Arched windows: photos, design ideas. Features of arched windows

A house without windows is not a home! And if the house has arched windows, this is already a noble structure that commands respect. Such an architectural element willy-nilly creates associations with castles and rich palaces, and not in vain, because it was precisely this form of windows that was used in the rich buildings of aristocrats and noble nobles of yesteryear. Therefore, they remain in demand to this day. Why exactly did high-status people like windows? arched shape We will tell you in this article, and at the same time we will find out their features and varieties.

Arched windows: features and types

Why have arched windows become so popular among wealthy segments of the population? The answer turned out to be much simpler than the meaning given to this element. The fact is that in the past there was nothing else to illuminate rooms except real fire, so large arched windows came to the aid of candles, burners and torches. Thanks to the upper vault, more space always passes through such windows. sunlight thanks to this the room is brighter long time. And since such windows were always more expensive, only rich people could afford them. Over time, this element became an integral part of the architecture of noble buildings. This is confirmed today by modern, classical expensive houses And Luxury Apartments, the vast majority of which have just such windows.

Arched windows in the interior photo

But there is one more advantage of such windows: an interior with an arched window, with appropriate design, is always more comfortable, which is also important when arranging hearth and home.

Arched window photo

Types of arched windows

Without exception, all windows of this type have an arc from above, it can be different diameters. Arched windows can be divided into types according to the place of use, material of manufacture and type of frame used.

Place of application

Arched windows can be used in both classical styles and modern style houses. In all cases, windows of this type can be used in any part of the building: on the walls of the main house, verandas, outbuildings, and also in the attic. Separately, it is worth saying that they are also used on dormer windows. This is exactly what it is business card noble house. This will be especially pronounced if the house is made of stone and the window matches it with a stone frame. Then you will get the impression of an ancient classical building

Arched windows photo

Material of manufacture

Modern arched windows are made from three main materials: wood, PVC and metal.

Wooden arched windows are very popular in suburban ecological construction. If, for example, a house is built from rounded logs or timber, it is advisable to use wood for windows. In addition, a house with such windows will look even more aesthetically pleasing.

Wooden arched windows photo

Plastic arched windows will fit perfectly into any home in modern style, besides, they are more durable: they are more resistant to external natural influences, provide good warmth and sound insulation. For the manufacture of such windows, the same profile is used as for conventional straight windows. It is worth saying that arched plastic windows can have any color and design, including wood-look ones. And this significantly expands the scope of their application.

Plastic arched windows

Type of frames used and their functionality

The appearance of the window itself and its functionality significantly depend on the type of frame.

All window frames can be divided into two large groups: blind and opening. The first ones are suitable for use where there is no need to open windows. Opening ones are suitable for any places that need ventilation. In this case, the opening mechanism can be very different: a regular swing, a tilt-and-turn, a sliding, and more. Depending on the type of structure, the opening sashes can be either only the lower part or the upper arched part of the window. But it should be remembered that the more profiles used on the windows, the less light transmittance it has.

It is not uncommon for the design of arched windows to use additional overhead or built-in thin profiles, these are the so-called windows with layout. Most often, it is the arched part that is designed in this way. A glass sheet divided into several parts always looks more noble and original. This is also one way to enhance classic motifs. It is worth noting that for the same purpose they can be used on such windows in place ordinary glass stained glass.

Plastic arched windows photo

Arched window with stained glass

Decoration of arched windows

Arched windows in the interior require special attention. You not only need to choose the right curtains and curtains, but also slopes when installing a window. The fact is that in the curved part the usual plastic slopes may not fit, especially if the radius at the window is quite steep, the plastic may simply burst. An alternative could be ordinary plaster or sheets of drywall, as you know, they can be given any shape when moistened.

As for curtains, depending on the style, several options can be used. These are either mobile curtains that follow the shape of the arch, blinds and Roman blinds, custom-made according to the shape of the window. An excellent option would be pleated curtains for each individual window transom. For the arched part there are even special curtains that open in the form of a fan.

Design of arched windows photo

Arched window design

It should be added that arched windows can have different shapes. From traditional rectangular to curved top part to the window in the form of just an arch. It’s also worth saying that the arch can also be different and it’s not the size, but its shape. For example, if the task is to create Gothic motifs in the exterior of the house, then even before building the house you should choose windows in the form of a pointed arch. In addition, there are triangular, horseshoe-shaped, keel-shaped window arches, round gentle arches and others.

