Difference between alkyd and acrylic primer. Advantages and features of acrylic and alkyd paints

On the market today finishing materials There is a wide variety of paints and varnishes available. As reviews on forums, photos in catalogs and videos on online construction resources show, alkyd and acrylic paints are especially popular. So what's the difference and which is better? To find the answer, you need to understand in detail the features of their composition, application and properties.


Alkyd paints are a modern version of classic oil paints because they have a similar hardening (oligomerization) mechanism. They are made from alkyd resins, which, in turn, are created through heat treatment of various vegetable oils with the participation of polyhydric alcohols. This is also evidenced by the term “alkyd”, which comes from the words alcohol (“alcohol”) and acid (“acid”). Enamels are sold in dissolved form. Depending on the type of alcohol component used (glycerin or pentaerythritol), they are divided into pentaphthalic and glyphthalic. Traditionally dissolved:

  • white spirit;
  • orthoxylene
  • nefrasom

Acrylic paints are based on polyacrylic polymers. Acrylic is commonly known as plexiglass and is produced by hydrolysis of lactic acid. These paints come in water-based and varnish versions. In order to obtain a certain degree of elasticity and resistance to factors external environment fillers and additives are used.

Properties and scope of application

The main difference between alkyd and acrylic paints is the natural origin of the first and the synthetic origin of the second. Alkyds are quite universal and can be applied to:

  • wood;
  • stone.

They create a harder, but less elastic film compared to colored oil counterparts. Rarely used for drawing, but due to their neutrality household chemicals often used indoors when it is necessary to obtain a shiny, durable surface with a rich, expressive color.

Acrylic paints, as a rule, are less bright and have a muted matte effect. They are offered on the market in a huge range of solutions and are suitable for both artistic solutions, and for construction finishing works, including rust. Demonstrating low vulnerability to atmospheric influences, they are suitable for facade work.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of alkyd-based paints include:

  • quick drying;
  • resistance to moisture and chemicals;
  • ease of work;
  • low price;
  • impressive selection of shades.

Initial polymerization occurs within an hour, and maximum hardening is achieved within several days. No professional working equipment is required to perform painting. Among the problematic aspects, it is worth highlighting the not very long durability of the coating - with intensive use and exposure to ultraviolet radiation, it can turn yellow after just a few years. In addition, as the components evaporate, they emit a specific odor, which is why it is not recommended to stay in a freshly painted room without ventilation.

The acrylic group retains its excellent strength and aesthetic characteristics even with elevated temperatures, making it suitable for painting radiators and similar heating structures. Due to its high adhesion, it lasts up to eight years on wooden products, and up to ten on plastered and metal products. Among the additional advantages:

  • resistance to UV rays, which is important when exterior decoration structures;
  • transparency, allowing the use of paint for light wood species;
  • good hiding power at low consumption;
  • providing natural ventilation.

Dries from half an hour to two hours (drying time depends on the ingredients of the specific solution and the condition environment), although it takes a long time to gain final strength. With appropriate additives, they provide excellent protection against corrosive processes and are even suitable for rust. Random strokes can be easily removed without deforming the rest of the area. Among the disadvantages are the relatively high cost and the use of solvents.

Is it possible to apply paints on top of each other?

Acrylic and alkyd paints are not characterized by very good compatibility, which is due to the significant difference in their components. By combining them, you risk getting the coating to swell, and if you use the reverse algorithm, you will most likely experience delamination. But, if there is a need to put one paint on top of another, the base should be:

  • thoroughly clean from dust and dirt;
  • sand with fine-grained sandpaper;
  • treat with primer.

Preparatory measures will improve adhesion and reduce the likelihood of peeling, but the service life of the resulting layer is reduced by at least half.

Which paint is better?

From the facts described above it is clear that it is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. Acrylic paint is more wear-resistant, but if we are talking about a limited budget and visual impact, it is rational to give preference to the alkyd category.

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– alkyd or acrylic? This is the question asked by many motorists who have decided to upgrade appearance your car. Here it should be said that there is no definite answer - it is worth taking into account the purpose of painting and the allocated budget for car repairs. Let us next consider the strengths and weak sides two types to make it easier to make the right choice.

Alkyd paint for cars: pros and cons of coatings

Alkyd has been used for painting for decades and has managed to prove its positive traits. It is used to give an updated look to the body due to the ease of application to the surface and the wide variety of color shades in the palette. It polymerizes quickly and does not need to apply several layers, however, it requires careful surface treatment before painting and mandatory varnishing - this can significantly increase performance characteristics auto enamels.

