Break Free Liberation is a board game. Screenshots of the game Liberation of Europe


Dear friends!

We are pleased to present you a new game for fun and active friends from Yulu - “Break Free” from the SPY CODE series, which will go on sale very soon - in early October this year.

The Spy Code line of toys is already known to fans of board games, films and cartoons about spies, secret agents, bandits and policemen! Last year we already presented you with a game in which the guys had to open a safe and get all the jewelry hidden in it. The new game "Liberation", like "Safe Burglar", is suitable for children and adults who love adventure, adventure and laughter.

By playing Liberation, each participant will be able to imagine themselves in the role of a spy who was caught on a mission and handcuffed. The mission is to free yourself from these shackles faster than other players. A special master key will help spies and agents with this. But don't think that everything will be so simple. The whole secret of handcuffs lies in their locks! In the set you will find labyrinth castles with three difficulty levels: easy, medium and hard.

In order to start the mission, you need to prepare everything for the game. Remove and unpack all parts from the box:

✔ Handcuffs with chains (4 pcs.);
✔ Master keys (4 pcs.);
✔ Green labyrinth castle of easy difficulty level (4 pcs.);
✔ Yellow labyrinth castle of medium difficulty level (4 pcs.);
✔ Red labyrinth castle of high difficulty level (4 pcs.);
✔ Winners tokens (16 pcs.).

The handcuffs have a huge black padlock at the bottom with a gray cap. Remove it and place a labyrinth lock of suitable complexity inside. If there is a group of spies around the table who are playing Liberation for the first time, then choose the green labyrinth castle. After the guys begin to easily cope with opening the handcuffs, you can change the difficulty level to the next one. Put the gray cap back and turn the handcuffs over. You will notice a small hole at the top, insert the master key into it and the handcuff mechanism will open! The board game “Liberation” can be played by two to four people. Fasten the chains of the handcuffs to each other, place the master keys next to them. You can have two or one hand cuffed. Once the cuff mechanisms snap onto your wrists, it's game on! Rather, grab your master keys and try to open the labyrinth lock. Attention!!! Removing handcuffs and opening the labyrinth lock can take even an adult by surprise!

To open the labyrinth lock, the agent must remain calm and slowly turn the master key to complete all stages of the labyrinth correctly. Whoever can free himself from the handcuffs first receives a winner token.

If you want to make the game more challenging, try wearing sleep masks over your eyes. With your eyes closed, it will be much more difficult to figure out how to open the lock. Not to mention that it will become almost impossible to quickly find the lock. And if you sit with your backs to each other, the game will turn into a real spy mission. You have to free yourself from the handcuffs only with the help of strategy and your own dexterity. Change difficulty levels and upgrade your spy skills with your friends. Just imagine how many different emotions you will experience during this game. Challenge your friends, come up with different game plots, get tokens, be the most dexterous and fastest!

If the little spy cannot open the labyrinth lock on his own, you can always free him from the handcuffs. To do this, you need to insert the master key into a special hole located on the back side of the black lock.

The board game “Spy Code: Break Free” will be an ideal gift for a child and even an adult. All spies and agents will receive indescribable emotions as they compete with each other to open handcuffs as quickly as possible. Several difficulty levels of labyrinth castles and numerous game plots will make each game unique!

Board game Break Free YL039 The game "Liberation" will be available for sale in the first half of October. Follow our news so you don't miss the release of this wonderful new product!

The game "Liberation" was created based on the ideas of Buddhist cosmology by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, a professor at the Eastern University of Naples and a master of the Tibetan Dzogchen tradition. This game is played on a large colored field - a mandala, where each position symbolizes one of the dimensions of existence. The goal of the game is to achieve Liberation from samsara and gain the dimension of Dharmakaya, the state of final Enlightenment.

Liberation Game is an amazing board game created by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu. This is both a game and a way to help us understand various aspects of our states. The game consists of a playing field divided into 108 dimensions or spaces, several game accessories and a booklet telling players where they should place their "Tokens", which can be located in literally every square ranging from the Dharmakaya to the Hell of Various Desires. The goal of the game is to achieve Dharmakaya or liberation.