Arched windows photo

In addition to the actual shape, an arched window differs significantly from a regular window in function. Due to its special geometry, it is impossible to make a simple tilt-and-turn window in the shape of an arch. An opening arched window is a difficult product to manufacture and, more importantly, to operate. To avoid unnecessary expenses and hassle when managing such a window, they resort to separate execution. The upper - arched part - is made non-opening, and the lower - rectangular - tilt-and-turn.

To make a window along an arched opening, a measurement technician must be sent out to measure the opening and make patterns (read how and why this is done below).

How are arched PVC windows made?

The production time of an arched plastic window is a little more manufacturing standard shaped windows: more here manual labor. Production time depends on the professionalism of the craftsmen.

The production of arched windows from PVC profiles consists of two stages:

  • bending of arches and arched elements from PVC profiles;
  • welding of the arched part with straight fragments and finishing glazing.

    • Installation of an arched window

      When installing an arched window, you should adhere to GOST recommendations for window installation (see: installation of plastic windows according to GOST). The installation of an arched window in a wooden house must be preceded by more serious preparation of the opening (see: installation of plastic windows in a wooden house).

      Finishing arched slopes

      In addition to installing the arched window, an important step is finishing the slopes of the opening.

      Some types of arched structures, such as lancet windows, require a limited choice of finishing materials. Due to the large labor costs, the cost of finishing arched slopes is higher than in the case of standard window PVC.

      The most versatile is finishing with plasterboard and plaster mortar. When choosing these materials, the accuracy of the geometry and the overall quality of the work depend on the craftsman.

      In the Business-M company, a standard arched block is mounted with plastic slopes made of plastic sandwich panels. To order, work can be made from plasterboard and plastering materials.
      Cost of installation of windows with finishing.

      Arched door and window designs

      Popular and frequently used arch-shaped windows and doors:


      The arch can be a window, or component window or door block. Combinations of designs create glazing elements that are unique in architecture and shape.

      From PVC profiles you can make a window of any arched shape and a door with arch elements. A blind element (non-opening) of the structure or a sash part can be made in the shape of an arch.

      Dimensions of arched PVC windows

      What sizes of plastic windows can be made with arched elements?

      Minimum size

      The smallest non-opening window with an arched part is ∅800.
      Minimum permissible radius of the arched element of a plastic window made of PVC profile VEKA Euroline, which can be manufactured at the Moscow plant window designs Business-M: 400 mm.

      The smallest opening window with an arched part is ∅1080.
      An arched window with an opening window (transom) will have a smallest radius of 540 mm.

      Maximum size

      The maximum radius of the arched structure is limited to 2300 mm.

      The specified size restrictions are determined by the capabilities of the equipment used by the window company and the limit of dimensions and properties of the PVC profile.
      PVC windows VEKA.

      So different: arched window design

      Equal in name, arched windows and doors can have completely different shapes.

      Arch shapes







      The classic version of the arch is semicircular. A company specialist will help you design an arched door or PVC window with an original arched shape.

      Arched windows with a pattern in double glazing

      The design, unique in shape, can also be supplemented with decorative glass elements.

      Intersecting decorative crossbars - layout
      One of the most often combined decoration techniques with arched structures is installing an internal layout in a double-glazed window.

      Layout - thin and narrow aluminum beams, which can be straight or also in the shape of an arch. For best combination with a window or interior, exterior, broaches and sprats can be decorated in the desired color.

      By the way:
      Gold handles go well with the gold layout in the window. Try different decorative combinations

      If for one reason or another it is impossible to install the layout inside the double-glazed window, the window can be decorated with tin broaches.

      Decorative design, curtains for an arched window

      Decorating an arched window is a difficult task even for professional designer interiors. How to simplify your task if you do not have special knowledge, how to avoid making fatal mistakes?

      We have some tips for those who decide to choose curtains themselves.

      IN Business-M offices consultants will show you interesting and proven solutions that will look harmonious on an arched window. And it doesn’t matter what material you prefer - blinds, curtains or Roman blinds.

