Bonsai is the art of miniature trees. Garden in the palm of your hand or the art of bonsai - what is it?

Ancient Buddhists believed that the soul experiences a rebirth after death, and there is no worse fate for a person than to be reborn into a bonsai tree. Indeed, in the process of its growth, the branches of the tree are twisted, and the roots are pruned to achieve perfect shape plants. However, it was the followers of Buddhism who had a hand in the mass dissemination of art miniature trees.

Growing bonsai, according to the ideas of Buddhist monks, equated man with God, since the earthly world is the garden of Buddha, and he is the great gardener in it.

Excursion into history

The first bonsai appeared in ancient China back in the 8th century. There is a legend according to which one of the emperors ancient dynasty Khan decided to see his empire in miniature and ordered the creation of an exact copy of all its corners, and this is how the first dwarf trees appeared.

But miniature copies of trees are associated more with Japanese culture, for which they have become an integral part. The art of Bonsai, brought to the land of the rising sun by Buddhist monks, organically fit into Japanese traditions, since the original beliefs of the Japanese were based on the worship of natural objects - plants, stones, water. Nature, according to the Japanese, personified the divine essence. Having adopted Buddhism as an official religion, the Japanese people also adopted the idea of ​​the sacredness of the Bodhi tree, under whose branches Buddha achieved enlightenment and which, in a sense, is the prototype of bonsai.

In Japan, the art of bonsai went through a period of its formation; trees became objects of cultural value and collectibles, because, despite small sizes, they can be several centuries old. Japanese masters emphasize the spiritual value of bonsai, as the personification of the beauty of nature, the ability to find a source of inspiration in the surrounding world.

Choosing a Bonsai Plant

Almost all trees are suitable for growing a miniature tree, but for beginners it is better to choose unpretentious and fast growing species. Coniferous trees are the most difficult to grow - in Japan, the creators of spruce or pine bonsai are considered real masters.

If you want to grow a bonsai from a small seedling from the very beginning, it is better to choose a plant adapted to the local climate, so there is a better chance that it will take root. It is necessary to plant young trees, no more than three years old. For starters, or will do.

Plants selected from natural environment(yamadori), need to imitate the change of seasons - they need to winter in a room with temperatures down to -5˚C. It is impossible to keep trees at lower temperatures; the root system will freeze. It is not recommended for beginners to take plants from nature; they are difficult to form and care for; for the first experience, it is better to choose a houseplant that does not need wintering.

The best option for home bonsai are ficus trees. They are unpretentious, do not need wintering and are easy to form into beautiful plant in almost any style. Use better variety plants with small leaves, but . It grows very quickly, its trunk and branches bend well. In addition to ficus, you can choose,. ON THE PICTURE: Ficus benjamina bonsai

If you want to grow a tree from a seed, a shrubby succulent is a good choice. compact plant with very beautiful flowers. Adenium seeds have a high germination rate, the plant grows quickly and is easy to care for. The trunk of this plant has a characteristic thickening (caudex), this will make the finished bonsai even more unusual.
ON THE PICTURE: Adenium bonsai

When choosing a bonsai you should pay attention to appearance plants, its condition, compliance with the declared style, resemblance to a real miniature plant. The tree should look healthy and strong. If selected foliage plant, it is better to buy it during the period when the tree is overwintering, that is, has no leaves, so you can inspect all the shoots. Coniferous trees must have shiny needles.

Growing bonsai is a labor-intensive process and requires large quantity time for formation, at least 4–5 years. Therefore, you can purchase a ready-made adult tree.

There should be no marks on the tree bark from the wire used to form the bends of the trunk. Choose better wood up to 30 cm in height, with evenly distributed branches and a well-developed root system.

It is recommended to buy a tree in specialized stores or nurseries; this guarantees that the plant was grown with proper care and in proper conditions. In addition, from specialists you can obtain all the necessary information about a specific instance, which will help organize further care and formation of bonsai. You should not purchase plants in regular home stores with a flower department - they only sell ordinary dwarf trees or bonsai styles.

Bonsai care

Bonsai are very whimsical, so that the tree does not die and does not turn into an ordinary specimen of a houseplant, it is necessary to maintain comfortable environmental conditions for it. First of all this:


Indoor bonsai are plants that often grow in tropical or subtropical climates and therefore require plenty of light. In climate middle zone Russia needs them, especially in winter additional lighting, for which it is better to use fluorescent lamps. Deciduous plants do not need light during the winter after the leaves have fallen; they can be moved to a cool, shaded place. Conifers and evergreens need lighting all year round.