To do this, each player rolls the dice and places his piece in a specific spatial dimension, and moves in this way according to the instructions until the next throw. From the higher dimensions, it is still possible to go to the lower ones, possibly passing through the human dimension. From the human dimension you can go anywhere.
All players start with this dimension. Then, depending on the throw of the dice, one begins one's ascent upward along the path of Atiyoga, or along another of the list of paths leading to Liberation, or moves downward to the formless dimensions, the bardo and any of the six lokas. The Tibetan version of this game was invented by the great 13th century master Sakya Pandita. In the game of Liberation, designed by Namkhai Norbu, as many people as can fit around the playing board can take part.

In the game, it becomes clear how difficult it is to achieve liberation, how much one should appreciate the favorable opportunity of a precious birth in the higher dimensions, and how difficult it is to liberate being born in the lower dimensions. And once having achieved the Dharmakaya, it is necessary to wait until the last player completes the game, since the game is not over until EVERYONE is freed, and no one ever actually plays alone.

Liberation of Europe - a new economic-military strategy in the browser. The setting of the Second World War will appeal to many. You have to decide on a side - the USA, the USSR or Germany. Europe has long been mired in war, and you will have to prevent this. Capture cities, build industrial buildings in them, accumulate resources and hire troops. In addition, you will be able to learn new types of units, as well as improve them. For PvP fans, the game features a tournament mode.

Official site official website of Liberation of Europe.


To start playing Liberation of Europe you just need to register using the link above. There is no need to download the game. It's browser-based.

Review of the game Liberation of Europe


Of course, the game tries to force the atmosphere of the Second World War on you in various ways, and sometimes it succeeds and sometimes it doesn’t. There is practically no historical accuracy in the game, but essentially this does not interfere with the entire development of events. However, not all of Europe will take part in the war, but the action will take place throughout its entire land.

Game process

Even in economic strategies, you now have to choose a class, or rather the side for which you will liberate Europe. You have a choice of Germany - Berlin, USSR - Moscow, USA - you will play for the captured city as a result of the landing.

Next you will find interesting economic elements, which one way or another should lead you to a build-up of military power. In front of you will be a map on which cities prepared for capture are marked with green flags. On the right you can find a description of the quest, through which you will receive a reward.

As you capture the city, you'll engage in a battle that's styled like a board game or something like that. The enemy will have a certain number of units opposing yours. When choosing a squad that will fight against the enemy, you must take into account many characteristics - damage, numbers, ammunition and attack coefficients. The outcome of the battle will depend on the little things, and the main thing is your preparedness for war. Of course, at first there will be difficulties, but with experience this will pass.

Economy in the game

The biggest part of the game is economic, without which everything else is impossible. You will be given the basic currencies - money and goods, which you obtain through collecting taxes, producing and constructing buildings. You will need money and goods to hire troops, build buildings, and subsequently improve and modernize. Gold is a currency that can be purchased with real money. It allows you to make the game easier in many ways. And, unfortunately, a little unfair in this game.

As you already understand, you will have to tinker with the economy for a long time in order to become successful from a military point of view.

There is an interesting button at the bottom of the screen - Central District. Here you can find information about army improvements, what units are in the game, learn more about the economy, etc.
  1. Economy– in this tab you will find additional information about the production and acquisition of resources.
  2. Army– in this tab you can study new types of troops, as well as hire them.
  3. The science– this tab describes the improvement of buildings in more detail, and reveals new aspects of the economy.
The game implements a system of daily rewards, only if you participate in a PvP tournament, player versus player. You won’t lose anything by participating, but you will gain resources.

I’ll say a few words about the graphics – it resembles a board game transferred to the browser.

Let's sum it up

The liberation of Europe turned out to be a good military-economic strategy. Pros: strong economic component; well executed battles. Minuses: accumulating power is sometimes a long and thankless process.

