Adeline meaning of the name character and fate. Adeline: the meaning of the name, its secret, history and origin

Gentle, calm, balanced, purposeful. Since childhood, the meaning of the name Adeline characterizes its bearer as an interesting and developed personality. While still a little girl, the child develops a love for everything beautiful and sublime. But, despite her preferences, Adela grows up as a completely “earthly” child, with clear “earthly” needs.

The girl develops faster than her peers, begins to walk, talk, and help around the house early. A baby very often becomes a source of pride for her parents. At school, the girl studies well, but without much zeal. He studies all subjects equally, without giving preference to any of them. The only stumbling block with the teachers is the behavior of the restless girl.

Thanks to a natural craving for beauty, you can correct a girl’s restless character by enrolling her in a dancing, singing or painting club. Such activities will become an important element of everyday life for the child, making her more accommodating and compliant, and will also have a significant impact on the choice of a future profession.

In the family, parental support is very important for a girl. Sometimes she resorts to manipulation, pretending to be sick and awkward, so that her family and friends will free her from boring household chores, or simply take pity on her. Having matured, a young person ceases to need parental care, and relationships with loved ones in childhood play a great role in her development of personality.

During adolescence, other character traits are woven into the meaning of the name Adeline: a tendency toward narcissism, self-confidence and self-confidence. The girl has a purely individual opinion on everything that happens, which almost no one can change. The young woman will defend her point of view until her last breath.


An unusual female name already arouses interest among the opposite sex, and the girl’s interesting personality keeps guys close to her. Young women have quite a lot of fans who are able to court her for a long time, knowing that the girl is already dating a guy or is married.

The young lady gets married several times. But this does not mean at all that she has a close person in life. Despite the many fans, old age prefers to live alone. This is determined not by the lack of suitors, but by Adeline’s very position in life and personal beliefs. A woman attaches great importance to her own internal freedom and personal space.

In sex, a young woman is quite selective, and decides to have a close relationship only if she has love or deep sympathy for the young man. Relaxation and ingenuity in the intimate sphere make it possible to diversify family life and “warm up” the fading feelings of the chosen one for a woman.


The girl is very obliging and clean. A young woman strives to create comfort and coziness in her home for her household. This means that the husband and children are always fed, homework is done, things are always washed and ironed. Adeline is a homebody, and mostly receives friends at home, preferring home gatherings to crowded and loud places.

Despite all her abilities in housekeeping, Adeline will not be able to completely settle down at home and will turn into a housewife. The interpretation of this name is not limited to the abilities of its owner in household chores; a girl can find a hobby among various types of needlework and achieve great success in this field.

Wherever a woman is, and no matter what she does, the first priority for Adele is her own appearance, which is of no small importance to her. Nothing and no one will stop a young lady from taking care of herself.

Business and career

The meaning of the name Adeline in the career field is ambiguous. Career growth is not a priority for a girl, but if her profession is related to competitions and competitions, then she will do everything possible to become the best. The young woman will cope well with the responsibilities of a manager, but she will work with the same zeal as a salesperson, manager, or beauty consultant.

The young lady attaches particular importance to the profession that is close to her inner state and understanding of beauty. And if a job comes up in a beauty salon or in an art studio, she will agree to work without hesitation. Salary means less to her than passion for her chosen business.

Origin of the name Adeline

There are several versions of how and where the name Adeline came from. The first version points to the ancient Germanic origin of the short form Adal, which is the basis for some female names. The etymological translation of “adal” from German is interpreted as “noble”.

According to the second version, the origin of the name Adeline is closely related and is derived from Adelaide, which means “generous”, “magnificent”. Adeline, whose name was formed from a combination of two elements “adal” and “heyd” (has two meanings, and is translated as “a person of noble blood” or “fragrant”) is the third version of the origin and history of the name.

Characteristics of the name Adeline

Adeline's character has its pros and cons, which can be adjusted in the process of raising a child. The main advantages in the girl’s character are a calm character, determination, accuracy, endurance, the ability to work for results, and the young lady also has impeccable taste, developed intuition and good acting and musical innate abilities.