Do not forget that rapid setting leads to the formation of a thin film, which, under all environmental conditions, does not allow the entire applied layer to dry quickly and evenly in depth, so special hardeners are now added to the car paint composition. Alkyd protects the surface from aggressive external influences and, as a result, from corrosive processes, but it is short-lived. After a short time, most likely, the surface will have to be renewed due to peeling, faded color and loss of attractive shine. The big advantage of this type of coating is its low cost.

Advantages and disadvantages of acrylic paint for cars

Acrylic paints are increasingly used when painting cars and occupy significant space on shelves in the world. These are new generation paintwork materials that do not have the main disadvantages of their predecessors, including alkyd enamels. The advantages of acrylic paint for cars include:

  • fast drying time;
  • resistance to various mechanical and weather influences;
  • non-toxic;
  • low shrinkage;
  • good reflective properties.

Please note that acrylic paints are available in two types - hard (HS) and soft (MS). Hard ones create an even and durable coating, but cannot be polished. Soft paints are chosen when performing local repairs or secondary painting.

Among the disadvantages of acrylic is the low degree of coverage. This means that at least 3 layers of paint must be applied to the surface, and it is important to immediately correct any mistakes, since they will become painting defects even if made on the first layer.

Whatever car paint you prefer, it is necessary to adhere to the technology of its application, and also carefully carry out preparatory work in the treatment of the painted surface. and any other “MarketEm” offers at an affordable price and in a huge assortment.

An ordinary consumer, far from construction, may encounter certain difficulties when choosing paint. Modern market offers big choice paint and varnish materials– which one should you prefer? Some of the most popular paints and varnishes are alkyd and acrylic dyes. Many people scare them. Let's find out what alkyd paint differs from acrylic, and what you need to choose for a quality result.

Alkyd paints are a modern version of classic oil paints. Both alkyd and oil materials have a similar hardening process. The paint is made on the basis of alkyd resin, which is obtained by processing vegetable oils under high temperature with the addition of various polyhydric alcohols. The composition of alkyd paint is clear from its name. Alkyd is alcohol or alcohol, and “acid” is acid.

For sale, these materials are supplied already containing solvents. Depending on the type of alcohol, paints can be divided into pentaphthalic and glyphthalic. Traditional white spirit, orthoxylene, nefras can be used as solvents for these paints.

Acrylic paint is produced on the basis of polyacrylic polymers. Acrylic is plexiglass, which is produced by the hydrolysis of lactic acids. Acrylic paints can be water based, or on varnish. To obtain high elasticity and resistance to external influences environment and mechanical stress, the composition includes various additives and fillers.

As you can see, both paints differ from each other in composition. But there are other differences.

Characteristics and application features

The biggest difference between acrylic and alkyd paint is that the former is a material of natural origin, while the latter is a completely synthetic product.

Alkyd paint can be used in any way - it is a universal dye that can be applied to surfaces made of metal, wood, and stone. You may or may not use soil.

These dyes create a much harder, but less elastic film when compared with oil analogues. More often, this type of paintwork is used for interior finishing work, when it is necessary to obtain a durable surface with expressive and rich colors and a glossy sheen. Alkyd dye is often used as wood paint.

Acrylic paint is characterized by lower brightness and a matte effect. The market offers a huge range of these coatings. They are suitable for both artwork, and for work on interior and exterior finishing. Acrylic adheres well even to rust. Differences in resistance to environmental influences - acrylic materials widely used for finishing works of facades. You can often find acrylic auto enamel and primer.

On video: acrylic paints.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages coloring materials based on alkyds there are:

  • Fast drying speed;
  • Resistance to moisture and household chemicals;
  • Ease of application;
  • Affordable price;
  • Large selection of colors and shades.

Polymerization begins 60 minutes after finishing painting work. The coating will reach maximum hardness in a few days. To apply alkyd-based paints, you do not need to be a professional painter or have professional tools and devices. Among the disadvantages, one can highlight low durability - if the surface is used very intensively, and the layer is also affected ultraviolet radiation, then within a few years the coating will begin to turn yellow. At the moment of evaporation, the components emit a rather specific odor. To obtain a high-quality result, preparatory work and a primer are needed.

