Private house with columns. Columns in the interior - elegant grandeur in the design of apartments and houses

The column is an architectural element with roots going back to the distant past. Initially, they served as supports for the roof and upper floors. Today, this element also performs another equally important function, because if columns are present in the interior, they create a special, majestic atmosphere. After all, this element has a long history, and columns appeared especially clearly as an architectural element in ancient Greece. After all, it was there that the appearance of the columns was given a special look.

In this regard, even today a similar element in the interior of any room will give it an unprecedented appearance, will create a sophisticated and at the same time majestic atmosphere.

In today's article we will look at how they are used in the design of modern apartments and houses. Let's look at their types, and also find out what material they are made from.

Columns in the interior - features of use.

Columns in the interior are among the most visible elements in interior design. After all, this large element will not go unnoticed in any case, due to its size and design features. Therefore, most often their design is key point in further interior design, moreover, it is the columns that set the style for the future interior.

Different shapes and sizes allow you to play with space, thin high columns can give the interior more elegance, they can also visually make the ceilings higher and the room larger.

Thick columns will bring fundamentality and a sense of reliability to the interior, but at the same time they will lower the ceiling and make the room smaller.

The atmosphere and style of the room will, of course, be influenced by the appearance of the columns - their architectural design. It should be noted that they can be used not only in classical or similar antique styles, but also quite modern. From hi-tech, loft, modern to country, columns of the appropriate design and shape can be used in most styles and in any room.

If used correctly, the interior of any home or apartment can be significantly improved. After all, thanks to such a material as gypsum, it can be built anywhere, even in the smallest apartment. This creates the opportunity to hide the shortcomings of the room, if any. Besides visual correction premises, decorative columns in the interior can successfully hide supporting structures, and different types communications passing along the walls or emanating from the ceiling.

Using them you can successfully make zoning. For example in classic apartment thus can be easily separated into large kitchen dining area from the food preparation area. You can perfectly highlight the fireplace in the living room if you install a column on both sides of it.

What are modern interior columns made of? Kinds

In the past, columns for halls were made exclusively from natural stone, most often marble. Today, of course, they can also be purchased, but it should be said that the price for them will be very high. Of course, the genuine appearance of natural stone will best create a luxurious, majestic atmosphere.

They will look no less impressive in the interior, made from such types of stones as: basalt, onyx, lapis lazuli, etc. Stone ones in the past and today primarily serve as a reliable support. If there is no such need, then, as mentioned above, more modern materials, such as polyurethane and gypsum, can serve as columns.

Gypsum is more popular because it is easy to work with and if damaged, it can be easily restored. Columns made of this material will serve an exclusively decorative function in the interior. They can be made in any style, from antique to modern high-tech.

It is not uncommon to find in the interior country houses wooden columns. This natural material will look very appropriate in country, classic, and loft styles. So, for example, wooden ones with moderate carvings would be appropriate in classical styles. Smooth straight or rectangular wooden columns will highlight the design of a country wooden house in the chalet style. Along with ceiling beams, they will look very natural.

Wooden ones in the shape of a tree trunk will fit well into country, rustic and Provence styles.

For modern styles wooden structures must have a smooth, even surface; they can be different shapes, but most often these are square and round columns.

Relatively new material for columns - it is metal, glossy metal surface will highlight the high-tech style and minimalism well.

Where to install columns in the interior of an apartment or house?

If you are the owner of a country house, then the place for columns in the house is, of course, the hall of the first floor. Round marble will create a cozy and at the same time luxurious atmosphere.

In a city apartment, stone ones are rarely installed, because due to its large mass, the floor structure may not support them. Therefore, today decorative gypsum columns in combination with gypsum stucco are very widespread. Thanks to elastic plaster, it became possible to reproduce a column of any design and the corresponding decorative stucco molding.

In apartments, columns are most often installed in the most spacious rooms. For example, in the living room this way you can select an area for a TV or a fireplace. In the same way, you can allocate a place in the living room for a sofa. For the bedroom, this way you can create zoning for the bed.