The negative characteristics of the name Adeline are quite scant; it includes the girl’s tendency to narcissism and incredible rancor. A young lady rarely listens to the opinions of others and has a subjective point of view on everything; she easily succumbs to irritability and anger.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone – pearl, aquamarine.
  • Zodiac sign – Libra, Pisces.
  • Planet - Venus.
  • Color – lilac, blue.
  • Name days - September 2, November 23.

Famous people

  • Adelina Sharipova (1986) – lead singer of the group “Tutsi”, model.
  • Adelina Sotnikova (1996) – women's singles figure skater, world junior champion (2011), four-time champion of Russia.

Different languages

In different European countries, the translation of the name Adeline will sound differently. In England, the girl will be called Edelia, Edela, Edell, in France - Adele, Adeline, in Norway - Adela, Adela, in Poland, the Czech Republic, Sweden - Andelin, Endelin.

There is no complete translation of the name in Japanese, but according to the meaning, Adeline can sound differently in Japan: Eiidenko - noble, Hiroko - generous. In Chinese, Adelina will sound like Adelina (阿杰莉娜)

Name forms

  • Full name: Adeline, Adelaide.
  • Abbreviated as Delya, Adya, Adele, Ada, Adela.
  • Derivatives of the name and its diminutive form are Alelia, Adelichka, Adelka, Adyusha, Adyusya, Adyunya, Linnochka, Linushka.
  • Name options: Alina, Lina, Adelita.
  • Declension: Adeline-Adeline-Adeline.

Origin named after Adeline has roots in Germany. Translated, it means “important”, “noble” or “fragrant”. The origin is ancient Germanic Adela. The name is considered Catholic, but has its own days in the Orthodox calendar of saints. Among Muslims, the derivative name Adel is more common. Her destiny should be as bright as her name.


In infancy, the name makes her a very capricious and restless child, but the girl’s mind develops very quickly. Her character is tender and trembling, but also vulnerable and touchy.

She loves all kinds of handicrafts and reading. In literature, he prefers fairy tales, science fiction and everything unusual (which may lead in the future to collecting not only books).

At the same time, the girl is very modest and quiet, but she dreams truly and globally. It is possible that she loves music and sports.

A girl cannot achieve brilliant success in her studies solely because of her caution. He prefers not to stand out, so as not to once again attract the negative attention of others.

As is customary among Muslims, he respects his elders and values ​​their opinions. This means that proper parental support can allow the girl, whose name is Adeline, to become a self-sufficient and successful woman.

Girls born in summer are more unsociable and reserved. This is the result of self-doubt. Those born in winter get along better with people, especially males. It should be remembered that all the weaknesses of childhood can return to her in old age.

Sensuality and emotions

The name Adeline means a sensitive person, especially towards children. Shyness and modesty remain in her character, but there is every chance to develop strong-willed abilities and fortitude.

She manages to get along with people very easily. Her calm and patient character allows her to get along with the most unpredictable and grumpy personalities.

This name is characteristic of those who know how to approach things with irony, demonstrate willpower and fortitude.

The name Adeline implies a girl who values ​​home peace and comfort. This means that a book and tea are more attractive to her than a noisy company.

He approaches work with accuracy and punctuality, and is never in a hurry, but starts from afar. In this area, Adeline strives to be useful, not successful.

She doesn't care much about getting promoted, but that doesn't mean she's lazy. The girl copes equally well with the work of an assistant, a performer and a boss. Her ability to win over her colleagues and subordinates helps her in this.

The owner of this name makes mistakes extremely rarely. She persistently defends her point of view if she is sure that she is right. In a crisis situation, he knows how to pull himself together and make the right decision. Intuition and effort help her with this. Does not tolerate disregard for moral rules.

He moves towards the intended goal slowly but persistently. He does not take risky steps and does not start intrigues: he prefers to feel solid ground under his feet and a certain insurance.

And this means that she brings everything to the end. He doesn’t like “empty” work, so he chooses creative areas such as architecture, design, and advertising.

