Black and white wallpaper with aurora pattern. Satin ornament on a matte background. Original choice: black hole wallpaper

Many people are afraid to use black when decorating the interior, considering it gloomy, gloomy and depressive. However, with the right combination and application, the gothic severity of black turns into elegant luxury. Black wallpaper in the interior is a powerful tool that, in the hands of skilled craftsmen, fills the design of the room with originality, extravagance and expressiveness. But even if you don't professional designer, and want to figure out how to use black wallpaper yourself, read today’s “Dream House” review with tips and ideas.

Rules for using black wallpaper in the interior

Despite the fact that black has no tones or halftones, wallpaper of this color cannot be called monotonous. Modern black wallpaper can have a glossy, matte or pearlescent texture, differ from each other in coating, as well as other decorative details. Thanks to these features, such dark wallpaper lose their gloom and mourning, turning into a rich and luxurious finishing material.

Black wallpaper for walls photo

When black tones are used in residential interiors, only the distant Middle Ages with its love for gloom and gothic come to mind. But, in fact, black wallpaper for walls is successfully used by designers to embody the most modern and cheerful styles. And they manage to do this thanks to some interesting design techniques:

  • Firstly, plain black wallpaper is rarely used as full registration walls Despite the beauty and depth of this color, its excess inevitably makes the atmosphere of the room gloomy and cold. In addition, black color tends to visually narrow the space. However, in tandem with other tones, black gives a completely different impression. For example, this color goes well with white, beige, gold, silver and red tones. Exceptions include, perhaps, working and stylized men's room. In these rooms, plain black wallpaper can look harmonious, but provided that they use light finishes and light decor.

Bedroom design with black wallpaper

  • Secondly, completely different visual effect created by using wallpaper with a black pattern. In this case, black can act as both a primary and an additional shade. Wallpaper, where the color black is present only sporadically, is ideal for decorating any room, with the exception of children's rooms.

  • And thirdly, black wallpaper is often used for accent wall. Only in this case best effect will create plain wallpaper, because the monochromatic look that comes from combining black with other neutral shades will make the accent wall look too contrasty.

Black wallpaper in the interior photo

Room with black wallpaper

Fashionable black and white wallpaper

Black and white wallpaper has become one of the trends of 2015. This wallpaper looks stylish and, at the same time, unobtrusive. If a plain black finish requires caution and is not suitable for decorating all rooms, then black and white wallpaper is a very democratic option that is appropriate in any room.

Black and white wallpaper in the interior

How to use black and white wallpaper in the interior depends on the proportions in which the colors are presented. If the main color of the trim is white tone, and black is present only in the form of patterns or designs, then such wallpaper is appropriate in any room, be it a living room, bedroom or even a kitchen with a hallway. To balance and emphasize the presence of black, this tone must also be played in the interior, for example, in the form of decor or furniture finishing.

Living room design with black wallpaper

Wallpaper black and white for walls

When in tandem black and white combination black color is in the lead, you need to carefully compare the specifics of this wallpaper with the dimensions of the room. Since in this case the main tone of the interior is black, a visual narrowing of the space cannot be avoided. Such a design can look stylish only in spacious and well-lit rooms. In addition, the rest of the interior details should be close to a neutral white shade. For example, to remove the darkness of a room with black wallpaper, focus on snow-white doorway and frames, light furniture and bright textile design.

Black wallpaper in the interior photo

Black wallpaper in the bathroom interior

If the balance of black and white is presented in equal proportions, then such wallpaper will make the interior stylish and bright, but at the same time give it high contrast. When two opposite colors are used in the decoration, it visually seems that the shades seem to shift towards each other and flicker in the eyes. This effect is especially noticeable in small rooms. To eliminate the excessive contrast of black and white wallpaper, in interiors living rooms It is recommended to use them only occasionally, combining them with finishing in neutral tones. For example, black and white wallpaper can be an excellent basis for creating an accent wall, highlighting any area of ​​the room, designing protrusions, and openings.

