factors “throw them back” into second place:

    higher cost of coolant per kilowatt of thermal energy;

    higher price of equipment;

    “there are” maintenance costs (costs of transport, fuel storage and disposal of solid residues).

If we talk about cost, then in the Moscow region, heating with wood is approximately one and a half times more expensive than gas - about 90 kopecks. per kilowatt versus 53 kopecks. (at tariffs for natural gas for the second half of 2017, subject to the availability of metering devices).

Pyrolysis boilers have the highest efficiency - the wood in them burns almost completely, with a minimal “solid” residue

The use of fuel pellets increases the cost per kilowatt to 1.3-1.4 rubles. and is almost comparable in price when using coal, but still 15-20% cheaper than heating with anthracite. But there are nuances here.

If the task is how to heat a house cheaply without gas, then long-burning wood boilers or pyrolysis (gas generator) models best meet this condition. The only drawback is that laying firewood is done manually and it is impossible to automate this process. Although this should be done infrequently - 1-2 times a day. Also keep in mind that you need to carefully check the information about the so-called “magic” long-burning wood boilers.

Pellet or coal boilers are available with automatic loading of fuel from the bunker. And although the bunker also needs to be loaded manually, it is much larger than the volume of the firebox. A regular boiler model with a standard hopper with a capacity of 1 m3 can operate continuously from three days to a week, and with an enlarged hopper - up to 12 days (taking into account high-quality insulation of the house and low heat loss). And when it is not possible to frequently load fuel, then these boilers are the best option (if you do not take into account higher prices for equipment).

Long-burning solid fuel boilers with a large-capacity hopper do not require daily maintenance from the owners

Note. There are even automatic modular coal boilers with a bunker volume of up to 14 m3, their own crusher, auger fuel supply to the firebox and automatic soot removal into their own bunker - practically a mini-boiler room for a private home. Moreover, this is a domestic development and the cost of the equipment is also “domestic”.

Fireplace inserts

Modern fireplace inserts, fireplace stoves and stoves do not differ in operating principle from solid fuel boilers. They also have the function of long burning and secondary combustion. Their efficiency differs from gas generator boilers by only 5-10%, which is at least four times higher than that of classic fireplaces with an open firebox.

Demonstration model of a closed fireplace insert with a water circuit

The intraspecific differences between such devices are that fireplace inserts require additional installation of a decorative portal and are used only for heating, fireplace stoves have a complete design and some models belong to the heating-cooking class (there are even models with a built-in grill), and all stoves have two functions - cooking and heating.

Fireplace stoves and stoves have a limited power range - a maximum of 25 kW. This, of course, is less than that of boilers, but they can heat a house up to 250 m2.

Heating and cooking stove-fireplace - the best option for a small country house

The power of the fireplace insert can reach 40 kW, which allows you to heat a house with an area of ​​up to 400 m2.

Stoves and fireplace inserts can heat a home in three ways:

    heat radiation in the common space with a free layout of the entire level (studio type);

    in a water heating system, if the firebox has an appropriate heat exchanger with pipework;

    in an air heating system.

Note. Air heating is the first system known in history, which appeared several thousand years earlier than water heating. And now it is successfully used, but only in a modern version - the use of forced supply of warm air to adjacent rooms or to the second floor through air ducts.

Video description

To see how to heat a house without gas using air heating, watch the video:

Liquefied gas

In terms of cost per kilowatt of energy, liquefied gas ranks third.

There are different ways to deliver and store it, but the smaller the volume, the more expensive the final price. Therefore, a gas holder is needed for a permanent home, and for a small dacha, which is rarely visited in cold weather, you can get by with several 50-liter cylinders. When using a gas holder, the price of a kilowatt of heat from burning liquefied gas is 2.3-2.5 rubles, the use of cylinders raises the bar by 50 kopecks.

You can also heat yourself in different ways.