Marriage and family

She can have a strong relationship only after a long period of dating, meetings, conversations and grinding. Looking for a sincere person. For the man he loves, he becomes an affectionate and sensitive support.

Family quarrels are smoothed out with patience and calm. She can become iron and furious only in an attempt to protect her children. She uses every action and every deed for the happiness of her family.

Respects the traditions of Muslims, which means hospitality to guests, a rich table and generosity. The girl knows how to cook and pamper her loved ones. She does not require leadership and is ready to give the reins to her husband while she teaches her children the beautiful and eternal.


In terms of meaning, Adeline is modest, which is why she has several friends in her life, but she values ​​them infinitely.

She is ready to help and support them at any moment, which is very typical for Muslims. Such nobility admires her friends and makes her respect her.

She can be talkative, but she attaches importance to real secrets and protects them. Her friend is, first of all, a like-minded person. It is important for her to discuss ideas and exchange thoughts.

Her social circle includes those who do not disturb the harmony of her existence and allow her to develop the way she wants. This means that most often this circle is very small.


Her diplomacy and tact allow her to skillfully eliminate all life's troubles. She will live her life with dignity, but with whims.

For complete happiness, she should remember that the modern world bears little resemblance to the 18th century and fairy-tale coquetry has long had a negative meaning. The characteristics of the name Adeline completely make it clear that the lightness of this girl implies a quiet but interesting destiny.

Soul Number: 6.

Holders of the name number 6 are distinguished by calmness and sanity. Sixes value stability, customs and traditions. For them, honesty and a good name are more important than short-term benefits.

They never resort to radical methods of solving problems, preferring the liberal path. “Sixes” are not distinguished by leadership qualities, but they are capable and diligent workers.

There are arrogant and self-satisfied “sixes”, but for most of them the main guideline in life is family and a small circle of loyal and devoted friends.

Hidden Spirit Number: 9

Body number: 6


  • The planet Mars.
  • Element: Fire, warm-dry.
  • Zodiac: Aries, Scorpio.
  • Color: Fiery red, bloody, ferruginous.
  • Day: Tuesday.
  • Metal: Iron.
  • Mineral: Magnetite, jasper, amethyst, Lapp blood.
  • Plants: Garlic, onion, tobacco, radish, mustard, nettle, asparagus, heather, bean, hot pepper.
  • Animals: Wolf, rooster, raven, vulture, horse, dog

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Adeline

A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

D - reflection, thinking before starting a task, family orientation, willingness to help, sometimes moodiness. Often - psychic abilities.

E - the need for self-expression, exchange of ideas, the tendency to act as a mediator, insight due to the ability to enter the world of secret forces. Possible talkativeness.

And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.

N - a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”

A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort

In this case, we are talking about locally revered saints who are revered by the churches of the Russian Orthodox Church in Germany.

  • Blessed Adelinda; day of veneration - August 28.
  • Saint Adele, in worldly life - Countess of Flanders; day of veneration - September 8.
  • Saint Adeline, abbess; day of veneration - October 20.
  • Saint Adelheide, in worldly life - Empress of the Holy Roman Empire; day of veneration - December 16.

When is Adeline’s name day, Angel’s Day according to the Orthodox calendar?

Unfortunately, the name Adelina is not in the Russian Orthodox calendar. At baptism, the girl is given a name based on the naming traditions of the Russian Orthodox Church.

This means that the girl will have two names: the first - given at baptism, and the second - worldly - Adeline.

Name Adeline: sexuality, marriage

Bright and sparkling - this is how men see Adeline. And they flock to its light like moths. But admiring the sun and living next to it are completely different things, and not all Adeline’s fans are ready for this.

Agree, not every man will agree to a threesome relationship: a man, a woman and the world in need of help. A marvelous combination that leaves virtually no room for male-female relationships.

For some time, the partner is held back by Adeline’s relaxedness and ingenuity in intimate relationships. However, good sex is not all a man needs in family life.

And the man leaves, and Adeline, busy saving everyone around, does not even have time to notice that she is left alone.

If a partner shows enough wisdom and patience, Adeline can become a wonderful wife and mother, because we all become wiser and more restrained with age.

