Budget holiday at sea: the best options. Where is the best place to relax on the Black Sea coast?

The popularity of holidays on the native shores of the Black Sea is growing, especially among families with children. The reason is not only financial. Vacationing in your home country is easier from an organizational point of view. At the same time, I want the water in the sea to be clean, and the beaches to be well-maintained, and preferably sandy... Is it possible to find such an ideal combination on the Russian Black Sea coast in 2018?

Resorts of the Krasnodar region

On the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, almost the entire coastal strip is resort area. The only difference is the number of vacationers. Starting from Vityazevo and ending at Adler, there are continuous beaches - in bays and on the open sea, wild and equipped, sandy and pebble.

At all resorts the situation is approximately the same. The most popular beaches have developed infrastructure, but not very clean water near the shore. It is better to look for clear seas in the Krasnodar Territory on wild beaches in small resort villages.

Anapa - Vityazevo

The village of Vityazevo is located 11 km north Anapa and is administratively part of it. The main advantage of the resort is its wide sandy beaches and shallow coastal waters.

Central Beach very busy, but the private sections of the coast belonging to hotels and boarding houses are better equipped and there are not very many people on them.

Private beaches are fenced, but some can be accessed by paying 100-200 rubles for entry.

The sea in Vityazevo is free of algae, the bottom is flat, the depth begins about a hundred meters from the shore.

20 km from Novorossiysk there is a resort village, which is famous for its clear sea. It is conveniently located near transport hubs; besides, it is easy to travel here by car and you can stay with a tent. The length of the clean, well-groomed pebble beach is 2 km. It's never crowded here.

Beaches Kabardinka start from Novorossiysk- wild and rocky, they are more suitable for adults; children will not be very comfortable on them. The paths to them are densely trodden right from the highway "Don". But the coastline and water are clean, despite the proximity of the port city.

On the approach to the village, the beaches become crowded; according to reviews, they are simply incredibly crowded and uncomfortable. It is clear that with so many vacationers, the water off the coast leaves much to be desired. For those who are more concerned about cleanliness than amenities, we can recommend uncrowded places far from the center of the village:

On Cape Doob There is a beach, the passage to which is now closed by a fence. There used to be a tourist center here, but now an elite village has grown up "Lighthouse". But enterprising tourists found access to the shore and were rewarded with the clearest sea and 2 km of picturesque coastline stretching to the side Blue Bay.

Right after Gelendzhik 12 km away is one of the most popular resort villages - Divnomorskoe. Its advantage as a place for a beach holiday is due to the fact that it is located not in a bay, but on the shores of the open sea. The waves here are higher and the water is much cleaner, which attracts those who want to feel its true breadth and power.

According to sanitary standards, Divnomorsk has the cleanest sea on the Black Sea coast. True, there are always a lot of vacationers on the central beach; tourists from nearby resorts come here. But this is offset by a large number of rather deserted wilderness areas of the coast.

Praskoveevka - ecology at its best

Praskoveevka was awarded a great honor for its environmental friendliness and extraordinary beauty of nature - it is located here Presidential palace. The village is remote from the main cities, it is surrounded by relict pine forest.

The healing aroma of Pitsunda pine, the clean open sea and the moderately humid Mediterranean climate make the resort more and more popular every year.

The central beach of Praskoveevka has a developed infrastructure, including a variety of water activities. There are usually quite a lot of vacationers here. Even more tourists are trying to get to the rock "Sail". The shore here is not very convenient, the seabed is stony and rocky, but this does not stop those who like to swim in the clear water. During peak season there is no free space here.

The wild beach is considered the most environmentally friendly place on the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory "Molokanova gap". It is located 2 km east of the village. Overhanging the rocky shore and clear water like a tear are rocks covered with Pitsunda pine.

Sea at Crimean resorts

After the return of Crimea to Russia, a stream of tourists poured here. The most popular holiday destination is where the “star” resorts are located.

But this is not the best option in terms of sanitary conditions - the treatment facilities cannot cope with the load. You need to look for a clean sea on the eastern and western shores of the peninsula.