      Original arched windows VEKA

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Arched windows - look into the world of antique luxury and modern chic

Arch-shaped windows today are not only an element of the interior of Gothic cathedrals and ancient castles. Thanks to the abundance of configurations and shapes, wooden, aluminum or plastic arched windows will decorate and modern house, cottage or apartment. I’ll tell you how to choose the right arch and curtains for it in this article.

What types of arched windows are there - shapes, materials, accessories

Arched windows are a highlight that will decorate both conservative and modern interior. They can be narrow and wide, have different shapes and arch diameters (a semicircle above the rectangular part of the window). When choosing, I advise you to pay attention first of all to the shape and size of the window, as well as the materials from which it is made.

But today, arched windows are gaining immense popularity in modern rooms - minimalism, modernism, loft and other interiors are often decorated with arched frames, because they make the room as illuminated as possible. In dachas, as well as on the second floors and attics of private houses arched structures look fresh and original.

Moreover, even in Stalinist buildings, where house designs included arched structures, windows of this shape are often installed.

There are 3 popular materials for making frames and arched window profiles:

  • Arched windows made of aluminum. When creating them, shaft machines are used; they bend the profiles to the desired shape. Considering the originality of arched solutions, the price of such manipulations with aluminum and the equipment for them is high, which also affects the final cost of the window.
    Aluminum makes the frame lightweight; windows can be made of almost any size and radius. In addition, they are strong and therefore durable. Most often, such models are used in greenhouses, greenhouses, and for offices, houses and other premises, wooden and PVC options are more often used.
  • Models made of wood. Wooden arched windows are not cheaper than aluminum ones, but they also look more luxurious, especially if the decoration inside the room has wooden elements. They almost always look great both indoors and outdoors, which is why they will become a win-win option both for commercial or government premises, and for home or cottage.
    All elements of such windows are cut out using stencils and glued together; irregularities are removed using a milling machine. The whole process takes a lot of time, which also affects the cost of the finished solution.
  • Arched PVC windows. Plastic options very common, it seems to me, primarily because of their price, which is lower than the previous two analogues. Plastic arched windows also go through a long process of preparing materials during production.
    In particular, PVC must first be heated in an oven so that it becomes elastic. When heated, the material does not lose its strength, but gains flexibility, so it is laid out along a special contour made in the shape of the future frame. PVC takes the desired shape and cools.

Arched openings can be either above the window or above. If the door has a false frame, then it can be extended to the entire perimeter of the “arch”. This makes the interior design more harmonious.

Curtains for arched windows

Arched windows are complex and very interesting designs, so the curtains need to be selected so that they do not hide all the beauty of the frame, but only emphasize it. Wide, narrow, high or low arched windows require a very careful selection of curtains, and it is better to entrust the installation of multi-layer or non-standard curtains to specialists.

What types of curtains are there for arched windows?

  1. Blinds. Convenient and popular option There will be blinds on the arched windows. They will allow you to let in enough light into the room, regardless of the shape of the arched structure, and easily regulate the amount of light let in (in the case of lambrequins and complex fastenings to the cornice, this may cause problems).
    Blinds will look especially impressive in the bathroom, hall and kitchen, but in living rooms and offices, especially if they are made in classic style, it seems to me that it is better to choose voluminous fabric compositions.
  1. Pleated blinds. Pleats are made of fabric, so they transmit light softly, and they are also convenient to open and close. Unlike many other types of curtains, these blinds allow you to simultaneously decorate both the rectangular and semicircular part of the window.
  1. Since the style, color and texture of the curtains will be the same, this solution will look harmonious in the interior. Austrian curtains.
  1. The Austrian type curtain pattern is quite complex, so hanging it yourself is difficult - it is better to ask family or friends for help to hang the curtains with someone. At the bottom, the canvas folds beautifully, letting more sunlight into the room, and luxurious waves along the width of the canvas add sophistication to the interior. Roman curtains.
  1. These fabric blinds are easy to open and close, and the abundance of shades and textures on the market will complement any interior style. Roman blinds can be installed either exclusively on the rectangular part of the window or on the entire structure. Classic curtains with additional decor. In conservative styles, lambrequins, swags, and molds will be an effective addition to straight curtains. For asymmetrical and regular arched windows, you can choose classic curtains with soft drapery on top, which will be secured with clips on one or both sides. In some styles, lace lambrequins will become a spectacular highlight, in particular - this great idea

    for Provence and

    The luxurious lambrequins in the photo are combined with light French curtains that let enough light into the room