Chapter 1. Basics of combat.

“Liberation of Europe” is a free online game in which combat takes place according to fixed rules and does not depend on luck or AI, but only on preparation for the battle and your decisions during the battle.

On the right is the enemy (there are much more of him than 6 units, the scroll bar is subtle, but visible). On the left are your units, divided into 4 types of troops. You select a unit for each (or not each, as you wish) enemy with which you consider it necessary to attack him, and then click “Battle” and see the outcome of the battle. Then you repeat this operation until you either destroy all enemies, or lose all your troops, or retreat voluntarily due to lack of ammunition.

In my opinion, this information is quite enough to decide whether to read the guide further or give up the idea of ​​​​playing “Liberation of Europe”. We will return to the combat system in more detail, but first we will look at the general map and economic model.

Chapter 2. General map.

Let's look at the main screen of the game.

The map includes almost all of Europe (except for the Caucasus and Russian territories east and north of Moscow), as well as North Africa and Turkey. The entire map is divided between three forces: the red communists (USSR), the black fascists (the Axis is not only represented by German troops, but acts as a single power) and the yellow capitalists (the USA is not on the map, but most of the various aspects of playing for the allies speak of the USA , not about Great Britain).

At the beginning of the game, the side you choose will have one or three cities: the USSR has Moscow, Germany has Berlin, the allies have Ireland and Scotland. Everything else is captured by rivals (not players), often in violation of historical accuracy. For example, as you can see on the map, when playing for the USSR, Turkey is for some reason on the side of Germany, and Spain is on the side of the USA. I suspect that as the plot develops, either side will have to completely capture the other two, realizing not so much the Liberation as the Conquest of Europe.

There are many cities on the map, located more or less in accordance with geographic accuracy. The capitals of the countries and republics of the USSR are drawn larger, and they have larger populations, but this is not reflected in the economic or military aspects.

Some cities have green flags. They can be captured, which is reflected in the corresponding quest (circles on the left). When you capture all cities with green flags, access to a new quest to capture the next group of cities will open.

Chapter 3. Economics.

Let's look at the top panel of the interface.

On the left is a flag and a portrait (the portrait cannot be changed yet, but, apparently, this part of the game will be completed). Clicking on a portrait opens brief statistics, including a list of troops. Under the flag there is a small round button with a change of side, but playing for everyone will be very problematic: when changing sides, the game actually starts from scratch, only the donation not yet spent and the points of the PVP tournament are saved. Moreover, when returning to the previous side, nothing is returned.

Then there is a panel indicating the number of cities and population (does not affect anything except some quests), and below them three categories of glasses:

  • Capture points. Required to attack (including unsuccessfully) cities on the map. Maximum 12, restored every 15 minutes, if necessary, can be purchased for a donation. There shouldn't be any problems with them.
  • Tournament points. Required for PVP attacks. Maximum 6, cooldown 1 hour. Thus, you can carry out 24 attacks on other players per day.
  • Tax points. Required for tax collection. Maximum 6, recover in half an hour.

And next to it is the tax collection button. When taxes are collected, one of two main resources is added (goods and money). The resource that is now in short supply is always added, but the amount of the increase is completely random, with a spread of an order of magnitude, I received from a little over 2 thousand to more than 20 thousand.

The arrow next to tax collection promises an increase in taxes for inviting friends, but the friends functionality does not work yet.

Even further to the right are three currencies:

  • goods (tons);
  • money (rubles, marks, dollars);
  • gold (tons).

Goods and money are the main currencies that are collected in the form of taxes, produced by industry, and given for capturing cities and completing quests. They are spent on building the economy, building and improving troops.

Gold is a donation (about 1 ton of gold for 2 rubles, there is a regular promotion x2). At the beginning of the game you are given 10 tons of gold, but 1 of them is spent during training.

Gold can (but is not necessary) be spent instead of basic currencies when there is a shortage of them, as well as to speed up construction. There is little more sense in purchasing ammunition, which allows you to win almost any battle (more details below).