The TOP of the cleanest places in Crimea is headed by Cape Tarkhankut, where turquoise waters wash over white cliffs. Tarkhankut is not just a place to relax, it is a natural attraction of Crimea. There are no resorts here, but there are campsites where surfers and divers go. The local sea is considered the cleanest in Crimea.

The shore of Karadzhinskaya Bay in the Olenevka area is a real find for families with children.

Fine quartz sand and shallow, clear sea are all you need for a complete beach holiday.

A village follows Tarkhankut Balaclava, or rather its surroundings. They are famous for their cleanliness Gold And Silver beaches. IN Chersonese And Cossack Bay there are places that are considered the best for relaxation on the peninsula.

From the West Coast we move to the southeast to the village New World. Two bays attract tourists here with their picturesque nature and clear waters - Blue And Green. Is there some more Blue Bay, but it is too dangerous for swimming. Healing air Green Bay saturated with the aroma of juniper, the shores are sandy, and the water is completely clear. There is no better place to relax with children here.

So, instead of an overseas holiday, you have chosen our native Black Sea, but you don’t know where it’s better to relax. The Black Sea coast stretches from northwest to southeast. In Soviet times, Crimea, the Taman Peninsula, the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory and Abkhazia belonged to one country, the USSR. And for the Soviet people, all this was “our” Black Sea. Today, Crimea and Abkhazia are other countries, but are still not considered by Russians abroad, so we will also consider them in our small study.

Let us designate the main resort areas of the Black Sea coast:

  • Crimea.
  • Anapa-Novorosiysk-Gelendzhik.
  • Tuapse-Lazarevskoye.
  • Sochi-Adler.
  • Abkhazia.

It should be noted that the Black Sea coast is a unique resort place.

Firstly, in different parts of the Black Sea coast there are differences in air humidity, the number of sunny days per year and average annual air temperature. Crimea has a drier climate. The heat is tolerated differently than, for example, in Adler. In Sochi and Adler the climate is more humid and it rains more often in the summer. Anapa has the mildest climate of all the Black Sea regions; it is recommended to relax here with children. Abkhazia has the most sunny days a year. That's why tangerines are grown here.

Secondly, the coastlines, natural landscapes and beaches are very different. Crimea is mountains and rocks cutting straight into the sea, Anapa is sandy beaches and low mountains, Novorossiysk and Gelendzhik are bays and bays, Lazarevskoye is many kilometers of pebble beaches, Sochi and Adler is the beginning of the Greater Caucasus Range, Abkhazia is mountains covered with coniferous forests , eucalyptus trees, and beaches with white sand and blue sea.

Regarding infrastructure, the entertainment industry and the cleanliness of the beaches, it should be noted that in Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory there is the largest selection of hotels, campsites and private houses for accommodation (accommodation can be found on the website https://edem-v-gosti.ru/rus/krym/), the tourism industry is also very developed; in these regions you will find many water parks, dolphinariums, cafes, restaurants, and amusement parks. But one of the disadvantages of Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory is the dirty sea in many places. In Abkhazia, the recreation and entertainment industry has almost been destroyed, but there are low prices and a clean sea.

What can you see on the Black Sea? The shores of the Black Sea have long attracted sailors, pirates and traders. On the coast from Crimea to Abkhazia you will see many monuments of ancient history and antiquity, especially in Crimea. In the area of ​​Novorossiysk and Sevastopol you will get acquainted with the lands that are marked by the military glory of the Russian army.

In coastal areas there are many beautiful waterfalls and lakes, caves and unique botanical parks, rivers and mountain ranges.

But each district has its own unique “zest”. Crimea is famous for its rocks and mountains, abutting the sea, man-made palaces and structures. What is the value of the Swallow's Nest alone! Only on the Taman Peninsula near Anapa there is a healing mud spring. Adler is famous for its proximity to Krasnaya Polyana. In Abkhazia there is a unique New Athos cave, one of its kind.