In a studio apartment, columns can be used to successfully separate the living room area from the kitchen.

Columns in the interior always create a majestic, highly aesthetic atmosphere. They can be used for almost anyone today existing style interior design, since there are many alternatives to the materials from which they are made. At the same time, the most affordable, convenient to work and restore, is gypsum.

Columns in the interior photo

Metal columns in the interior photo

Columns in the interior photo

Round columns in the interior photo

Plasterboard columns in the interior photo

Columns in the interior photo

Modern columns in the interior photo



Most of the buildings in Moscow were built with a good sense of taste and understanding of the needs of the time. The improvisational freedom of the sculptor, who wants to express his own ideas about modern architecture as fully as possible, fills the buildings with originality and true artistry, elevating them to the rank of works of art. There are fifteen in our guide unusual houses created in different historical eras and striking in their non-triviality. These exclusive architectural buildings attract the attention of not only tourists, but also Moscow residents themselves, who do not have time to observe the changing appearance of the capital.


On the shore of Prechistenskaya embankment rises fairy house in Art Nouveau style. Created according to the drawings of engineer Pyotr Pertsov and artist Sergei Malyutin in 1905–1907, the house initially served as an income house - as usual, apartments were rented to residents, and attics to artists. The voluminous, asymmetrical building with conical roofs is faced with red brick, and fairy tale characters adorn its façade - for example, a chimney is made in the shape of a wise owl, and the balconies are supported by mysterious dragons. The windows are decorated with ancient Russian decor: celestial spheres and animals lined with majolica mosaics - the sun, stars, Sirin bird, bear, peacock, rooster add folklore flavor appearance building. Animal patterns intertwine with plant patterns, awakening the imagination and instantly transporting them to the pages of Russian epics. Malyutin is the author of the Russian nesting doll and, working on the project of Pertsova’s house, he felt and expressed the original Russian spirit, weaving it into the Western European tradition. The interior decoration was also created according to the artist’s drawings and thought out to the smallest detail: from the carved decorations of the staircase railings to the doors of the apartments. For four years there was a theater here " Bat", where Konstantin Stanislavsky, Vasily Kachalov, Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko, Olga Knipper-Chekhova performed. Later, a creative salon was opened in this building, where such famous people as Vera Kholodnaya and Alexander Vertinsky came to perform. Nowadays in Pertsova’s house there are government agencies, but the spirit of bureaucracy cannot overcome the sense of creative freedom inherent in this building.

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Landmark, Landmark

The white-stone palace with massive carved balconies belonged to the merchant Arseny Morozov, obsessed with the passionate idea of ​​writing his name in history. Having visited Italy and Portugal, he wanted to erect a mansion in the Moorish style, and in 1894 he realized his idea with the help of architect Viktor Mazyrin. Morozov himself painted decorative elements - shells and intricate swirling patterns. The asymmetrical horseshoe-shaped building combines the influence of various architectural styles: neo-Moorish, Chinese, Italian styles, Art Nouveau, Classicism, Romanticism, Empire, Portuguese Manueline style. Above the mansion was broken hanging garden. The interior is extremely colorful: some rooms are decorated in the Empire style, others - Baroque, Gothic and Oriental influences are also noted in the interior decoration of the building. In the post-revolutionary period, the Morozov House housed a mobile theater and various embassies: Japan. UK, India. Since 2006, after careful restoration, the mansion has been the official reception house of the Government of the Russian Federation.

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Landmark, Theater

The Et Cetera theater belies its name with its appearance alone: ​​there is simply nothing like it in Moscow. Constructed by architect Andrei Bokov in 2005, the building, from a geometric point of view, is a large oval on which stands a rectangle with protruding edges. All this, coupled with the column tower and windows of various heights and shapes, make the theater look like a circus tent. The building surprises with its asymmetry and diversity - from different points of view it looks completely different - as if an actor puts on a mask, instantly transforming from one character to another. The theater, under the direction of Alexander Kalyagin, lives an active life, attracting attention not only with its unusual appearance, but also with excellent performances.

