100th physical wear and tear means. Determination of the general physical depreciation of housing by capital group “Ordinary

Determining the amount of physical depreciation of fixed assets based on their actual condition is the main method in determining the depreciation of urban housing stock. The essence of this method is that, based on an examination of the technical condition of structural elements, the percentage of physical wear of each element is established.

According to VSN 53-86(r) “Rules for assessing the physical wear and tear of residential buildings,” physical wear and tear of a structure, element, system of engineering equipment (hereinafter referred to as the system) and the building as a whole should be understood as the loss of their original technical and operational qualities (strength, stability, reliability and etc.) as a result of the influence of natural and climatic factors and human activity.

Physical wear and tear at the time of its assessment is expressed by the ratio of the cost of objectively necessary repair measures to eliminate damage to the structure, element, system or building as a whole, and their replacement cost.

From the moment the building is put into operation, all elements and structures gradually reduce their quality. These changes are a consequence of the influence of many physical, mechanical and chemical factors.

The most important of them include: heterogeneity of materials; stresses causing microcracks in the material; alternate moistening and drying; periodic freezing and thawing; high temperature gradient, leading to inhomogeneous deformations and destruction of the material structure; chemical effects of acids and salts; corrosion of metal; wood rotting, etc. At the same time, the intensity of the processes fluctuates within a fairly wide range and is a consequence of the ecological state of the environment, the level of technical operation, capital of buildings and the quality of construction and installation work.

The reliability and durability of structures depend on the intensity of destructive processes. The amount of physical wear and tear is a quantitative assessment of the technical condition, showing the proportion of damage compared to the original state of the technical and operational properties of structures and the building as a whole.

Determine the optimal time for dismantling a building during a period of intense physical wear and tear (see clause 1.2), when the actual service life of a residential building t approaching the standard durability period Tn, it is possible theoretically by approximately determining the remaining life of its trouble-free operation ΔT linear method according to the formula:

T c =

It is possible to approximately take into account the data characterizing the physical wear and tear of a residential building over time using the parabolic law proposed by the German architect Ross (Fig. 1.8). The maximum possible service life of a residential building is 100 years, which corresponds only to capital capital group III according to the domestic system of classification of residential buildings

Comparison of linear (straight lines 1 and 1`) and parabolic (curve 2 and 2`) methods for determining the physical wear and tear of a residential building with a standard durability of 100 years

It can be noted that physical wear and tear, amounting to 60%, characterizes unfavorable living conditions and the loss of necessary strength properties by load-bearing structures. In domestic practice, wear and tear of more than 70% for buildings that do not have historical and architectural significance is not determined. Estimated standards establish the maximum allowable cost of major repairs - 70% of the replacement cost.

Predicting physical wear and tear is a complex multifactorial task. Theoretically, it is assumed that the physical wear and tear of a building increases over time (Fig. 1.9, curve 1). In fact, according to the results of field surveys, the parameters of physical wear are less intense (curve 2) as a result of maintaining building elements in normal technical condition and can periodically decrease (curve 3) when carrying out repair periods of operation of buildings.

Change in physical deterioration of buildings: 1 - according to S.K. Balashova; 2 - according to statistical data; 3 - when performing repair and restoration work

Physical deterioration of individual structures, elements, systems or areas should be assessed by comparing signs of physical deterioration identified as a result of visual and instrumental examination.

If a structure, element, system or section thereof has all signs of wear corresponding to a certain range of its values, then physical wear should be taken equal to the upper limit of the interval given in Table. 1-64 VSN 53-86(r) “Rules for assessing the physical deterioration of residential buildings.”

If only one of several signs of wear is detected in a structure, element, system or section thereof, then physical wear should be taken equal to the lower limit of the interval.

If in the table the interval of physical wear values ​​corresponds to only one sign, physical wear of a structure, element, system or their sections, it should be taken by interpolation depending on the size or nature of the existing damage.

The approximate scope of work to eliminate physical wear and tear, given in table. 1-64 VSN 53-86r, does not include related and finishing work to be performed during the repair of a given structure, element, system or section thereof.

The physical wear of a structure, element or system that has varying degrees of wear in individual sections should be determined using the formula


where is the physical wear and tear of the structure, element or system, %;

Physical wear and tear of a section of a structure, element or system, determined according to Table 1-64 VSN 53-86r, %;

- dimensions (area or length) of the damaged area, sq.m or m;

Dimensions of the entire structure, sq.m or m;

n— number of damaged areas.

Numerical values ​​of physical wear and tear should be rounded: for individual sections of structures, elements and systems - up to 10%; for structures, elements and systems - up to 5%; for the building as a whole - up to 1%.

For layered structures - walls and coverings - double assessment systems for physical wear should be used; according to technical condition (Table 14-40 VSN 53-86r) and service life of the structure. The higher value should be taken as the final assessment of physical wear and tear.

Physical wear of a layered structure over service life should be determined using the formula

where is the physical wear of the layered structure, %;

Physical wear of the layer material, determined from Fig. 1.10 and 1.11 depending on the service life of this layered structure, %;

— coefficient defined as the ratio of the cost of the layer material to the cost of the entire structure (see recommended appendix 1 of VSN 53-86r);

n— number of layers.