Unfortunately, Adeline's old age is most often lonely, but she consoles herself with the fact that this is her own choice.

Intuition is well developed and Adeline’s advice is worth listening to. The bearers of this name often have psychic abilities.

Has an analytical mind.

Open to love and prone to sacrifice. Has a certain number of internal moral and ethical taboos and strictly follows them.

What zodiac sign does the name Adeline go to?

Adeline is ruled by the 12th house of Pisces. This house enhances Adeline’s psychic abilities, helps in creativity and spiritual pursuits.

Along with positive traits, it can also enhance negative ones: for example, a lack of specificity in desires (I want, I don’t know what) and isolation from reality (I’ll save the whole world and come what may).

Talisman stone for the name Adeline

  • Aquamarine will help its owner cope with attacks of anger and irritability, relieve stress and help overcome night terrors. In addition, it is a stone for travelers and people of creative professions. Esotericists associate aquamarine with the Anahata chest chakra. In addition, the stone has a positive effect on the general condition of the human immune system.
  • Pearls are considered a talisman for the fanatical and self-confident. Why? Because it is pearls that restore the ability to think soberly, clearly and objectively.
  • Amber earrings will protect Adeline from headaches. In addition, amber helps you realize your mistakes and gives you the strength and wisdom to correct them.

Flower, plant, tree talisman for the name Adeline

  • The lily flower is a truly feminine symbol. Magicians believe that the lily has the ability to purify and give peace of mind. Lily also helps to see prophetic dreams. In Christianity, the white lily symbolizes purity and purity, nobility and royalty. Very often the lily can be seen next to the Virgin Mary.
  • Flax, or rather flax seed, will help Adeline resist nightmares and “induced” dreams.
  • Willow is another living talisman for the bearer of the name Adeline. In Western European culture, willow was considered a feminine tree, giving fortitude, wisdom and patience. In addition, willow was credited with the ability to protect a person from evil spirits and the evil eye.

Totem animal named Adeline

Adeline: what is an abbreviated short name, diminutive?

The name is so self-sufficient that it practically does not require abbreviations for daily communication.

However, if you still like short pet names, try choosing one of the following options:

Ada, Adele, Adelka, Adin, Adochka, Adusha, Delhi, Delya, Ida, Lina, Eli.

Often, parents, in an effort to distinguish their child from their peers, give the most unimaginable names, forgetting that each of them has its own mystery and secret meaning, which can play a significant role in the future. The first thing to do is to understand all the features, and only after that make a choice that determines the fate of their child. What do adults who liked the rather exotic name Adeline need to know? The meaning of the name, character and fate for girls can have completely unexpected details.

The meaning of the name Adeline for a girl is brief

A tiny crying little bundle, which only a few days ago appeared in the family, is not only a reason for great joy, but also a considerable responsibility that appears on the part of parents. It depends on them how happy the child will grow up, what character traits he will show, and how lucky he will be in the future. Few adults know that to a large extent everything can depend on the name they chose at baptism.

Adeline, the meaning of the name, character and fate - if you like this melodious name, you should definitely carefully read the features provided by ancient sources. It is in them that you can find a lot of information that will not only explain some unexpected discoveries awaiting adults, but also character traits, even important events.

The meaning of the name Adeline for a girl is briefly “fragrant”, “noble”. The first memories of him can be found in ancient Germanic literature. Not so long ago, only noble families allowed themselves to call their daughters this way; the poor were forbidden to do this. This name is quite common in Germany, but it is quite difficult to find it in other countries.

What does the name Adeline mean for a girl according to the church calendar?

The most reliable and detailed source that can easily tell parents about the secret meaning embedded in each name thousands of years ago is the church calendar. Only in it can one find details that cannot be studied in other ancient books. For the same purpose, you can review the calendar - often they also provide interesting features that may be important for adults choosing a name for their offspring.

Adeline, the meaning of the name, character and fate - it is this combination that often becomes the most important for parents. All the details associated with the meaning simply need to be studied in advance, because this may turn out to be too important in the fate of the baby.