The only thing, in my opinion, that is really worth spending gold on is the eternal strengthening of fighters. Pay2win in all its glory.

Both the purchase of gold for coins and its expenditure on strengthening fighters are accessed by a green plus sign next to the number of tons of gold.

The last thing in the top panel is a button for viewing notifications (but not personal messages, they are not in the game).

Where to get goods and money.

Firstly, the already mentioned taxes.

Secondly, they are produced by buildings in cities.

Let's look at the city screen, which opens simply by clicking on the city on the map:

There are three buildings each for the production of goods and money.

The first gives 200 per hour, can save for 6 hours, costs 25,000 to build. At the same time, the construction of a building that generates money requires 25,000 tons of goods, and vice versa.

The second gives 500 per hour, saves for 12 hours, costs 100,000.

The third gives 2000 per hour, saves for 24 hours, costs 1,000,000.

Thus, if you enter the game every 6 hours (at least), then the first building will pay for itself in 5 days, the second in 9 days, and the third in 21 days. But in the city you can only build one building at the beginning, in order to increase the number of buildings, it needs to be improved (bar and button at the top), which is also paid, and more and more expensive. Therefore, it may be beneficial to develop some cities as sources of money and others as sources of goods.

Immediately after capturing the city, you can instantly rebuild 5 out of 6 buildings, but this pleasure will cost 50 tons of gold (100 rubles).

The capital, available at the beginning of the game, is initially completely rebuilt (2700 per hour for both), that is, even doubling the speed of obtaining currencies is not such a quick task.

In addition, there are also buildings in the Central District that produce money and goods at an initial rate of 1000 per hour. Rebuilding them is a little more profitable than rebuilding cities.

A complete list of cities and their settings can be seen by clicking the Cities button on the bottom panel of the interface.

I especially want to draw attention to the production numbers. This is the amount of goods and money that will be received from the city if you do not collect them for a long, long time (at least a day). But when collected every 6 hours (or more often), Moscow will give not 46 times more than Pskov, but only 13.5.

If you hover your mouse over goods or money in the main window, you will see the following pop-up frame:

“Produced” - you can collect what has already been produced.

"Max. loot” - how much can be collected if you leave the game for a day.

“Reserve” - how much more can be collected without losing. You cannot store more than a certain limit. If your production exceeds the reserve, it will be sad. Don't hoard goods and money, spend them.

Please note that in this place “Reserve” does not show the maximum accumulation, but rather the free space in the Reserve. In this example, the maximum savings is 55,366 + 160,634 = 216,000.

To collect money and goods from cities and the Central District, you need to go to the Central District interface (another button on the bottom panel of the interface).

Collecting the money and goods produced - the “Collect Resources” button at the bottom.

The main purpose of the Central District is the production and improvement of troops.

Let's look at the tabs. There are three of them, 4 buildings in each. All buildings can be rebuilt.

The first tab is “Economy”. Here is the main building (it needs to be rebuilt in order to increase the building limit of the remaining buildings of the Central District), two buildings for the production of goods and money, as well as increasing the limit of the reserve of money and goods.

Second tab(in the screenshot) - "Army". Please note that next to each type of troops is the number of points for which they can be maintained. This number of points increases by rebuilding the building (“Improve”). The better the squad, the more points it requires. Starting squads require 50 points per infantry squad and 70 points for other branches of the military, so in the above screenshot there can be no more than 3 infantry squads, 3 armored vehicles, 2 air force and 2 navy.

Building an army requires not only points, but also money/goods, and deleting a unit will completely free up points, but will return only three-quarters of money and goods.

The third tab is “Science”. There you can improve the characteristics of units, learn new units, and also build fortifications (needed only for defense in PVP). The fortification is not exactly better than another detachment, but the first fortification is cheaper than the tenth infantry detachment.

