Algorithm for cleaning in medical and preventive organizations. General cleaning of the treatment room: technology and procedure

I. Planning general cleaning

To carry out general cleaning of ward departments, a hospital order sets a fixed day once a month (for example, the last Friday of each month), about which the administration of the hospitalization department is notified in advance.

On this day, the admission of planned patients to the departments is limited, only patients for emergency reasons are hospitalized.

To ensure rational placement of personnel, accounting for the volume of work performed, calculation required quantity detergents, cleaning agents and disinfectants, it is recommended to develop an annual schedule for general cleaning, approved by the head of the department. The technology, cleaning schedule, list of detergents and cleaning products are periodically reviewed, but the reality of the implementation of the plan can only be assessed under the condition of strict monitoring of implementation in compliance with the rules of sanitary treatment of all premises and equipment.

It is more convenient to draw up a schedule in the form of tables, indicating the complete set and area of ​​​​the premises, as well as the number and approximate area of ​​​​the processed surfaces of furniture, medical and sanitary equipment (baths, toilets, sinks, radiators, etc.) equipment, windows and glazed doors.

In the same table you can include the timing of washing windows, processing lighting fixtures, step-by-step processing of decontamination treatment of all bedding, changing curtains, etc.

Cleaning equipment

Procedural, manipulation, etc. with an aseptic regime (according to the number of rooms);

Therapeutic wards;

Postoperative wards for patients with immunodeficiency conditions receiving hormonal drugs, etc. (according to the number of wards);

Administrative and utility premises (doctors’ offices, nurses’ offices, etc.);

Bathrooms (by number of bathrooms);

Bathrooms (according to the number of toilets).

Cleaning equipment (cleaning equipment) must be easily disinfected. It is not recommended to use hair brushes and sorghum brooms in health care facilities, which are difficult to wash and practically cannot withstand disinfection, as a result of which they are a factor in the transmission of infection.

According to the number of groups of premises with the appropriate asepsis regime, sets of cleaning equipment are completed:

A set of a floor brush (mop) and a mop with a long handle for washing walls and ceilings;

Buckets or plastic bags for collection and short-term storage of garbage during the cleaning period;

Set of 2 buckets (galvanized) for washing walls and ceilings with a detergent-disinfectant solution and then washing it off clean water from leftovers detergents;

Set of 2 buckets - respectively for washing and rinsing the floor;

Set of brushes with handles different lengths for washing radiators, hard to reach places etc.;

Enameled containers (pans) for clean rags;

Brushes with stiff bristles or rags - for washing bathtubs and sinks;

Brushes for cleaning upholstered furniture (in the absence of a vacuum cleaner);

Round toilet brush (for cleaning bathrooms in separate ward sections),

Pump (kvach, plunger) - for eliminating small blockages sewer pipes toilets and sinks.

A set of rags consisting of:

A bag-cover made of cotton jersey, put on a mop for washing (sweeping) ceilings and walls: two burlap rags (preferably with trimmed edges) - respectively, for washing the floor with a solution and then washing it with clean water;

Cotton dust rag.

Regardless of the type of room treatment (washing with soap and soda or disinfectant solutions), all cleaning equipment and rags after cleaning the premises are subject to disinfection, washing and mandatory drying.

The rags must be dried, since in a humid environment and especially in dark room Many microorganisms that cause nosocomial purulent-inflammatory diseases multiply very intensively.

Cleaning equipment cannot be stored in offices and wards. For this purpose, a separate room or cabinets are allocated, in which it is stored in separate sections. full set labeled cleaning equipment for each category of premises.

It is better to hang floor brushes on wire or metal rings for better drying and to protect the bristles from bending. At the end of cleaning, the brushes must be washed in a detergent-disinfectant solution, rinsed in clean water and periodically comb the bristles with a comb or other device specially designated for this purpose.

It is advisable to coat the wooden handles of brushes and mops with waterproof paint or varnish to facilitate disinfection.

Cleaning technology

It is advisable to carry out cleaning of treatment and diagnostic rooms and wards with the windows open and in the absence of patients. Beds must be covered.

Cleaning of premises should begin with the removal of furniture, equipment, etc. or by moving it away to provide free access to the objects being processed.

When installing stationary equipment, it is recommended to seal the joints and contacts with the walls with sealants to prevent the leakage of liquids, the accumulation of dirt and dust.

General cleaning before the onset of the autumn-winter season should include mandatory double-sided washing of glass after completion of repairs and glazing of windows, and restoration of putty. Then the cracks are sealed with cotton wool or other material and the second frames are pasted with special thick paper 4-5 m wide. Pasting is usually carried out with liquid starch paste.