What does the name Adeline mean for a girl according to the church calendar? Parents, unfortunately, will not be able to glean the information of interest here - there are no saints with that name in Orthodoxy. True, this is not a reason for grief - if you ask well and turn to God for protection, he will certainly respond to prayers and take the child under his reliable wing.

The secret of the name Adeline - what ancient horoscopes say

Even if Orthodox literature cannot tell you anything about the meaning of this name and the secret of the name Adeline, you should not be upset in advance - parents can glean a lot of useful information from ancient horoscopes. They can tell in no less detail some of the features inherent in this name. Adults definitely need to familiarize themselves with these details - often they are enough to correct some mistakes or prevent danger looming over their baby.

The zodiac sign that has a beneficial effect on a girl is Pisces. If she was born under this sign, then adults can be calm about the fate of the baby - she will certainly be happy. Parents should know that their daughter, even in adulthood, should make all important decisions under the auspices of Pisces - this will ensure undoubted success and good luck.

Pearls are considered a stone that can become a reliable and powerful amulet that can ward off trouble. You definitely need to give your girl jewelry with this talisman - it will protect her from all the troubles of life.

Origin of the name Adeline and its meaning for children

The country from which this name spread is Ancient Germany. Should we pay attention to the origin of the name Adeline and its meaning for children? This is a question that may arise even among non-superstitious parents. As evidenced by ancient sources, which tell in detail about the meanings of names, this has no meaning and no impact on the future. Parents should not pay attention to which ancient country the roots of the name come from - the main thing here is to find out what meaning it has.

The meaning of a name is the only thing that can explain most of the features and details that can be associated with it. Often, just by the name, you can predict what kind of character a child will have, which is what you need to pay attention to initially when raising him. It happens that a timely response helps to cope with negative qualities in childhood, which makes the baby’s life much easier later.

Character of a girl named Adeline

How can the character of a girl named Adeline please her parents? Adults and friends will certainly be delighted with the girl’s positive qualities, including:

  1. desire for knowledge;
  2. good manners;
  3. bravery;
  4. attentiveness to others;
  5. dedication;
  6. kindness;
  7. caring for loved ones;
  8. high intelligence;
  9. well-developed intuition.

Of the girl’s shortcomings, pride will come first. She reacts quite painfully to criticism and may become offended, although not for long. Friends and relatives are well aware of this unpleasant quality and, if possible, try not to hurt her pride, although this does not always work.

Adeline can be touchy, although she shows it quite rarely, trying to conceal her grievances within herself. He will not take revenge on his offender, he will not even talk about it, although he may worry about this for quite a long time.

The fate of a girl named Adeline

To what extent can the fate of a girl named Adeline be replete with surprises or even troubles? According to various sources that describe in detail the details associated with this name, the girl’s life will not be burdened with any problems. She will choose a specialty in accordance with her capabilities and talents. Adeline often chooses the following professions:

  1. teacher;
  2. accountant;
  3. public figure;
  4. musician;
  5. artist;
  6. choreographer;
  7. secretary.

Quite often it happens that Adeline chooses the profession of a journalist. Here she is invariably successful, her works are popular, since a talented girl is able to turn the most ordinary event into a real sensation. Such talent will certainly be noticed, and she will be able to quickly climb the career ladder. Be sure to be careful when doing this - there are many envious people who will certainly try to prevent this.

Representatives of the fair sex named Adeline celebrate their angel day on September 2 and October 20.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Adeline

The name Adeline has ancient Germanic roots and is translated from this language as “fragrant.” It is often translated as “noble”, “important”.

The bearer of this name most often has a calm, balanced character. She shows her strong personal qualities even in childhood - the girl is always able to interest her friends and come up with some fun and interesting activity for the whole company.

Adeline has pronounced leadership qualities, but often takes on tasks that are beyond her strength. Because of this feature, a girl, both at school age and in adulthood, may experience conflict situations from time to time.

In addition to the fact that Adeline is an excellent employee at work, who is always ready to help colleagues in completing any tasks, the girl has a bright, pleasant appearance and innate femininity.