Survey results show that the wear of buildings and its individual elements occurs more intensively in the first 20-30 years of operation and after 90-100 years. Analysis of the development of physical wear of structural elements indicates that the service life of buildings significantly exceeds the average and standard values. The data allows us to conclude that buildings of capital group II, which have survived and existed for 70 years and have 40% wear and tear, seem to be stabilized and their further existence remains without noticeable changes under normal operating conditions.

Average service life of structures in years depending on the capital of a residential building

Group I

Group II

III group




Experience in the operation of buildings shows that the technical service life exceeds standard values, which are in a sense conditional. This is evidenced by different regulatory deadlines for the same designs in different countries. Thus, the estimated service life of foundations in Hungary and Belgium is 150 years, in France -100, in Sweden - 80 years.

Physical wear and tear of structures is associated primarily with the aging of materials and changes in operating conditions. A decrease in the physical and mechanical characteristics of a material as a result of aging corresponds to a smooth change in the degree of wear, while changes in operating conditions and external influences contribute to a sharper and more abrupt wear rate.

Assessment of the degree of physical wear based on visual and instrumental examination materials

Physical deterioration, %

Technical condition assessment

General characteristics of technical condition

Approximate cost of work, % cost of structural elements



There is no damage or excessive deformation. There are some defects that can be repaired

To 10



Structural elements are suitable for use, but require repairs




Operation of structures is possible subject to restoration work



Pre-emergency or emergency

The condition of the structural elements is emergency. Safety measures and complete replacement of structures are required


The economic feasibility of reconstructing residential buildings can be established by comparing the costs of reconstruction with the costs of constructing a new building of the same area, taking into account the terms of further operation.

An example of determining the physical wear and tear of load-bearing structures and elements of a residential building

Technical inspection of a residential building on the street. Voroshilov, Izhevsk UR.

Purpose of the survey: Assess the technical condition of the house in order to determine compliance with regulatory operating requirements. Restoration of mandatory technical inspection activities using a technical inspection log.

Brief technical characteristics of the object

A residential 10-storey brick building of the first capital group, “Especially capital” with a standard durability of 150 years, which is in the period of normal operation.

Number of floors: 10, floor height: 2.8 m, number of apartments: 216.

Foundations – Prefabricated reinforced concrete strips.

External and internal main walls are prefabricated panels.

Floors - reinforced concrete slabs

The roof is roofless, unventilated, with internal drainage.

The roof is a roll roof made of 4 layers of roofing felt on bitumen mastic.

Stairs - prefabricated reinforced concrete. platforms and marches

Joinery - window and door fillings: double glazed windows (separate sashes). Painted with oil paint.

The cold water supply system is centralized from an external source.

The hot water supply system is centralized from an external source.

The heating system is centralized with lower distribution made of steel pipes painted with oil paint; cast iron radiators are used as heating devices.

The gas supply system is centralized from metal pipes, in-house.

Electric lighting is single-phase alternating 220 V from the distribution panel located on the landing.

Sewage - centralized intra-house

Low-current devices - the apartment is equipped with telephones, a television cable is inserted from a distribution box installed on the landing, radio, Internet.

Characteristics of object location

The building under examination is located in the north-eastern side of Izhevsk, in the Ustinovsky district on Voroshilov Street. The façade on the north side faces the roadway. The terrain of the site is calm, there is no significant slope. Surface drains are directed towards Salyutovskaya Street, but they tend to stagnate for a long time.

Historiography of the object

Year of construction - 1987. First major renovation according to the life schedule in 2013. During the period of inspection, the house had to undergo four complete cycles of ongoing repairs. According to the testimony of those living in the house, the flat industrial coating has never been repaired. In 1994, the entrances were redecorated.

In 2006 The building was partially renovated and the cold and hot water supply systems were replaced. In 2014 It is planned to carry out major repairs, with the replacement of power supply networks.

Assessment of physical deterioration of building structures


Small cracks in the plinth, local damage to the plaster layer of the plinth and walls.

Cracks in the seams between blocks, efflorescence and traces of moisture in the basement walls.

Crack opening width up to 1.5 mm.

According to VSN 53-86 table. 4

physical wear and tear –21%


Separate cracks and potholes were found on the outside; the width of the cracks was up to 1 mm.
On the inside, deep cracks and plaster falling off in places and weathering of the seams were found in the load-bearing walls.

Crack opening width up to 2 mm, depth up to 1/3 of the wall thickness, destruction of seams to a depth of 1 cm over an area of ​​up to 10%

According to VSN 53-86r table 10 physical wear and tear – 15%

3. Brick partitions

Cracks in places where they meet the ceilings, rare chips. Damage to area up to 10%

According to VSN 53-86 table. 21physical wear and tear 12%

4. Floors

Cracks were found in the seams between the slabs. Slight displacement of the slabs relative to one another in height due to deformations, peeling of the leveling layer in the sealing of joints. Displacement of slabs up to 1.5 cm. Damage on an area up to 10%

According to VSN 53-86 table. 30 physical wear and tear 12%.