If the frames do not fit tightly enough, it is recommended to nail thin wooden slats, pasted over with fleece or other sealing material, but not with felt, since moths and other insects breed in it. You can use special sealants.

To protect glasses from freezing, they are wiped with a mixture of 1 part glycerin and 3 parts alcohol, and some hygroscopic substance, for example a piece of charcoal, is placed between the frames.

Dirty glass absorbs up to 50% of transmitted light. Approximately once every 1-2 months they should be washed with warm water with added ammonia(1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water) or special glass cleaners.

In the absence of such conditions, upholstered furniture, mattresses, and pillows are covered with a dampened cloth and then cleaned by beating.

If disinfection treatment of upholstered furniture, curtains, various surfaces for which traditional processing is not suitable aqueous solutions, you can use “Solarsept” of the “Deconex” series of JSC Vita-Tour - ready solution for quick disinfection of hospital furniture, fabrics, mattresses, clothing ( outside hospital gowns, shoes), objects and areas of frequent touch (appliances, telephones, door and faucet handles, switches, toilet seats, etc.).

The advantage of the drug is that it does not destroy tissue structures, wets the treated surface well and dries quickly, and is non-toxic.

When carrying out general cleaning, it is somewhat difficult to wash the batteries and the space behind them, where a significant amount of dust accumulates. For this purpose, you can use hand-held sprayers filled with: one with a detergent-disinfectant solution, the other with clean water for final rinsing. It is more convenient to treat the space behind and under the battery using two brushes in succession (for washing and subsequent washing with clean water, respectively).

Beds are wiped with a damp cloth soaked in disinfectant solution, bedside tables, tables and other furniture.

Finish cleaning the premises by washing the floors. Special attention requires washing the baseboards, which are wiped again with a rag moistened with a disinfectant solution after washing the floors.

It is recommended to treat any surfaces (by wiping, roughening) in small areas(2-3 m2).

The detergent-disinfectant solution should be changed after cleaning 80-100 m2 of surface - in general somatic wards and administrative and utility rooms and other premises that do not require a special regime, and no more than 60 m2 when treating premises with an aseptic regime (treatment rooms, postoperative wards, etc.). d.).

When carrying out general cleaning using spray equipment, personnel use respirators, safety glasses, and gloves.

Features of general cleaning in the treatment room

Once a week, general cleaning of treatment rooms, manipulation rooms, postoperative and intensive care wards is carried out.

A disinfectant solution (1% chloramine solution, 0.25% sodium hypochlorite solution, etc.) is applied to the surface and turned on for 60 minutes. germicidal lamp(its power, as in other high-security rooms, must be at least 1 W per 1 m3 of room volume, and the period of use must not exceed the standard shown in the passport (no more than 2 years); control of timely replacement is the responsibility of the head nurse departments). Then put on a clean gown, wash off the disinfectant solution with a sterile rag moistened tap water. Upon completion of cleaning, the room is re-irradiated with ultraviolet light for 30 minutes. Then the office is ventilated. Cleaning equipment is disinfected in a 1% chloramine solution for 1 hour, then washed and dried.

General cleaning of bathrooms, bathrooms, sanitary rooms, etc. utility rooms should be carried out at least once every 10-15 days.

General and routine cleaning of premises in medical institutions (HCI) is a necessary measure, the purpose of which is to prevent the spread of infections and other diseases within the hospital among medical personnel and patients. These procedures require the most serious attention, since they directly affect human life and health, especially since Rospotrebnadzor authorities and various sanitary commissions regularly monitor these procedures in medical institutions.

Requirements for equipment and cleaning products

The first thing you should pay attention to when cleaning premises in healthcare institutions is the competent and optimal selection of equipment and detergents. It is these two main aspects that guarantee high-quality cleaning operations in hospitals. When selecting equipment and detergents, it is necessary to take into account the fact that when cleaning premises in health care facilities, you will have to deal not only with household dust and ordinary dirt, but with potential sources of various infections. Consequently, standard wet cleaning, when a full-time cleaner simply wipes the dust with a cloth, will clearly not be enough here; it is necessary to use only professional equipment and only professional chemicals. All personnel involved in cleaning work in the hospital must undergo appropriate training.

The order, as well as the procedure, for routine and general cleaning in modern organizations healthcare are regulated by relevant documents:

  • SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations engaged in medical activities.” In particular, these requirements contain very voluminous and precise recommendations for the implementation various types cleaning in medical premises, depending on the profile of a given hospital department.
  • SP 3.5.1378-03 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization and implementation of disinfection activities.”