However, she marries solely for love. The owner of the name in question considers “marriage of convenience” to be beneath her dignity, and therefore she will prefer sincere mutual feelings to any gifts.

Having found her soul mate, the girl gladly takes on the role of the mistress of the house, and over time becomes a wonderful mother.

Congratulations to Adelina on her name day in verse

Adeline - you are beautiful!
You are tender, and it’s immediately clear
Why are you alone,
Sweeter than red wine!

Stay serene
Be lucky, successful!
Happy name day to you,
Live your whole life loving!

Let life be a full cup,
We wish you happiness and beauty!
Ada, our dear girl,
Always be loved!

Let everyone congratulate today -
They wish you happiness and love,
Let them love you, respect you,
Your dreams come true!

SMS congratulations to Adelina on her name day

Adeline, I sincerely congratulate you,
Happy holiday - such a wonderful day!
I sincerely wish with all my heart,
May luck never leave your home!

Today I sincerely wish you delight, bright feelings and epic moments!
Don’t have any problems, enjoy life, always be younger at heart!

Adeline is a girl with a happy destiny. She is kind, sociable and smart, so luck will always be on her side. A girl’s cherished dreams, as a rule, come true, as she puts a lot of effort into realizing them and always strives for success in all areas of life.

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Adeline is characterized by such traits as endurance, perseverance, and hard work. Their negative characteristics of the owner of the name include touchiness and rancor.

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    Origin and meaning of the name

    There are two main versions about the origin and meaning of the name Adeline:

    1. 1. The name is derived from the ancient German name Adela (Adela), which translates as “noble”.
    2. 2. The name Adeline is a form of the name Adelaide, the meaning of which when translated into Russian is “coming from a noble family.”

    The name Adelina has no national or religious affiliation - it is common among Muslims and Christians all over the world. However, if among the Orthodox it sounds like Adelina, the Muslim name is Adela, which means “noble”, “pious”.

    Name forms: Adela, Adele, Delya, Ada, Lina, Alina, Adelita.

    Famous women

    Famous owners of the name have gained fame all over the world:

    • The greatest opera singer of her time is Adelina Patti. The best roles in her performance: Rosina (The Barber of Seville by Rossini), Margarita, Juliet (Romeo and Juliet by Charles Gounod), etc.
    • Adeline Jury - ballet dancer, teacher-choreographer, performed in the Bolshoi Theater troupe. In 1945 she was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR.
    • Adelina Sotnikova is a figure skater who went down in history as the first Russian Olympic champion in women's singles individual skating. She was awarded the honorary title of Honored Master of Sports of Russia.

    Name days and patron saints

    In the Orthodox calendar there is no saint with the name Adeline, so at baptism the girl receives a middle name. Accordingly, in Orthodoxy the owner of the name does not celebrate the day of the angel.

    In Catholicism, Adeline celebrates her name day according to the church calendar twice a year: September 2 and October 20.

    Patron saint names in Catholicism:

    • Blessed Adelinda, day of veneration - August 28.
    • Saint Adele (8 September).
    • Saint Adeline (October 20).
    • Saint Adelheid (December 16).

    Signs and symbols

    Amulets, symbols and talismans of the name are presented in the table:

    Sign, mascot or symbol Interpretation
    Patron planet - VenusIn astrology, the planet Venus symbolizes the emotional side of the personality. People ruled by this planet love luxury and comfort. They are prone to long-term relationships, so they put a lot of effort into building a strong and happy family with their loved one.
    Talisman stones - pearls and amberPearls symbolize love, happiness and prosperity. Products made from it strengthen marriage bonds and bring harmony and mutual understanding to family life. Amber gives its owner vitality, optimism and self-confidence. The stone also enhances a person’s intuition and helps him achieve his goals.
    Name number - sixSix people are responsible and disciplined, which helps them succeed in their profession. They have a keen sense of justice, so they are ready to come to the aid of a person in trouble free of charge.
    Colors - lilac and blueThe color purple gives a person stubbornness, bordering on self-confidence. Such people are quick-tempered, so any conflict is resolved through a heated argument rather than concessions. Because of their temperament, it can be difficult for them to build harmonious relationships with others. The blue color of the name is the personification of sensitivity and sincerity. Such people are trusting and kind, which is often used by others for their own selfish purposes.
    Lily flowerThe delicate and feminine lily in esotericism personifies peace, tranquility and innocence. An amulet made from a dried flower protects its owner from evil, lies and negative energy, and also attracts wealth into his life
    Metal - ironIron corresponds to the decisive and firm character of the owners of the name, who never stop there and achieve their goals in life. An amulet made from this metal has a beneficial effect on human health and protects it from negative external influences.