The simplest system is direct combustion of gas to produce heat without heating the intermediate coolant, pipework and radiators. For this purpose, gas convectors and infrared heaters are used. Their operating principle and design are different, but they have one thing in common - availability of equipment, compactness and operation from bottled gas. The disadvantage is the power limitation and heating of only one room. For example, infrared and catalytic gas heaters from AYGAZ have a maximum power of 6.2 kW.

This compact infrared heater can heat up to 40 m2

The gas tank allows you to build a full-fledged autonomous water heating system, and the frequency of refilling depends on the volume of the container, heating area and operating mode. In terms of ease of operation and maintenance, the system ranks second after electric heating. But it requires significant initial investment for the purchase of a gas tank, its installation (usually underground) and the laying of communications (pipes for connection to the boiler and electrical cable for the tank heating system).

Another difficulty for a gas tank is choosing a location. It should be located close enough to the house and be accessible for gas refilling

Liquid fuel

This is probably the last option that should be considered when solving the problem of how to heat a house if there is no gas. It's not even about the price of energy resources - they can be different. The most expensive diesel fuel allows you to obtain thermal energy at the same cost as using liquefied gas from cylinders. The price of heat when burning fuel oil is the same as that of coal-fired boilers, and “working off” practically compares heating costs to the level of natural gas. But…

In terms of equipment cost, this is one of the most expensive fuel-using systems. In addition, these boilers are “capricious”, requiring regular maintenance and the same complexity of maintenance as the fuel supply and injection systems of a diesel car. There are also disadvantages such as air pollution from liquid fuel combustion products, as well as high noise levels from the operation of the fuel pump and burner.

Maintenance of an oil-fuel boiler is much more difficult than any other

Electric boilers

Electric boilers have the highest efficiency - up to 98%. Moreover, it does not depend on the type of boiler. Heating element, electrode and induction boilers differ only in the method of heating the coolant, and they have no losses from incomplete combustion of fuel - electricity is almost completely converted into heat. In principle, it would be correct to talk not about the heating system (there is no fuel and combustion chamber), but about the heating method.

In terms of equipment cost, simplicity of design, complete automation and ease of maintenance, electric boilers have no competitors. But their cost per kilowatt of thermal energy is the highest. Although there are loopholes here.

Video description

In addition, you can use modern geothermal pumps, which are clearly explained in the video:

Since July of this year, in the Moscow region for populated areas and rural areas with electric stoves and heating appliances, the single-rate tariff is 3.53 rubles. per kWh Taking into account the efficiency, a kilowatt of thermal energy will cost 3.6-3.7 rubles. But there are two- and three-part tariffs that allow you to save money. To do this, you need to install a heat accumulator, which allows you to accumulate warm water for the heating system at night, when the tariff is 1.46 rubles. per kWh If the house is small and the capacity of the heat accumulator is sufficient, then the night supply (from 23-00 to 7-00) may be enough for the rest of the time or for most of it. This compares the cost of heating with electricity to solid fuel coal boilers. And significantly cheaper than burning liquefied gas. And the battery capacity is no more expensive than a gas holder or a coal bunker with a screw feed system.

The heat accumulator can optimize the operation of any heating system

But the main disadvantage of heating with electricity is the poor quality of networks and power limits.


There are several other ways to heat a house if there is no gas. For example, alternative methods of heating a house without gas are solar panels and heat pumps. But the widespread use of the first option is limited by the insufficient level of insolation of our latitudes in winter. And for the only stable and efficient type of ground-water heat pump, the cost of equipment and installation is such that without government support (as in some European countries) it makes it unprofitable compared to traditional heating systems.

Many people want to buy housing outside the city. But, when building a country house, a problem arises. How and with what to heat a country house? Usually, there is no possibility of connecting to central heating on a plot of land. Therefore, you need to think about which type is best to use.

Several years ago, every home owner tried to gasify their home. Currently the situation has changed a little. Other methods of heating a home have also emerged. And prices for space heating have increased several times.

Therefore, many owners of private houses began to think about alternative methods of heating the premises. Below we will describe heating options for country houses.