But what all these areas have in common is a great variety of wineries. In Crimea there are the famous Massandra wines, near Anapa and Novorossiysk there is a factory for the production of Abrau-Durso champagne wines, in Sochi and Abkhazia there are also small, less famous enterprises.

And the Black Sea is unique for its healing sources: mud and climate in Anapa, pine and sea air in Crimea and Sochi, mineral waters of Matsesta and the unique healing smell of the sea, pine needles and eucalyptus in Abkhazia.

So, where is the best place to relax at sea, it’s up to you to choose. But there are still a few recommendations. In Anapa it is best to relax with children, in Crimea and the suburbs of Sochi for treatment, in Lazarevskoye and Greater Sochi to have fun with friends, in small villages to relax with your family, and in Abkhazia to enjoy the silence and almost deserted beaches.

But wherever you go, an interesting and memorable vacation awaits you, despite the “domestic” service and inflated prices. After all, there is nothing more beautiful than sitting in the evening on the shore of a warm and gentle sea and with a glass of cold southern wine in your hands, watching how quickly the hot red sun sets under the quiet splashes of the waves...

Choosing the best place to relax on the Black Sea is not so easy - the entire coast of the Krasnodar Territory and the Crimean Peninsula is replete with all sorts of resorts for every taste and budget. Families with children, young people, elderly people and lovers of active pastimes - everyone will be able to choose the option that suits them.

In 2018, the most expensive holidays are considered to be in big cities - Sochi, Adler, Anapa and Yalta, which is considered the most expensive Crimean city to live in. A trip to Vardana, Golovinka, Vishnevka, Sevastopol, Evpatoria, Sudak will cost approximately 30% less. In Tuapse, Saki, Alupka, Kerch and Feodosia, prices are even lower, and the most budget options are offered by small villages - Olenevka, Kurortnoye, Stormovoye, Malorechenskoye. Accommodation in private accommodation usually costs much less than in hotels. It’s cheaper to get there by train, but so far this only applies to the Krasnodar Territory.


The season in Crimea begins in May: the average air temperature is +21°C during the day, at night it drops to +12-15°C. It is warmest at this time on the West Coast, but the water is still quite cool and warms up to +20°C only at the end of the month. In June it gets hotter: on average up to +25°C during the daytime and +19°C at night. In July and August the temperature is approximately the same, often reaching +30°C during the day, the nights are also not cold - from +18°C to +25°C. The water is very warm in summer: in June it warms up to +23°C, in July and August – up to +26°C. September weather is similar to June, but the sea is warmer. In spring and autumn it is better to go in order to see the sights: swimming at this time, with the exception of the very end of May, is almost impossible.

Water temperature on the Black Sea coast by month and city

The hottest month in Kuban is August: average daily air temperature is +30°C, water temperature is +25°C. However, sightseeing at this time is not very comfortable, so if you want to go on excursions, you should go there in early summer or autumn.


In the Krasnodar Territory, the most developed infrastructure is characteristic of Greater Sochi - Sochi itself, Adler, Dagomys, Lazarevsky, Matsesta. Of course, holidays in these places are not cheap, but the tourist infrastructure there is well developed. Reviews from tourists say that the beaches in big cities are too crowded and not entirely clean, but in Lazarevsky and Dagomys the coastal strip and water are cleaner. There is also good infrastructure in Anapa, Gelendzhik and Tuapse, but the latter loses somewhat because it is a port and industrial center.

One of the beaches of Anapa

In Crimea, Evpatoria, Sevastopol, Alushta, Feodosia, and Yalta have good infrastructure. But in those villages that offer the cheapest housing, it is often not developed at all and is often limited to a few shops and a couple of cafes.