How much light a particular plant needs depends on its species. When choosing a location for a bonsai, it is necessary to take into account all factors that influence illumination: the direction of the world, the distance from the window opening, the angle of incidence of the sun's rays.

The light is also important factor During the formation of a plant, with a lack of lighting, it changes shape - the branches stretch towards the light source, the lower, shaded branches atrophy. The bonsai must be rotated relative to the light source so that the tree develops evenly. However, you should not place the plant in the sun, especially at noon - this may have a negative effect on it. Almost all types of flora do not tolerate direct sunlight.
ON THE PICTURE: Placing the bonsai away from the window will protect the tree from exposure to direct sunlight


Choice temperature regime depends on the type of tree. Some plants need a cool winter, some all year round can be kept without changing the temperature environment. Subtropical species in winter should be kept at a temperature of no more than +15˚C, and in summer they will be better off at outdoors. Tropical - kept year-round at a temperature of +18–25˚C.

Classic tree bonsai in Japan are always outdoors; in our climate this is impossible, since the plants do not tolerate temperatures below 0˚C.


Bonsai need moist air, so the best solution is to purchase a special humidifier. If this is not possible, then the container with the tree can be placed on a tray with gravel, which must be constantly moistened. You can place containers of water on operating heating radiators; this will also make the air in the room more humid. Good effect They give sprayings, they must be carried out daily, preferably in the morning.
ON THE PICTURE: Spraying of Carmona (Heretia) should be carried out year-round (source -


Most miniature trees require frequent watering. The most important thing in watering bonsai is to maintain optimal soil moisture so that it does not dry out, but is not flooded with water for a long time. Water the bonsai through a watering can with small holes or by half-immersing the pot in a container of water for a while. All the soil in the container should be moistened. Most plants do not tolerate “hard” water with a high salt content; rain or melt water is better for them. Tap water Before watering, it is necessary to stand - the impurities will settle and the water will heat up to air temperature. Bonsai cannot be watered cold water Why - you can find out from the article. The pot for the plant must have large drainage holes to avoid water stagnation.

Top dressing

Bonsai is demanding when it comes to feeding due to the small volume of substrate in the bowl in which it is grown. Fertilizer recommendations on the packaging must be carefully followed (for coniferous plants It is better to divide the dose into two). The fertilizers themselves must be extremely High Quality, preferably liquid and separate (separately phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen). Excessive feeding is also harmful - you can damage the root system of the plant and spoil the soil. During the formation of the plant, when it grows intensively, it is necessary to use complex fertilizers. Later, fertilizing with a low nitrogen content is usually used so as not to increase plant growth. Plants should not be fed after replanting or pruning, during illness or wintering.

Disease and pest control

Bonsai, like all plants, can suffer from certain diseases and be affected by pests. This is usually due to errors in the conditions of detention. To avoid this, you should adhere to the basic rules for growing:

  1. It is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of equipment used to care for the plant. All instruments must be washed in a soap solution. Blades of tools for pruning plants are disinfected with alcohol before storing.
  2. The pruning areas must be treated with garden varnish to prevent infection.
  3. Branches of weakened, diseased or damaged plants should not be pruned until they have recovered.
  4. Bonsai should be in sunny place. Fungi, most often causing disease at miniature plants, love damp and dark rooms, where they reproduce well. If a fungal infection is detected, the tree must be sprayed with fungicidal agents, the affected leaves must be removed, and it is better to stop watering and spraying the plant for a while.
  5. Regular inspection of the leaves and branches of the plant, collection and destruction of detected insects is necessary. If necessary, suitable insecticides should be used.

Subject to the rules of care and maintenance of home bonsai long years will delight you with its beauty. Shaping a plant in a certain way is not just entertainment, but a real art, a unique way of learning and changing existence, which can be accessed through a miniature tree.

  1. If you want to form a bonsai of a certain style, carefully select suitable plant. Not all types can be brought to the desired form.
  2. For newbies the best option there will be unpretentious indoor plants that do not need to change seasons.
  3. For your first attempt, do not take a plant from its natural environment - it will take a lot of effort, some experience and endurance for it to take on the intended appearance.
  4. When purchasing a ready-made bonsai, remember that you will have to continue shaping the tree yourself, otherwise it will lose its decorative appearance.
  5. When caring for a bonsai, the main thing is to provide it the necessary conditions content, timely pruning and feeding.
  6. Before planting or purchasing a bonsai, consider whether you have enough time to care for the tree as much as it needs.