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In the twenty-five-story “House on Chicken Legs” at 184 Mira Avenue, it’s not Baba Yaga and her brownie Kuzya who live, but ordinary people. The house, as if floating above the ground, was built in the late 1960s by architects Viktor Andreev and Timofey Zaikin. The balconies located in a checkerboard pattern give the feeling that you can climb up to the roof through the house, like on a cliff with ledges. During the construction of the building, the technique of fastening large panels with special bolts was used for the first time. “The House on Chicken Legs” became one of the first high-rise buildings in Moscow. Inverted-V piles support this enormous building, and balconies soar into the heavens. Previously, there was a student town on this site, a living memory of which is the beautiful poplar park located nearby. The appearance of the house aroused the creative interest of the director of the film “The Mustachioed Nanny,” who filmed one of the episodes in this building. Also, the description of “The House on Chicken Legs” is found on the pages of the popular science fiction novel “Night Watch” by Sergei Lukyanenko.

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Luxury housing is increasingly taking on unusual forms: an eight-story building built in 2007 by Alexey Bavykin - bright that example. The highlight of the building lies in the special decoration of the facade: stone columns resemble trees, especially on top of each there is a tub with a plant. A slender line of trees decorates the walls of the building and symbolically hints at the eternity of life. Expensive natural stone was used to decorate the façade, and granite was used for the atrium. The average area of ​​apartments is about 200 sq. m. meters, the ceilings are more than 3 meters high. The infrastructure of the building is well thought out and includes: a swimming pool, a bath complex, and a herbal bar. The bright atrium, penthouse, large balconies, terrace and green spaces give the feeling of a serene country life, far from the bustle of the city.

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Bryusov lane, 19, Moscow


In the late 90s, Sergei Tkachenko’s workshop was entrusted with the design of a maternity hospital in Bethlehem. It was then that architecture came up with the idea of ​​creating a building in the shape of an egg, acting as a symbol of the origin of life. This non-trivial idea found its real embodiment only in 2002, and it happened not in Palestine, but in Moscow, on Mashkova Street 1/11. The four-story round building with a huge number of recesses in which there are balcony windows amazes with its modernist sophistication. The volutes decorating the first floor resemble a Faberge egg stand. The ceiling of the attic that crowns the building is painted from the inside with golden-blue colors in the spirit of the Renaissance.

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Winner of the 2008 House of the Year competition, this twenty-four-story stone sailboat delights Muscovites with its non-trivial architecture. The house is part of the Grand Park complex, designed by Andrey Bokov. There are shops and offices on the first and second floors, and in the building itself there are about 250 apartments with an average area of ​​about 100 square meters. meters. Designed in the shape of a teardrop, the house finds its home on the site of a former runway, so the base of the building is disproportionately narrow in relation to the gigantic size of the building. The “Sail House” is finished with porcelain stoneware, which has the property of maintaining a neat appearance and internal strength for a long time.

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Grizodubova, 2, Moscow


The exquisite “Openwork House” on Leningradsky Prospect gives a deceptive impression: the appearance speaks of refined taste and an undoubted orientation towards art “for the elite,” but internal organization and the idea itself was completely different. Architect Andrei Burov, having traveled to the United States, brought the idea of ​​social housing for ordinary citizens. The combination of beauty and convenience became the starting points for the construction of the building. The house was built in the 1936–1940s, and the war made adjustments to the original layout of the building. It was assumed that in the house with small four-meter kitchens there would be: a restaurant (from where food could be brought), a nursery, kindergarten, hairdresser, grocery store. In 1941, bomb shelters appeared in the basements, and 2-3 families were moved into each apartment. The Openwork House, built in the shape of the letter P, has only one entrance, three staircases and two elevators. Huge long corridors and 18 apartments on each floor, starting from the second. Openwork lattices, created according to drawings by Vladimir Favorsky, provide shelter from prying eyes loggias. The color of the house resembles marble, but in fact it is moiré - concrete mixed with paint. This house was one of the first to be made from large factory-built blocks, a new industrial method. But he was not included in the series, because... soon the method of panel assembly of houses was invented. For all these architectural innovations, the building was given protected status. Many famous people, for example, writer Konstantin Simonov and actress Valentina Serova, figure skater Irina Moiseeva, lived in the six-story “Lacework House”, built next to the hippodrome.

