Arrangement of office furniture. Correct placement of office furniture

General rules for the arrangement of office furniture

What should be the arrangement of office furniture? It all depends on the shape office desk. Thus, it is much more difficult to arrange in the office if there is little space. Our table will help you understand how to arrange office furniture correctly.

How to arrange desks in the office correctly

  • Employees should not look at each other directly;
  • Behind there should be a wall or a partition, a screen;
  • It’s bad when two employee chairs stand next to each other, with their backs to each other;
  • If it is not possible to see the door, you can hang a mirror in front of you;
  • The employee should see the door diagonally from him;
  • It is not comfortable to sit under beams, near stairs, under massive chandeliers;
  • At low ceilings lamps should be directed upward;
  • You should not choose tables of triangular, L-shaped and semicircular shapes - these are unfavorable table shapes for offices;
  • Avoid straight lines when arranging furniture.

The arrangement of desks in the office depends on the size of the office, the location of the door and window. Let us consider in a tabular version the most common cases when the door is located in the center or in the right corner of the room, and the windows are classically opposite the door. How to arrange desks in the office in other cases, see below.

Table shape How to put a desk in the office Which room does it look best in?
Oval tableCenteredIn an elongated, oblong, enough spacious room rectangular shape.
Square tableOn the side near the wall near the windowSuitable for any type of premises and small offices.
Round table In the center or in the far corner from the door. helps reduce the volume of the room.Best suited for square rooms.
Rectangular tableOn the side of the wall near the window so that the person sitting can look towards the door.Well suited for any type of room.

Placing a desk in the office, if there is only one, is quite simple - the most advantageous position is always diagonally to the door, so a person sees the door and gets a feeling more space. How to properly arrange furniture in an office if you need to place two tables? There is a table opposite the door in each corner, with your back to the wall and side to the window, so employees will not experience discomfort and there will be no feeling of confrontation.

There should always be a wall or a closet behind your back. And the door should be diagonal, that is, you should not place the table near the window, either with your back or your face, and you should not sit with your back to the door. If it is impossible to avoid this position of the table, place a closet or screen behind you, and a mirror in front of your face if the door is behind you.

How to placeoffice furniture for staff, if the office is small? – perfect option these are square tables with rounded edges, so no one will get caught or hit the corners, and there will be enough space to pass.

Correct furniture arrangement in an office space can play a big role in the overall process of conducting entrepreneurial activity and, therefore, I want to give you, dear readers, maximum information regarding this topic.

A few days ago, we discussed a topic where very important points were outlined that it is advisable to take into account for running a successful business.

Still very important point is in development office premises. The fact is that it is necessary to orient office furniture (desktop, chairs) in a direction favorable to the owner of the office, if, of course, the layout of the office allows this to be done. If you follow these rules, then a person will be in a harmonious relationship with the room in which he is located during the working day and his career will develop successfully.

Dependence of the orientation of furniture in the workplace on the year of birth for men and women:

Towards the south - 1937, 1946, 1955, 1964, 1973, 1982, 1991, 2000

Southeast - 1933, 1942, 1951, 1960, 1969, 1978, 1987, 199

North - 1936, 1945, 1954, 1963, 1972, 1981, 1990, 1999

Northeast - 1938, 1947, 1956, 1965, 1974, 1983, 1992, 2001

North-West - 1931, 1940, 1949, 1958, 1967, 1976, 1985, 1994, 2002

West - 1930, 1939, 1948, 1957, 1966, 1975, 1984, 1993, 2003

East - 1934, 1943, 1952, 1961, 1970, 1979, 1988, 1997

Southwest - 1932, 1935, 1941, 1944, 1950, 1953, 1959, 1962, 1968, 1971, 1977, 1980, 1986, 1989, 1995, 1998

If you believe in a bright future and strive for success, try to orient your desk in the right direction and you will definitely achieve everything you dream of. Sitting facing north, you will receive a charge of energy that will guide you to success in your service affairs. The direction of the south will give you a feeling of freedom and determination in solving the most complex issues. The East will fill you with dynamism and inventiveness, while the West will give you new creative and constructive ideas.

However, such feng shui recommendations are not feasible in every room. There are times when there is no way to strictly follow the rules. There is no need to view this situation as completely unfavorable. The main thing when planning and designing the surrounding space is the requirement to maintain the harmony of all five elements, yin-yang, and create a cozy atmosphere in a given human environment.