5. Stairs

Rare cracks on the steps, some damage to the railings. Crack width up to 1 mm

There are potholes and chips in places in the steps, the railings are damaged, the landings have cracks across the working span

According to VSN 53-86 table 35
physical wear and tear: 21%

6. Protruding elements (balconies, canopies, loggias)

On the loggias there is visible damage to the floor and waterproofing, traces of leaks on the wall, cracks on the lower surface of the slab and on the walls

According to VSN 53-86(r) tab. 36, 37 physical wear and tear 23%

7. Floors

Isolated small potholes and hairline cracks, minor damage to baseboards. Erasing the surface in walking areas; potholes up to 0.5 m2 on an area up to 25%

According to VSN 53-86 table 48

physical wear and tear: 10%

8. Windows and doors

The window frames were cracked, warped and loose in the corners; some devices are damaged or missing; lack of glazing, low tides

According to VSN 53-86 (r) tab No. 55

physical wear and tear: 30%

9.Finishing coatings

Damp spots, peeling, swelling and in some places paint and putty peeling off up to 10% of the surface.

According to VSN 53-86 table 60 physical wear and tear: 42%

Deep cracks, small holes, peeling of the covering layer in places.
According to VSN 53-86 table 63 physical wear and tear: 15%

Technical conclusion.
The house is in satisfactory condition. The total physical wear and tear as of November 2011 is 18% due to systematic non-compliance with the requirements of normal operation.

Needs urgent repair and restoration measures:

— plinth — strengthening of cuts, restoration of finishing;

— walls—sealing cracks and potholes, repairing plaster or undoing joints, cleaning facades;

— floors — grouting cracks and restoring the plaster layer;

— stairs — sealing cracks, repairing steps;

— floors — grouting cracks and potholes in places;

— painting — surface washing, puttying of individual places up to 10%, painting twice;

- plaster - grouting in places with putty.

In addition, it is necessary to resume ongoing repairs of flat industrial pavement and carry out work on landscaping with measures for drainage of storm and rainwater runoff.

Assessment of physical deterioration of a residential building as a whole is carried out based on the assessment of physical wear and tear of all structural elements of the structure.

The physical wear and tear of the building as a whole is determined according to Table 6 of Appendix 1 of VSN 53-86r.

The specific weights of structural elements and engineering equipment are taken in accordance with Sat. N 28 “Enlarged indicators of the replacement cost of residential, public buildings and buildings and structures for public utility purposes for the revaluation of fixed assets,” M., 1970.

According to the table recommended appendix 2 VSN-53 determines the specific weights based on the replacement cost of enlarged structural elements given in collection No. 28.

Let's consider an example of determining the physical wear and tear of a residential building of capital group I with a standard durability of 150 years. Physical wear and tear, determined during a visual inspection of structures and elements, is listed in the fifth column of the table.

In essence, the calculation of total physical wear and tear comes down to obtaining the weighted average value of the specific weight of the element (column 4), the values ​​of which are obtained by multiplying the values ​​of the specific weight of the element in the cost of the structure (column 2) and the specific weight of the element in the total mass of the structure (column 3).

The values ​​of the weighted average physical wear (column 6) are calculated by multiplying the visual assessment data (column 5) and the weighted average value of the specific gravity of the element (column 4). The total value of column 6 gives the total physical deterioration of the building according to visual inspection.

Table 11. Determination of physical wear and tear of the structure as a whole

Name of building element

Specific gravity of enlarged structural elements according to collection No. 28,

tab. No. 56a,


Specific gravity of each element according to the table in Appendix 2 VSN 53-88r,


Calculated specific gravity of the element, *100%

Physical wear and tear of building elements, %

based on assessment results

weighted average value of physical wear and tear







1. Foundations





2. Walls






3. Partitions






4. Floors





5. Roof






6. Windows






7. Finishing coatings





8. Stairs






9. Balconies


Fixed assets involved in the production process gradually lose their original characteristics due to their use and natural wear and tear. In other words, in the process of operation, fixed assets are subject to physical and moral wear and tear.

Wear and tear refers to the process of gradual and expected loss of any artificially created object of functional qualities associated with its operation and/or obsolescence. Depreciation reflects the loss of the consumer properties of an object and a corresponding decrease in its value. Depreciation is not applicable to objects such as land plots and environmental management facilities.

Physical deterioration

Physical wear and tear refers to the loss of fixed assets of their original technical parameters. Physical wear can be operational or natural. Operational wear and tear is a consequence of production consumption. Natural wear occurs under the influence of natural factors (temperature, humidity, etc.).

The degree of physical wear of the OS depends on:

Initial quality OF;

Intensity and conditions of their operation;

Quality of materials

The level of aggression in the environment in which the PF operates;

Qualification level of service personnel;

Timeliness of scheduled preventive maintenance, etc.

Taking these factors into account in the operation of an enterprise can significantly affect the physical condition of the PF.

A number of indicators are used to characterize physical wear and tear.

1) The coefficient of physical wear and tear is calculated using the formula

where I is the amount of wear and tear on the OF;

From the first - the initial (replacement) cost of the PF object.

The amount of physical wear and tear is considered to be equal to the amount of depreciation deductions for renovation of a given means of labor. For example, if the replacement cost of a machine is 1000 rubles, the depreciation rate is 10%, the age of the machine is six years, then the physical wear and tear of this machine will be 600 rubles, the physical wear coefficient K and = 60% (600 x 100: 1000) .