Interior details with black wallpaper

Black wallpaper goes well with light upholstered furniture, as well as glossy surfaces. For example, if you are creating a living room interior using black wallpaper in the room, be sure to focus on non-standard upholstered furniture light shades. When choosing additional finishing textures, give preference to gloss, glass and mirror, the surface of which reflects light well. It can be glass, mirror panels, plastic hanging cabinets, etc.

It is very important that a room with black wallpaper is well lit. This room should have spacious and tall windows that freely let in daylight. And when choosing curtains for black wallpaper, start from the main shade of the room. If in color design white or another neutral color is in the lead, and the black shade is present only sporadically; curtains can be combined with this particular tone. But if black is used as the main shade of the interior, it is better to give preference to light curtains. As for the texture, in any case, curtains with this design should not be too thick and heavy.

The color scheme of the interiors creates unity and harmony in all rooms of a home, office, exhibition or shopping center, etc. In creating an interesting color scheme interior decoration The leading role is played by wallpaper and the main elements of the interior - furniture, household or office equipment, etc. So, one of the most interesting options wall design - wallpaper in black and white.

Black and white wallpaper in the interior: how to use it

The basis for the harmony of a particular room is a combination of a number of factors.


  • Proportions and dimensions of rooms;
  • Taking into account the purpose and illumination of premises;
  • Correct and competent orientation of the building in relation to the cardinal directions;
  • Harmonious combination of colors.

What is interesting about an interior with black and white wallpaper? They are a unique combination of two, completely opposite colors– black and white, good and evil, light and shadow...

What else is interesting about white and black wallpaper in terms of color?

It is well known that the entire color palette can be divided into two parts - warm and cold tones, which are perceived differently and seem to change the space around them.

So, warm colors visually reduce the size of the room, and cold ones create a feeling of volume and spaciousness. And here is black and White color a – are neutral, i.e. neither cold nor warm. Therefore, black and white background is ideal for various color solutions. In addition, white-black wallpaper creates the impression of a certain severity, sublimity, clarity, and sometimes even cosmic appearance. However, when decorating walls in these colors, it is necessary to avoid the effect of sterility, i.e. a residential visit should not resemble an operating theatre, etc. In addition, the background of the wallpaper and the pattern should be selected so that it does not dazzle the eyes (taking into account the size of the room).

Before you give preference to one or another black and white wallpaper, you should consider that:

  • All-black wallpaper visually makes the room smaller, and all-white wallpaper makes it larger;
  • Wallpaper with small patterns is perceived as a neutral element of the room composition;
  • Medium-scale drawings on wallpaper tend to “compete” with small paintings and photographs;
  • Large patterns on wallpaper are good only for large rooms, since they are perceived as separate element interior

Interior design with black and white wallpaper (video)

White and black wallpaper: theme

In addition to the size of the patterns, the theme of the wallpaper also plays a big role.

Black and white wallpaper in the interior can have a white or black pattern of the following themes:

  • Vegetable (flowers, plants);
  • Geometric (lines, shapes);
  • Landscape (nature);
  • Architectural (architectural monuments);
  • Contemporary topics (space flights);
  • Imitation of various natural materials(brick, marble).

White wallpaper with a black pattern in the interior of various rooms

Taking into account the above principles, you can choose different variants black and white wallpaper for residential and non-residential premises in a house or apartment.


  1. For the hallway Black and white wallpaper is suitable for walls with small patterns. Moreover, you can cover the walls with wallpaper with a black pattern on a white background - this will create a pleasant, bright impression on all visitors and will make up for the possible lack of light in this part of the house or apartment.
  2. In the living room White and black wallpaper with a predominant white background and a not too large pattern of any theme are also good. However, one of the walls can be decorated in a more specific way, for example, choose wallpaper with an image covering the entire wall (or only in its central part) of some object or phenomenon. In addition, for perfect combination colors in a room with a black and white wallpaper background requires furniture in bright, saturated colors.
  3. In the nursery Especially good are white-black wallpapers with small and medium-sized patterns with a cheerful theme - butterflies, boats, etc. You can choose wallpaper whose design allows you to use it as a coloring page.
  4. For the bedroom The most optimal option is the following option - white and black wallpaper with a predominance of a light background and light lace dark patterns. It is also a good option to decorate one of the walls with thematic wallpaper depicting nature, cosmic phenomena, etc.
  5. In the kitchen white and black wallpaper with a small pattern is good. For kitchen interior Wallpaper with a predominance of a light background is optimal - it harmonizes perfectly with kitchen furniture in bright colors - yellow, bright green, etc.