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Leningradsky pr., 27, Moscow


Near the Kievsky railway station there is an extraordinary building, glowing with blue lights in the evenings and looking like a beehive, in which there are hundreds of offices and shops. The large-scale modern center surprises with its monumentalism and has an unusual appearance: the upper floors, like a sailboat, spread out in breadth, hanging over the first ones. The eleven-story house, built in 2008 from raw concrete, won the 2009 House of the Year award. The project manager is Andrey Bokov, who strives to embody in his work ideas about the needs of modern society, which desires not only comfort, but also the opportunity to renounce the world and, catching a gust of wind, be carried away into a dream.

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Kyiv, 3, Moscow


This six-story building was erected in the early 70s, in anticipation of the Olympics, and therefore took the shape of the Olympic ring. Evgeniy Stamo and Alexander Markelov conceived the idea of ​​building an Olympic village consisting of five ring houses. The idea was too unprofitable from an economic point of view, so only in 1979 was the same one built in Ramenki round house. A special feature of the architectural structure is that when joining the panels, a maximum permissible error of 6 degrees was used, which helped make the house the desired shape. Famous people artists - Galina Belyaeva, Saveliy Kramarov and Emil Loteanu - were once residents of this house.

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Nezhinskaya, 13, Moscow


The nine-story business center in Hi-Teck style was built in 2007, taking into account the modern understanding of the needs of employers, employees and clients. A large glazed cube standing on a pedestal creates an optical illusion: the building appears voluminous due to the stepped façade. There is a helipad on the roof of the building, and inside there is a huge conference room, equipped in accordance with all the rules for holding official events. This is the only Class A building in the South-Eastern District.

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Volgogradsky pr., 43/3, Moscow

Supports are used in the building ensemble various types, while they are not only a decorative element, but also act as a supporting structure.

Project of a one-story cottage with columns

There are two ways to arrange columns:

  • When the structure is placed in the center of the house, and it serves as a support for the second floor;
  • Location along the edge of the house, in this case the columns remove part of the load from the external walls.

Columns impart vertical rigidity to the structure and take the lion's share of the load intended for the walls. Thanks to the use modern materials permissible load this element has become much higher, which gives more room for imagination during construction.

Additionally, the columns retain their previous function as a decorative element and play a significant role in and interior design. The column in the center of the house, as a rule, is the main decorative item, on the basis of which the entire surrounding interior is created. External columns will give the facade an aristocratic look and emphasize the overall style of the building.

Project of a house with columns along the perimeter of the facade

Depending on the expected load, the material used is selected. Columns can be monolithic, metal, brick and even wood.

Monolithic columns

This type of column is most often used in private construction of houses. As a rule, this is a structure made of reinforcement, filled with concrete.

This type of monolithic columns is made like any other reinforced concrete product. Before manufacturing a column, it is necessary to calculate the maximum load that it will bear and, depending on the result, determine its diameter.

It is clear that the greater the load according to the project, the more solid the column and its foundation should be.

Moreover, for this type of structure, the time-tested length to diameter ratio of 1:7 is used.

Decorative columns are made according to different laws. As a rule, they are lighter and more elegant and, depending on the style in which they are decorated, have a ratio of 1:9 or 1:10.

Building columns with your own hands

Given here step-by-step instruction for building columns for your home with your own hands.