There are a total of 45 units for each faction: 9 infantry, 9 armored vehicles, 9 aircraft, 9 ships and 9 fortifications. In all categories except fortifications, 3 units are available from the very beginning, and the rest will be learned upon reaching a sufficiently high level of the corresponding structure.

Also in the bottom panel of the interface maps have buttons “Friends” (not yet implemented), “Tournament” (entrance to PVP battles), “Rating” (view the top 10 in three categories), “Chat” (general), “Music” (not yet working ), "Sound" and "Full Screen Mode".

In the right corner is the map zoom, which can also be done by scrolling with the mouse wheel.

Chapter 4. More about battles. PVE and PVP.

How to get into battle has already been said. PVE - attack a city allowed by the attack quest (with a green flag). PVP - go to the “Tournament”, and then on the right side of the window that opens, select a player slightly higher in rating, and you can view his army before the battle. Beware: the army size shown in the opponent selection window is often incorrect. Check your opponent's army before the start of the battle.

The main difference between PVE and PVP is that in PVP all units of the attacker (except for fortifications) fight against all units of the defender, and in PVE you must first choose which units will go into battle, and for each type of troops there is a reserve of points. However, in practice, this reserve of points is so large that it is unlikely that it has ever seriously limited anyone.

And, of course, differences in awards. For winning PVE they give you a city to rebuild and some goods/money, and for winning PVP they give you promotion in the rankings.

Well, apart from the pride and joy of victory... Every night, a medal is given out for placing in the rankings, depending on the place. Each medal brings its own amount of goods and money. Only the player who has attacked at least once during the last 24 hours receives a medal.

The game claims that rating points are earned “for the faction,” but there is currently no faction competition. And it’s unlikely to happen: the number of players is too unequal. More than half play for the USSR, a third for the Nazis, and only a few play for the Allies.

There are also orders - they are issued for repeatedly occupying high places. These are a kind of achievements.

So, let's go back to the battle window.

Each unit has characteristics:

  • Attack coefficients against four branches of troops and fortifications. This is precisely the damage coefficient, that is, with a base damage of 300 and a coefficient of 25%, each shot will deal 75 damage.
  • Number. The damage dealt reduces the number by its value. If the number becomes 0, the unit will be killed before the end of the battle. After the battle, regardless of its outcome, all units, including those killed, will restore their numbers.
  • Damage. Base.
  • Ammunition. Each shot reduces their number by 1. Without ammunition, the squad will not be able to fight.

Training in the Central District increases numbers and damage, but not attack coefficients or the amount of ammunition.

Next to enemy units there is a small arrow - a gray triangle. It shows which enemy I choose to attack. It is he who is shown in the top center.

You can click on another enemy unit and select it. You can attack in any order.

To select an attacking unit, we click on it with the mouse, but when we point at our unit, we see its characteristics in the center below.

Let's look at the example in the screenshot.

The German Parachute Division is selected and the mouse cursor is hovering over the Soviet cruiser Kirov. The infantry fights against the ship, so the image of the ship is highlighted on the Parachute Division card (coefficient 0%), and the image of the infantry is highlighted on the Kirov card (coefficient 25%).

If I choose this attack, the following will happen: the units will take turns striking each other. “Kirov” for paratroopers with a strength of 75 (300*25%), and paratroopers for “Kirov” with a strength of 0 (200*0%). Kirov will strike first because it attacks.

After 15 strikes, the paratroopers will run out of shells and will leave the battle. "Kirov" will receive 0 damage (remaining strength is 3000, ammunition is 5), and the Parachute Division will receive 75*15=1125 damage (remaining strength is 1875, ammunition is 0).

But since the Parachute Division was defending itself, its ammunition would be immediately restored. But the attacker can restore supplies only for 10 tons of gold.

Therefore, it is better to attack with a squad that will receive damage (as long as it does not die too quickly), but also not inflict it drop by drop. The ideal attack is an attack with 100% damage. And the damage received is secondary, it should be taken into account only when there is enough ammunition for several enemy units.