Concerning office premises, club venues, interiors of exhibition centers, i.e. large areas, then here the black and white colors of the wallpaper provide maximum space for the designer’s imagination.

The use of black and white wallpaper in interior design (video)

Original choice: black hole wallpaper

To create voluminous large wall pictures in exhibition premises, shopping centers, discos, offices, etc. You should use wallpaper with contrasting prints. So, for example, to create the impression of cosmosity, another reality, you can use an image of such an astronomical phenomenon as a black hole. Such wallpapers (with an overwhelming predominance dark tones) are suitable for cinema halls and large spacious rooms, etc.

Black Friday: wallpaper in the interior

The “Black Friday” theme is perfect for shopping centers, especially on the eve of big discounts and sales. Large, “flashy” drawings and inscriptions are needed here.

Black and gold wallpaper: features of use

It should be noted that a strict combination of two neutral colors – black and white – can and should sometimes be “diluted” with other colors. Perfect for this purpose contrasting shades- turquoise, gold...

An additional color in the black and white wallpaper, while not being dominant, will certainly introduce the necessary color diversity. So, gold will create the effect of luxury and splendor. Warm tones (red, yellow) will enliven and soften the white-black combination, while cool shades (purple, green-blue), on the contrary, will add a touch of severity.

Stylish wallpaper: black background

As for all-black wallpapers, when choosing them you need to be very careful and take into account the oppressive impression that black has. You can decorate one of the walls of the room with completely black wallpaper, the remaining walls should be white, and some light decor should be provided against a dark background.

Selecting wallpaper for a black and white interior (video)

Exactly harmonious combination The colors of a room's interior make the room not only cozy, beautiful, comfortable, but also individual, unlike others, creating a certain mood. The choice is yours.

Black and white wallpaper for walls in the interior (photo)

Attention, TODAY only!

The main decoration of each apartment is beautiful wallpaper. Today there is a wide range various shades and textures. However, the most popular and stylish wall panels are the combination of black and white colors.

It seems like two completely simple standard tones, but if you choose the right combination and a beautiful texture can be achieved interesting design interior Many people wonder whether it is possible to paste a room with black and white wallpaper; will this combination put pressure on vision and, even more so, on the human psyche?

How we perceive color

Any color has its own number of nanometers. Human vision perceives a certain number of them, the range is between 350 and 800. In this interval there are the entire rainbow palette and all kinds of shades that we consider simple color. Anything above the permissible number of nanometers is infrared and ultraviolet radiation.

Human vision perceives a spectrum of seven primary colors, which are known by the expression “Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits.” Capital letters correspond to their name.

All listed colors and their shades are within the permissible spectrum of nanometers. Everything else is absorbed by the air. For example, when a person looks at the sky, he sees blue or Blue colour, in terms of the number of nanometers it is approximately 530; we cannot recognize everything that is outside this permissible spectrum of nanometers.

Black and white

As for black color, it essentially does not exist in the nanometer spectrum. This is how we perceive waves longer than 800 nm, but in fact this does not mean that it is actually like that, it is just how we see it.

As for the white color, the instructions say that this is the same visual illusion. Most students in biology classes are given a vision test where a different colored disc is placed in front of each student.

Each color has its own specific area, and if you start to rotate it, it becomes completely white, i.e. vision does not have time to capture the movement of multi-colored areas, turning them into a solid White spot. It's just science to help a person learn a little more about the colors he sees.


The association that a person has with the color black is mostly negative. For many, this means emptiness, darkness and loneliness, so not everyone decides to decorate rooms using this shade. For most people, black is apathetic and has bad associations. Therefore, they could not even imagine that it could become the highlight of the scenery, turn into something more than a small black object.