    In the case of Japanese or Roman curtains, blinds or pleated curtains, you don’t have to think about the cornice. But for other solutions, you will need to select special solutions - most often these are profile arc-shaped cornices, or aluminum solutions that are bent to the desired shape immediately before installation. It is these cornices that most often decorate an arched opening above a door or window.

    There are profile cornices, which are installed in an arched niche, as well as rod cornices, which are mounted on top of the arched opening. Curtains are attached to profile solutions either with adhesive tapes or with hooks that move inside the curtain rod. Rod ones allow you to use regular rings with clamps and experiment with fastening methods.

    A rod cornice means that the curtain mounts will be visible

    One of the simplest, but no less effective solutions there will be an ordinary straight cornice, which is installed at the top of the rectangular part of the window, and the semicircle simply remains open. This looks interesting, and allows you to let in the right amount of light into the room, and does not interfere with camouflage in the evening.


    Arched windows are stylish and luxurious. They take time to select the optimal shape and dimensions, as well as select and install cornices or curtains, but the result is worth it! Share your ideas in the comments - what styles can be decorated with arched structures, and tell us if there are such solutions in your home? And more interesting information you will find in the video in this article.

    October 5, 2016

    If you want to express gratitude, add a clarification or objection, or ask the author something - add a comment or say thank you!

Arched windows perfectly diversify the design of any home, and they stand out and look great both outside the house and inside the room. Most often, such glazing is found in private cottage construction or in brick Stalinist houses. They differ high durability and frost resistance are exactly the same as ordinary rectangular ones.

However, there are some peculiarities in their production. In order to make the product, you need to bend a plastic profile under the right angle, which requires the company to have a manufacturer additional equipment and capacity, this also requires additional time.

Manufacturing process.

To bend a plastic profile, it is heated to a temperature of approximately 130 degrees, and with the help of special machines and tools it is given a given radius and shape. Heat up PVC profile V special camera with ceramic elements. It is worth noting that the heating temperature is not too high, so no harm or deformation occurs if technological standards are observed. Arched plastic windows must have the same perfect view, like ordinary rectangular ones.

They can be made from either white or colored profiles. The film that covers the colored plastic profile is heat-resistant. This happens because the film itself is applied using heat. Therefore, during the manufacturing process of the arch, the profile does not suffer in any way.

Semicircular products have their own characteristics. On any structure, a special steel is installed inside . And on parts of the window where there are curved areas reinforced profile is not installed, since it is impossible to bend it without damage. If it is damaged, its presence does not affect thermal conductivity in any way. Therefore, as a rule, there will be a colder area at the top of the arch than at the bottom, and In summer, the window can widen greatly. What to do to avoid this?


It is worth noting that not all companies manufacture arched structures themselves. The fact is that their production requires expensive equipment, and there are not many orders for arched windows, so small manufacturers order them from larger manufacturers. For the customer, this means that the production time for such windows may increase even more.

The production time for semicircular products depends on the complexity of the radius of the arched product, but as a rule, it is at least 2 weeks. If the design is colored, the process will take at least 3 weeks.


Measuring yourself is quite a bold step, especially for such a complex product as an arched one. You need to determine the type of house in which you will measure the opening, determine whether there is a quarter or not, and what its size is. Rectangular parts of an opening are measured in the same way as rectangular ones. The part that is semicircular is measured in several places, at least three.

If you still want to measure it yourself, determine the type of arch on your window. If you have a semicircular one, where the radius is the same on all sides, you need to measure it in three places, on the left, on the right and the vertical radius. If your opening has a quarter, then add 1-3 cm in height to the radius; if there is no quarter and your opening is even, then on the contrary, subtract 2-3 cm.

If your arched window is lancet, with different radii, has some complex shape, or has protruding parts, you you will need an arch template. That is, you need to take a sheet of cardboard or thin plywood and cut out the exact appropriate shape of the structure from it. If the house is old, even a semicircular arch may have an unequal radius, so a template will not be superfluous in any case; even experienced measurers often use this method.