When building a house away from the gas line, you can install a wood heating system. With this option, it turns out to be more profitable to heat a country house. How does a wood stove work?

The operating principle of this design is as follows: you buy a stove, put firewood in it and heat it. When wood burns, the stove equipment heats up. It gives off its heat, and the air in the house warms up.

With a simple design, this heating method has a number of advantages:

  • furnace equipment heats up quickly;
  • does not require installation, pumps or pipes;
  • the reliability of the design allows you to use this stove for a long time;
  • Buying firewood will not take a lot of money.

Currently, modern ones are not like the well-known old potbelly stoves.

The design and mechanism of the stove are designed so that the installation gives off a lot of heat and operates for a long time from one load of wood.

A boiler can be built into this system. When buying a boiler, it is better to choose a design pyrolysis type. With such a boiler, heat will be generated due to the combustion of pyrolysis gases. This type of boiler equipment operates without electricity.

Below we will understand how a solid fuel boiler works. At increased temperatures and in the complete absence of oxygen, the fuel decomposes into gas and solid waste. In this case, it is possible to obtain maximum heat transfer from fuel combustion.

Now let's write about cons this type of heating:

  • all furnace installations are large in size, so you will have to think carefully about where to put it; The weight of the stove is quite large, so it will not be possible to install the stove yourself;
  • You will need additional covered storage space for firewood. It is very important that there is enough firewood for the entire heating period;
  • if oven equipment is used incorrectly, its combustion products can be dangerous to humans;
  • it is necessary to equip the pipe;
  • with large areas of the house, the stove will heat the rooms unevenly.

Heating with coal

As we wrote above, you can heat a country house without gas using stove equipment. But, since purchasing firewood in some regions is difficult, you can consider the option of heating a country house using solid fuel.

These furnaces have boilers with special sensors for temperature regulation. The use of coal during combustion reduces the amount of harmful volatile substances.

Consist of:

  • heat exchanger;
  • the furnace in which the combustion process takes place;
  • grate.

The heat exchanger is made from cast iron or become. Therefore, the markets are mainly presented in steel and cast iron. It is worth noting that steel boilers have a low cost compared to cast iron boilers. The reliability of boilers made from these materials is very high, and if you wish, you are unlikely to damage the furnace structure

On to the pros
Coal stoves can be attributed to their durability and increased heat output. Such a heating system does not require electrical energy.

As for coal, it is better to purchase it in advance and build a room for its proper storage.

Electric heating

If the country house is located in close proximity to power grids, then you can heat the country house with electricity. It is worth noting that the country house will be heated not by electricity, but by heated water.

How to set up an electric heating system

The first thing you need to do is buy a boiler for heating water.

The stores offer them designed for different powers, with one or more circuits. System with one circuit It only warms the house. System with double circuit heats water for the bathroom and kitchen. Typically, two boilers are installed. And in the summer, one of them is simply turned off. The second heats water for personal needs.

Types of electric boilers

For private homes, as a rule, wall-mounted or floor-mounted electric boilers are purchased.

Floor standing boilers are larger in size and weight. Therefore, they must be installed on a horizontal surface.

The water entering the boiler heats up and expands. Due to this, the water pressure increases, and the liquid moves independently through the pipes to the radiators. heat up and heat the entire house. When the water cools, it returns to the boiler again to be heated. The whole system has a closed loop.

Sometimes installed boiler with forced water circulation system. But for this you will need an additional pump and tank.

If the house has electricity, but a water heating system is not installed, you can use other heating options. Currently, various types of heaters powered by electrical energy can be purchased in hardware stores. Usually buy oil

Using natural gas is the most economical way to heat a wooden cottage. This fuel is inexpensive among all other alternatives, and boilers based on it are extremely easy to operate.

But how to organize heating of a private house without gas, since there are not main gas pipelines everywhere? What alternatives are there to this fuel? Which option is the most profitable? You will find the answers in the article we presented.