This is a whole philosophy that requires certain personal qualities from a person: wisdom, goodwill, delicacy, justice, patience.

Bonsai masters can recreate the image of a powerful thousand-year-old tree, create a landscape of dense forest, mountains and gorges, a seashore - and all this on a tiny piece of land. At proper care Bonsai can live for hundreds of years and become a living symbol that connects generations.

And the art of growing miniature trees in vessels appeared in Ancient China about two thousand years ago. Special care, the composition and amount of soil, special techniques for pruning roots and forming the crown allowed the craftsmen to ensure that over the years the tiny tree acquired the appearance of an adult tree in structure and proportions.

For bonsai, plants are used that are capable of producing flowers and fruits - it is very desirable that the formed bonsai bloom and bear fruit. It can be plum, cherry, apple tree, and from plants that tolerate well room conditions, - myrtle or citrus fruits.

Where to start bonsai? The Japanese identify several main methods for inducing trees to live in a bowl.

Misho. Sowing seeds. If you are just starting to try your hand at bonsai, then the best place to start is by sowing. In addition, seedlings develop faster, and it will simply be more interesting for you to watch their development.

For indoor bonsai, myrtle, citrus, and pomegranate seeds are suitable. For growing garden forms- after the snow melts, collect the sprouted seeds with roots lying under maples and oaks and plant them in bowls. Take whatever seeds you like from trees in your region.

Toriki. Growing bonsai from cuttings and layering, including from the air.

First way- find a branch you like and in the place where you want the roots to be (preferably there should be a bud there), cut off about a two-centimeter ring of bark without touching the wood.

Another way: the bark is not cut off, but incised and bent, a pebble is inserted under it so that it does not turn back. The protected area is treated with a growth stimulant (heteroauxin, epin), and wrapped with sphagnum moss mixed with peat chips. This entire structure is covered with film and tied on both sides, resulting in something like candy on the trunk of a tree. It will take at least three months before roots appear (for coniferous species this process will take much longer). The main thing is not to let the filling of this “candy” dry out: moisten it with a syringe, a rubber bulb, or attach a plastic trench so that wetting occurs with rain.

Yamadori. That is, I found it and dug it up. In spring, find a suitable tree in the forest or clearing. Carefully dig around it in a circle, being careful not to damage the root system. If the roots are too large, cut them down to a reasonable extent and leave the tree alone for a couple of months and wait for the plant to develop as many surface roots as possible. After this, the tree must be dug up and replanted as a bonsai. For the tree to survive, take as much of its native soil as possible. At home, plant it in a large bowl, shade it, spray it often and let it breathe fresh air. It will take several months for the tree to adapt and grow new roots.

Ueki. Selecting and purchasing a suitable tree from the nursery, having a fairly thick trunk and a certain number of branches. There are two options for purchasing bonsai: buying a ready-made indoor plant at the age of 2-3 years, which is then trimmed and transplanted into a flat container, and buying a ready-made bonsai.

After purchasing, check the plant for pests and diseases on the trunk, branches, leaves, roots and soil. If detected, the plant should be immediately treated with medications. It is better to replace the old soil with a new substrate. Shake the soil off the roots (you can wash them with water, except for conifers) and shorten some of the roots when replanting. It is better to replant in spring or summer. If the tree was purchased at another time of the year or it is not possible to replant and prune the plant, then the tree with the earthen lump is removed from the container and transferred to another, larger pot or bowl prepared in advance, and covered with new earth.

Water the ground with the preparation zircon, heteroauxin or dust the roots with the preparation kornevin. To avoid leaving pests in old land, add the drug bazudin to the new substrate (at the tip of a knife for a small container) and mix it with the ground. You can sprinkle the surface of the soil with Aktar. Be sure to put drainage at the bottom of the container to drain excess water to avoid rotting of the root system.

Read about the shape, types and styles of bonsai, planting rules and bonsai care in the following articles.

Bonsai are miniature replicas of real trees grown in a tray. Translated from Japanese, bonsai means “grown in a tray.” The concept of this art came to Japan from China more than a thousand years ago and has been constantly evolving since then. It was in Japan that bonsai grew to the level of a fine art.

There are many techniques for pruning roots and branches that allow you to control the growth of the plant while maintaining natural proportions. Typically, trees such as pine, sakura, maple or fruit trees, for example, quince.