Features of routine and general cleaning

In health care facilities, as in any other premises, with the exception of disinfection procedures, two types of cleaning are carried out - routine cleaning and general cleaning.


Routine cleaning is a set of measures that is aimed at the effective and timely elimination of all types of contamination within the premises and is carried out during working hours.

Procedure current cleaning in a hospital and other medical organizations necessarily includes the treatment of furniture, equipment, work surfaces and floors. At its core, it is an ordinary wet cleaning, with the only difference that this cleaning is carried out at least twice a day and for its implementation it is necessary to use special cleaning agents and disinfectants. Its main difference from the general one is the frequency and volume of work performed.

The frequency of cleaning may vary in each specific case, depending on the profile of the medical institution or even its separate room. For example, dressing rooms must be cleaned at least twice a day, including floors, sinks, door handles and walls. At the same time, radiators, windows, doors, window sills and cabinets in which medical instruments are stored are cleaned at least once a day. A similar cleaning procedure is required in recovery rooms and intensive care wards. In turn, cleaning of such premises as a regular therapeutic ward is carried out at least once a day, etc.


General cleaning is a set of disinfection and sanitary-hygienic measures aimed at creating an aseptic regime in the room for the safe conduct of the required medical procedures.

To carry out these activities, it is necessary to use only professional disinfectants and detergents, as well as use equipment designed for cleaning this specific room.

General cleaning is carried out according to a schedule agreed upon by the administration of the medical organization, taking into account all the required disinfection regimes suitable for the hospital department of the corresponding profile.

IN functional rooms, in doctors' offices and hospitals, scheduled general cleaning should be carried out at least once a month, including the treatment of walls and ceilings, work equipment and lighting devices. Operating units, maternity rooms, dressing rooms, as well as sterilization, treatment and other rooms with aseptic conditions are subject to scheduled general cleaning at least once a week. At the same time, it is important to understand that on the day of general cleaning, surgical operations not allowed in the operating room. Unscheduled general cleaning may be carried out as a result of unsatisfactory indications of sterility and microbial contamination external environment during an inspection of the hospital premises.

Cleanliness of premises is an important component of quality medical care. Is it possible to treat people in dirty and dusty offices? Of course not. There are special standards and norms in accordance with which wet treatment of rooms, maternity rooms, operating rooms and other premises is carried out. Strict adherence to instructions is a guarantee of the sterility and cleanliness of the medical facility where sick and injured people are provided with care. In this article we will look at the rules and algorithm for general cleaning of the treatment room.

Cleaning in a medical room and its features

Most often, wet or general cleaning is performed by employees of a medical institution themselves - cleaners, orderlies, nurses. For example, general cleaning of a treatment room according to SanPiN involves washing the floor, walls, windows, doors, furniture and equipment. A necessary condition is the use of disinfectants during its implementation. They are needed for sterility.

General cleaning of the treatment room is carried out once a week. Rooms such as treatment rooms, vaccination rooms, or dressing rooms require frequent cleaning, unlike other rooms.

There are 4 types of treatment room cleaning:

  1. The preliminary one consists of putting things in order every day before the start of the shift. This includes wet cleaning of every surface in the office.
  2. Routine tidying up is necessary to remove dirt in the evening after closing. This cleaning is carried out 2 times a week.
  3. Final cleaning also takes place in the evening. You can compare it with the preliminary one.
  4. General cleaning of the treatment room is performed once a week.

Accounting for general cleaning

A list of the general cleaning of the treatment room carried out is in the log. It contains a table that consists of the following columns:

  • name of the office in which the processing was carried out;
  • the date when the scheduled cleaning was carried out;
  • next date for general cleaning of the treatment room;
  • the name of the disinfectant used during the treatment of the premises, as well as its concentration;
  • details of the employee who performed the cleaning;
  • data of the person exercising control.

Cleaning equipment

SanPin also contains a list of equipment necessary for processing. It includes the following elements:

  • 2 buckets for washing all surfaces (walls, floor);
  • one bucket for windows;
  • two mops;
  • rags and napkins are absolutely sterile;
  • disinfectant and detergent compositions;
  • robe, gloves, masks and glasses for cleaning.

General cleaning technique

In rooms where thorough sanitization is required, a specific cleaning procedure must be followed. The treatment room is one of those. Antiseptic cleaning differs from regular cleaning in the following ways:

  • thorough disinfection of all surfaces;
  • using special clothing for processing;
  • compliance of cleaning products and equipment with the approved list;
  • using absolutely sterile wipes and rags;
  • cleaning according to schedule.