Let's look at some ideas:

  1. With its help you can create a beautiful stylish interior, which will not evoke sadness and despondency, but rather create an atmosphere of warmth and optimism. The most important thing is to use it correctly, diluting additional shades and decorating with light elements.
  2. As many already know, black is a symbol of modesty.. Usually, the human eye does not focus on a dark, nondescript shade; the vision is more impressed by bright, cheerful tones. However, no one thinks that black can be an ideal frame for a picture, which can also apply to wallpaper for walls.
    For example, you can choose stylish ones with a bright or light pattern, as well as a print. Black color will help you concentrate on the drawing. Then, when entering a room with such wallpaper, the first thing that will attract a person’s attention will be it.

As for the combination of black and white flowers, we can say with confidence that they interact perfectly and harmoniously with each other, complement and reproduce a complete picture for human vision.

White color, in turn, is associated in every person with something gentle, light and immaculate.

For example:

  • White wedding dress;
  • a snow-white dove, which the newlyweds release from their hands as a sign of love and happiness;
  • white snow, which causes genuine joy not only in children, but also in adults.

Everything positive is white. That is why it complements it so well with black, creating contrast against the general background.

Black and white wallpaper

The interior of each room contains light color, which makes the room brighter and more spacious. What to do if you want to combine, for example, black and white?

There are several principles that can help combine two different shades:

  1. Before buying wallpaper, you should decide which color will be dominant - black or white.
  2. To do this, you should take into account the size of the room.
  3. Please note that black color can visually reduce space, and white color can expand it. This can be used to build various interior compositions.

Tip: if the room is large and spacious, black can be the dominant color, but if the room is medium-sized or even smaller, preference should be given to white.

As for black color, it belongs to the category warm shades, so if you leave it dominant, the room will look warmer and more comfortable. White, on the contrary, belongs to the category of cold, so in this case the room looks colder.

According to the science that studies human behavior, black color will not only create a warm atmosphere in the room, but also create a certain security, and also give a person a sense of privacy. Wallpaper of this tone is suitable for people who prefer to enjoy solitude from time to time, thus relaxing and unwinding from the outside world.

Black and white wallpaper is perfect for bedroom walls; this contrast will create an atmosphere of comfort.

If you wish, you can dilute the two-color scheme with shades:

  • gray;
  • graphite;
  • beige;
  • vanilla.

The proposed options are ideally combined with primary colors, harmoniously complement each other and create a complete picture. stylish room. At the same time, the price of such wall coverings may differ greatly from each other.

Tip: remember, black and white colors will never go out of style, so you can safely plan a room design with it that will be stylish and relevant for many years.

Wallpaper for the living room

In most cases, the center of a house or apartment is the living room or hall. These rooms are intended for receiving guests and holding various festive events.

Therefore, when starting to repair it, pay attention to the stylish and always fashionable interior, in which black and white wallpaper can shine.

You can choose at your discretion:


The article gives an unambiguous message - using black and white wallpaper in the interior makes it better. With their help, you can combine space - narrow and expand the walls, lower and raise the ceiling, focus on a certain place.

These colors are suitable for any room - from the corridor to the bedroom. The video in this article will help you find Additional information on this topic.

Despite its simplicity and some banality, the combination of black and white is one of the most original and complex. Black wallpaper with a white pattern, as in the first photo, would like to be called an unfading classic.

If your future interior implies a combination of these colors in the wallpaper design, you should carefully decide on the theme and character of the interior.

The black and white combination is universal, so it can be used to implement almost any concept: minimalism, hi-tech, modern, neo-baroque, ethnic or retro. Thus, wallpaper prints in this color combination can be absolutely anything, without restrictions.

Just like black and white photography, white wallpaper with a black pattern or black flowers can even convey images of leaves and birds quite brightly and richly. In its own way, but really bright - thanks to the contrast.

Types of prints

The simplest and most expected pattern of black and white wallpaper, inspired by us chessboard and piano keys are various geometric elements and their combinations. The choice of such a pattern should be based on the characteristics of the room and the goals you are pursuing.

For example, in order to visually increase the height of the ceiling, you should choose wallpaper with vertical stripes, and in order for the room large area had tangible boundaries, cover the walls with wallpaper with large elements: circles or zigzags. Wallpaper with this geometry will create a feeling of harmony in any room.