Physical wear, determined in this way, corresponds to real physical wear in cases where the standard service life of a given object is equal to the “natural” service life, beyond which the machine cannot perform its functions.

The coefficient of physical wear and tear can be determined for individual inventory objects and based on data on their actual service life.

For objects whose actual service life is below the standard, the wear coefficient is calculated using the formula:

Tn - standard service life of this object.

For objects whose actual service life is equal to or exceeds the standard one, the wear coefficient is calculated using the formula:

where Tf is the actual service life of this object;

T n - standard service life of this object;

T in is the possible remaining service life of a given inventory item in excess of the service life actually achieved at the moment. Most often it is determined by experts.

The coefficient of physical wear and tear of buildings and structures can be calculated using the formula:

where d i is the share of the i-th structural element in the cost of the object, in %;

a i is the percentage of wear of the i-th structural element of the building.

2) PF suitability coefficient - characterizes their physical condition on a certain date and is calculated using the formula:

All these formulas assume uniform physical wear of the OF, which does not always coincide with reality, and this is their main drawback.

In Russia, during the years of the economic crisis (1998-2005), due to the extremely small scale of replacement of elements of fixed assets, physical depreciation increased in all sectors of the economy.

Enterprises with a high degree of physical wear and tear on machinery and equipment, as a rule, cannot produce high-quality, competitive products or withstand price competition, and therefore are in poor financial condition.

Like any asset, they are subject to moral and physical wear and tear. And today in this article we will look at one of its types. We will not touch upon the entire topic of moral and physical wear and tear in a separate article due to its vastness. Let's talk about only one type of it - namely, physical wear and tear.

Wear concept

Physical wear and tear means the loss of a building, like any material object, of its original technical and operational qualities. This happens as a result of the influence of factors of natural and climatic origin and human activity. Subjected to many years of operation, any structural element, like engineering equipment, is subject to the complex influence of factors of a chemical and physical-mechanical nature. The result is a gradual loss of proper performance.

Such a loss is usually understood as a decrease in indicators related to strength, rigidity, and durability of building structural elements. The natural result of the loss of these properties is the aging of the building with its subsequent destruction.

In addition to a huge number of aggressive factors, the wear and aging of any residential building depends on the complex of local conditions available, as well as on how well the requirements for maintenance and operation are met. Among other things, the speed of this process is affected by the quality of repairs and maintenance of the entire building as a whole and element by element.

About stages of wear

The physical wear and tear of residential buildings is theoretically divided into two stages - removable and irreparable. The first is characterized by a deterioration in operating indicators of a technical and economic nature. At this stage, their decrease is caused by the increasing number of failures in the functioning of elements of engineering systems and structures. The result is a shorter service life with increased maintenance and repair costs.

The main characteristic feature of irreparable wear and tear is the impossibility of further operation of the building in accordance with the conditions for ensuring safety requirements.

You should know that there are methods for assessing physical wear, according to which a nonlinear calculation of the parameters of its irremovable type is possible. The degree of nonlinearity most often depends on the quality of operation. Speaking about the last factor, they share the force of influence of various loads, leading to a volumetric stress state, and the aggressive influence of the external environment.

What is an aggressive environment

The concept of an aggressive environment includes an environment, as a result of which the properties and structure of materials can change. The result is a constant decrease in strength and failure of the structure. It's called corrosion. Those substances and phenomena that cause corrosion and destruction or contribute to their occurrence are called active factors (stimulants). On the contrary, those of them, under the influence of which the process of corrosion and destruction can be slowed down, belong to passivators or

For example, the presence of warm, humid air is a strong aggressive factor towards steel. At the same time, for concrete it serves as a positive circumstance that increases the strength of the latter.

What is an aggressive environment?

The nature of destruction of building materials can be very diverse - chemical, physical, electrochemical, physico-chemical. There is a special SNiP 2.03.11-85, which provides a classification of aggressive environments with the degree of their impact. They can be gaseous, liquid and solid.

The first include compounds of sulfur, carbon, carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide gases, etc. Their aggressiveness is characterized by indicators of type, concentration, temperature, humidity and solubility in the aquatic environment.

A liquid aggressive medium exists in the form of a solution of alkalis, acids and salts. And besides - petroleum, oils and solvents. The main indicators here are the concentration of the agent, temperature, pressure force and speed of movement. In a liquid aggressive environment, the corrosion process is especially intense.

Solid aggressive media include dust, various soils, etc. Indicators of their aggressiveness include dispersion, solubility in water, hygroscopicity and humidity. The role of active moisture in solid media is especially dangerous to underestimate.

The climatic and geological conditions in which the construction process is carried out in our country sometimes make it difficult to find optimal solutions that can take into account all types of impacts on the physical deterioration of objects, their durability, efficiency and other indicators. That is why it is important for operational services personnel to take into account possible specific impacts on the structures entrusted to them.

How does the air environment affect physical wear?

The negative impact of polluted air, especially combined with high humidity, leads to accelerated wear, cracking, corrosion and, ultimately, destruction of any building structure. Placed in a dry and clean atmosphere, concrete, stone and metal are able to retain their consumer properties for hundreds of years, which may indicate weak aggressiveness or a complete absence of such in the air environment.