The general cleaning of the treatment room is carried out according to an algorithm. Sanitary and hygienic processing takes place in several stages. Preparatory work characterized by checking the available equipment, means for processing and disinfection, and special uniforms. All equipment in the office is disconnected from the network. If possible, the room and furniture should be cleared of tools, medications and small appliances.

After preparation comes the cleaning itself, which consists of two stages: disinfection and work after it. Let's take a closer look at each of these processes.

Stage No. 1

General cleaning of the treatment room is carried out in uniform. The uniform is put on, then disinfectant is added to buckets of water.

So, you need to follow the following algorithm:

  • remove garbage and waste;
  • treat furniture, medical equipment, windows and doors with sterile wipes and antiseptic;
  • treat lamps and fixtures with an alcohol solution, and then wipe with a dry cloth;
  • wash the office floor with water and disinfectant;
  • leave the office while the antiseptic substances are in effect;
  • Take off your uniform, wash your hands and treat them with antiseptic.

Stage No. 2

Before starting the second stage of general cleaning of the treatment room, you must wash your hands and put on sterile clothing, and also disinfect your shoes with an antiseptic substance. The following processing order is followed:

  • water is collected in buckets that have been treated after disinfection;
  • each surface treated with the substance is wiped with a sterile cloth;
  • chairs and tables are wiped dry;
  • the floor is thoroughly cleaned;
  • Using quartz treatment, it is necessary to disinfect the air in the room.

The final stage of office cleaning includes such actions as disinfection, washing and drying equipment, handing over rags and uniforms to the laundry, and sterilizing these attributes.

New SanPin and new rules

What are the new rules for general cleaning of the treatment room according to the new SanPin? An integral part is the cleanliness and sterility of equipment and inventory. General cleaning is closely related to daily wet cleaning, which is carried out twice a day and includes washing all surfaces.

General cleaning is a monthly cleaning of windows from the inside. They can be washed outside once every quarter (3 months) during the warm season.

Each bucket, mop, napkin and rag must be labeled. Marking is an indication of the premises and type of work. Each equipment must be used strictly for its intended purpose and stored in a separate room.

Thorough processing according to SanPin is carried out weekly according to a clear schedule. This includes floors, doors, windows, hardware and walls.

Cleaning an apartment or other living space is not so easy, but doing it in a medical facility is a task of many tasks. Any cleaning in a medical room is regulated by rules and regulations for sanitary treatment, which must be strictly observed. Not only cleanliness is important here, but also approved instructions.

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State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Volga State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Department of Childhood Diseases, Faculty of Pediatrics

on the topic “Requirements and procedure for general cleaning”

Completed by: Maria Semchenko

Volgograd 2016

  • Introduction
  • Equipment
  • General cleaning of the treatment room
    • The second stage of general cleaning in the treatment room
  • Own research
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography


In medicine, the health and sometimes the lives of people directly depend on the cleanliness of premises. They are maintained to strict standards and regulatory documents. General cleaning will be no exception - it is always carried out according to clear instructions. This guarantees the level of cleanliness and sterility that is necessary for treating patients and maintaining the health of medical facility staff.

General cleaning is one of the methods of combating nosocomial infections and is preventive measure to destroy microbes.

Purpose: To study the algorithm for carrying out general cleaning. Know the disinfectants and tools used for general cleaning.

Tasks: Conduct general cleaning of the premises of the health care facility. Perform a sequential algorithm for general cleaning.

Basic definitions and concepts

Nosocomial infection is any clinically significant disease of microbial origin that affects a patient as a result of his hospitalization or visit to a medical institution for the purpose of treatment, as well as hospital personnel due to their activities, regardless of whether symptoms of this disease appear or do not appear at the time the data is found persons in hospital.

Disinfection is a set of measures aimed at destroying pathogens of infectious diseases and destroying toxins in environmental objects. It is one of the types of disinfection.

A bactericidal irradiator is a device open type, which is intended for quartzization (disinfection) of air and surfaces in the room with direct ultraviolet rays bactericidal effect.

Frequency of current wet cleaning

Routine and general cleaning in health care facilities is necessary measure aimed at preventing the development of infections and the spread of hospital-acquired diseases among its patients and medical personnel. In addition, Rospotrebnadzor authorities periodically monitor the implementation of these procedures.

* minimizing the number of microbes;

* reducing the risk of cross-contamination.

General cleaning of UZ premises should be carried out:

At least once every 7 days:

In the premises of the operating unit and the centralized sterilization department, in the maternity room, dressing, manipulation, examination, vaccination, treatment and dental rooms, in the dairy room of the maternity hospital, intensive care and surgical wards;

In wards for patients with burns, in wards for patients with infectious diseases, including in wards for patients with purulent-septic infections, tuberculosis, in aseptic wards after immediate discharge of patients, as well as when repurposing wards;

At least once a month:

In therapeutic rooms, halls, corridors, at the nurse's station and other rooms.