The group of acrylic dyes is capable of significantly better maintaining strength and aesthetic characteristics even when exposed to high temperatures. Due to this property of acrylic, paints are widely used for painting heating radiators and other structures exposed to heat. Due to the fact that the material has good adhesion, the paint adheres well to wood - up to 8 years. When painting metal or plastered walls, the service life is up to 10 years. Also among the advantages are:

  • Resistance to UV radiation, which is very important for exterior decoration;
  • Transparency;
  • Good hiding power and low consumption;
  • Vapor permeability.

These dyes take between 30 minutes and 2 hours to dry completely. But it will take much more time to reach the final density. If the composition contains additives that protect against corrosion, then you can paint the metal even over rust. Among the disadvantages are the cost, the need to use solvents, and in some cases the need for primer.

Despite the disadvantages, acrylic materials are better than alkyd ones. Longer service life, coating more resistant to various influences.

The difference is that alkyd products are poorly suited for outdoor use, while acrylic is ideal for outdoor use.


Knowing the differences between alkyd paint and acrylic paint, you should also learn about the compatibility of these two paints. Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to apply a layer of alkyd paint on top of acrylic paint.

It must be said that the compatibility of the two products is not very good. This is due to the composition of the materials. If you combine them, there is a risk of surface swelling. If you apply acrylic to alkyd, the result will not be good - the coating will begin to delaminate. But if there is a serious need to combine these different products, then you need to clean the surfaces as much as possible, then carefully sand them and apply primer. This will help improve adhesion and reduce the risk of peeling, but the service life will be reduced by about half.

What's better?

So. Acrylic and alkyd paints have different composition, different properties. Let's try to find out which one is better. It really depends on the usage. If it is necessary to finish the facade, then acrylic. When painting a car, you should also give preference to acrylic-based enamels. With a small budget interior decoration You can also stop at alkyd paints.

At the moment when the stage of painting the surface begins in the renovation, the obvious question comes to mind: what paint to choose? Surely the color scheme has already been chosen in accordance with the design, so the essence of the question is what type of paint and varnish material to choose for application. Popular options– these are alkyd and acrylic paints. Despite their similar names, they differ significantly in both composition and characteristics. What are alkyd and acrylic paints and what advantages or disadvantages do they have? This is what will be discussed in this text.

What are alkyd and acrylic paints made of, what are the differences?

Let's get to the analysis of the composition of these two types of paint. The main component of alkyd compositions is alkyd varnish, which is mixed with different fillers, as well as a solvent. The most commonly used is pentaphthalic alkyd varnish, which is a very thick resin to which rosin, glycerin and vegetable oils are added.

The role of the solvent is most often assigned to purified kerosene or, simply put, white spirit. It copes excellently with the breakdown of fractions of fats, oils and various organic compounds, therefore it is excellent for diluting alkyd paints. For fillers of alkyd enamels, marble or granite chips are used due to their high dispersion index.

Coloring pigments are added to this composition, giving the enamel a certain color shade. Quite often the composition includes some additional additives, which can add functionality to the enamel, such as an antiseptic to prevent the formation of fungus on a wooden surface.

The basis of acrylic paint is an acrylic polymer emulsion, with which the color pigment is mixed. This emulsion, also known as plexiglass, is binder. The solvent, unlike alkyd enamels, is water. The composition also uses additives that change the properties of the material, for example, improving viscosity and application to the surface or increasing the drying rate.

Features of the use of alkyd paints

Despite the difference in composition, both types of compositions can be called universal. However, let us turn our attention to the use of alkyd-based paints. They can be used for any type of work - external and internal, due to their high mechanical properties, saturation and brightness.

These paints are classified into two main groups - directly enamels and oil paints. The latter are considered a separate type of paint and varnish materials, but most of them contain alkyd resins, so they can be considered a type of alkyd paint.

Alkyd enamels received wide use in construction and decoration, because they come in both glossy and matte. There are even semi-matte compositions. The film formed by glossy enamels is resistant to abrasion and can be used both for application on wooden surfaces, and on metal ones, in order to protect them. Glossy enamel lays more evenly on the surface and gets dirty a little worse than matte enamel.

Choice of matte alkyd enamel is based rather on the taste of the buyer, because in terms of performance properties they do not differ from glossy ones. If you don't like glare from a painted surface, then matte alkyd enamel is more suitable for you. These surfaces are a little more susceptible to contamination, but this is a minor problem, because any alkyd paint is resistant to strong detergents and cleans well.