The photo below is exactly the option when black and white striped wallpaper visually increases the height of the ceilings.

Another black and white wallpaper theme that nature suggests to us is animal style: zebras, Dalmatians. However, even the colors of multi-colored animals can be played out in black and white: tiger, giraffe or leopard. This solution to decorating the walls adds some wildness to the interior and should be complemented by furniture made of genuine leather or animal skins:

As a separate direction of black and white wallpaper prints, we can highlight printing: newspapers or photographs. Such black and white wallpaper is suitable for both the bedroom and the living room. The walls, decorated with fragments of ancient handwritten manuscripts or views of Paris, will hold your gaze for a long time, even if this is not your first time in this room. The most important thing is not to overload the room with decorative elements when using such wallpaper.

And finally, the most familiar wallpaper design to each of us is patterns. In black and white, floral patterns or damask-style patterns are also acceptable. Such prints in a black and white interior concept will help you add some salon style to your room, or, conversely, inspire playfulness and lightness. In both cases, it is important to follow the principle: patterns on the walls - plain furniture.

White wallpaper with a black pattern, as can be seen in the photo, gravitates specifically towards dark furniture, and vice versa:

How to choose the right black and white wallpaper for walls

In the case of black and white wallpaper with flowers or ornaments, when choosing a specific pattern and style, it is important to consider which of the two colors should predominate in the interior: black or white. To correctly answer this question, it is also necessary to take into account the type of room, its lighting and the character traits of each resident of the apartment.

The predominance of black in the design of two-color wallpaper is acceptable in bedrooms, bathrooms and living rooms. At the same time, the illumination of such rooms should be maximum. White wallpaper with rare black elements looks good on the walls of kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms and children's rooms. Even if your windows face north and there is not enough light in these rooms, the predominance of white in the wallpaper pattern will completely smooth out this deficiency. Black and white wallpaper for the room should be chosen taking into account natural light, adjusting the interior with additional light sources.

Advice: when choosing black and white wallpaper for the kitchen, consider the color kitchen set. For a black and white kitchen (with a predominance of black), it is better to choose wallpaper based on white, with a small black pattern, and vice versa.

If, standing in a store, you like very dark, almost black wallpaper, do not rush into the purchase. Imagine your apartment, a specific room, the furniture that will stand in it. Introduced? But that is not all. What kind of person are you? Open, emotional and can’t imagine life without communication? If this is all about you, then you absolutely should not cover your walls with black and white wallpaper with a predominance of black. Otherwise, such an interior threatens you with oppression and depression, even if it looks very stylish. But if you love privacy and are sensitive to your own space, the emphasis on black is for you. You will feel comfortable in it.

Read about how it is done and what nuances should be taken into account when installing it yourself.

Find out how to pour floors yourself - all the secrets and features of the technology for making a poured floor yourself.

Important little things when decorating walls

So, black and white wallpaper, despite its simplicity, requires increased attention and subtle approach:

  • Black and white wallpaper in the interior can be combined with any style, but not every person will find it comfortable;
  • Assess your temperament: are you an open or closed person;
  • Which room do you plan to cover with black and white wallpaper: bedroom, kitchen or living room? It is advisable to select such wallpaper for black and white furniture;
  • What are the characteristics of this room: ceiling height, area, shape;
  • Which side of the world do the windows face, how much light is there in the room: a lot or a little.

The black and white combination is classic and never goes out of style. Wallpaper in this combination will definitely add drama to your interior if you pay close attention to the type of pattern. The combination of black and white wallpaper also has a right to exist, and the walls opposite each other can be decorated with black and white wallpaper with a pattern, for example, white wallpaper with large flowers, and the third wall can be decorated with plain canvases (usually white).

Prints in black and white can be in the form of:

  • Geometric shapes;
  • Animal motifs;
  • Books and magazines;
  • Floral and other patterns.

Whatever style and graphics you choose, your interior thanks to the wallpaper black and white It will definitely be spectacular and memorable if it harmoniously combines with your room, furniture and the character of the owner.

Enjoy your renovation!