Column finishing

After the final hardening of the concrete, the surface is finishing. Depending on the style that was chosen for the column, you can apply the most various materials, it can be gypsum or cement plaster.

For decoration, stucco molding made of gypsum, polystyrene or polyurethane is used. This is the main advantage of a concrete column when used as a decorative element. In appearance after final processing they are closest to classic look columns, which gives the house a real merchant appearance.

Monolithic concrete columns are used in high-rise buildings, earthquake-prone areas, or as support for an external structure.

Metal columns

Such structures are used in cases where the load is less significant. Steel columns used as a supporting element in houses with a height of no more than two floors, or as outer rows in a construction project.

Due to the material used, this type of column is somewhat more expensive, however, it is also quite quick to install. Installation typically involves the use of a crane (which is another additional expense).

During the installation of a metal column, the verticality of the support is carefully verified. The structure can be attached to the base and floors in the same way as a concrete column, with anchors or in the case of passing through the junction metal beam by welding.

For columns it is used as round pipes, and square pipes or rectangular section, which are pre-treated with anti-corrosion agents.

Brick columns

It is impossible to unambiguously call a structure made of brick a columnar one. It's more likely Brick wall, made on limited area. However, it looks like a column, therefore, it can be decorated accordingly.

As a rule, such reinforcing structures are used in the construction of private wooden houses in order to relieve the walls.

To enhance the strength of the structure, it is mounted inside this structure. metal pipe. It is no longer possible to use a brick column as the main support for the second floor, but it is quite suitable for strengthening the supporting structure.

Wooden columns

The most optimal use of these supports is to support the roof over the porch or veranda. They will not withstand heavy loads, but they are more than applicable in private construction.

To make them, rounded logs are taken, which are installed in steel glasses secured with anchors. If the column material is in contact with concrete, it must be separated from it by waterproofing made of dense polyethylene film or roofing felt.

Wooden columns are less durable even with appropriate processing of the material. But they also have their merits. Wood is easy to process; the surface of the column can be designed in an original and stylish way, while the material itself looks very aesthetically pleasing. It is also important that wood is the most environmentally friendly pure material of all those presented.

An integral part of the pompous and shocking style is the presence of columns in the interior. The high-supporting columns deny the proximity of the poor interior, surrounding themselves with rich textiles and gilded decor. Expensive and arrogant columns look down condescendingly. But the materials of the modern construction industry have taken care of the possibility of creating columns in apartments and houses. It has become possible to erect a majestic column with your own hands, even if using inexpensive decorative material.

Columns in the interior, an order of sophistication

Timeless and eternal classics of architecture are columns, vertical supports processed in cross-section, which are elements of the frame and load-bearing structure of buildings and orders.

Like any supporting element, a classic column consists of a trunk, a capital and a base (wide upper and lower elements - entasis). Understanding your own importance and being the main popular architectural element, columns in all centuries and almost all buildings give an exquisite aristocratic appearance. Even a tiny house with an entrance decorated with columns looks like a fairy-tale palace.

Elements of the order system, maintained in best traditions classicism and post-classicism, look great with equally attractive staircases and selected interior design. Any private house with columns is an indicator of the status and taste of the owner. Undoubtedly, the technology of building a house with columns is labor-intensive and time-consuming, but upon completion of construction, the owner acquires a kind of warrant for sophistication and respectability. Now is the time to take care of creating an interesting interior.

Columned hall in the house or how to enrich the interior

The statement that columns in the interior are used exclusively for luxury interiors can confidently be called erroneous. Why not create some kind of “columned hall” in the house with your own hands, especially since all the conditions for this are available. In the arsenal of designers there are numerous column-like ones: colonnades and paired columns, half-columns on high pedestals.