The most common autonomous home heating system in domestic country houses is water. It uses water heated in a boiler or furnace as a coolant. After heating, it releases heat to the rooms using radiators and pipes, creating comfortable conditions in them.

Heating systems, depending on the connection diagram of heating devices, are divided into:

  • – with serial connection of radiators, according to which the coolant is supplied and removed from the device using one pipe;
  • – with supply and return lines and a sequential diagram of connecting devices to pipes, according to which the coolant is supplied to the device by one pipe and discharged by another.

Both types of heating systems come with upper and lower wiring types. The first option involves laying the supply pipe above the location of the coolant receiving devices, the second, respectively, below.

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Today I will try to cover a useful topic, the whole point is that now many citizens of our country live in private houses, and when winter comes, they wonder what is really more profitable to heat a house? The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, gas, electricity, firewood (coal can also be included here), there are, of course, more unconventional sources for heating, such as diesel or gasoline, but using them is difficult and sometimes even dangerous. In general, let's think about what is more profitable now and what is preferable...

In this article I will try to give a full assessment of certain heating systems, that is, we will estimate according to calculations and derive the optimal heating source. Of course, electric heating is now beginning to progress, but approximately 60–70% of households still rely on gas, and many apartments now have the so-called heating system! So why is it so beneficial? For example, I want to take an apartment or house with an area of ​​100 square meters, which is what I consider “optimal” for a family of three to four people to live in (whatever size is comfortable for you). In general, read my reasoning and calculations below. Let's start with the condition.

Specified conditions

As I already wrote above, the task is to heat a house - an apartment of 100 square meters, if you believe our SNIPs, then we can say that for comfortable heating you need to apply thermal energy of 100 W - square meter, that is, if we have 100 square meters, we need energy – 100 X 100 = 10,000 W or 10 kW, is that a lot? Of course yes, a lot!

I propose a simple diagram, but it will show the completeness of the picture:

  • Let’s say it’s frosty now, the heating of the house (apartment) works in the mode - it warms for 5 minutes, rests for 5 minutes! Thus, it turns out that the heating works exactly 12 hours a day! Of course, if your home is well insulated, then this interval will not be 50/50, the heating will be turned on less often, but this is very good insulation with foam plastic on the outside and thick walls, of which there are still few in ordinary (ordinary) houses!

The conditions are set, we begin to identify what is more profitable:

Gas heating

Firstly, you have gas, which in itself costs money, and quite a bit.

Secondly, for such an area a boiler with a power of only 10 kW will be sufficient, that is, you do not need to buy 20 - 25 kW, there is simply no need. You can still consider 15 kW, however, if the boiler is not operating at 100% load, its resource increases.

Third, gas currently costs about 2.5 - 3 rubles, it all depends on the geography of our homeland. In my city it’s 2.5 rubles, so I’ll count at this rate.

Gas is a very “energy-intensive” product; when burned, a lot of heat is released! Heating boilers now have a very high efficiency (often it is not lower than 80 - 90%) - they take up little space, operate autonomously and require virtually no maintenance. As it becomes clear, the boiler itself cannot heat the room; it needs a heating system, usually cast iron or aluminum batteries that are “tied” to - a reasonable solution.

Now that we've decided, let's move on to gas calculations

I have a very clear example of such a house (it’s not very well insulated, there are old places that need to be further insulated), the gas consumption per day (in cold weather) is about 10 - 12 cubic meters, let’s take 12 as a maximum.

If we derive final consumption then 12 X 2.5 r = 30 r. Then for a month it turns out 30 X 30 days = 900 rubles! Tolerate it!

Electric heating

Such systems do not require complex engineering networks, in fact, just ordinary poles with electrical wiring - this makes such systems very attractive.

I would like to immediately note that now there are a lot of systems that strive to make electric heating cheaper and more efficient, I will list them point by point:

  • Heating element boilers are a boiler in which there are electric heating elements, and like a gas one, it heats the coolant (usually water or antifreeze) in the system.
  • Electrode boilers, instead of heating elements, they use special plates that heat water more efficiently.
  • Separate heating elements, just cut into each battery.
  • Warm floors, both film and wired. Usually they are laid in the floor, or in the version with film they are hung on the ceiling under the main covering.
  • Infrared heaters. The form of panels that hang on the wall and heat the room with infrared radiation.