    Talismans and amulets can be worn on the body as jewelry or used for interior decoration at home or at work.


    Little Adeline is a modest and gentle girl who does not like to attract attention to herself and tries not to stand out from her peers.

    The secret of the name lies in the acute need of its owner for the love and support of loved ones. The love and faith of her parents is the main incentive for Adeline, the source from which she draws strength.

    The girl studies well at school. She quickly learns new information and easily copes with teachers’ assignments. Thanks to her brilliant mind and hard work, Adeline can become one of the best students if she puts in enough effort. In addition to the main school subjects, she is attracted to additional creative activities: painting, dancing, music and acting.

    In adulthood, Adeline turns from a modest girl into a wise and determined woman who can cope with almost any task.

    She calmly and methodically solves problems that arise and never gives in to panic. When communicating with others, she is friendly and sincere. He never allows himself to offend his interlocutor or speak harshly to him.

    Adeline's characteristics:

    Influence of time of birth

    To get complete information about Adeline’s personality and learn about the characteristics of her character, it is necessary to take into account the time of year in which she was born: Season
    Girls born in winter are characterized by such character traits as sociability, responsiveness and friendliness. They easily find a common language with people, so they have many good acquaintances and friendsSpring
    In spring, creative people are born who love music, dancing and handicrafts. They constantly improve themselves and never stop there. Weaknesses in the character of spring Adeline: vulnerability, inability to adequately perceive criticism and indecisivenessSummer
    In summer, gentle girls with a kind heart are born. Due to their inherent insecurity, they often withdraw into themselves and hide their true thoughts and feelings from others. Only when they are close to loved ones do they relax and allow themselves to be natural.Autumn

    Adeline, born in autumn, is endowed by nature with a strong and firm character. They have amazing endurance and determination, thanks to which they manage to achieve professional success and occupy a high position in society

    HealthAdeline is the owner good health, therefore in childhood and adolescence he rarely gets sick.

    The woman has a fairly balanced psyche, but sometimes she can be overly irritable and aggressive. An unstable emotional state can cause migraines and insomnia.

    An active lifestyle should play an important role in maintaining good health. Daily walks in the fresh air and giving up bad habits will have a beneficial effect on Adeline’s physical and emotional state and will help her maintain her attractiveness for a long time.

    Interests and hobbies

    Adeline loves art in all its forms. At home, she can often be found listening to music or watching movies. In her free time, the girl enjoys visiting museums, theaters and art galleries. She draws inspiration and vital energy from creativity.

    Adeline loves to discover something new and share her knowledge with loved ones. You can often see her enthusiastically telling friends an interesting story or sharing with them a little-known fact she read from a book.

    The love of travel occupies a special place in the girl’s heart. She gets acquainted with the history and sights of different countries of the world with great enthusiasm. Travel broadens her horizons and opens up new horizons for her.

    Marriage and family

    Adeline is a sensual and emotional girl, so she has no shortage of fans. She is in no hurry to choose a life partner, because she dreams of meeting the ideal man who will become the embodiment of her teenage dreams. Once she finds her one and only, she immediately turns into a tender and caring lover. The girl puts a lot of effort into making her chosen one happy.

    Adeline’s partner must be patient and attentive to her, because in order to fully open up in sex and demonstrate her sensuality, she needs time. She must get used to her chosen one and completely trust him in bed.

    Family for Adeline is the main priority in life. Only surrounded by a loving husband and children can she feel truly happy. A woman devotes a lot of time to her children and makes efforts to develop their talents and give them a good education.

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