Every 3 days:

In obstetric hospitals.

Features of general cleaning in medicine

As a rule, routine and general cleaning in wards, offices and other premises of medical institutions is carried out by their own staff - full-time cleaners, orderlies and even nurses. The process consists of cleaning windows, doors, walls, floors, furniture and equipment from dust and dirt. In addition to washing, surfaces must be disinfected during cleaning. special compounds, which provide the required level of sterility and do not harm the health of patients and staff. The list of detergents and antiseptics approved for use in medical institutions is provided by the sanitary and epidemiological authorities. All washing and disinfection work is carried out according to the approved schedule.


* schedule indicating the date and hours of cleaning, approved by the head of the department;

* disinfectant and cleaning solutions;

* sterile rags (for ceilings and walls, furniture, manipulation or sterile tables, refrigerators, etc.) two sets. Mops for the floor and with a long handle for the ceiling and walls, two brushes for radiators;

* protective clothing for medical personnel (waterproof gown, respirator, elastic cap, goggles, technical gloves, Rubber Shoes) two sets;

* containers for detergents and disinfectant solutions. Containers must be clearly marked (see routine cleaning).

general cleaning medical staff

General algorithm for performing general cleaning

Before you start cleaning:

Record in a special journal the date of cleaning, the disinfectants used, and the exposure time.

Dispose of disinfected medical waste and send it to the central waste disposal center.

Remove group A waste

· Wash your hands.

Wear special clothing: gown, cap, respirator, gloves, and use safety glasses if necessary.

Prepare sterile rags, containers “for surfaces” and “for floors”.

Prepare a disinfectant solution following the dilution instructions;

Move equipment and furniture away from the walls.

Cleaning algorithm:

1. On the eve of general cleaning, the rags are sterilized.

2. On the day of cleaning, cabinets, bedside tables, and shelves are emptied. Furniture is moved away from the walls. The refrigerator is defrosting.

3. Wear protective clothing...

4. Prepare a 0.5% soap-soda washing solution (25 g of shavings laundry soap+ 25 g. soda ash and up to 10l. hot water).

5. Washing solution should be changed after cleaning 80-100 m2 of surface in general somatic wards. and administrative, utility and other premises that do not require a special regime and no more than 60 m2 when processing premises with an aseptic regime (treatment rooms, postoperative wards, etc.)

6. Disinfectant is prepared. The disinfection regime is specified in the guidelines for the use of a specific disinfectant.

7. Use a cleaning product to clean sinks.

8. Clean the baseboards with a cleaning agent and a brush, then use a rag marked “for baseboards” to wash off the cleaning agent.

9. Using a mop with a long handle and a rag marked “for walls,” moisten the ceiling with a disinfectant solution. Apply the solution in one direction.

10. With this cleaning equipment we wet the walls from the door from top to bottom (from the ceiling to the baseboard).

11.Use a rag marked “for furniture” to wet the furniture, starting from the lid and then the legs from top to bottom, but not reaching the floor 5-7 cm, so as not to contaminate the treated surface. Upon completion of irrigation of the furniture, the untreated parts of the furniture are then moistened with a rag moistened with a disinfectant solution. 12. The batteries are moistened with a disinfectant solution using a brush.

13. Using a mop with a “floor” rag, moisten the floor with a disinfectant solution in one direction towards the door.

14. Turn on the bactericidal lamp.

15. Disinfection exposure for 60 minutes (room closed).

16. Ventilate the room and wash off the remaining disinfectant solution with a sterile rag when treating rooms with asepsis (procedure rooms, dressing rooms, operating rooms and postoperative wards, etc.) and clean rags in general somatic wards and other rooms.

17. Surfaces are wiped dry with a rag in accordance with the aseptic procedure.

18. Turn on the bactericidal lamp, exposure 60 minutes.

19. Ventilate the room for 20-30 minutes.

20. After cleaning, cleaning equipment is disinfected in the same disinfectant solution that was used for cleaning, rinsed until the smell disappears, dried on special racks and stored dry in a clean, dry container, closed lid in a special closet and designated area.

Algorithm for general cleaning in the operating room

General cleaning of the OPERATING ROOM is carried out once a week.

Before general cleaning, it is necessary to move all furniture away from the walls and close the window. A disinfectant solution (with detergent - Ecobreeze oxy 0.5%) is applied to all surfaces (walls, ceiling, windows, windowsill, furniture, sinks, door handles, floor, etc.) by wiping to a height of at least 2 meters or irrigation.