I could go on for a very long time, but now there are still a lot of varieties, and every manufacturer wants to say that he simply invented “know-how.” But in essence, again, it all depends on how your house is insulated! The walls must be warm - otherwise you will simply drown the street.

Now a kilowatt of electricity costs about 3 rubles (I take the national average).

Well, let's assume that some manufacturers still managed to reduce energy consumption to 80 W - meter, with a heat output of 100 W - meter like gas.

We have already decided that our heating works for 12 hours. Then multiply 80 W by 100 meters = 8 kW/hour. And since we heat the house for 12 hours, then: - 8 X 12 = 96 kW per day!

If you break it down by money, then it’s 96 X 3 rubles. = 288, per month 288 X 30 = 8640 rubles! Just “HOLY FUCK”!

Not very profitable heating!

Firewood, coal, etc.

Many people may now ask me a question: why are we considering this option, no one has been heating like this for a long time, and you can’t heat an apartment like that! But no, guys, this is still relevant, remember the same “pellet” boilers, of course, this is only logical for a private house; rightly, we will not install such a system in an apartment.


I don’t even know how to present the calculation to you; here it is impossible to somehow deduce the amount of firewood and heat received from it. It all depends on the material, what kind of firewood it is (oak, birch, pine, etc.) because everyone burns differently and gives different heat. But I can say with confidence that you need to make some kind of shed to store this firewood or coal - 100%, which already burdens many owners.

Heating with wood can be really cheap and even free if you cut it yourself somewhere and bring it. But if you buy, then a KAMAZ (about 6 cubic meters), which is exactly what will be needed for the heating season, costs approximately 10 - 12,000 rubles, if divided by 6 months of heating, it is approximately 1.5 - 2,000 rubles. per month!


Coal will be a little more expensive, but you need less of it and it holds the temperature longer (we buy about 3 cubic meters). If you beat the bottom line, it’s the same 2000 rubles. - month.


A new heating system, special expensive boilers, which, by the way, can be quite automated.

They are heated with special granules - “pellets”; calculating consumption is also not easy! But again, based on my experience, I will say that the consumption of pellets per month is 2 - 2.5 thousand rubles - our 100 square meters.


Well, as you yourself understand, GAZ is really in first place, while in terms of efficiency it has no competitors even close.

The second is to burn with wood, pellets, coal - but in our case this is not an option at all (troublesome, garbage, dirty and dangerous), unless you have a private house and the “ash” from burning will be useful for seedlings.

The third is electricity itself, of course many can now tell me - what have you counted here, everything is much less for me, I spend 4000 - 5000 rubles per 100 square meters. - a month for electricity! Guys, this may be true, but think about how much you would spend on gas then? Totally pennies! Many people heat themselves with electricity only because there is no choice and there won’t be one, because the area is remote and there is simply NO gas nearby!

Now the video version of the article

This is how the article turned out, I think it was useful to you, read our construction site.

Along with electricity, thermal energy has become an expense item for us, if not the main one in utility costs, then certainly significant. Along with the Europeans, we are starting to get used to a comfort temperature of 20 degrees Celsius. It would be hard to call such a temperature comfortable. But if you heat your home at your own expense, then probably for a couple of three, or even five thousand rubles a month, you are ready to get used to dressing warmer while under your own roof. If you have central heating, then it is no longer as cheap as we would like, there are no miracles and we have to pay for the energy received by the thermal power plant or boiler house, pay in full and even with a delta. After all, it is necessary to pay salaries and it is necessary to provide a chain of intermediaries with profit, to cover the heat losses that occur in poorly insulated and extremely long highways, inherited in large part from the Soviet Union. In this case, we finally have the opportunity to install heat meters, they are quite affordable and in addition we stop paying for losses, and pay only for what we consume.