Keep in mind: the template must exactly match your plastic structure; in the factory workshop they will make exactly this size and the same shape.

If it is possible to invite a qualified measurer, do not neglect this opportunity in such an opening great opportunity make a mistake. The product will be 1-2 cm larger than the opening or much smaller, or simply will not fit into the existing opening, this is already fatal errors. Products are not cheap, and arched ones are more expensive than rectangular ones; do not rely on yourself where you are not confident in your abilities. The only time this process can be done without error is when wooden house. If the structure turns out to be larger than the opening, you can simply expand the opening using a tool. With concrete and brick houses, this technique is quite expensive and time-consuming, and the consequences can be quite sad.

Limit dimensions (width, radius, angle).

The minimum width is 70 cm (700 mm). The product cannot be made smaller; the profile cannot be bent at such an angle.

Arch radius y different manufacturers and profile systems vary, but is at least 35 cm (350 mm) for blind ones, and at least 40 cm (400 mm) for opening ones.

The tilt angle should be no more than 45 degrees. If your opening in height is more like an elongated ellipse, then most likely they will not be able to make you a high-quality arch, in its appearance Some defects may occur.

Layout in arches.

Currently, the production capacity of double-glazed window manufacturers and modern technology make it possible to produce structures with layouts various thicknesses and flowers. What a layout is, what sizes and colors it comes in, see this article.

But the layout can be present not only in rectangular plastic structures, but also in arched ones. And even more, modern technologies allow bend it under different angles , do it semicircular, and even complex shapes . In addition, it can be connected at different angles with virtually no restrictions.

If you want to make a product with a complex design, but you don’t need to divide it using a plastic profile, the layout will help you make it simple unique design, keep in mind that ninety percent plastic structures These are white windows without any details. In addition, it turns out to be much cheaper - the cost of folding profiles compared to plastic profile, quite small. You can plan complex patterns and even simple designs on glass.

The production time for such double-glazed windows is two to three working days longer than conventional transparent ones. If you order a very complex window design, the period may increase to two weeks.


The most important difference is the installation of slopes. The most popular type of slopes for these products is plasterboard, followed by plaster and plastic. If you plan to install plastic slopes, then this is a rather labor-intensive and energy-consuming process. Just as an arch has its own curvature, so the slope will have the same exact bend. Therefore for this plastic panel or foamed PVC will have to be bent at a certain angle, which requires very skilled installers and additional time. Accordingly, this increases the cost of installing the slope, but an undoubted advantage is that they still take less time than other types of finishing.

Special attention should be paid to such a seemingly insignificant detail as a window corner. Even at the ordering stage, check with the manufacturer exactly how the corner will be finished and what the window will look like in its final state. Usually, for this purpose, the corner is also bent with a construction industrial hairdryer, but some try to make it from several parts, which does not look at all aesthetically pleasing.

Windows in the form of arches have firmly taken root in architecture. different styles and dominated the culture of peoples for many centuries. For some time this architectural technique was pushed aside by constructivists and adherents functional style, and multi-storey development was carried out without such “excesses”. Today they are returning to individual development, as a special design technique, and in development public buildings You can also see the arched windows. They create a unique flavor, regardless of whether they are made of plastic or wood.

A little about the tradition of installing arched windows

Just as the headlights of a car somewhat resemble eyes and change its appearance, so you want to look into some windows, as if into your soul, to find out what’s inside. By looking at the windows in a house or building one can judge its “internal contents”. For example, if it is an elongated window with stained glass and an arched headband, most likely it is a temple!

Looking at the windows, you can often unmistakably say that Muslims or representatives of some exotic ethnoculture live there. By the arched windows and their design, one can often judge the wealth of its owners and their preferences. Adherents of certain teachings recommend installing rounded wooden windows, and modern architects use them as a special creative technique.

However, extreme architectural solutions will not be appropriate everywhere, although they add special charm to a living room on the top floor or in a house with an attic. If you are not satisfied with the traditional solution, then arched windows can always be chosen as a win-win alternative. They will decorate the kitchen and staircase, a living room with a bay window or a spacious hall at the entrance to the house.