After the disinfection and ventilation time has ended, first one half of the office is washed and wiped and the furniture is installed, then the other.

The floor is washed last. Cleaning rags are disinfected. solution and dry. The completion of general cleaning is confirmed by an entry in the “general cleaning” log book.

Stage 1.

- wear a clean special gown, cap, mask, gloves.

Close the window, TURN OFF THE AIR CONDITIONER!!!;

Apply a disinfectant solution to all surfaces and furniture using a clean rag.

Time - 60 minutes + 30 minutes irrigation with a hydraulic remote control (gun) with a disinfectant with a detergent effect (Ecobreeze oxy 0.5%); - close the office door

Exposure to disinfectant for 60 minutes.

Stage 2.

- put on a clean robe, mask, rubber gloves, wipe your shoes with disinfectant. solution (you can wear disposable shoe covers);

Wash the floor with the same disinfectant solution. Arrange furniture and equipment 30 min

Turn on the bactericidal lamp based on the volume and cleanliness class of the room ON A WET SURFACE


Ventilate the office for 20 minutes

All work on disinfection and washing of surfaces in the operating room is carried out in special clothing, a mask, and rubber gloves.

Used cleaning equipment is disinfected in a disinfectant solution, then rinsed in water and dried.

If it is not possible to use disposable cloth napkins, reusable napkins must be washed. Cleaning equipment for floors and walls must be separate, clearly marked indicating the premises and types of cleaning work, used separately for corridors, offices, bathrooms, and stored in a specially designated place.

The instructions were developed on the basis of: SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations engaged in medical activities”, order of the USSR Ministry of Health dated July 31, 1978 No. 720 “On improving medical care for patients with purulent surgical diseases and strengthening measures to combat nosocomial infection."


Features of general cleaning in the treatment room

It is most important to maintain order in those areas where an aseptic environment is needed. Treatment rooms also fall into this category. Their sanitary treatment has certain differences:

· cleaning includes thorough disinfection;

· work is carried out in protective uniform;

· detergents and equipment must comply with the approved list;

· Sterile wipes and special clothing are used during cleaning;

· general cleaning is carried out in the treatment room according to the established schedule (according to SanPiN, at least once a week).

Necessary cleaning equipment

To carry out regular general cleaning in the treatment room you will need:

· freshly prepared disinfectant solution (part of it is poured into a spray bottle for convenient treatment of hard-to-reach places);

· two sets of overalls (sterile and non-sterile);

· three containers (for treating floors, walls and furniture);

· two mops (one each for walls and floor);

· napkins or rags for washing surfaces, applying disinfectants and wiping dry;

· container with disinfectant solution for used napkins and dirty work clothes.

General cleaning technique in the treatment room

For achievement maximum effect All sanitary and hygienic treatment in the premises is carried out according to a certain algorithm. General cleaning of the treatment room is carried out in stages. During preparatory stage It is necessary to check the availability of equipment, detergents and disinfectants and special clothing. It is necessary to disconnect electrical appliances from the network - lamps and UV irradiators. The room itself and furniture should, if possible, be freed from medical instruments, medicines, small equipment.

After this, you can begin the actual cleaning. It consists of two stages - before and after disinfection.

The first stage of general cleaning in the treatment room

Wear non-sterile clothing and pour disinfectant solution into the required containers. Next, follow the algorithm:

· remove waste and garbage;

· using napkins and a sprayer, treat all surfaces of furniture, equipment, windows, doors, radiator radiators with an antiseptic;

· wipe lamp lamps with 70% alcohol and then with a dry cloth;

· disinfect the floor of the room with the solution;

· close the office for the period of disinfection;

· remove dirty protective clothing, wash your hands and disinfect them.

The second stage of general cleaning in the treatment room

Wash your hands, put on sterile clothing and wipe your shoes with a disinfectant solution. The second stage of general cleaning is carried out in the following order:

· collect in containers treated with disinfectant, tap water; Using sterile wipes, wash all disinfected surfaces;

· wipe glass and tables dry;

· wash the floor;

· disinfect the air with UV irradiators.

Upon completion of work in the room, disinfect all equipment, rinse and dry. Napkins (except for floor rags) along with overalls are handed over to the laundry, and then (if necessary) for sterilization.

The role of medical personnel during general cleaning

The nurse carries out measures to maintain the sanitary and hygienic regime in the premises, carries out systematic sanitary and hygienic control of the premises, and also instructs junior medical personnel and controls their work.