We will talk to you about corrective elements for the office in the next article. You need to know this! Stay tuned!

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If you have any questions, our consultants will always be happy to answer them and help you regarding the arrangement of furniture in the office.

The main principle of our company is mutually beneficial cooperation with each of our clients, therefore we set loyal prices for the entire furniture range. We put all our many years of experience in this field into our work and approach each client individually.

Office space should be organized in such a way that it ensures maximum efficiency for each employee and the entire team as a whole.

One of the most important aspects In this regard, the correct arrangement of office furniture is important. Have you bought new tables and chairs of decent quality, or ordered elegant shelving? All this is great, but without thoughtful placement it will not give half the desired result. So, how to arrange furniture in the office correctly?

Convenience comes first

The arrangement of furniture in the office should, first of all, ensure comfortable work. Each employee must be provided with sufficient space for normal comfortable work. Some managers, thinking about how to arrange furniture in the office, try to expand the office space by purchasing not too much large tables for staff. Remember that everything should be in moderation - if the workplaces are very small, the staff simply will not be able to perform their duties efficiently.

What exactly does each employee need?

  1. A comfortable table, which can also be a corner table.
  2. An attached or rolling cabinet with drawers where office supplies will be stored.
  3. Document rack.
  4. Office chair or armchair.
  5. Hanger for outerwear- it is usually located near the door.

When you plan the arrangement of furniture, consider the width of the aisles between the tables - it should be such that a person does not have to squeeze between them. Options for arranging furniture may vary, but any office should have shelving for documents. Moreover, it is necessary to ensure free access to them for every employee. This creates great convenience when working - after all, piles of papers on the tables are quite a hindrance to work.

To ensure the correct placement of furniture in the office, you should take into account the location of the air conditioner. It is advisable that it be located somewhat away from workplaces; the same can be said about heaters. The arrangement of furniture is thought out in such a way that the furniture does not become an obstacle to the movement of people around the office. If possible, the middle of the room should be left free. If not, then those tables that are located in the center of the office should have smoothed corners to avoid bruises.

Is separation good?

It is worth separating workplaces from each other using special partitions. The material for them is tension plasterboard or polyester. If the room is small, then you will need not only the correct arrangement of furniture in the office, but also installation glass partitions– they not only allow employees not to disturb each other, but also make the space more “airy” visually.

What if the office is large and therefore noisy? To reduce noise, the furniture arrangement plan should also include partitions, only lightweight movable models. Place the furniture so that it protects people from unnecessary sounds.

Options for arranging furniture with partitions are only useful if it is really better for employees to perform their duties without being distracted by conversations. If the specifics of the company require teamwork, then it is better to abandon individual jobs.

Furniture arrangement: psychological aspect

When people feel comfortable psychologically, their performance instantly increases significantly. Correct placement furniture helps to bring comfort and harmony into the room. Employees should not sit with their backs to the door - this creates an unpleasant feeling of insecurity.

A pile of papers on the desktop is very annoying and makes it difficult to concentrate. Therefore, the arrangement of furniture in the office should include several cabinets, where all the necessary documentation, etc. will fit. If there is not enough space for cabinets, then excellent option will become hanging shelves, which can be placed almost anywhere without compromising the usable area.

If the office is equipped with a reception area, then it is also necessary to install comfortable sofa, as well as a cute little table that should always have a few magazines on it so that your visitors don't get bored if they have to wait a bit.

The performance of employees depends on the arrangement of furniture in the office. everything needs to be done correctly. It is important to think about where the manager and staff will be located. can be picked up the best option furniture arrangement that combines comfort and functionality. the choice will depend on the size of the room, its layout and the specifics of the work. Feng Shui rules are also important. By following them, you can achieve a favorable atmosphere among employees. they won't accumulate negative emotions, and it will become a pleasure.


There are several options for how to arrange furniture in the office. everything will depend on the principle by which the workspace is divided. There are three options:

Open offices
places here are located on large space and do not close off from each other. This option is suitable when the activities of employees are aimed at jointly resolving issues. its use is ideal for group discussions of issues or for very large number colleagues;

this is the separation of each zone using mobile partitions. the room in this case is divided into small zones, everyone can concentrate on their responsibilities;


So that people are provided with all the necessary items: cabinets, shelves. computer chair and other attributes. Depending on the type of activity, they may vary. open type involves the use of common attributes that everyone will use. cabinets and racks for folders, papers and other things are placed along the walls. in this case, every employee has access to them. There are drawers in the cabinets for personal documents.