Rounded tops of windows were used in oriental architecture, in Russian towers, in Gothic cathedrals and in the construction of castles and fortresses. But the ancient Romans were the first to try them in order to enlarge the window opening between arched columns, that is, to transform them into windows. Builders of that time varied the width window openings and the distance between the columns until we arrived at the “classic” arched design.

The rounded shape of the windows emphasized the status of their owner, since their construction required additional costs. But from a technological point of view, this was justified - the arched layout held the rest of the wall above the window well. And triumphal arches, popular since the times of ancient Babylon, were built in the form of gates for victorious warriors. They were built in honor of triumphants in Europe a couple of centuries ago. They were traditional architectural element in Spanish and Moorish architecture of different times.

The Middle Ages and Eastern culture made their own adjustments to rounded window openings, which began to be made pointed and curly. As a result, smooth lines in Gothic times took on the shape of a spear, that is, they became pointed, visually adding the effect of “reaching into the sky.” And the eastern “classics” are modified side pillars, which were adopted by architects of later times. Today, arched windows of various shapes are used, most often a semicircle or oval on straight side posts. Companies specializing in the production of windows offer arched windows:

  • wooden;
  • aluminum;
  • plastic (white, colored and laminated “wood-like”).

Today, rounded windows are most often used when arranging a dormer or ventilation opening, in attics and in residential premises on the upper floors. The thoughtful silhouette of a round window opening, its proportions and sizes, the shape and color of the frame, fittings and design often make it the main decorative element of a private home. Like, for example, oval, round and arched windows - photo:

Where are arched windows most appropriate?

Modern architects use arched wooden windows and round plastic double-glazed windows in the construction of buildings of different styles and purposes. Sometimes this is justified by the functionality of buildings, for example, during the construction of temples and places of worship, art galleries and art objects. Often there are no clear regulations for arched windows, and on the facade or in the interior they are used as an original addition or a special “trick” of the architect. It is difficult to do without a specific shape of window openings in the construction of buildings in styles such as:

  • Romanesque (fashionable private houses in the form of a medieval castle);
  • "Russian tower";
  • Gothic;
  • classicism;
  • Moroccan and Arabic;
  • modernity and postmodernism;
  • other historical styles.

1. In a city apartment standard layout There are not many options where you can put a round or arched window. Although the locations for the windows are predetermined reinforced concrete structures, but they manage to install them instead of conventional rectangular frames. But most of all, the townspeople are experimenting:

  • with glazed loggias and balconies;
  • internal walls;
  • porthole window with corrugated glass in the bathroom;
  • decorative partitions;
  • false windows.

2. In private housing construction there are much more opportunities for experimenting with window shapes. But it is important to remember that with such a wide range of options, a sense of proportion and an understanding of the architectural integrity of the building is necessary. Sometimes they are not limited skylights and the entire facade is made in the form of an arched dominant for a couple of floors. In fact, it can be an entire glazed colonnade with arched ceilings. On flight of stairs(at the turn of the stairs) in a private house they also often use arched windows facing the courtyard- instead of a blank wall. And if the dacha builder is also “his own architect,” then there are no limits to imagination!

Tip: Arched windows can be used in any interior space to provide an additional flow of light into the interior - corridor, staircase, bathroom, closet, pantry, dressing room.

Today, interior designers use additional lighting on arched windows for special effects based on how shadows fall from different types windows Sometimes low arched windows are deliberately placed on south side at home to dose the total amount of sunlight, that is, reduce the window opening. And the original shape of plastic windows has practically no effect on their cost, so it’s worth experimenting with different shapes top.

Variety of arched windows

Arched windows differ from ordinary frames only in the upper line, so their contour can vary only along the upper line - a circle or an oval. The choice of window shape depends on design task and total illumination. Round top frames are made primarily from wood or plastic, and modern technology makes this process easier than ancient techniques. Today they release:

  • round windows or “portholes”;
  • in the shape of a horseshoe (without a window sill);
  • rounded asymmetrical windows with different radii of curvature;
  • half a circle (no vertical racks at all);
  • quadrant;
  • part of a circle (larger or smaller) of different diameters.