Sooner or later, I think we will have to intentionally or forcedly forget about these benefits and remember the heat supply of individual houses or small groups of houses with individual boiler houses. Today there are not many housing projects that rely on main coolants. All housing with a comfort or elite prefix is ​​designed with its own boiler room, in most cases a gas boiler room. Today, the presence of main gas almost automatically means the presence of heat obtained from this gas. In terms of price, this is the cheapest fuel for heating purposes and it has no competitors.

But there is a small nuance: is it possible for you to obtain this type of fuel and, if so, at what cost to obtain it. In some areas, gas connection bills negate all the benefits of this type of heating. Everything is in the power of the monopolist and he asks for as much as he deems necessary, thank God that gas prices are regulated more centrally and the issue of tariffs is a sensitive and political issue. Tariffs for gas, including, most likely, will soon show us their marathon, but today they are beyond competition in terms of heating.

And what should we do if our house is conventionally 100 m2, although we, like no one else, strive for huge dwellings, often amounting to hundreds of square meters, many of which we cannot afford. And so let’s take our living area to be 100 square meters. From numerous sources, we reduce the need for heat to 0.1 kW/hour per m2, that is, to heat a house of 100 m2, we need a heat source with a capacity of 10 kW⋅h, taking into account the efficiency of the boiler and with some margin it can be either 12 kW or 9 kW . If we decide to heat with electricity, then this is an 8-9 kW electric boiler; in the case of a wood-burning appliance, it is more likely a 12 kilowatt device.

If everything is more or less clear with power, then it is not easy to decide on the type of fuel. This is a serious issue and requires an assessment of accessibility. If you live in an area surrounded by logging and lumber production or are in this field of activity yourself, then of course your option is wood, whether it will be firewood or wood briquettes, Euro firewood is up to you to decide, again based on availability and cost. It is also worth paying attention to this type of fuel such as pallets. Let's just say that if the boilers, they are called TT by the way, are solid fuel and there is simply a great choice of them, they are basically omnivorous and can be heated with either wood (briquettes, euro firewood) or coal and even briquetted peat, of course. Heaters are not divided into two types; some operate like fireplaces or stoves and are suitable for small and adjacent rooms or like boilers with a water circuit. In the case of TT devices, you need to imagine that if you live permanently, you need to be prepared to combine your activities with the activities of a fireman and loader sometimes. But there are, of course, machines that may not require your attention for a whole day, and sometimes for several days. These include devices that operate on pallets, wood chips, small sized coal, and coal automatic machines. But all of them are very expensive, starting from 200 thousand rubles today, August 2018, and are sometimes very capricious about the quality of fuel.

And by analogy with coal and wood, it is possible to heat with diesel fuel.

This is more expensive in terms of fuel, cheaper or equal to the cost of budget TT boilers. Diesel devices are very unpretentious and require virtually no attention. Some users do not turn off such boilers all year round and do this only for infrequent servicing. They are mostly universal and, when changing the burner, can burn main gas or bottled gas. The topic of fuel for such burners is open and is not limited to buying diesel at a gas station, although this is an option when you suddenly need it and you don’t need to order a fuel truck or a dump truck with pallets. As the values ​​on the gas station display increase, there are options for purchasing fuel, so to speak alternative ones. For example, fuel obtained from waste oil of petroleum origin is of quite tolerable quality; waste oil, for example, is distilled into fuel that even satisfies the quality and characteristics of diesel engines of imported cars, so it is quite suitable as fuel for a diesel burner.