That is, if I attack the paratroopers with infantry with 200*100% damage and 15 ammo, then it doesn’t matter how much damage they do in response, because this infantry will destroy them and use up all the ammo with maximum efficiency. But it is not worth attacking with an aircraft with 300*100% damage and 20 ammunition - 10 ammunition will be spent with high efficiency, but the number of aircraft will be reduced to almost zero (19 times out of 20 the enemy will have time to respond). In this case, it is worth selecting a second enemy who will either not cause damage to these planes at all (and then you can attack him with the remaining numbers), or will cause a little damage (and then first spend half of the ammunition on him, and then attack the paratroopers and die, having spent most of the ammunition).

But the best combination, naturally, is dealing 100% damage and taking 0% or 25% damage.

So, the advantages of a striker:

  • Choice of which squad attacks whom (the defender, even in PVP, sees only the fact of victory or defeat when defending).
  • The first blow in each round of combat (that is, victory in a counter-destruction fight).

Defender Advantages:

  • The use of not only troops, but also fortifications.
  • Automatic recovery of ammunition after each round of combat.

There is also a time limit for combat, but it is long enough to not pay much attention to it. The main thing is not to go AFK in the middle of the battle.

Chapter 5. Summary: advice for beginners.

Waste of resources. If you come to the game seriously and for a long time, then rebuild at least 4 buildings out of 6 in each city, as soon as there are no longer enough troops to capture cities. It's better to build for two weeks and then move forward quickly than to be stuck for days on each quest.

The procedure for constructing resource extraction buildings. First the first buildings in all cities. Then resource extraction buildings in the Central District on several levels. Then second buildings in all cities, first in some cities with money, in others with goods, and only then completed until they are equal. Third buildings - not soon (the reserve of a million will not be soon), depending on the situation.

When to enter the tournament. Straightaway. It will not be worse. You are not being robbed. And medals are given to everyone every day. At least it's an increase.

What to save. Army. Building. But not resources or tax points.

Donate or not. Decide for yourself.

You will become a participant in the most tragic episode of modern history - the treacherous attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR. This is not just another military game, it is a turn-based strategy with a global map that will force you to think outside the box. Watch the walkthrough of the game liberation of Europe, which you will find in the video review, and get ready to smash enemy troops. Monumental tasks - the liberation of all Soviet and European cities - cannot be solved by the forces of a tiny detachment, and you will have to develop, improve, and learn.

Gameplay, development

You will begin your development and step-by-step passage of the strategic simulator in the Central District. Army, economy, science - three important components on which the passage is built. Moreover, it is important to take into account that they are equivalent, interconnected and should develop evenly. Without resources and money, the enemy cannot be defeated. To win a war, it is important to develop all components. To maintain a large army, you need resources.

Before downloading the liberation of Europe game, think about whether you can develop daily. After all, it requires a detailed walkthrough, where nothing can be missed. You should also read the review so as not to get confused in the intricacies of the storyline.

Economics is an important component. To maintain and develop a large army - navy, infantry, aviation, tank forces - you need a huge amount of resources. They will be available using:

  1. Factories and factories;
  2. Shops and banks;
  3. Schools, houses and administrative buildings.

Science is the second component in the art of war. Do not neglect scientific developments and take care of brilliant scientists. With the development of this area, you will be able to better train military personnel. Any war requires new technologies, development, research and improvement. New types of weapons, ammunition, communications - without science all this is impossible.

Combat system: how to complete the strategy

Here you will understand what a real battle is. The country burning in the fire of struggle will teach you how to fight. You can choose the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany or the Allies and play the liberation of Europe. Here the battles are reminiscent of playing solitaire, where you have to think and be attentive. Think over tactics, deploy troops and liberate Europe.

The most important thing is to form a perfectly attacking army, and then you will succeed. If you gather the best army, you can compete with other players in an exciting PvP tournament. In this exciting online browser game you will become a participant in the most tragic episode of modern history - the treacherous attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR. This is not just another military game, it's turn-based


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