Bonsai styles

There are many styles of bonsai art. The most famous are:

  • formal straight style,
  • informal straight style,
  • oblique style - a tree with a straight trunk growing at an angle to the ground,
  • cascade - imitation of a tree growing near water,
  • semi-cascade style - imitation of a tree with a trunk partially submerged or covered with earth,
  • “root on a stone” style - a tree grows above a stone protruding from the ground, the roots entwine the stone.

  • along with the trees themselves, trays and stones are important elements art of bonsai. However, unlike China, in Japan they choose less brightly colored trays, most often using dark or earthy colors.
  • To enjoy the art of bonsai according to all the rules, you must first look at the composition from above and evaluate general form. Then you need to bend down to the level of the composition and try to imagine yourself small, looking at the tree from a “natural” environment.

Where can you see bonsai in Japan?

One of best places to discover the art of bonsai in Japan - Bonsai Village Omiya, located in Saitama Prefecture. The village is a bonsai nursery that was moved to Saitama from Tokyo after the Great Kanto Earthquake (1923). The village is also home to a magnificent museum of bonsai art.

Another perfect place for bonsai lovers - bonsai village in Kinasi, located in Takamatsu. Kinasi is a leading manufacturer of bonsai trees. There are more than 30 nurseries located here.

For some, a houseplant is blooming violet or ficus with dark shiny leaves. And someone wants to grow a real forest in a small handful of soil.

Many lovers indoor plants Have you heard the mysterious word “bonsai”. But they simply don’t understand what bonsai is and how to form a miniature miracle. Meanwhile, it is quite possible to figure this out.

History of bonsai

The fashion for miniature trees spread around the world from Japan. But the Japanese are not the founders of a new art form. The idea of ​​bonsai came to them from China. But it was the Japanese who brought it to perfection.

The first mention of growing miniature trees came into the hands of historians in 1972. In the mausoleum of Prince Zhang Hui, images were found detailing the technology of growing small trees. Judging by how carefully the drawings were preserved for posterity, the technique was considered particularly valuable knowledge. The drawings date back to the Chinese Tang Dynasty, which corresponds to 600 BC. e.

The Chinese called the unusual hobby “pensai”. The Japanese read the Chinese character in their own way and came up with the word “bonsai,” meaning “grown in a tray.”

By the way, archaeologists claim that even the ancient Egyptians knew what bonsai was. They grew small plants in special vessels, but called them differently. Unfortunately, the Egyptian version of the name has not survived.

What's the point of this

The Japanese have perfected the art of growing dwarf plants. Each tree requires many years of work, attention and patience from the master. This is the only way to get a green masterpiece that will live longer than its creator. Beautiful plant will go to grateful students who understand well what bonsai is and how much effort the master put into this beauty.

The art of bonsai is a certain philosophy that allows you to accept life and enjoy the beauty of its flow. Each tree in the hands of a master goes through three stages, like all living things on the planet. First, it lives through youth, shining with freshness and vigor, then it enters maturity, achieving the perfection of form and beauty, and the last stage is old age, embodying all the wisdom of the world. And, in addition, bonsai is a symbol because the youngest in the family needs to learn from experience and be able to preserve what the elders created.

What trees can be grown

Most often, evergreen species are used for growing in containers. It could be Japanese cypress, cryptomeria, five-leaved, black or red. Bonsai from these tree species looks very impressive, but some prefer to grow deciduous trees, finding a special charm in the changing seasons. In this case, apple trees are suitable different varieties, cherry, some rhododendron, wild azalea, various varieties pears, persimmons, wild grapes, willow and others.

Bonsai pine looks very beautiful and unusual, as can be seen in the photo below, so most often you can find these miniature coniferous trees.

Bonsai styles: Tekkan and Moyogi

Even the most experienced craftsman you can never get two absolutely identical plants. But all compositions are usually clearly divided into styles. It was the Japanese who brought this tradition to the art of bonsai. They gave a designation to a number of characteristics by which trees are divided into styles. There are more than 30 of them, but we will consider the most common ones.

If you see a bonsai plant with a straight trunk that flares out towards the base, then it is a formal upright style - Tekkan. Another important characteristic is that the plant should narrow towards the top. Any type of tree can be grown in this style. The symbolism of Tekkan is proud loneliness and unbending character.