With kids

Anapa is rightfully considered the most “children’s” resort - it and its surroundings have everything for the best holiday on the Black Sea with children: a convenient gentle entrance to the water, well-groomed beaches, clean water and entertainment. Among families with children, for whom shallow water, lack of noise and wide beaches are important, Dzhemete, Vityazevo and Sukko are especially popular, and with older children, when shallow water and silence are no longer so important, the village of Blagoveshchenskaya and the city of Anapa itself are especially popular. However, you need to remember that in mid-summer the sea water there blooms for a while, so it is better to go there in June or August. As for entertainment, there will be no shortage of them: there are water parks, amusement and amusement parks, and an aquarium. Feedback from tourists suggests that you can safely go to Lazarevskoye with your child - there are clean and comfortable beaches, water parks, a dolphinarium, a terrarium, a penguinarium, carousels and an aquarium.

Of the Crimean resorts, Evpatoria provides a good holiday with children: there is convenient access to the water, sandy beaches and many options for leisure activities - a dolphinarium, arboretum, dinopark, tropical park, oceanarium, several amusement parks. Ten kilometers from Yevpatoria there is the largest water park on the peninsula - “Banana Republic”, where there are more than twenty attractions - from those designed for kids to truly extreme ones. You can also have a good time in Yalta: there a zoo, water parks, a crocodilarium, a marine animal theater, and the open-air museum “Glade of Fairy Tales” await young tourists.

For the elderly

The Black Sea coast is simply strewn with various health resorts, hospitals and sanatoriums; There are especially many of them in Anapa, Feodosia, and Yevpatoria - there is clean air, picturesque places, and a large selection of health treatments.


Often, pensioners do not feel very comfortable during the heat, accompanied by the scorching sun - therefore, older people are recommended to visit resorts on the Black Sea in early June and September - from mid-June to the end of August it is too hot there. And prices for housing, as well as travel packages, traditionally decrease somewhat at this time. Some companies offer special group tours for pensioners - often older people feel more comfortable immediately meeting someone from their city and knowing that there will always be familiar people nearby.

For young people

The best holiday for many young people usually involves warm sunny weather, swimming, entertainment and not very high prices for accommodation and food. Most often, young people choose Tuapse, Feodosia, Alushta, Koktebel - they all meet these conditions: it is quite possible to find cheap rooms there, a lot of discos and bars, and interesting excursions. Prices in Adler and Gelendzhik may seem too high, but there are always a lot of young people there too.

For lovers of active pastime

One of the most popular ways to spend unusual leisure time on the Black Sea coast is going to water parks. There are plenty of them there, and there is sure to be at least one within a radius of several tens of kilometers from any resort.

The best of them, according to tourist reviews:

  • In the Krasnodar Territory: “Golden Bay” and “Behemoth” - Gelendzhik, “Amphibius”, “Nautilus”, “Starfish” and “AquaLoo” - Big Sochi, “Dolphin” and “Dzhugba” - Tuapse, “Golden Beach”, "Olympia" and "Tiki-Tak" - Anapa.
  • In Crimea: “Banana Republic” - Evpatoria, “Water World” - Sudak, “Almond Grove” - Alushta, “Blue Bay” - Simeiz, “Zurbagan” - Sevastopol.

As for the popular sports, the most popular are surfing, diving and yachting. Advice from experienced surfers suggests that it is best to conquer the waves in Crimean waters, namely on the western coast of the peninsula. Beginners are advised to use Uchkuevka, Lyubimovka and Kacha.

The most picturesque dive sites are also located in Crimea.

These include:

  • Cape Ai-Todor;
  • Balaclava;
  • Cape Tarkhankut;
  • Cape Meganom;
  • Sevastopol.

You can also go paragliding, caving, and horseback riding. One of the unusual and extreme entertainments is crossing two suspension bridges stretched between the teeth of Mount Ai-Petri at an altitude of more than a thousand meters.

For sightseeing lovers

Holidays in Russia on the Black Sea, regardless of the specific location, are always rich in a variety of excursions. You can explore the sights on your own, or you can sign up for organized group tours or order individual ones.