The organization of the workplace also provides for the presence of hangers for outer things. install them near the door or select a small area in the form of a locker room. if these are mini-offices, then try using one small hanger for each. Depending on the type of organization, you may need a chair or armchair for a visitor.


The arrangement of tables depends entirely on the size and shape of the room, the location of the door and window. There is general rules that help you feel comfortable and not disturb your colleagues:

Arrangement office space starts from the manager's desk. install it in a secluded place, preferably at the end of the hall. The boss should not sit with his back to the window or door. It's best when there is a wall behind. it provides a feeling of security and confidence. in open offices, the manager's seat should be away from the door, but with the ability to see it. if this is a company with a visit, then it is worth placing a secretary near it.

In a large building, desks may be in parallel rows. this is the most convenient and rational. Only here it is advisable to install partitions to prevent sitting facing colleagues. If possible, do not place them in the middle of an empty room. when there is emptiness behind them, people feel insecure. possible to install workplace in the corner. it is attractive due to some privacy and saves space. Only a person should not sit facing a corner or a wall.


There are several other main points that are taken into account when setting up an office. First of all, this concerns the width of the aisles that remain between the tables. it should be spacious enough. It’s inconvenient when a person squeezes between the rows and clings to the corners. The approach to cabinets with racks for documents should also be free. Folders usually take up a significant amount of space, so try to keep them organized at all times.

Another important point is the arrangement of ventilation, heating and other communications. no one will feel comfortable being near a hot radiator or under an air conditioner. this also applies to drafts that may exist in the building. try to arrange things in a way that does not affect your health. The boss must take care of his subordinates, so he should not be indifferent to their well-being.

Worth considering for staff small area for relax. it can be separated by a partition and consist of soft sofa or chairs. people need to take short breaks. For greater comfort, provide accessories. these could be carpets, curtains or green plants. Such things give more comfort. Considering that you spend most of your time at work, create a favorable environment for yourself.

Furniture distribution in a small office

pay special attention to the arrangement of furniture in small room. in this case, you need to try to use the space rationally and expand it visually. good decision- put all the tables in a circle. so you can free middle part hall This makes it possible to move freely and not disturb your friend. if the room has rectangular shape, you can put the tables in the form of the letter p. so there will be sufficient passage between them.

If the company plans to receive visitors, then it is necessary to provide them with necessary items to accommodate. they are used compactly and conveniently for customers. a chair or armchair for them is placed facing the employee and with their back to the door. in this case, you can capture the person’s full attention and lead the conversation in the direction you want. You can place a small hanger near the entrance. all this affects a person’s mood.


  • Office workers spend a lot of time in their organizations. We must try to create for them good conditions that will contribute to productive activity. To do this, you should arrange the furniture in your office according to Feng Shui. This is the science of proper organization surrounding space so as to attract positive energy. It will ensure favorable relationships in the team, good mood And career. There are several Feng Shui rules that should be followed.
  • You should not sit in a corner of the room or between cabinets in such a way that it will be difficult to approach. This inconvenience will affect the quality of service. There should be enough free space in front of the table. According to Feng Shui, it symbolizes promising development. This will help avoid unnecessary difficulties and problems. There is no need for wires and cables to be visible. This symbolizes the outflow of money. If the room has big sizes and many employees are forced to be nearby, a person can get tired of the bustle. You can put some bright or favorite object in front of you. It will allow you to be distracted for a while and protect your personal space.
  • Arranging office furniture according to the rules of Feng Shui involves arranging the space with comfort. Try to choose a zone with good energy. You need to see those who walk into the room, and not sit with your back to it. The most unfavorable area is the area near the door. Visitors or employees will constantly pass by it, which will negatively affect the emotional state.
  • Thus, it has great importance How exactly to arrange furniture in the office. This not only affects the convenience of staff, but also improves their performance. What matters is design features premises. The building may be non-standard shape. In this case, it may be necessary to manufacture custom-made cabinets and cabinets according to individual measurements. It will differ in unusual sizes and shapes. The distribution of seats must also correspond to the specifics of the personnel.

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