Comparison by main properties

Paint drying. The film obtained after applying alkyd enamel dries quite quickly than acrylic film. After just a few days, the alkyd film can properly perform its functions - both protective and decorative. For acrylic materials, the complete formation of the film takes a week or even more, and during this time the surface must be protected from mechanical stress.

Durability. The service life advantage is on the acrylic side. Intense exposure to the external environment means that alkyd surfaces have to be renewed after just a year. At the same time, if all the rules of preparation and application were followed, then acrylic coating can last up to 8 years without the need for repainting.

Acrylic materials are more resistant to ultraviolet radiation. Unlike alkyd compounds, they do not fade and generally do not change the properties of the surface film.

Acrylic paints are also more resistant to mechanical impact, which in its way compensates for the longer preparation for the use of such coatings than for alkyd enamels.

While acrylic shows itself to be a more durable and stable material, alkyd-based compositions have a wider range of colors and shades, and after application the colors look much more vibrant.

Advantages and disadvantages of paints

Alkyd enamels have these advantages:

  • More low price and ease of application, which is especially important when choosing a material for large areas of painting.
  • Alkyd compositions have a large selection of shades, and the paint itself will not lose its color when dried.
  • They dry quickly and protective characteristics appear within a couple of days.
  • Alkyd enamels perfectly protect metal surfaces from rust and corrosion, and the film formed after application protects the surface well from aggressive cleaning agents such as bleach or bleach.

Alkyd compositions also have the following disadvantages:

  • In the long term, they are not very reliable; over time, the surface will turn yellow and become covered with cracks, so the paint will have to be renewed annually.
  • Alkyd paints contain unsafe chemical components that cause bad smell which appear upon drying.

At the same time, acrylic paints have their own competitive advantages

  • Long service life and increased resistance to external irritants, which will retain excellent performance properties.
  • A good option for indoor use, because there is no release of odor or harmful substances.
  • Good possibility for use even in the most high temperatures heating surfaces - for example for heating pipes.

Disadvantages of acrylic compositions:

  • The cost of such paints will be higher, but the selection will be truly quality composition- more difficult. Its protective characteristics acrylic surfaces purchases take longer – from several weeks to a month.

Compatibility of alkyd and acrylic materials

Sometimes you may come across the question: is it possible to use acrylic paints to repaint alkyd surfaces? Or vice versa, is it possible to apply alkyd-based compositions over acrylic? There is only one answer - it is not recommended. Moreover, it makes no difference what kind of surface we are talking about, metal or wood.

The exact composition of any paint and varnish material cannot be fully known. Applying acrylic enamels over alkyd may result in active ingredients the latter can appear through upper layer in the form of darkened spots and stains, thereby spoiling the entire surface. Otherwise, the alkyd paint may simply not adhere to the acrylic surface, as a result of which it will gradually peel off from the surface.

However, if a significant period of use of the painted surface has already passed and volatile elements have eroded from its surface, then it is possible to apply materials on top of each other. However, this should not be done on a “bare” surface anyway; it requires Preliminary processing primer. Important point– the primer must be the same type as the paint you will be reapplying.

Production of alkyd and acrylic compositions

Although the trend in production is to produce environmentally pure materials, which are diluted with water, namely acrylic compositions, the main component produced by domestic factories are alkyd binders of paints and varnishes. To be precise, more than 65% of everything paint and varnish production It is alkyd materials that occupy.

It is worth noting that foreign companies conduct much more active research polymer compounds, which are the basis for acrylic paints, as well as additives to these compounds. New technologies are being developed, the main emphasis of which is on environmental friendliness. In this regard, acrylic products are more attractive from the point of view of use. However, the price of such a product is much higher, which ultimately greatly influences the consumer’s choice.

To summarize, alkyd-based paints are a very attractive choice - they are inexpensive, bright, dry quickly and have good durability. However, in the long term, acrylic enamels have an advantage, given that they are less toxic and can retain their properties for decades.

What is the difference between alkyd paint and acrylic paint? People inexperienced in painting, a certain consonance of words confuses me. Alkyd, acrylic, in fact, it seems, but in fact there is a very significant difference between these two compositions. We will talk about the differences in application and operating features later. The main difference is in the nature of the origin of the raw materials. Whether we like it or not, but modern world moving further and further away from the natural. Such changes do not always occur without problems, but acrylic silicone paints, this is definitely not the case.

Alkyd resin is based on pentaphthalic or glyphthalic oil-containing resins. Diluted with: white spirit, solvent, gum turpentine. Drying time: dust free, touch drying 4-6 hours, complete drying from 12 hours to 24 hours. Each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried. It is highly resistant to frequent washing. Withstands heating up to 90°. It has an insulating ability that prevents the penetration of water.