The most intense air pollutants are fuel combustion products. That is why in industrial centers and large cities there is 2-4 times more metal than in rural areas, where much less coal and petroleum products are subject to combustion.

Effect of negative temperature on wear

Part of the structure (most often the base) is located in an area subject to variable moisture and periodic freezing. Negative temperatures, in the absence of special measures, lead to freezing of moisture in soils and structural elements and have a destructive effect on the structure. Freezing and bulging of foundations can occur over a fairly long period of operation in the event of cutting off the soil near the foundation, moistening the latter and other factors. This could result in serious damage to the building.

When designing construction projects, repair and maintenance activities and structures are planned in advance. The upcoming deterioration, taking into account the mandatory implementation of the latter, refers to the normal physical wear and tear of the building. Based on it, they calculate the standard period during which the building must function safely. For residential buildings, such terms are determined by the capital group.

What is meant by its size?

Determining physical wear and tear implies a quantitative assessment of the technical condition of the elements that make up the building. It shows the proportion of damage incurred, the degree of loss of the original physical characteristics that meet the operating requirements. Currently, there is a methodology for assessing physical wear and tear, according to which the latter is determined by adding the amount of wear of individual structural elements, determined according to the shares of their replacement cost in the total indicator for the entire building.

Physical wear and tear is determined by inspection. In some cases, the technique involves the procedure of opening a number of structures. The percentage of physical wear, according to the tables related to this technique, varies within 5%.

Table for assessing the physical deterioration of a building

Each degree of technical condition of structural elements has certain signs of wear, located at a certain interval. For example, operating conditions for foundations differ from those for walls. Accordingly, the data interval in the table is different. All signs of such wear are based on average values. More valuable structural elements are listed in the table indicating wear at lower intervals.

The dynamics of wear, that is, its change over time relative to the actual operating time, is of serious importance in the process of using the housing stock. Different materials and structural elements may wear out differently under the influence of destructive and other factors. The objective difference in the degree of influence of the external environment on one or another structural element should also be taken into account. For example, the loads on an external wall and an internal flight of stairs are incomparable.

Unfortunately, within the framework of this article we are not able to fully present for our readers the composition of the mentioned table - it takes up more than one sheet and consists of a huge number of positions related to a variety of structural elements of the building. As a clear example, we can only offer one of its many parts, in this case concerning wall panels.

The connection between the time factor and the amount of physical wear and tear is quite obvious. Temporary factors include two main characteristics - the service life (actual age) of the building and the maximum service life (durability). The latter, in turn, depends on the period of time during which supporting structures are able to resist the process of loss of strength. Most often, the maximum service life corresponds to the standard one, calculated according to

Note to Housing Office

Provided that ongoing repairs are carried out in a timely manner, buildings that have reached the end of their standard service life are usually subject to physical wear and tear corresponding to a level of 75-80%. It is obvious that carrying out major and current repairs significantly affects its dynamics, that is, it slows down this process.

When it comes to the effectiveness of the organization operating this publication, the assessment of the physical deterioration of the building obtained during the survey is taken into account, which cannot exceed that contained in the regulatory document. Normal operation is considered to be one in which the entire range of work is carried out with timely repairs and maintenance of the facility in proper condition.

Building wear and tear schedule

If you track physical wear and tear over a certain period of time, taking the necessary measurements, you can obtain a graph of its changes, from which you can see the technical condition of the object throughout the entire operational period. Reducing the amount of wear in certain periods is facilitated by the replacement of individual structural elements (where possible) and timely major repairs.

By analyzing such a graph according to the rules for assessing physical wear and tear, it is possible to consider individual areas with minimum and maximum indicators of this parameter. Moreover, we are talking separately about each of the following operating modes:

1. Normal operation zone, in which capital facilities are repaired and elements are replaced on time.

2. Zone of maximum deviations, which is characterized by timely repair of main structural elements (roofing, hot and cold water supply, heating, sewerage).

3. An area of ​​unsatisfactory operation, when repairs are carried out on time only on two main structural elements.

4. Unacceptable operation zone, when no repairs or replacement of elements are carried out.

Example: five-story building

If timely repair work was carried out only on the main structural elements (roofing, water supply, heating and sewerage systems), the standard service life is reduced by 10%.

If such work was done on only a couple of structural elements, we can talk about a reduction of 21%.

Under conditions of natural aging, when repairs and replacement of elements are not carried out, the reduction in the standard service life of such a building increases to 40%.

Dedyukhova I.A., Ph.D., Associate Professor

According to VSN 53-86(r) “Rules for assessing the physical deterioration of residential buildings,” the physical deterioration of a structure at the time of its assessment is expressed by the ratio of the cost of objectively necessary repair measures to eliminate damage to the structure, element, system or building as a whole, and their replacement cost. To plan the costs of reconstruction activities and determine the composition of the technical specifications for reconstruction, it is necessary to determine the general physical deterioration of buildings.

For this purpose, standard residential buildings of three microdistricts with mass housing development according to the “Ordinary” capital group in Izhevsk were examined: Kultbaza, Sotsgorod, railway station.