The nurse is also responsible for general cleaning. However, she is assisted by junior medical staff, whom she “instructs and supervises.” In fact, general cleaning in rooms with special treatment purity consists of work of two levels of complexity. Some of the work requires nursing qualifications: cleaning cabinets, turning off and moving equipment, monitoring processing modes. After this is done, it is time for unskilled labor - washing walls, ceilings and floors. It is performed by a nurse who, according to her qualification description, “cleans premises in a medical organization.” At the same time, her work should be supervised by a nurse.

Own research

At State Healthcare Institution Clinical Hospital No. 7, I did an internship in the maternity ward. During my internship as an assistant to junior medical staff, I was able to conduct my own research into general cleaning in health care facilities:

I did a general cleaning of the treatment room. I put on a special one. clothes and gloves. She moved all the furniture away: the couch, tables, medicine cabinets. Next, I washed the walls and ceilings. Washing was carried out with a marked mop, separate for the walls and separate for the ceiling. After starting surface treatment (couches, tables, tables for medicines, cabinets for storing medicines) with specially marked rags soaked in a 1% solution of Clindemezin Extra. The sink was treated with sanitary and a brush. Afterwards, rinse off the toilet with running water. I washed the batteries with a brush and disinfectant. solution. I wiped the window sills with a surface rag. I scrubbed the floor from the windows and walls to the middle and to the door with a rag moistened with a disinfectant solution. Disinfected the air with UV irradiators.


Perhaps the most sensitive places to clean are hospitals. Since the requirements for keeping them clean and sterile are very high, and the health of patients depends on cleanliness and sterility. In medical institutions, much is built on the hierarchy and precise description of the functions of each type of personnel - housekeepers, nurses, and senior nurses. Technologies have stepped forward, now you can do cleaning much faster, better and cheaper, and do cleaning at times more modern technologies. Now daily, general cleaning of hospital premises can be made easier with the help of high-speed technologies and professional detergents.


1. the federal law Russian Federation dated November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”

2. Federal Law of March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population”

3. SanPiN -10 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations engaged in medical activities”

4. SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the management of medical waste”

5. Assistant to junior medical staff of a children's somatic hospital: educational and methodological manual on production practice / Malyuzhinskaya N.V., Polyakov O.V., Khalansky A.N.-Volgograd: VolgSMU Publishing House, 2015.

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    Preliminary, current, intermediate, final and general cleaning of the operating room. Bacteriological cultures of air, suture and dressing material, and swabs from instruments in operating rooms. Disinfection and ventilation of the premises.

    presentation, added 10/06/2014

    Medicine and society. Hippocratic Oath. Etiquette in medicine. Development of medical ethics. Deontology in neuropathology. "Holy lie." Ethical problems in medicine. Resolution of the UN General Assembly.

    abstract, added 10/12/2008

    Signs of deterioration in the child’s well-being and the first actions of an adult. Basic requirements for the room where the sick person is located, rules for cleaning, changing linen and clothes. Hygiene procedures and skin care. Mode motor activity and nutrition.

    abstract, added 01/16/2011

    Composition of medical personnel of treatment and preventive institutions. Incidence rate of acute and chronic infections among healthcare workers. Risk of infection of medical personnel. Routine immunization of healthcare workers against HBV infection.

    presentation, added 05/25/2014

    General requirements to the working conditions of medical personnel. Requirements for buildings and structures; to the interior decoration of the premises; to water supply and sewerage; to heating, ventilation, microclimate and air environment of premises; to lighting and equipment.

    abstract, added 09/28/2011

    Definition and main components of certification medical services, requirements for them and quality assessment criteria. a brief description of and areas of activity of the medical institution under study. The procedure for certification of the organization's services.

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    The procedure and frequency of screening examinations of target population groups. Algorithms for the phasing of screening examinations of adults and children. Republican health organizations responsible for the analysis of examinations.

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    The role of nursing staff in conducting psychotherapy, the tactics of a medical worker in a psychiatric clinic. Psychological aspects psychiatric hospital, relieving emotional stress due to illness and mobilizing resources.

Routine cleaning is a regular event aimed at maintaining order and cleanliness in residential and special premises. The frequency of its implementation depends on the purpose of the room, the degree of contamination and the sanitary requirements. In apartments and houses it is carried out at least twice a week, in medical institutions at least once a day, and in special ones - repeatedly during the day. The following text explains the order in which current cleaning is carried out, and how it differs from general tidying up.

The difference between general and routine cleaning

General cleaning (from English word“general” - “main”, “main”) is aimed at organizing things and property, as well as eliminating all contamination, including visually inaccessible places. During this process, furniture is moved and cleaned. finishing surfaces and carry out minor repairs property.

Carrying out routine cleaning involves measures to maintain cleanliness and order in the premises. The main attention is paid to places with most active people during Everyday life. As a rule, contaminants are removed quickly by using special detergents or no equipment required.