If the plant is elongated vertically, but its branches do not have a clear structure and are arranged randomly, then this is the Moyogi style. may be curved, but the top necessarily extends in line with the base, forming a perpendicular to the ground. Moyogi symbolizes simplicity and freedom, and also the desire to go beyond limits, resisting circumstances.

Fukinagashi and Shakan

These are bonsai styles that look like they were taken in strong gusty winds. Syakan (sloping style) is characterized by an angle to the ground, but the tree stretches upward. Fukinagashi (wind-bent) can have both a straight and inclined trunk, but its branches are directed in one direction (toward the slope), as if the tree had grown on strong wind. The symbolism of these styles is resistance to the forces of nature and the struggle for life.

Sokan style

Sokan translates as “forked trunk.” This style was suggested to bonsai lovers by nature itself, since very often two trunks rise from one root, one of which is stronger and higher. The tree can be flat or inclined, this is not very important, the main thing is that it must form a common crown. You can create a similar bonsai at home by giving the appearance of a second trunk to the lowest branch. The symbolism of this style is the continuity of generations and reverence for traditions. Sometimes Sokan are called “twins” or “father and son.”

Kengai and Han-kengai

These are slightly similar in cascade and semi-cascade style. Kengai is like a tree growing on a steep cliff. To survive, he had to adapt to difficult circumstances. The symbol of style is flexibility in any conditions.

Khan-kengai is distinguished by a more horizontal direction of trunk growth. The trees seem to grow on the shore of a reservoir, trying to reach the water with their crowns. Hen-kengai is a bonsai, the photo of which clearly shows that the branches do not fall below the middle part of the pot, and the top of the plant is always above the ground level.

For these flexible styles, plants with bending trunks are always chosen. Preference is given to pine, cotoneaster, and juniper.


This style is considered one of the most difficult to perform. And he is one of the most ancient. Otherwise, this style is called “literary”. This name is due to the fact that the plants have the schematic shape of “Japanese letters”. Masters seem to write calligraphic signs, growing trees with long curved trunks without lower branches. The crown of this type of bonsai is allowed only at the very top. The style symbolizes airiness and sublimity. Coniferous or broad-leaved species are chosen for cultivation.

Charming Yose-ue

Can you imagine the bonsai pots I grew up in? small forest? These are Yose-ue style plants. The composition is made up of a large number of trees with different heights of trunks, with different thicknesses and ages of plants. Usually an odd number of trees are selected, and they are most often of the same species. They are planted without observing symmetry and avoiding equal distances. Thus, the master gets his own park or small forest, as close as possible to a corner of wild nature.

Sharimika style

Enlightened Japanese have learned to see beauty in every moment of life. They proved that old age can also be beautiful. The embodiment of this statement is the Sharimiki style, that is, “dead wood”. The tree is artificially aged, the bark is partially removed from the trunk, and its wood is bleached, creating a contrast between the dead and the living. Areas with dead wood are intricately curved, but they must be clearly visible. For this species, juniper is most often used.

Bonsai planting

When planning to grow the described miracle, beginners are wondering how to plant a bonsai. You can do this in several ways:

  1. Misho method. This perfect option for beginning experimenters. It lies in the sowing of seeds collected in wildlife. In this case, you can choose from a variety of sprouts exactly the one you need and start slowing down growth from the very beginning.
  2. Toriki method. This is the growing of miniature plants from cuttings or layering. To use this method, in the right place The bark on the branch is cut or trimmed and the exposed wood is treated with horse growth stimulants. A piece of wood is wrapped in moss and film and waited for 3 (sometimes more) months. The cut area is not allowed to dry out during this time.
  3. Yamadori method. The approximate meaning of this name is “found and dug up.” In the spring, a suitable plant is found in the forest or garden, dug up and left for several months for the formation of surface horses. After that powerful roots are shortened slightly, the plant is removed from the soil, and the formation of a bonsai in a pot begins.
  4. Ueki method. With this method, you buy ready-made young plant in the nursery, then it is trimmed and planted in a flat pot. Or a young bonsai is purchased, and then it is grown based on your style preferences.

How to shape a plant

The main task when growing a bonsai is to force the tree to remain small. To do this, you need to slow down the growth and give the desired shape. To inhibit growth, they often cut off the roots and remove young shoots, choose poor soils, use a minimal amount of fertilizer, and choose special bonsai pots in which the root system cannot grow much. In addition, be sure to use a system to weaken the flow of juices by making horizontal cuts on the wood or braiding the trunk with wire.