House on the street Avangardnaya, 8a

House on the street Gagarina, 26

Rice. 1a. Two-story single-entrance building with transverse load-bearing walls
Building volume – 2611 m3; living area – 870.4 m2

The standard durability of the buildings being surveyed is 100 years. The buildings have strip rubble foundations on lime mortar. The walls are made of lightweight brickwork of a well system with slag backfill. The partitions are made of plastered wood, the floors are wooden with slag filling, wooden beams and sloping, the staircase is wooden, the roof is pitched wooden with sheathing, the roofing is asbestos-cement sheets.

The life schedule of buildings of the third capital group, built in 1954-1955, can be presented in the form of a curve divided into three periods: the period of running-in of the building; period of normal operation; period of intense wear.

The running-in period lasted 1.5 - 2 years. Then the building entered a period of normal operation, during which regular major (every 25 years) and current (every 5 years) repairs were to be carried out. If necessary, reconstruction measures could be carried out during normal operation (Fig. 2.14).

By the time of the inspection, all buildings had to have their roofing completely renewed twice, wooden window and door fillings had to be replaced, wooden floors, and wooden stairs had to be reinforced with fireproof materials. All engineering networks of the structure had to undergo a major overhaul twice, and a complete refurbishment of the façade had to be carried out.

Figure 3. Life schedule of buildings of the third capital group: - major repairs

The period of intense physical deterioration of the building, which lasts the last 15–20 years of the structure’s life, will occur in 2035–2040. Only from this moment on the dilapidated condition of the building is a consequence of its natural aging. During this period, the buildings are maintained in operational condition and prepared for dismantling and disposal.

As we can see from the life schedule, all the surveyed structures are in the period of normal operation. However, from their appearance one can tell that the buildings are being treated as if they had already entered a period of intense physical deterioration. When any accident or collapse occurs in structures of this type, they are quickly declared “dilapidated buildings.”

The major renovations planned for the first half of the 80s of the last century were not fully completed in the buildings. However, then the engineering networks were completely changed, and the roofs were repaired. Further, all repair and restoration activities were reduced to cosmetic repairs of entrances and spot repairs of facade plaster. Repair activities took a break of more than 15 years, which is unacceptable for traditional housing. In addition, these structures have a fairly large volume of elements that are replaced during operation, and some of the load-bearing structures require constant inspection.

Table 1. Minimum service life of the main building elements

Main elements of the building

Minimum service life, years

Rubble strip foundation with lime mortar
Lightweight stone walls
Wooden floors on wooden beams, plastered
Wooden staircase
  • planks
  • linoleum
  • parquet panels
Wooden rafter roof with lathing
Roofing made of asbestos cement sheets

However, the monolithic residential building on the street. Sofia Kovalevskaya in Izhevsk refers to the frame-panel system, i.e. to capital capital group V with a standard durability of 30 years. It also has a fence made of lightweight brick masonry, but of a much less reliable type than the well masonry of low-density neighboring buildings according to the “Ordinary” capital group. It is interesting that when the system of housing repairs is restored according to the “Ordinary” capital group, reconstruction measures are carried out, taking into account the long-term “underrepair” of these structures, they will enter a period of intense physical wear and tear much later than the “infill development”, which today is displacing them from the real estate market.

The structure has multi-layer structures: external walls, ceilings, partitions.
According to VSN 53-86(r) “Rules for assessing the physical deterioration of residential buildings,” the physical deterioration of a structure, element or system that has varying degrees of deterioration of individual sections should be determined using the formula


where is the physical wear and tear of the structure, element or system, %;

Physical wear and tear of a section of a structure, element or system, determined according to Table 1-71, %;

- dimensions (area or length) of the damaged area, sq.m or m;

Dimensions of the entire structure, sq.m or m;

n is the number of damaged areas.

Foundations. Along the entire perimeter of the buildings, small cracks in the basement and under the windows of the first floor up to 2 mm wide are observed, there are also individual deep cracks 4 - 5 mm wide, traces of strong moisture in the basement and walls are visible everywhere, which indicates wear of the foundation of about 30% in the areas
Cultural center and railway station. In the Sotsgorod area, destruction of the blind area and the basement part of the structures was also revealed, which increases the physical wear and tear of the foundations in general by up to 50%.

Rice. 5. Inspection of the base and blind area to determine the physical wear of the foundations

The assessment of the physical wear of rubble foundations is carried out taking into account the specific gravity of areas that have different technical conditions.

Table 2. Assessment of physical wear of foundations

Name of sites

(Pi/ Pk)*100


Determination of the weighted average value of physical wear of the area, %

The share of physical wear of a section in the total physical wear of an element, %


1. Cultural base

2. Train station

3. Sotsgorod

Fk = 36

External walls made of lightweight masonry. As shown by opening and tapping of the well masonry, the outer walls were made with a thickness of 640 mm: 2 bricks on the outside, a 270 mm cavity with weathered remains of the slag backfill and an inner brick.

Rice. 6. External walls made of lightweight masonry

In the masonry of the outer walls, weathering of the seams, loss of individual bricks, and in some places partial destruction were discovered. There are cracks up to 120 mm deep in the upper part of the building.
In all surveyed areas
There is peeling and falling off of the plaster of walls, cornices and lintels, weathering of seams, weakening of brickwork, loss of individual bricks, cracks in cornices and lintels, and moistening of the wall surface.