How the current cleaning differs from the main general cleaning is presented in the following table:

spring-cleaning Current cleaning
By what forces is it carried out? Conducted through joint efforts. A large amount of work and the need to rearrange furniture require considerable physical strength. Do it yourself at home. Order is maintained by each family member or those living in their own territory. Kitchen and sanitary areas are usually the responsibility of the housewife.
How long does it take Depending on the area, density of furniture installation and dirtiness of the room. If the work is carried out by the family, a day should be set aside for this activity; when using the services of a clearing company, the time is reduced to four hours To perform basic work, no more than 30.0 minutes of personal time is enough; auxiliary work (washing dishes, putting things away, etc.) is performed along with other household work.
Detergents and equipment It is necessary to purchase special equipment, including:

– ladder for ceiling works:

– mop and brushes with telescopic handles;

– steam generator;

– special cleaning compositions for contaminated areas, etc.

When routine cleaning of premises is carried out, the list of equipment and detergents is limited to daily used items - a vacuum cleaner, rags, sponges and a vacuum cleaner.
Labor automation Holding global events is impossible without using manual labor. Different surfaces cleaning, accessibility to places of contamination and multidirectional work require a scrupulous attitude and an individual approach. At constant maintenance internal order premises at the proper level, periodic cleaning is sufficient flooring detergents or a regular vacuum cleaner. To tidy up elements of a kitchen or other interior, a washing machine and dishwasher are used.

Attention! Significantly simplifies the implementation general cleaning in the premises, carefully carried out regular routine cleaning - clean where there is no litter.

Routine cleaning of a house or apartment

Carrying out routine cleaning does not imply putting things in order in one day. An apartment (house) can be divided into sectors, and no more than half an hour of time should be devoted to work every day. Individual elements are performed in the course of a person’s daily life and do not require additional attention. For example: washing dishes and wiping the table after eating, putting clothes in a closet or laundry bin after a day's wear, drying bathroom rugs, keeping the toilet clean and much more. Current and solves other problems. How this current includes:

  1. Placed in the hallway outerwear and shoes in the designated places. Cleaning the mirror surface from dust and stains. Wet treatment of the floor, and if the house is private, then the entrance steps and landing.
  2. IN living rooms periodically change the linen in the sleeping areas. Upholstered furniture, the outer surfaces of books in cabinets, carpets are vacuumed, and also wet wiped.
  3. IN kitchen areas carry out an inventory of cleaning products and supplies, placing everything in the designated places. Eliminate pollution hob and cabinets, remove saws from the outer parts of the microwave, refrigerator and other property. Replacement is being made kitchen towels and wash the floor.
  4. In sanitary areas, mirrors serve the bathtub, sink, toilet and clean the taps from limescale. If necessary, wash rugs and replace bath towels.

Current cleaning of the kitchen

Attention! Any restoration of order must be accompanied by ventilation of the premises. Fresh air is good for health, and a slight draft will remove the odor and chemical particles released by detergents.

Requirements for cleaning medical offices

An example of high-quality current restoration of order is the maintenance of the premises of medical and treatment-and-prophylactic institutions of the Ministry of Health, where they present special requirements to implementation sanitary standards. Events are regulated in time and content. Violation of norms and rules entails liability of officials. The following are provided:

  • equipment for putting things in order is assigned to each room (operating room, postoperative room, intensive care unit, treatment room, sanitary rooms), its use in in public places or other rooms is strictly prohibited;
  • The set of a separate room includes a floor bucket, a container for liquid (processing wall panels), separate mops (walls and floors separately), rags with a specific purpose, brushes for disinfecting equipment;
  • routine cleaning of premises is carried out at least twice a day, if necessary - three or more;
  • the list of activities includes washing and treating accessible surfaces of furniture, window sills, doors and other things;
  • removal of contaminants is carried out with a soap-soda solution, and disinfection with a low-percentage composition (hydrogen peroxide, deochlor, lizafin, dulbak and others);
  • carrying out mandatory quartzing of rooms where there is a high probability of infection spreading (operating rooms, dressing rooms, wards for premature babies, sterile areas, etc.).

Important! All medical institutions keep logs of sanitary measures, which include information about the date of implementation, the person responsible for the work and detailed information about the disinfectant used.

Having become familiar with the procedure for routine and general cleaning, housewives can independently determine their schedule. Please note that daily tidying up easy work and takes limited time, but the general one is voluminous and labor-intensive. In this regard, it seems justified to invite specialists from a clearing company for general cleaning.

The presented video material presents the rules for general cleaning of premises:

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