Some coatings that have an alkyd base are “sharpened” for painting metal coatings “Tikkurila panssarimaali”. Others, for unknown reasons, exclusively for processed wooden crafts“Tex Pro”, but basically the compositions are universal. They can be used with equal success for painting wood, metal or just brickwork. There are many such examples, I will give only two: “Tikkurila Empire”, “Dulux Trade High Glosse”.

A distinctive feature of the use of alkyd solutions is the mandatory application of two layers. The use of primers is desirable, but not necessary. Moreover, there is Nerzhamet enamel, which, according to manufacturers, can be painted directly over rust and remnants of the old coating. There is an article about the widespread use in the present, as well as about their rejection in the past; if you are interested, take a look.

The people of our country are familiar with alkyd paints firsthand. Even in the recent past, almost the entire country painted floors exclusively with PF-266, and facades and fences with PF-115. Although with the advent of new finishing materials, cheap domestic alkyd paints have lost their popularity, they can still be found on the shelves of specialized stores. For example, “GF-230”, “PF-223”, “PF-126”.

In acrylic compositions, an aqueous polyacrylate dispersion is used as a film-forming base. A polymeric substance obtained by polymerization of acrylic methacrylic acid. In addition to the base, the standard set includes: pigment, functional additives, filler. Diluted with water. Suitable for application on: fibreboard, chipboard, mineral surfaces, after they have completely dried. Serves exclusively for: internal “Projekt 07”, external “Tex façade” or universal “Flugger flutex 5” use. Drying time: to touch, from 1 hour, drying of the first layer, 2-6 hours, complete hardening for some compositions can last several days.

Actually, acrylic, or rather, styrene acrylic base, is only one of the components of the entire family of water-dispersed paints, which, in addition to names, differ binding basis and more importantly, for practical application, properties of the formed film coatings. I will list other well-known systems: latex, silicone, PVA-based. How these systems differ, where and how to use them, read this.

There is one more feature that you should pay attention to when purchasing. On the label, next to the name of the paint, its intended purpose is “for ceilings.” You should probably assume that this composition is intended only for painting the ceiling, but more often than not, this is not the case. In fact, any surface can be painted with this paint, and the additive “for the ceiling” means that additional additives have been added to the solution to make painting the ceiling easier or affect the performance properties of the coating.

For example, “VGT Snow White” is characterized by increased light fastness and the ability to not turn yellow in the light. “McCormick Paints Ceiling White” is characterized by minimizing smudges and spattering. Magic, “Dulux Magic White” is capable of changing color after drying, why is this necessary, read. However, there are exceptions, systems with acrylic dispersion based on PVA, which, due to low wear resistance, are used only for painting ceilings.

What is the difference between alkyd paint and acrylic paint?

  • First of all, the nature of origin. An aqueous styrene acrylic dispersion is made from a mixture of: styrene, acrylic acid, distilled water, butyl acrylate, synthanol, ammonium persulfate, glycidyl methacrylate and probably something else that I forgot about. Alkyd resin is obtained by combining heat treatment natural vegetable oils with acid and alcohol, i.e. the product contains, albeit processed, organic matter.

    Scope of application. Without going into the details of each individual system, alkyd paint, in addition to decorative qualities, has increased protective functions. It is not without reason that it is used for painting railway cars, military equipment, and machine tools. The apartment is suitable for painting: windows and door designs, heating radiators, sections of walls subject to intense wear, rooms with high humidity. Acrylic paints are characterized by “area work”, so they are most suitable for walls and ceilings.

  • The thinner used. The purpose of the thinner without entering into chemical reactions with the elements of the solution, create a consistency suitable for its use, and after a while evaporate. Water, unlike white spirit, has no odor, which, you see, is important in an enclosed space.

Cost of alkyd and acrylic paints

Contrary to popular belief, the prices for both formulations are quite comparable. However, see for yourself.

Interior paint from the same manufacturer “Tikkurila”, in the same container (2.7 liters) costs, alkyd “Remontti Assa”, 1850 rubles, acrylic “Harmohy”, 2008 rubles. Let's find out how another manufacturer, Dulux, is doing, universal composition, capacity 2.5 liters. Alkyd system “Master 30”, costs 1500 rubles, acrylic system “Bindo 20”, 1400 rubles.

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