In the Kultbaz area, massive loss of plaster, weathering of seams, weakening of the brickwork of walls, cornices, lintels with the loss of individual bricks, efflorescence and traces of moisture were noted.

Rice. 7. Determination of wear of a layered structure

On the surface of the walls there are visible traces of heavy moisture and massive loss of plaster up to 20%. Through cracks in the lintels and under window openings, loss of bricks, slight deviation from the vertical and bulging of the walls.

In the Sotsgorod area, massive progressive through cracks, weakening and partial destruction of the masonry, and noticeable curvature of the walls were revealed - due to progressive subsidence phenomena in the foundations due to unresolved problems with drainage of surface runoff.

According to clause 1.6. VSN 53-86(r) we assess the physical wear of layered structures of external fencing based on the service life of the structure, since it gives a greater value, revealing all the internal defects of the structure. The average service life of the surveyed buildings at the time of inspection is 55 years.

According to Fig. 1 VSN 53-86(r) (see Fig. 7) we find the physical wear of the fencing layers: brick (standard durability 125 years) and slag filling (standard durability 60 years). Based on the data obtained (brick - 38%, backfill - 60%), we estimate the physical wear of the walls, taking into account the specific gravity of areas that have different technical conditions.

Table 3. Assessment of physical wear of the outer fence

Name of sites

Specific gravity of the area to the total volume of the element, %


Physical wear of element sections, %


External lightweight walls

1. Brick 370 mm


2. Slag filling 270 mm




Fk = 47

Signs of physical wear partitions were compared with the data in Table. 22 VSN 53-86(r). During the inspections, unsteadiness, deviation from the vertical, cracks and gaps in places of connection with adjacent structures, moisture in the wood of the partitions, and rot were noted. In the Kultbaza microdistrict, bulging of partitions in the vertical plane, significant damage by rot, bugs, distortions and bulging, and through cracks were revealed.

Rice. 8. Shrinkage cracks, falling off and peeling of plaster, dull knock when tapped. Traces of leaks on the ceiling, oversaturation of the backfill with moisture, some areas of which have caked, the coating has collapsed in places - signs of wear according to table. 27 VSN 53-86(r)

Upon examination wooden floors A visual inspection revealed traces of leaks on the ceiling, oversaturation of the backfill with moisture, rotting of the supporting parts of the beams, and partial peeling of the ceiling plaster.

During the examination protruding façade elements Leaks and destruction of the protective layer, exposure and corrosion of reinforcement, and traces of moisture were discovered on the lower plane of the balcony slabs and on sections of the wall adjacent to the balcony (canopy). The cement floor and waterproofing are damaged in places, there are rust spots on the lower surface, traces of leaks, cracks up to 2 mm, damage over an area of ​​up to 50%. Leaks, destruction of the protective layer, exposure of reinforcement, corrosion of metal supporting structures (consoles, brackets, hangers). Deflections of slabs more than 1/100, destruction of fences and cracks more than 2 mm wide according to table. 37 VSN 53-86(r) indicate that in buildings it is necessary to dismantle the balcony structures and replace the canopies.

Rice. 9. Inspection of balconies

During the examination roofs rot was noted in the wood of the mauerlat, rafters, weakening of the notches and sheathing joints; the presence of additional temporary fastenings for rafter legs; moisturizing wood. There are unacceptable deflections of the rafter legs and local damage to the wood of roof parts by rot and bugs. According to the table 38 VSN 53-86(r) this indicates the need to completely replace the wooden roof structure.

The wooden staircases of the houses being surveyed also show significant wear. Cracks are visible along the grain on the boards of the landing, the railings are loose, the steps are worn out. In this regard, the operation of this structure in this condition is undesirable. Wear and tear ranges from 35 to 55% depending on the area where the building is located. Significant fluctuations in wear and tear are an indicator of unscrupulous work of housing and communal organizations, since the condition of stairs in a residential building always gives a better assessment of the level of technical operation.

Rice. 11. Wooden stairs

The wooden window blocks are cracked and warped and have cracks in the narthexes. There is no glazing in places, and dark spots of rot are noticeable on the outside of the frames. During the major renovations that were missed, the window fillings had to be replaced twice. At the moment, their physical wear is approaching 60%.

The doors are also in unsatisfactory condition: the door leaves have a poor rebate around the perimeter of the frame, the platbands are damaged and warped.

The floors show varying levels of physical wear and tear on the undercarriage of common escape routes, in corridors (some of the apartments are still occupied on a communal basis), in bathrooms, kitchens and bedrooms. Therefore, the physical wear and tear of floors was assessed taking into account the proportion of areas with different technical conditions.