In the interior of the premises they always look very stylish. Of course, this is a rather bold combination, and not everyone will decide to use it. In addition, such a decision requires careful consideration of the entire design, taking into account its purpose. Decorating a room like this opposite colors, it is important to prevent the creation of a formal and rather gloomy environment, which is completely devoid of warmth and comfort.

Features of black and white wallpaper

Dark shades, and especially black, should be used with great care. You need to find a balance, only in this case you will get the ideal, luxurious room. The main thing is to choose the right wallpaper. Today we will discuss possible combinations and try to find out in which rooms it is better to use black and white wallpaper.

Drawing black on white

This is a sophisticated option. White wallpaper with a black pattern is suitable even for very small rooms. It must be remembered that the larger the pattern, and the more black it contains, the closer the wall will appear. In other words, black wallpaper with a large pattern narrows the space. They will look impressive in the following cases:

  • using them on a small section of the wall;
  • if they split the wall horizontally.

Wherein top part(with a pattern) should make up 2/3 of the wall; white wallpaper should be glued in the lower part.

Drawing white on black

Black and white wallpaper in the interior must be selected taking into account the size of your room and listen to your feelings. White pattern on black wallpaper is an absolutely glamorous option. However, it is important to observe moderation. The design of black and white wallpaper requires you to get rid of numerous sharp details in the interior so that the room does not seem obnoxiously bright. It's better to add more light, neutral tones. You can cover one wall with such wallpaper and thus highlight a certain area in the room.

Equal proportions of white and black

So you've decided to use black and white wallpaper. They will be inappropriate in the interior of a small and dark room. Such samples are suitable only for spacious and bright rooms. In a small room similar wallpapers will visually “move” towards each other. They are good for decorating one wall or small area, measuring 1 x 1 meter. This kind of panel can serve as a good backdrop for a mirror, TV or dressing table.

Satin ornament on a matte background

This luxurious interior rooms! Wallpaper with a glittery pattern is always romantic. But they require a certain approach to the choice of upholstered furniture and the overall decor of the room. In such a room, everything should be chic and of impeccable quality.


The interior of a room whose wallpaper has such a pattern acquires dynamics and a certain rhythm. They always look impressive in the store, but this does not mean that you will be comfortable living with them. The fact is that such a rhythmic style has powerful energy, which is doubled due to the use of strong contrasts. Therefore, it is better to combine such wallpapers with light, monochromatic areas.

Classic style

Exquisite graceful lines, vignettes, flowers and plants are characteristic designs for the classics. In a combination of black and white colors they look even more chic. Such walls do not require additional decorations - they are a luxury in themselves. Pay attention to the white wallpaper with black flowers. They will remain at the peak of fashion for a long time.

Wallpaper for the bedroom

If you want to relax and relieve yourself of the stress of the past day, you need to carefully consider the interior of your bedroom. Wallpaper black and white flowers in this case they may seem defiant. In addition, many believe that such tones are not conducive to proper rest. However, it is not. Main - right choice. You should not buy wallpaper in which the colors are presented in equal proportions. If the main color is black, then more attention needs to be paid to lighting. There should be a lot of it so that the room does not seem too gloomy. The bedroom interior looks very impressive, the wallpaper of which has a floral pattern. black and white colors in the style of the fifties. Very good small ones geometric patterns. Suitable for a small room light wallpaper with black print. For larger rooms, a black background with a large white pattern is suitable.

Looks original and elegant men's bedroom with black and white wallpaper. The combination of areas with a predominant color and fields where the dominant color is white looks good here. This room looks strict and at the same time luxurious.

Decorating the living room

For many, the question of which wallpaper is preferable for the living room is important. Remember one rule: the larger the room and the higher its ceilings, the richer the wallpaper can be. The smaller the room, the lighter the walls should be. The same goes for drawing. A small living room will look more spacious if you put wallpaper on the walls with a rare, possibly geometric, pattern. Canvases with vertical stripes also look good. They visually expand the space.

Wallpaper in the living room interior (you see the photo in this article) should be selected taking into account the lighting in the room. If your windows face north, it is better to use bright hues- golden, lemon, cream, beige. Rooms facing south can be decorated with cool tones without fear. You can also experiment with black and white wallpaper. They will be appropriate here.