Rectangular frames can have a rounding instead of one of the planes - the side, bottom (without a window sill) and the traditional top arch. This allows you to use not only one type of rounded frame in the design of arched wooden windows, but also to expand combinatorial possibilities. For example, in the center there is an ordinary rectangular window with a transom, and on the sides there are rounded frames, forming an interesting architectural pattern.

Functionality of arched windows

An arched window is made using a special technology, but, like a classic frame, it has the same double or triple glazing, rotating fittings and an opening transom. However additional functions are not always present, so when purchasing, you should not pay extra for doors that open in different directions if ventilation through them is not provided.

Arched windows, like a classic frame, are often divided into sashes that form a harmonious structure. And the location of window sections depends on their shape and size. Small windows As a rule, they have 1-2 doors so as not to interfere with the penetration of light and not to distort the proportionality of the frame.

Tip: If the room has 2 arched windows with opening transoms, then it is most harmonious to arrange them symmetrically. But remember that the transom should not open where it is “beautiful”, but where it does not interfere with approaching interior items or watering flowers by the window.

Window frames are either solid (without a window) or opening, which have their own options:

  • folding;
  • rotary;
  • sliding;
  • swing double doors;
  • combined.

Attention: Visually, multi-leaf plastic windows, arched and regular, narrow the window opening and reduce the area of ​​the room. And only in wide windows insert an opening transom for ventilation. In a living room, 1 window is enough for 2-3 arched windows, and it is desirable that the transom opens to the side and upward.

Think about other aspects as well:

  • Will it be convenient to wash your windows?
  • how they will be decorated with tulle and curtains;
  • Do they need blinds (vertical or horizontal).

Arched frames from natural wood not so popular, but they are more harmonious in a country home. And plastic windows are most often installed in city apartments. However, it is not necessary to install exactly white PVC frames; when placing an order, you can choose colored or laminated windows, which are very similar to wooden frames.

The texture and shade of the laminated window can be selected to suit general interior. For example, if the house has mahogany veneer furniture, then the arched windows can be of the same shade. It looks very nice when the oak laminate on the floor matches the shade of the windows and interior doors.

Manufacturers offer regular windows and with double glazed windows with increased sound insulation. If your windows overlook a highway or railway track, and the noise from traffic prevents you from having a good rest, then order double glazing. These are 3 glasses in parallel, forming 2 air cushions. If you have a cozy, quiet courtyard outside your window, then there is no need for such windows - why pay twice as much?

Design techniques for finishing and decorating arched windows

Traditional window openings are not always suitable for finishing rounded window openings. Decoration Materials, for example, plastic slopes, which allow you to quickly and aesthetically complete the installation of the frame. Plastic does not like bent surfaces and joining parts, so it is better to abandon this method in favor of plastering the slopes and painting with enamel. It is better to use drywall on vertical window surfaces. And then level it with plaster side surfaces and arched tops. After this, the slopes can be painted in any color that harmonizes with the interior.

Arched windows are an original design feature in themselves, so you shouldn’t overload them with heavy curtains, as sometimes happens. Special companies even sew “awning” curtains onto the rounded upper slope, and they are attached to it. But best option- translucent tulle on ceiling cornice.

If the interior style requires it, then multilayer blinds can be used, but they must be in harmony with the shape of the windows. Draperies should not hide the original shape of the window frames.

Stained glass remains one of the most beautiful additions to rounded windows; then the need for complex curtains disappears. Stained glass can be replaced with a special film that imitates stained glass, and can only be used in summer period on the south side of the house to regulate the flow of blinding sunlight. For this purpose, darkened or frosted glass, filtering excess light.

Tip: If you have good taste and imagination, you can order or sew any decorative curtains. It may be shielded Japanese curtain, or Roman - on part of the window. The overall curtain covering the entire wall on the ceiling cornice looks very nice. There are special electric curtain rods that are driven remote control. You can also use any decorative curtains with lambrequins, garters, pleated curtains and other options, but nothing should create a feeling of overload.

The installation of arched windows is practically no different from conventional frames, plastic or wooden, if the window opening exactly matches the shape of the frame. Otherwise, you have to fill the resulting gap with building materials and complete the overall finishing. For more information on the topic, you can watch the video about arched windows.

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