Therefore, the functional purpose of the columns successfully transforms into a new quality that determines and sets the tone for the aesthetics of the interior of the living room, hallway and house facades.

colonnade, perspective of colonnades

A fascinating perspective from those receding into the distance colonnades Gives peace and natural lightness. Colonnades are designed at the construction stage because the load-bearing load is distributed on their shoulders. For the construction of colonnades the best option is spacious room large area. Small rooms with low ceilings are not suitable for placing colonnades.

original frame - paired columns

Paired columns are a worthy decoration for windows, fireplaces and high wide staircases. Using paired columns There is an excellent opportunity to zoning the space of living rooms and hallways. The paired columns on the wall opposite the entrance look especially original, visually marking the boundary of the zones and creating an entrance. Columns in the apartment, united by an arch, emphasize the isolation of the room and focus attention on the entrance.

semi-columns made of decorative material

But special attention enjoy semi-columns , because their construction and installation is simpler and more affordable than solid columns. There are no strict requirements for the installation and installation of half-columns, as there are for single free-standing columns. It is enough to strengthen the half-columns securely in place.

You can select half-columns for each style, especially since the industry has launched the production of architectural decor from polyurethane.

Decorative polyurethane is a godsend for designers, allowing them to incredibly enrich the simple and boring interior of an apartment or house.

An original-shaped polyurethane column in the interior can replace even an expensive monolithic round column. Only an expert can distinguish the material of manufacture at first glance.

In addition, a column made of decorative polyurethane can become a kind of exhibition stand for mirrors, photographs or paintings.

The endless possibilities of a hollow architectural plasterboard pillar of round or square shape allow you to hide communications, install aquariums or fireplaces. Halogen or LED backlights living rooms with columns look attractive and mysterious in the evenings. False columns and half-columns can be made from plasterboard or assembled from ready-made polyurethane molds.

The technology for assembling and installing polyurethane columns, in comparison with the labor-intensive and costly technology of creating monolithic ones, is simple.

Column construction technology

monolithic columns

Monolithic construction technology reinforced concrete columns necessarily involves the construction of formwork for the foundations for the columns and the trunks themselves. There are formworks using corner elements and universal shields.

Types of formwork for construction

Formwork can be of the following types:

Large and small panels made of wood and metal for rectangular columns

Beam-transom steel for rectangular

Plastic for round columns

From standard elements "Gamma".

The formwork assembly technology consists of connecting two types of panels: embedded (end) and cover (side). After assembly, the panels are fixed into the design position from the inside using spacers and ties, and from the outside using stakes driven into the ground.

For example, standard kit Industrially manufactured formwork from universal “Gamma” panels allows you to form the foundation of a column of rectangular or square section 200x200 to 600x600 mm with a step of 50 mm.

To fasten the panels, end anchors are used, and for mounting and leveling the column shaft, two-level struts are used. The estimated height in the assembly can reach 3 meters. These kits are preferable to use for the construction of monolithic columns large quantity trunks of the same section.

How to install column formwork is shown here.

For the production of round columns, which are most often found in the design of facades of houses with columns and entrance doors private houses use plastic formwork. The round section is assembled from elements with a diameter of 300 - 600 mm. Assembly is carried out using plastic lock systems, providing the connection of round panels by turning by 90 °. For subsequent installation and alignment, struts are used.

After preparing the formwork for the foundation of the column, marking the axes of the trunk is carried out. The axes of the foundation and trunk, as well as inner dimensions The axes of the reinforcement must coincide. The assembled boxes for filling are secured with joints.

It must be remembered that when assembling columns, it is necessary to carefully measure the position of the foundation and the trunk. Otherwise, tilting or deformation of the column will be inevitable.

How to make your own column

You can make a square column from plasterboard, and a round column from plumbing pipe diameter 50 cm. Durable material and the height of the product up to 3000 mm allow you to make a homemade column or a couple of columns. The pipe column is installed in the required location of the room, securing the upper and lower edges to plasterboard bases.

A piece of plumbing pipe of the required height is wrapped and covered with fiberglass. Then the dried layer is primed and sanded. The final marble finishing of the column is done using Venetian putty. The putty is applied in a thin layer and polished to marble quality.

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