When the plant is sufficiently rooted, they begin to trim and bend its branches. For this they use copper wire, which is used to entangle branches and secure them with pegs in a flowerpot. It is better to start bending in the summer, when the branches are most elastic. To avoid damaging the crown, wrap the bending area with a soft tourniquet or sponge.

Timely pruning of branches helps awaken the necessary buds to grow. If to create an ideal shape it is necessary to direct the branch to the right, then select a bud sticking out in the desired direction and cut the branch above it, leaving no stump above.

By the way, if a pine bonsai is grown, then pruning must be done with extreme caution. Damaged branches may turn yellow. This also applies to other conifers.

How to care for a plant

The plant requires care throughout its life. To grow a decent bonsai, care at home is provided all year round. This includes transplanting, fertilizing, and watering.

Transplantation is best done in the spring. It is necessary to ensure that the roots do not grow and form a tangle. As soon as this happens, the tree is removed from the bowl, the roots are cut and the plant is returned to its place, but in fresh soil.

For planting, make a mixture of 3/5 humus soil, 1/5 peat and 1/5 sand. The soil in the container is carefully compacted so that voids do not form. The height of the soil in the container is approximately 5-6 cm. The top is usually decorated with stones and moss.

Fertilizing is carried out in spring and summer. The interval is maintained for about two weeks. It is most convenient to use ready-made liquid organic fertilizer with bird droppings, which are applied 2 hours after watering.

What else needs to be done to grow a healthy and beautiful bonsai? Home care involves abundant and regular watering. Many people place a container with a tree in a flat vessel with water. Its bottom is filled with small stones or a grate is installed. The water level in the tray is maintained at the same level. This allows you to increase air humidity and reduce watering.

Water is necessary for a miniature tree large quantities. But you need to take into account the type of plant, since residents of different climatic zones are being created different conditions glaze. For example, Carmona small-leaved is a bonsai tree that requires daily care. abundant watering. But for the fat plant, such watering is detrimental; its root system cannot cope with the abundance of moisture and will rot.

It is important to understand that a miniature tree needs to be watered more often, even if the species does not like wet soil, when the following factors are present:

  • the foliage on the branches is large and numerous;
  • the plant is planted in a small or flat container, since then there is a large area for moisture evaporation from the surface of the substrate;
  • The air in the room is dry and too warm.

In addition, the plant will benefit from regular spraying. However, keep in mind that evergreen species can only be sprayed with distilled water. When using regular tap water, an irremovable whitish coating will appear on the leaves.

Now that you understand what bonsai is, you can try to create your own masterpiece. But think and evaluate your strength. If you are not patient enough, then perhaps you should not take on this painstaking work.

There are real fanatics among plant lovers who strive to turn their home into a real forest. For such craftsmen, even limited space at home does not matter, since bonsai helps make their dreams come true.

What is bonsai?

Interesting and fascinating art came to us from China and Japan. It was there that gardeners began growing dwarf trees almost two thousand years ago. This technique allows you to start a real (albeit in a smaller copy) garden in a small space.

In Japanese, the word "bonsai" does not simply mean bonsai, and the culture of its cultivation is in small pot, on a tray or on a piece of rock.

To create a classic bonsai, other long-lived types of deciduous trees are most often used. The seedling grows until it forms a good branched crown and a thick trunk. Of course, this does not happen in one or two years. And all this time the master must be intensively engaged in the formation of bonsai in order to obtain a real work of art - miniature copy tree.

Where does bonsai begin?

Before you start growing bonsai, you need to create an image and draw a sketch of the future tree. It is advisable to immediately think about what shape it will be in order to then form the crown according to the plan.

Next steps are as follows:

  1. Select from nature the necessary sprout for the future tree.
  2. Trim its root system.
  3. Plant in a flat bowl.

For bonsai it is necessary to select only the strongest and absolutely healthy shoots, since not everyone will take root at home.

What to do with the sprout after engraftment?

When the young sprout takes root and continues to grow, the tops of the branches and leaves should be removed. This must be done until it comes to terms with its fate and begins to produce small leaves (or needles), more suitable in size for dwarf trees.

At the same time, the young stem must be wrapped with thin wire so that it does not even think about stretching upward. The branches are also trimmed and, using the same wire, directed downward or parallel to the soil. In this way, the future bonsai is given shape. Every year the work on formation continues in the same spirit and over time a real, but small tree is obtained.

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