Table 4. Assessment of physical wear of floors

Name of sites

Specific gravity of the area to the total volume of the element, %


Physical wear of element sections, %


Determination of the weighted average value of physical wear of the area, %

The share of physical wear of a section in the total physical wear of an element, %

In the bedrooms



In common rooms and bathrooms


In the corridors


On the staircases





In the bedrooms


In common rooms and bathrooms


In the corridors



On the staircases





Train Station
In the bedrooms


In common rooms and bathrooms


In the corridors


On the staircases





The physical wear of finishing coatings was determined in a similar way. In inspection practice, finishing coatings and wear of sanitary fixtures are often ignored, since the wear of these elements does not pose a clear threat to human life. However, it should be noted that failure to carry out mandatory cosmetic repairs causes enormous harm to people’s health, since in housing it is important what kind of air a person breathes, and this is largely decided by finishing coatings that are not affected by mold, rot and decomposition. Poor quality and untimely cosmetic repairs lead to the appearance of fungus, mold and house mites. 1 mm 3 of air in a living room can contain up to 5 million spores, and the number of them released during the growing season by one fruit mold spot measuring 15x20 cm is estimated in the billions. In rooms where house mushrooms have developed, 1 m 3 of air contains hundreds of thousands of spores. They are carried by air currents, insects, rodents, on people's shoes and clothing, as well as on tools, etc. Spores can remain viable for 3-10 years.

In addition, significant funds are spent on restoring the finish during renovations. Do not forget that physical wear and tear means, first of all, the money needed to eliminate its signs.

The total physical deterioration of buildings as a whole amounted to 46% in the Kultbaza area, 50% in the Sotsgorod area, 47% in the railway station area. The survey results are shown in tables 2.9, 2.10 and 2.11.

Table 4. General physical deterioration of residential buildings of capital group III in the Kultbaza area

Name of building element

l i ·100, %

Based on the assessment results F K






















Finishing coatings










∑Ф = 45.69% ≈ 46%

Table 5. General physical deterioration of residential buildings of capital group III in the Sotsgorod area

Name of building element

Specific gravity of enlarged structural elements according to Sat. 28, %

Specific gravities of each element according to the table in Appendix 2 VSN 53-86r, %

Calculated specific gravity of the element, l i ·100, %

Physical wear and tear of building elements, %

Based on the assessment results F K

Weighted average value of physical wear and tear


















Finishing coatings




During operation, structural elements and engineering equipment of buildings, under the influence of natural conditions and human activity, gradually lose their performance qualities.

Over time, strength and stability decrease, and heat and sound insulation, water and airtight qualities deteriorate.

This phenomenon is called physical (material, technical) wear and tear and is defined in relative terms (%) and in value terms.

To technically characterize the condition of individual building structures, it becomes necessary to determine the physical wear and tear of the building.

Physical deterioration- a value characterizing the degree of deterioration of the technical and related other operational indicators of a building at a certain point in time, resulting in a decrease in the cost of the building structure. Physical wear and tear is understood as the loss of a building’s load-bearing capacity (strength, stability) over time, a decrease in heat and sound insulation properties, and water and air tightness.

The main causes of physical wear and tear are the effects of natural factors, as well as technological processes associated with the use of the building.

The percentage of deterioration of buildings is determined by the service life or actual condition of structures, using the rules for assessing physical deterioration, where signs of wear are established in tables, quantified, and the physical deterioration of structures and systems is determined as a percentage.

Physical wear and tear is determined by:

Based on a visual and instrumental examination of structural elements and determining the percentage of loss of their operational properties due to physical wear using tables;

Expertly with an assessment of the residual service life;

By calculation;

Engineering inspection of buildings with determination of the cost of work necessary to restore operational properties.

Physical wear and tear is determined by adding the values ​​of physical wear and tear of individual building elements: foundations, walls, floors, roofs, roofing, floors, window and door devices, finishing works, internal sanitary and electrical devices of other elements.

To determine the physical wear of structures, their individual sections with varying degrees of wear are examined.

The method for determining physical wear and tear based on engineering research involves instrumental monitoring of the condition of building elements and determining the degree of loss of their properties during operation.

Assessment of physical wear and tear using the method of comparing actual and standard service lives represents a linear dependence of wear on service life, which does not correspond to the actual pattern of physical processes accompanying the physical wear and tear of building elements. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct an engineering survey to objectively assess physical deterioration.

Observations of structures show that in the first period of operation - the break-in period, when the structure is new, wear is weaker, and by the third period - towards the end of the service life - the intensity of wear increases. A structure, the wear of which over 100 years of service will be 75%, by the end of its service life will wear out one and a half times more (45%) than in the first period (30%).

Based on the physical wear and tear of individual structural elements and engineering systems, the wear and tear of the building as a whole is determined. When carrying out major repairs, physical wear and tear is partially eliminated, and the value of the building increases.

During a major overhaul of buildings in replaceable structures, physical wear and tear is eliminated, but in non-replaceable structures it is only reduced, since permanent structures cannot be repaired due to physical wear and tear, and the repair work carried out in them is of a restorative nature.

Regulatory documents for determining the amount of physical wear and tear are based on the ratio of physical wear and tear and the cost of repairs necessary for restoration. As a result of major and current repairs, the growth rate of physical wear and tear is reduced. Wear of buildings occurs most intensively in the first 20-30 years and after 90-100 years.

The development of physical wear and tear is influenced by such factors as the volume and nature of major repairs, building layout, population density, quality of work during major repairs, sanitary and hygienic factors (insolation, aeration), periods of operation, level of maintenance and routine repairs.

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