In the Krasnodar region, visiting ancient dolmens in Krasnaya Polyana and Aderbievka is very popular. The Sochi Arboretum, Berendeevo Kingdom Park, national parks Sochi and Utrish, Eagle Rocks, waterfalls and the Exarcho farm attract nature lovers. Beautiful photographs can be taken on the embankments, in the Sochi Riviera Park and on Mount Akhun. From architecture - Sochi Marine Station, Lion's Head Castle, Anapa Lighthouse, Olympic stadiums, ruins of the fortress in Loo. There are also plenty of interesting museums: archaeological and ethnographic, the “White Horse” gallery in Gelendzhik, “Stalin’s Dacha” in Krasnaya Polyana, the Museum of Cosmonautics in Arkhipo-Osipovka.

There are many attractions in Crimea: the Miskhor - Ai-Petri cable car, listed in the Guinness Book of Records, Mount Ai-Petri itself, the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, Chersonesus, the fortified city of Chufut-Kale. You can look at the ancient fortresses - Sudak, Yeni-Kale, Aluston, Chembalo. Art lovers should definitely visit the Aivazovsky Art Gallery in Feodosia. Among the unusual museums is the naval complex in Balaklava, which was a secret facility for a long time and became open to the public quite recently. And, of course, castles and palaces “scattered” throughout the peninsula – Swallow’s Nest, Bakhchisaraysky, Livadia, Massandra, Yusupovsky, Vorontsovsky.

It is impossible to say unequivocally where it is better to relax on the Black Sea - the choice depends on many factors: age, preferences, budget. What is not suitable for families with children may be ideal for older people; fans of outdoor activities choose some places, and those who like to bask in the sun choose others. But Crimea and the Krasnodar region provide such a large selection that everyone can find something that suits them.

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The Black Sea coast is distinguished by its unique natural landscape, mild subtropical climate, many kilometers of sandy beaches, and warm sea. The best mud and balneological resort areas are located here.

Where is the cleaner sea?

The purity of sea water largely depends on the human factor and the time of year. Not far from crowded beaches and in the immediate vicinity of populated areas, it is impossible to find clean sea water. The Black Sea coast has a high anthropogenic impact and is very densely populated. Pollution of the Black Sea waters with human waste products has significantly reduced the number of places with clean water.

The cleanest sea is located in the Anapa and Gelendzhik regions. The village of Blagoveshchenskaya, the resort village of Vityazevo, the Sukko Valley, as well as Bolshoi and Maly Utrish, boast fairly clean and clear water. Not far from them is the State Dendrological and Marine Reserve and the Pearl Falls. In the Gelendzhik region, Golubaya Bukhta and the village of Divnomorsk deserve attention, the name of which speaks for itself.

In any case, when choosing a place to relax, it is better to stay away from city beaches, where there will be a lot of people; you should pay attention to the outskirts and quiet places. If you have the opportunity to plan a vacation, it is better to choose the end of June, the beginning of July, there are much fewer people on vacation in these months than in August, so you can always find a place on the beach and the sea will be cleaner.

Where are the sandy beaches on the Black Sea?

The sands of the Black Sea beaches are known for their amazing healing properties. They have their own unique composition, which includes feldspar, quartz particles, crushed mollusk shells and sea salts.

South of Crimea, sandy beaches cover the entire resort area of ​​the Anapa region, and end on the territory of the Taman Peninsula. In the village of Vityazevo and the village of Blagoveshchenskaya, shell yellow sand predominates.

A beach holiday on the Black Sea coast in Gelendzhik has its advantages. There are very clean pebble beaches that stretch along the bay. In some places the beach is equipped with pantoons and stairs for descent. In any case, you will be pleased with the city's embankment and excellent weather.

Where is the Black Sea warmer?

The Black Sea coast almost always has warm and humid winters. Thanks to these climatic conditions, the top layer of sea water cools very little. The spread of the Black Sea Current along the entire sea perimeter allows the water to warm up evenly and in a very short time. Sea water in the southern regions of the Black Sea coast, due to higher average daily temperatures, is several degrees higher.

According to the editors' website, most resorts on the Black Sea have excellent infrastructure and well-equipped beaches. It is worth reading the information in advance and choosing the option you like.
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