The next type of fuel that allows you to heat your home is liquefied gas, propane, for example, the familiar bottled gas, it can be in regular cylinders or in huge containers, so-called gas holders. These same gas tanks are very expensive, and the larger they are, the more expensive they are. For example, a gas holder on an ordinary trailer, mobile up to 600 liters can be purchased from 150 to 270 thousand rubles, and a gas holder for 6000 liters will cost, depending on whether it is underground or above ground, approximately 400 thousand. And even if you decide to install a gas tank, you need to look for a gas supplier, preferably one who does not really want to deceive you, he will deceive you anyway. The first thing you need to do is refuse the gas tank maintenance service; this is unnecessary and the reaction to your refusal will tell you a lot. Secondly, we must not forget about the effect of butanizing the container; liquefied gas is a mixture of gases, for example propane or methane with necessarily butane gas. Butane burns a little differently than propane and at low temperatures, already at minus one degree, it turns into a liquid state. To make it return to a gaseous state, it must be heated, this is already an expense and the heating system also costs money. In addition to butane, believe me, at the bottom of the container you will also find just banal water and for that you will probably also pay a couple of times the price of fuel. We must also not forget about the danger of gas in case of leakage; it has a bad habit of finding holes and accumulating in them, for example, accumulating in your well or borehole. Boiler structures are often installed above the well. I also don’t think there’s any point in messing with 50 liter cylinders, it’s a constant search for refilling these cylinders and, by the way, refilling is quite slow, frequent changes will lead to leaks 100%.
Heating with electricity. Cheap, probably the cheapest and most accessible equipment.

If your home is more than a hundred meters, then you will need additional power and it’s good if they allocate it to you. You may need a three-phase network. Capricious about the quality of the current and the network in particular. If your neighbors are also heating themselves from the outlet, then it’s quite possible that you all won’t have enough and the voltage in the network will drop. The cheapness of the heating device, boiler, is more than compensated by electricity tariffs. So, as a backup source, the option is not bad, for example, if you turn on the heating during the validity of the second tariff, which, as a rule, is half the price of the main one. It is precisely as a backup or even emergency heat source that it justifies itself.

It is too early for us to consider such an option as a heat pump; if foreign governments are promoting and generously subsidizing “refrigerators in reverse” in every possible way, then in our country such devices, in principle, will never be able to pay for themselves due to the enormous cost, which is also additionally burdened by customs duties. The idea is interesting, but it has extremely low efficiency, a large amount of work in terms of installation, and high cost. In the future, we will still see the development of this segment, maybe something new will absorb it, and we will see a hybrid with high efficiency and an affordable price.
Hydrogen heating, promoted by an Italian company and even, in my opinion, they have already gone on sale, has prospects for development, but for now it is damply expensive and controversially profitable, due to the high cost of producing hydrogen. The energy spent on producing hydrogen does not make it possible to obtain free fuel from water.

There are, of course, several more exotic heating methods, such as burning waste oil and even car tires and other waste and frankly garbage. There are environmental issues related to this topic, and there are many of them, although in a number of countries the problem of garbage and heating has been successfully resolved. And as it seems, the prospect of heating, and maybe the generation of electricity, will be associated with waste, because there is a lot of it, they really interfere, so to speak, and are not worth anything yet.

Equipment for burning the same waste oil is quite expensive, for example, only a German-made burner will cost about 100 thousand rubles, and this is without a boiler, but the price of fuel covers all costs.

Type of fuel

Weight/price of one liter

Price of 1 kg of fuel

Calorific value 1 kg per kWh.

Cost 1 kW

Requirement per year per 100m2

Fuel costs per year.

Pallets, ruff briquettes,

Peat, briquettes

Liquefied gas

Diesel gas station

Diesel is not a gas station

Uh, second tariff

When choosing a heating system and specifically what you will heat with, you also need to take into account such factors as convenience and storage, storage of fuel. Firewood must be chopped and stored in the required quantities in a woodpile, pallets require a dry, ventilated room, coal is accompanied by a large amount of coal dust, gas leaks, diesel fuel smells if spilled, electricity can generally give you an electric shock, be careful.

All the letters above are absolutely the personal opinion of like-minded people, the excellent group of companies Eurasia-Cable LLC, Elkab-Ural LLC, Elkab LLC. We will be happy to advise you any day and help you make the right decision on purchasing cables and wires of only the highest quality.

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