Black and white kitchen

A kitchen decorated in this color scheme looks very stylish. However, such an interior will require a scrupulous approach to the design of details. It is necessary to harmoniously combine the chosen color scheme with finishing of walls, ceiling and floor. For example, it is better to dilute a clear white color with pearl or beige. Rich black will visually reduce the size of the kitchen, but will create a certain intimacy and comfort. Therefore, it is better to use them in more spacious room. If your kitchen is narrow and elongated, then it is better to use white along long wall, and black - on the shorter one. Thus, the geometry of the room will change.

Furniture in such a kitchen should have minimal decorative finishing, but the presence of glass or mirror inserts is required. Smoked glass inlays look good as accessories. The chrome apron above the work surface looks no less impressive.

It must be remembered that two colors in the interior may look boring. Therefore, you can use yellow, blue or red accessories. Red and blue sconces above the seating area or a bright yellow chandelier will dilute the monochrome of the room. Tables with glass surfaces look good in white and black.

Types of Wallpaper

Today the range of wallpapers in trading network so large that choosing the right samples can be very difficult. Non-woven and paper, glass and fabric, bamboo and vinyl - this is an incomplete list of wallpapers that are especially popular today.

Select the desired option

Black and white wallpaper designs are always very striking and bold. Therefore, not everyone decides to make such a radical change to their home. It is much more common to choose more neutral shades. Well, this is a matter of taste for each person. But how to choose “calm” wallpaper for the living room so that it does not resemble your beloved grandmother’s room, but is stylish and modern?

Your choice should largely depend on general style premises. Suppose you decide to turn your living room into an exquisite boudoir in the Rococo or Renaissance style. In this case, you will need fabric wallpaper. They are made from non-woven fabric and textiles. The decorative layer is usually jute fiber, silk, polyester, velor and felt. Rest assured, such wallpaper will decorate your living room. True, you should know that caring for them is much more difficult than traditional vinyl ones. They collect dust well, but they are impossible to wash.

They look no less impressive in the living room and bamboo wallpaper, which can turn a room into a luxurious space. But it is not recommended to completely cover the walls with them. It is enough to select one zone. They are easy to care for - just clean them twice a year with a vacuum cleaner.

For those who are not afraid of innovation and experimentation, we suggest using black and white wallpaper for the living room. You can decorate walls that sharply contrast with the main color of the interior. For example, a bright panel in black tones is perfect for gray walls. It is more appropriate to decorate dark walls with “stained glass” with a delicate light pattern. Such contrasting spots create original and interesting interiors. An interesting combination with photo wallpaper. Don't think that this is yesterday. They have nothing to do with the wallpaper of the Soviet period with a sad birch tree on the shore of a neglected pond. Today's samples are a real work of art. And this statement applies not only to colorful landscapes. Black and white city wallpaper that will add charm and sophistication to your room.

When covering walls with black and white wallpaper, you need to know that they do not accept clutter with furniture and various accessories. Contrast is very powerful decorative element. One of the undoubted advantages of this design is its neutrality. It is quite possible to change the mood of a room without changing the decoration. If in such a room bright accent If there was textiles, then replacing it, you will get a completely different interior.

Modern, retro, hi-tech

Black and white wallpaper is perfect for these styles. They are especially relevant in the interior of a modernly decorated room. In the living room, such decoration will emphasize, say, scarlet upholstered furniture. This is a kind of universal cover that can make any direction more expressive.

Photo wallpaper

IN last years The fashion for photo wallpaper has returned again. Moreover, the most popular samples are in black and white. There’s plenty of room for your imagination to run wild! Don't be afraid to experiment - in any case the room will look amazing! In addition, they can be changed to others at any time. There are several groups of photo wallpapers

  • self-adhesive;
  • textured;
  • non-woven;
  • frescoes with imitation plaster;
  • laminated.

The use of black and white photo wallpaper is the latest fashion. They earned their popularity thanks to the opportunity to experiment with colors and shades present in the interior of the room. They go perfectly with both delicate pastel colors, and with very bright and saturated ones.

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